HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-13, Page 32Second straight year Fayo .aisor nakes regional c�g. •club made successful bids to the "4- Geiser and O'Rourke will be working hard toward the Ontario Regional champion- ship which brings together all the elite players of the province. Faye Geiser has once again earned a spot on the junior Southwestern regional basketball team. The tryouts held Saturday at South Huron drew many top calibre players. South Huron coach and regional junior and midget coach Ter O'Rourke felt Geiser had unproved over last year when she was also chosen to the regional team. He said, "She was definitely in the top 6." Twelve players were chosen from throughout the large area. Gaiser will be playing for- ward post at the Ontario Championships held at Ridley College in St. Catharines June 29 to July 1. O'Rourke plans two -three day training ses- sions, June 20-22 and June 27-29, to prepare the chosen girls for playing together. The team will be practising in South Huron's gym. O'Rourke was very im- pressed with the quality -and intensity of the players trying out. The improvement from last year could partially be due to the recent extension to include 19 -year olds. Players who made it as far as Satur- day's tryout are gbviously very serious about playing basketball. lathe bot stifling gym the intensity of play seldom lessened during the tough 3 -hour session. The midget team was also selected in Exeter after the JDP try -outs. Many grade - school players tried out but mainly young highschoolers team. O'Rourke was amazed at the height and skill of these young players. As coach he will help the MDP team at their July 2-7 training week, BAYFIELD BABES WIN - The Bayfield Babes won the A championship qt the weekend Homecoming ladies slo-pitch tourney. Above, Mary Lou Bilcke presents the trophy to Nancy Hockings and Nancy Francis. T -A photo Semotiuk to be speaker Darwin Semotiuk, former football coach of the suc- cessful Western Mustangs is the speaker at South Huron's annual Athletic Banquet which is to be held this Thurs- day at the Rec Centre. Following the 6:30 p.m. din- ner, Semotiuk will inspire our already inspirational South Huron athletes. Student athlete awards will follow with each of South Huron's eleven spits presenting team awards. The evening will climax with the four Athlete of the Year Awards and the Panther Award for outstan- ding achievement and con- tribution to athletics at South Huron throughout high school by a graduating student. Parents and spectators are welcome. Tickets may be pur- chased from athletes or at the school for $6. NERSUP - The Huron Park team was runnerup to the B champions in- the weekend Homecoming ladies slo-pitch tourney. Above, Mary Lou Bilcke presents the trophy to Linda Morley. Outdoor picnic Friday is the last day of classes at South Huron. The day before, students can go wild at the outdoor picnic. There will be music, grass dancing, picnicing. Organizers hope for good - weather for the water fights that may get out of hand. The council has rented the Rec Centres giant Earthball for the picnic. Grades will be pitted against grades in the tug-of- war, hopefully over a pit of mud. The grade 13's will at- tempt to pull the teachers down from their victories in volleyball and last week's slo- pitch games. At the latter half of the lunch the grade 13's will attempt to restore their digni- 'ty and revenge their losses in - the final slo-pitch game. Times -Advocate, June 13, 1904 Pape 15A Surprise starter but the surprise d the year. -Watch for him at Hµlly ly's National Championship this Sunday, June 17. He'll be taking on Canada's best; Ross Pederso current Cana- dian Champion, plus hun- dreds of others. Dean Welsh, the Canadian Surprise from California and Calgary... one of the hot ones to watch in the 250 class at Hully Gully i this' Sunday. Dan Webb, Do. 216, at Carlsbad, Calibre*, 0110 of the op and calming American Motocross stars has turned up In Canada to contest the various Supereross and Ex- pert National Events. Seventeen year-old Dean, formerly of Calgary, Alberta, surprised everyone in the Canadian Motocross ! - irar- , chy by racing at the trcal ,Supercross and placing highly. He did it again in Toronto last weekend with an eighth place finish and he'll be at the Hully Gully Labatt's Expert National Champion- ships on Sunday, June 17. Why the sudden ap- pearance? Dean is a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Moffatt, RR 3 Kippen, and he