HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-13, Page 34Yard Sale Sat,, June 16 . 9 a.m. •• 4 p.m. George 'Street and Kaltsch, R$.vervie;w Estates, north of Exeter. Bridge. • Larry Fulton Plumbing & Electric Rural; Residential, Commercial Plumbing and Electric General Backhoe work, Septic tank and weeping bed installation R.R. 3 Phone Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 229-6289 1► A HELIUM BALLOONS ...Just For The Fun Of it 'Rowers EXETER 235-2350 Budget Rent Car Low daily and weekly rates Special weekend rate Friday 6 p.m. to Monday 10 a.m. $59.95 including 200 free km's. Hensall Motors Ltd. 262-3331 CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in ' home cured and smoked meat Veals AMTTTOIR sod MEAT MARKET • 235-1123 Giant Yard Sale Sat., June 16 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 28 King St., Crediton B/W floor model TV, ladies and . children's clothing, household articles. Building Design & Drafting Services MF BUILDERS & DESIGNERS Main St. St., Exeter, Ontario (519)235.2120 Aitcheson Electric & Plumbing Ltd. RR 2, St. Pauls, Ontario • Residential, commercial, industrical Electrical wiring and plumbing • Jacuzzi Jet and submersible -pumps Submersible pumps for 3" -wells Repairs and most makes of pumps Soles, Service and Installation • Water softeners and filters For estimates and service Phone Jack -Aitcheson, 393-6551 or Ron Webber, 229-8293 "Over 35 years of Quality Service- VOW ervice'" V sf Van Haarlem Construction 235-2210 For all your renovation needs New Homes, Aluminum Siding Eavestroughing Specializing in Quality Custom made replacement windows Call for a free estimate RE-R�OFING PROJECTS. )ack d 09otfin83 � MOH introduce teaching health units Sy dock Riddell • AMP The Ministerof Health Keith Norton, announced plans to strengthen Ontario's Public Health System for an expand- ed role in preventative and community medicine. He in- tends to formalize teaching and research within the public health sector through the introduction of teaching health units. Affiliated with one of the five Health Sciences Centres, a teaching Health Unit will serve as the public health counter part to the teaching' hospital. Teaching Health Units will become centres of excellence in public health service, teaching and research. This new model will ra- tionalize the current assort- ment of "programs that pro- vide practical training in public health and will enhance our teaching and research capability in the health care area. Through cross -appointments, teaching health units will promote a more positive interaction bet- ween professionals from the University setting and those in the field. Teaching health units will also provide a greater ex- posure to public health con- cepts and techniques for undergraduate students who are planning careers in health care or health related services. It is hoped that the program will instill a corpmunity health orientation in young physicians, nurses and other practitioners - and to embed preventive attitudes throughout the health care system. PUBLIC LIBRARIES ACT The Minister of Citizenship and Culture, Susan Fish, in- troduced amendments to the Public Libraries Act. This legislation strenghthens and expands the principals of free and open access, and com- munity control. It recognizes the desirability of . co- ordination with school libraries, and facilitates the exercise of municipal fiscal responsibility. This legislation encourages co-operation among library boards while ensuring that participation in county -wide systems is voluntary. French language services have been strengthened; complemen- tary Ministry initiatives are now in place to assist local boards to respond to the changes in the population mix of Their communities. According to the Minister the provincial library service has • been streamlined and local representation on the Boards expanded. " VOTER INFLUENCE CONTROVERSY Quoting from an internal memorandum, copies of which were released to the media, Liberal Leader David Peterson has accused the owner of an Eastern Ontario food company of breaching the Criminal Code by attemp- ting to influence his employees to vote for the Con- servative candidate'in a by- election last December. The memorandum was app parently sent to employees of Ault Foods, Ltd. in Win- chester, which had received a $500,000 grant from the government just prior to the by-election. The grant was announced, on December 13, 1983/ two days before the by- election in Stormont -Dundas - Glengarry won by the Tories. David Peterson callecl•upon the Solicitor -General to refer the matter to the Ontario Pro- vincial ,Police for investiga- tion, and told the Legislature that the memo to the Ault employees clearly indicated a case of "shameless, bare- faced and transparent vote - buying". He also called upon the Government to table in the House all correspondence with respect to the grant. He read an excerpt from the company memorandum which said "without our close connection to the present On- 1111111itt11111(11111111 11 III 11 III 11 11111 III 111 1 TAKING NOTE — Rev. Jim utton points to t e ey chart on the Anglican Church door. All wishing to donate to the organ restoration fund may buy a "key", and have their names engraved on o plaque. wieSit nor C �1 yti ORGAN RESTORATION - Leonard Froggett, an employee of Jeff's Pipe Orgon Tuner Inc. dismantles part of the Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church organ. The organ is