HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-20, Page 10(Opening Wed., June 20 1 IU limas -Advocate Jun. 20. 1984 VISITORS --- Jason Boudreau (left), Dwight Beierling, Bradley Voogel, Rebakah Vau and Michael Restemayer spent a day in the kindergarten class at Zurich Public School before becoming regular students in September. Students confirmed The Sacrament of Confir- mation was received by the grade 7 and 8 pupils of Ecole Ste. Marie Wednesday even- ing June 6 at 'St. Peter's Church (15 - in all) ad - ministered by Bishop Marcel Gervais of Windsor assisted by Fr. Bensette, Fr. Mooney and Fr. Morrissey. A recep- tion with their parents and families followed at the hall where lunch was served by ladies of the C.W.L. Last Thursday aqd Friday the grade 6, 7 and 8 students of Ecole Ste. Marie enjoyed an.end-of-the-year school trip to Niagbra Falls accom- panied by some teachers, staying overnight at Brock University, who had made all the arrangements for tours through various places of in- terest and museums. The group also got to see the Falls at night and went to Marineland. - A good time was had by all - who went on the bus trip to Elgin House in Muskoka from. Tuesday to Friday recently. They enjoyed the scenery, meals, nice weather • and planned activities that kept them busy. A nice sunny day made the Rader reunion a big success in Dashwood last Sunday. Congratulations. to the lucky jackpot winner of $500.00 at the bingo in Zurich last Thursday. Mrs. Marie Bedard. The next bingo will Id on June 28 beginning Our sinceresympathy is ex- tended to the family of the late Mrs. Nete Oesch who passed away last Tuesday, especially to her husband Milt and childre' i, Donna and Don. Several attended the Diocesan of Faith Celebration at Alumni Hall in London on Sunday to commemorate Bishop Sherlock's lOth an- niversary of Episcopal -Or'= donation. followed by a , reception. Gary and Betty Flaxbard and two children, Kitchener were Sunday and Father's Day visitors with. Earl and Anne.Flaxbard. • ' - Lloyd and Virginia Denomme are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their l.rst grandchild, a little boy •horn last Friday in Calgary. Proud parents are Mike and Norma Denomme. Peter Smith of. Ingersoll spent the weekend with his parents. 1 larold and Joan Smith. Bob' and June Fisher at- tended a family reunion in Stratford on Saturday fort er side of the family. Mrs. Marcella Dietrich and Clarence Farwell attended the Golden Jubliee of their sister; Sister Laurelta F'arwell. on Saturday, June 16 at St. Patrick's' Catholic Church in Caledonia near Hamilton. Also attending were Mrs. Blanche Hechard Dave's Decor Exeter - Pointing Interior - Pointing Papering • Ben Moore Paints Wallcoverings available Ron Heimrich Zurich 236-4941 Harold and Doreen Dietrich and on Kevin along with relatives from Mt. Carmel, Grand Bend and London. A reception and supper follow- ed after Mass. Sister was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Congratulations to Art and Pauline ' Miner who celebrated their2lst wedding anniversary on Friday. ,T A good time was had by all who went to the chicken barbecue on Saturday at Ken Gascho's Park sponsored by the Mennonite Youth for Christ group, with good weather as well. Some from their church went on a fami- ly camping trip for the weekend near Bayfield and enjoyedthemselves there. - Some students of S.H.D.H.S. from town attend- ed ttended the Athletic Banquet last Thursday at the Rec Centre in Exeter and a few received trophies and awards for various sports activities dur- ing the past year. Best wishes for a. speedy recovery are extended to Vera Thiel who is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Case Van Raay who is a patient in - the hospital in Holland (while on trip there), and to Geraldine Charrette who has . returned home from being in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Durand, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gelinas and Mr. and Mrs. Mozart • Celinas Sr. attended the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Convention in Windsor from Friday 4o Sunday held at the Cleary auditorium. They stayed at the Hilton Hotel. Sixty-four new candidates from the London Diocese councils received their 4th degree investor. Guest, speaker for the occasion was Bishop Gervais. While all the guys were out ' having a good time at thestag -for Paul Klopp last Friday, a little surprise personal shower and get-together was held for his fiance Heather Sweeney over at the far- mhouse where a group of girls enjoyed an evening of fun, laughter, food and refreshments. Miss Jarig Oesch of Stra - ford spent The weekend wit her parents, Mr. and Mr Carl Oesch. Grade 1, 2 and 3 children of St. Boniface School enjoyed their visit to Ferguson's Apiaries last Wednesday where they saw a film on how bees make honey and toured,- the ouredthe beehives. Each child. received a free sample jar of honey to take home. On return to the school they had a picnic lunch outside on the convent grounds. Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. were guests at the gradua- tion celebration of Kathleen Cavil) on Sunday, June 17 in Warren, Michigan, held at the home of her mother, Anna - Marie Cavil) for friends and relatives. Clarence and Beattie Geof- frey spent the weekend in Bramalea near Toronto with daughter and son-in-law, Mary -Ann and Jim Vanos and got to see their new little granddaughter Jackie Patricia. t.ittle. Michael Patrick Groot was baptized on Sunday at St. Boniface Church by Father Mooney. He is the son of Pat and Bonnie Groot, RR 3 Zurich, with godparents be- ing Chris Groot and Brenda Dowson, Varna. Gertie Fleischauer spent from last Thursday to Sunday with daughter and son-in-law Ruth -Ann and Bill Mills in Palmerston. A one -day bus trip is being planned for July 25 to go to Niagara. Falls and Marineland. If interested in going, phone Gen 236-4088. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Basso have taken up residence at the Maple Woods Apts. Mr. Terry Lindey from the apart- ments is a patient in the hospital in London. BARBECUERS'— Mac Webster (left), Doug Reid and Ron Taylor put some porkchops on the grill to cook for the annual Varna United Church barbecue. Golden Agers meet Zurich Golden Agers met Monday. June i 1 at 6 p.m. at the Township Hall. Barrie Gandier led in the singing of Grace. assisted by Gertie F Ieischalier at the piano, after which everyone enjoyed a delicious potluck supper, supervised by Dolly Jeffrey's group. Barrie introduced his sister-in=law Cora Legacy and her husband who are visiting in Zurich. telling of the ac- tivities of -their club known as ( Pilot Mound Fellow -ship Club) in Pemina Valley which is along the American Border. The business meeting was conducted by Barrie. Gen. Doyle informed •everyone of upcoming trips to Wonderland. Niagara Falls and Marineland. The Golden Agers will be having a booth in front of the Town Hall on Bean Festival Day. Happy Birthday was sung for Verda Baechler, Mary Clausius and Belle Merner. Door prizes were won by Belle Merner, Eileen Consitt, Verlyn Fisher and Bill Leibold. There were` four guests present. The new slate of officers are: president Gen Doyle; vice president Annie Fink- beiner; Secretary Verda Baechler and treasurer Edith Rohner. T PICK YOUR OWN Strawberries MUST BE PICKED IN QUART BOXES 4 or 6 OT BASKETS, NO POTS or PANS `FOR CROP INFORMATION CALL 565-2122 Watch for our garden centre signs on hwys 21 & 84 c71 uzon ck d e cAcze1 DAVID STECKLE and FAMILY RR2, ZURICH PHONE:565-2122 Monday To Prldsy-9-1 Saturday -9-S Closed Sunieys 4 Zurich began year The village of Zurich ended 1983 in sound financial condi- tion, according to the audited statement presented by E. Thorne of Ward Mallette Chartered Aocouutants at the regular June meeting of council. The statement, which in- cluded the water works and recreation and parks, showed total funds raised in 1983 of $324,732, and total expen- ditures of $316,000. The reserve fund was increased by $24,275, leaving a slight deficit of $4,194 in the general fund at the end of the year. The fact the village has a reserve fund of $48,000 means there are now sufficient funds to cover outstanding taxes, and no bank loan was necessary in January. If an emergency arises, money is vailable, Thorne said. The water works broke even in 1983, and have a surplus of $12,893 carried over from the previous year. The Zurich and area fire board ended the year with a slight surplus of approximate- ly $1,300. In 1983 $110,000 was raised for the school boards' levies, and $28,000 for the county. The village's general levy in- creased by eight mills in five years, from 54.p4 in 1979 to 62.94 in 1983. In that same time period the -county levy went up by seven mills, and the school tax jwnpede whop- ping 34 mills. At the end of his presenta- tion, Thorne praised clerk- treasurerSharon Baker, tell- ing councillors, "You have a very capable clerk who makes your job easy". Ron Heimrich and his lawyer Randall Evans met with council in closed session before the meetinc_ As a result, the action *HearLeh had brought against the village has been dropped by mutual agreement. No finan- cial settlement was involved. Harold "Coog" Knight dropped in to invite the residents of Zurich to Hen- sall's centennial celebrations beginning on June 29. He presented each member of council with a personal badge and a copy of the busy weekend agenda. Acting on a request from ROMA Insurance for an op- Heimrich action dropped financially sound portunity to tender for the municipality's insurance coverage, ROMA and present insurer Frank Cowan and.Co. will be invited to submit tenders to be in the clerk's hands by 7:00 p.m. on June 28. Council will conduct an in- surance review at 