cdlls this area his second home. Because of his Canadian citizenship, his surprise entry into the Canadian Champion- ship series has given him the nickname of "the Canadian Surprise". And surprising he is... He's very fast, has an aggressive riding style, and with his ties to the area through his relatives, the Moffatt's, he is familiar with the champion- ship track at Holly Gully. He curb by 8:00 may end upheing more than 0, just the Canadian Surprise, limommummolp r i REMINDER Exeter Garbage Pickup East side of town Thursday, June 14 (Next pickup in August) Have refuse at The Middlesex County Board of Education FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDITORS' REPORT To The Middlesex County Board of Education We hove examined the Bolonce Sheet of the Middlesex Coun- ty Board of Education as at December 31, 1983, and the Revenue Fund Statement of Operation's, the Capital Fund Statement of Operations and the Statement of Continuity of Trust Funds for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Board as at December 31, 1983 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting principles described in Note 1 to the finan- cial statements applied on basis consistent with that of the preceding year. London, Ontario March 30, 1984• Chartered Accountants Municipol Auditors' licence 000869 CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 (with comparative figures for the pervious year) 1983 1982 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Furniture and equipment Public transportation vehicles School site improvement Ekcoe School repairs CAPITAL FINANCING Capitol expenditure from the Revenue Fund Capital out)ey to be recovered 7ii'future years See accomponytng•notes 5)85.746 5184,755 48.400 17.483 542.139 5745 368 • 5233,155 4 5141.047 5233.155 1 604 321 5233 155 5745.368 STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY OF TRUST FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 (with comparotive figures for the previous year) 1983 A. THE FOUR YEARS OVER FIVE PLAN Bolonce - beginning of the year 5192,336 Additions 130.062 Withdrawals 225 777, Balance - end of year • Note 6 1982 S98.917 107,505 14,086 596.621 5192.336 B. MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND Balance - beginning of the Revenue Capital contributions Interest earned Expenditures Awordi Year 535,758 3.500 5.016 8.516 3.782 Balance • end of the year • Note 6 540.492 See accompanying notes. December 31, -1983 REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF , OPERATIONS EXPENDITURE Business administration Instruction Plant operation & maintenance Transportation Tuition Fees Capital expenditures (non -allocable) Other operating expenditutes Debt charges on capital borrowing - Note 5 Non-operating RECOVERY OF EXPENDITURE Tuition fees Other school boards Government of Ontario Government of Canada Individuals Other revenue excluding transfers from reser,ves NET EXPENDITURE FINANCING OF NET EXPENDITURE Government of Ontario General legislative grant Local taxation Prior year's over (under) requisition Decrease (increase) in reserve Local taxotion raised during the year Net under (over) requisition to be applied to subsequent years See accompanying notes CURRENT ASSETS Accounts receivable local taxation Municipal levy . Under requisition Other school boords Government of Ontario Government of Canada Other receivables Prepaid expenses Trust funds - Note 6 Four years over five plan Scholarship trust funds OTHER ASSETS Capitol outlay to be recovered in future years - Note 1 • School building debentures • Note 4 Ekcoe School construction Equipment ASSETS • FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 (with comparative figures for the previous year) 1983 ELEMENTARY SECONDARY SCHOOLS SCHOOLS $ 492,940 $ 492,940 14,350,380 12.964,012 2,200,984 1,667,065 2.366,307 2,188,047 26,670 1,810,938 18,142 23,573 90,145 90,145 328,441 433,608 88,850 89,175 19,962,859 7.501 131.378 250,079 9,324 233,757 632,039 $19,330,820 T9,759,503 84,716 204,297 6.247 42,716 TOTAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS $ 985,880 $ 333,709 27,314,392 13,431,830 3,868,049 1,925,016 4 554,354 2,195,389 ' 837,608 12,037 41,715 25,318 180,290 118,497 762,049 341,033- 178,025 94,815 39,722,362 18.477,644 92,217 335,675 256,326 52,040 95,780 329,537 433,756 12,698 67,669 224,805 8,868 1982 SECONDARY TOTAL SCHOOLS $ 340,471 $ 674,180 11,641,506 25,073,336 1,550,247 3,475,263 1,936,848 4,132,237 2,100,812 2,112,849 26,856 52,174 110,317 