being cleaned and repaired. at Zurich Public School, Zurich J.A.D. McCurdy Public school, Huron Park Seeforth Public School, Seaforth Goderich District Collegiate Institute, Goderich Colborne Central Public school, RR 3, Oode►Ich Hawick Central Public School, RR 1, Gorrle Sealed tenders properly identified, addressed to the Huron County Board of Educa- tion, will be received by Kyles, Garrott t Marklevits, Architects, 163 Huron Street. Stratford, until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, June 28, 1984. B id Bond or Certified Cheque is required In amount of 5% of tender price. Suc- cessful contractor will be required to supply a 30% Performance Bond. Tender documents available at Architect's office upon deposit of certified cheque of 0100.00 per set. Lowest or any tinder not necessarily accepted. Huron County Board of Education tario Government, this pro- ject and the extra employ- ment it means would not be possible. I hope youwill takethisinto consideration en Thursday and lend your support to No- ble Villeneuve and the Government that made this possible." The Attorney General ex- pressed the view that there would not bean investigation because the memorandum did not indicate any wrongdoing. BATTERED WOMEN The long campaign by women's groups and the Op- position at Queen's Park on behalf of battered women is at last seeing some results. Families across rural Ontario are being asked by the Minister of Community and Social Services to open their homes to give temporary shelter to victims of family violence. This ($,part of a $10 million plan to sit up a network of "safe homes" and special hotlines to battered women to get help rapidly. The Minister said the new plan is aimed at sparing women and children "the pain -and tragedy" of abuse at home. Families which agree to "open their homes on an emergency basis to women and children who need a safe.place to stay in a hurry" will get special fun- ding Prem Queen's Park, ac- cording to the Minister. It is the government's in- tention to expand the number of shelters in the province - at present 57 - by opening 12 new centres and to increase fun- ding for six new transition houses already planned by women's groups. In addition the Ministry plans to assist in the opening of two shelters for immigrant women in the ethno-cultural communities of Metro Toronto, in co- -operation with local churches. However, Ministry officials declined to give further details of this plan. Small isolated municipalities will receive funding for four new centres with eight to ten beds for victims of family violence. Hotlines will be opened to give battered women immediate help, and the 'province will finance four pilot projects of- fering "24 hour local or area telephone crisis service" to direct battered women to the nearest shelter. 4-H /uron � field crop results There were 134 competitors in the Huron County 4-H Livestock and Field Crop Judging Competition this year. Results were as follows: SENIOR - seven competitors - open to young people bet- ween the ages of 18 and 30 years. First - Karen McMichael, Wroxeter - score of 696 out of a possible 780; Se- cond - Jacquie Robertson, RR Bluevale - score of 679 out of a possible 780. INTERMEDIATE - 45 com- petitiors - open to young peo- ple between the ages of 15 and 17 years - First - Elizabeth Stewart, RR 1 Dublin- Score of 682 out of a possible 780; Se- cond - Dave Wheeler, RR 1 Bluevale - score of 677 out of a possible 780. JUNIOR - 53 competitors - open to young people between the ages of 13 and 14 years - First - Blair Beuermann, RR 1 Dublin - score of 687 out of a possible 780; Second - Rob Hoffman, RR 3 Dashwood - score of 669 out of a possible 780. NOVICE - 29 competitors - open to young people between the ages of 1.2 and 17 years entering the Judging Com- petition for the' first time - First - Lisa Feagan, _RR 4 Goderich - score of 684 out of a possible 780; Second - Angela Postma, RR 4 Clinton Trivitt organ restoration Restoration has begun on the magnificent old pipe organ that has been making sweet music in Trivitt Anglican Church since 1892. A London firm headed by Leonard E. Jeffs and two employees are doing the work right in the church. The pews in the northerly alcove are covered with mysterious pieces of wood and metal, and clusters of pipes he on the floor or lean against the wall. As far as anyone (including a 94 -year-old member of the congregation), can remember, this is the first time the prgan has received a major overhaul. Jeffs said it is in remarkably good shape, and he has found' no major parts needing replacement. The task of cleaning, overhauling and replacing smaller parts is expected to take about a month. The pipes will be painted and the motor rebuilt at the same time. The total cost will be approx- imately $8,500. To help defray the ex- penses, the church is "sell- ing" keys. A chart of the keyboard is pinned to the church door, and for a $50 donation, patrons may write their names on one of the keys. The names will be engraved on a permanent pla- que to be hung in the church. - score of 668 out of a possible 780. Winners of trophies -and awards were as follows: UNITED CO-OPERATIVES - OF ONTARIO TROPHY - highest score in the entire Competition - Karen McMichael. Wroxeter; CANADIAN NATIONAL EX- HIBITION HIELD - high novice judge - Lisa Feagan, RR 4 Goderich; O.I.L. TROPHY - highest score in swine section - Jeff Scott, RR 1 Belgrave (score of 98 out of a possible 100) ; HURON