8:110 p.m. Both Mothgack Develop- ment Corporation and Mario Sirotic were given a one-year extension of draft plan ap- proval on their subdivision proposals. Councillor Ray McKinnon declared a conflict of interest and took no part in the discussion about the zehrs fine markets... of fine foods FRESH COMBINATION BUDGET PACK P0RK LOIN CHOPS 3 Centre Cut, 3 Rib Portion & 3 Tenderloin Portion Chops Mothgack request. The Taylor report propos- ing that the 39 provincial con- servation authorities have - their status changed from ad- ministrative to advisory was rejected. McKinnon, -who at- tended a flood -plain meeting in -Exeter, said "we are well served in this particular area". He said the ministry of environment should be in- formed Zurich agrees with use of the 100 -year flood level, but not the transfer of authori- ty from the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority to the municipality. When- Councillor Bob Fisher argued that municipalitieF always want more say in their own affairs, McKinnon countered by say- ing adjoining municipaliticrs could have opposing views on a situation of mutual concern, and the matter might never get settled. He said Ausable- Bayfield has jurisdiction over the entire watershed, and the people are flexible and easy to get along with. ' Sharon Baker pointed out the present levy for Zurich is $1,300, and "we have neither the finances nor the personnel to do the job". The objections to the Taylor report will be passed on to the ministry. Members of council and residents of Zurich are invited to submit the name and a short biography of someone whose contributions to the village entitles him or her to be considered as a recipient of one of 200 bicentennial medals to be dispensed throughout Ontario later this year. The names should be given to the clerk by June 26. Permission to operate a licensed bar was given to the Zurich Minor Athletic Association during the Zurich Bean Festival on August 25, and to the Lions at the Zurich Fair on July 27 and 28. In new business, McKinnon expressed his objection to the use of a signature plate with the reeve's name on it for the cheque -writing machine. A motion was passed stating all cheques must be signed personally by village officers. Doug O'Brien has offered to attend the next regular meeting on July 19 to pass on what he learned at an emergency measures course. The fire chief will also be ask- ed to attend. FRESH ONTARIO PORK CENTRE CUT LOIN CHOPS OR ROASTS 17 18 s /kg• lb. qir MEAT SPECIALS COOKED MEATCHUNKS 2.84/kg 1.29.b. t 3.70/kg 1.681b. scis iaeRS SMOKED PORK SAUSAGE 6.59/k92.991b. DELFT BLUE FANCY OE BLUE FANCY OONELESS VEAL RIB CHOPS 8.80/kg 3.991b. STEWING VEAL 5.69/kg2.5 1b. COUNTRY STT RIB PORTION PORK LOIN SCHNEIDERS FROZEN BEEF sTEAKETTEs 500 g 77*.: PKG. REG. 3.39 FRESH CENTRE CUT PORK BONELESS LOIN CHOPS OR ROASTS IS4/9 49 /kg �• MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED - VAC. PACKED SMOKED PICNIC 4260�f8 lb • /kg FRESHLY MADE 'r SCHNEIDERS MEDIUM - SANDWICH STYLE GROUND BEEF MEAT SPREAD 395./kg ,79 Ib. 250 g ROLL 1.19 DELFT BLUE FAMCY VEAL SHOULDER CHOPS OR ROASTS 6,3 27$ • /k9• Ib. SCHNEIDERS SWEET PICkLE0 CENTRE CUT PORK 10111 CORNMEALED BACK BACON arE769 49 THPICE/kg • Ib. FAST FRY CHOPS 4391." Ib. COUNTRY KITCHEN MAPLE LEKAF SMOKED HAM t3 99 $•SO /kg Ib. 500 g MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE ROUNDS 2.29 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA NECTARINES 2119 COLOURFUL POTTED 099 MUMS °°' ASSORTED HANGING BASKETS TROPICAL PLANTS e.. POT BLOOMING KALANCHOES HANGING BASKET HYBISCUS 4•' POT 4.99 179 0POT '195 PROD. OF ONTARIO BUNCH RADISHES 3/sl BUDDIG . 'SURD VARIETIES THIN SLICED SMOKED MEATS 71 g 69' HEADCHEESE OR CHUNKY f.89 375 g BOWL NO NAME SLICED CHICKEN BOLOGNA 375 g (29 HUNGARIAN S� USAGE 3758 1.68 VALUPLUS WIENERS HALF 99° PRICE! UR 450 g PKG. OREG. 1.98 IN THE DELI ONLY IN STORES WfTH A DELI COUNTER SCHNEIDERS ROUND SLICED SMOKED PICNIC MAPLE LEAF COUNTRY KITCHEN SMOKED HAM SHOPSYS SOUTHERN STYLE CREAM GARDEN SALAD 6.15,k. 2.79m. 8.80/k9 3.99 ,b. SLAW OR 3,01§/kg 1.391b. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO ENDIVE, ESCAROLE, OR ROM*INELETTIJCE SUPER SPECIAL LARGE FRESH BUNCHES FOR PROD. O.A. FLORIDA FRE H LIMES PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA AVOCADO PEARS PROO. OF U.S.A. CALIF. CAN. NO. 1 CELERY STALKS PRODUCT OF ONTARIO BEAN SPROUTS PROD. OF S. AFR. CAN. FANCY APPLES GRANNY SMITHS PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND KIWI FRUIT DOZEN EA. EA. 79° 79° 130'kg59'Ib f.96/kg 89�Ib. EA. 590 PROD. OF ONTARIO GREEN ONIONS '411 VINE RIPENED TOMATOES FLORIDA PRODUCT 0 /kg OF U.S.A. Ib. PROD. Of ONT. CAN. NO. 1 ENGLISH CUCUMBERS PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA MINI CARROTS PRODUCT Of ONTARIO COLE SLAW FA 12 oz. PKG. 8 oz. PKG. 99' 69° S9° HONEY DEW MELONS 99` PROD. OF CALIFORNIA EACH b /