COUNTY MILK COMMIT- TEE AWARD - highest score in dairy section - Brad Falconer, RR 4 Seaforth. (Tie broken by reasons in dairy section). Runner-up - Lisa Feagan, RR 4 Goderich (score of 94 out of a possible 100) ; CYANAMID OF CANADA AWARD- highest score in sheep section - David Pullen, RR 4 Clinton (tie broken by total reasons); Runner-up - Martha Boon, RR 2 Bluevale (score of 98 out of a possible 100) ; HURON CAT- TLEMEN'S ASSOCIATION AWARD - highest score in beef section - Blair Beuer- mann, RR 1 Dublin (score of 94 out of a possible 100); and ZONE 1, ARABIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION OF EASTERN- CANADA highest score in horse section - Elizabeth Stewart, RR 1 Dublin (10 -way tie broken by total reasons in Competition), Runners-up, - , Karen McMichael, Wroxeter; John Nieuwenhoff, RR 1 Clifford; DonnaPickard, RR 4 Clinton; Alan Pym, RR 1 Centralia; David Pullen, RR 4 Clinton; William Storey, RR 3 Clinton; Steve Ryan, RR 1 Walton; Rob Hoffman, RR 3 Dashwood, (Score of 50 out of a possible 50). MacGuigan in Perth With less than a week to go before the Liberal convention, leadership hopeful Mark MacGuigan stopped off in the Perth riding for a couple pf hours on June 9. About 50 of the riding's par- ty faithful came to talk with the man who has been Perth's regional minister for the past four years. The current minister of justice repeated words he has said across the country, say- ing if he is elected prime minister: he would like to see the small business sector en- couraged to create more jobs. MacGuigan said he would like to see the financial strength of Canada built up by restraining the deficit. lie said he sees Canada as having a future in the interna- tional scene, particularly in bringing about peace. MacGuigan spoke to his au- dience for a short time and answered one question on tourism by saying he would "keep giving appropriate amountsbf support" to keep facilities such as the Stratford Shakespearean Festival in operation. MacGuigan was the third leadership candidate to ven- ture into Perth. He was preceded by the two front- runners in the campaign, John Turner and Jean Chretien. Both Wilfred Krauskopf, Perth Liberal Riding Associa- tion president, and Bob McTavish, the last Liberal candidate for Perth, have said they would support MacGuigan on the first ballot. This, the two men have said, is out of recognition for MacGuigan's work in the riding as regional cabinet minister. Other Perth delegates have either been uncommitted or LOST CHORDS — Organ restorer Leonard Jeffs and Rector Jim Sutton stand amid the inner ports of the Trivitt Memorial Church organ which is being cleaned and restored on the premises. • lean to other leadership contenders. MacGuigan says he feels "very good" going into the last w,eek of the leadership. campaign and places himself third, behind Turner and Chretien. ' Commenting on a Global Television incident, where Mr. MacGuigan was filmed during a commercial break in an interview saying he would fire Bank of Canada president Gerald Bouey, Mr. MacGuigan says he trusts the media "as far as i can see them". Daily Rentals Example Chevy Celebrity, air conditioned Only 24.95 per day cher. alas. exeter Bad Rad? Radiators Repaired, Recorod or New ' Canadian Tire 235-0160 410 (P• PO PP r:PI Let Jack Do It All types of plumbing; , & heating z 3.- w. INE ttrira Jack's Plumbing i Heating (Jack Mawr) 246 William St., Exeter 23545111 Times -Advocate, Jane 13, 1984 Page 17A )0usorienmoo nomotto2ov Locksmith DASHWOOD LOCK & KEY Brad Barnes RR 3, Dashwood 237-3426 Certified Locksmith Bonded cend Insured. Locks Repaired Repinning, Rekeying Master Key Systems Emergency Openings Automotive 8 Motorcycle Alarms REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149DownieSt.,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-96.0 SURVEYORS jeGeit ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A Mo'n St. S. Exeter, 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-800-265.7988 INSURANCE Realty Insvrance inc. EXETER 235-2423 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 GODERICH 524-2118 Farm, Home. Auto In- surance, Appraisals. Mortgages, Life In- surance, Trust Cerrificates Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edginton • RR 2 Lucan, Ont. (519) 227-4210 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227-4111 j FARM SE:iL'ICE r * * -AL'S ESSO 1 S�Kirkto��n VN°FARM TIRE SERVICE Calcium Service Tires Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 / NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courfeeils Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT RT EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235.1964 EXETER Auction JF Services Book Your 1984 Sale Now Call 2364814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF JF 'People do read small ads. You are. This space could be yours CaII 235-1331 / ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC orris omuth Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, • EXETER, Ontario NOM 150 (519) 235-0101 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JO9EPiI F. DARLING CRRTIF1SD a3ENIRAI. ACCOUNTANT TEI., n t D-11915 -*SOW THts oLD TowN HALL SRR MAIN RTRRET Rx RTER. ONTARIO NOM 1e0 WOODWORK ING FREE ESTIMATES PICK-UP & DELIVERY LITTLE FALLS WOODWORKING & STRIPPING WOODWORKING OF ALL TYPES CUSTOM CABINET MAKERS STRIPPING + RESTORING OF FURNITURE F.O. Sox 1612 St, Marys, oat. NOM 2V1 ST. MARTS, ONT. 221.120! • 214.211 • 21.)210