228,814 562,158 903,191 90,496 185,311 18.359,711 36,837,355 78,244 153,538 15,240 33,750 90,924 221,207 240,045 42,618 75,789 89.690 165,479 370,462 760.291 1,065,795 389.829 $19,325,747 538,656,567 $18,087,815 517,989,249 $36,064 511,240,716 510,716,467 521,957,183 $10,548,020 510.206,378 520,754,398 (104,375) (165,671) (270,046) '(18,118) (167,070) (185,188) (20,000) 350,000 330,000 8,384,829 8,414,863 16,799,692 7,463,399 7,427.730 14,891,129 (190,350) 360,088 169,738 114,514 172,211 , 286,725 519,330,820 519.325,747 538,656,567 518,087,815 $17,989,249 536,077,064 BALANCE SHEET As At December 31, 1983 (with comparative figures for the previous year) 1983 1982 5 169,180 $ 38.651 169,738 286,725 20,472 26,320 1,349,148 1.406,632 29,444 13.322 72.000 33,472 37.603 .28.007 96.621 192.336 40,492 35,758 1,984.698 2,061,223 2,749,760 542,139 62,182 3,285.112 3,354.081 3,285,112 55,338,779 $5,346,335 CURRENT LIABILITIES, Bank overdraft Accounts payable and accrued liobilites Other school bootds Trade accounts Trust funds • Note 6 Four years over five plan Scholarship trust funds LIABILITIES RESERVE FOR WORKING FUNDS • Note 2 NET LONG-TERM LIABILITIES • Note 4 APPROVED: Irene Lynn Chairman of the Board F. Stewart Toll Director of Education T 1983 1982 $ 903,315 S 397,840 8.395 821,384 699,687 96,621 192,336 40.492 35.758 1,861,812 1,334,016 727,20 727,207 2,749.760 3,285,112 55,338,779 55.346,335 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 1. Accounting Principles The financial statements hove been prepared by the Board using ac- counting principles that are prescribed by the Ministry of Education and ore considered appropriate for Ontario School Boards. These prin- ciples ore in accordance with generally occepted accounting principles except of follows: (o) Accrual Accounting Revenue and expenditure ore accounted for on the accrual method 537,123 except for: (i) No provision is mode for interest on unmotured debenture debt from 7,373 the dote of poyment to the end of the fiscal year. • 3.839 (ii) No provision is mode to record the liability for retirement and/or sick leave benefits accruing over the working lives of employees. (b) Fixed Assets 12,577 Fixed assets are charged to current expenditures unless financed by Tong -term debt. Principal and interest charges on net long-term $35,758 liabilities ore included as expenditures in the period due. Fixed assets including Capitol Leases, descried as Capital outlay tabs recovered in future years, ore included on the balance sheet only to the extent of the balances of the related net long-term liabilities outstanding and of the related temporary financing at the end of the fiscal year. 11,212 (c) Reserves and Reserve Funds Reserves and Reserve Funds represent funds apporprioted for general and specific purposes and are charged or credited to revenue fund operations in the year appropriated or drown down. (d) Under/over Requisition of Taxes The difference between the net expenditures of any year and the amounts received to finance these expenditures is carried forward to the subsequent year to either increase or reduce the net revenue re• quirement from ratepayers. 2. Reserve for Working Funds The reserve for working funds is applicable to the elementary and . secondary school operations of the Board os follows: 1983 Elementary $426.893 Secondary 300,314 1992 $426,893 300,314 $727,207 5727,207 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1983 3. Employee Sick Leave Plans and Retirement Gratuities An employee shall be entitled to the payment of an allowance on retire- ment if, immediately prior to retirement, he hos completed ten or more continuous years of service with the Board or its predecessors and if he fulfills the requirements of one of the following r,ections: (a) is not a contributor to the Teachers' Superannuation Fund and is 60 or more years old or is the age eligible for receipt of a Retirement Gratuity established by the Collective Agreement applicable to the retiring employees; (b) is a contributor to the Teachers' Superannuation Fund and is eligible for an "A" pension -under the existing provisions of the Teachers' Superannuation Act; (c) is a contributor to the Teachers' Superannuation Fund. is more than 60 pars of age, and is eligible for a pension under the then existing provisions of the Teachers' Superonnuation Act. The Retirement Gratuity is calculated on the following Iasis: (i) For Teachers - Accumulated Sick Leave x 1 x Annual Salary on Retirement 2 200 • (ii) For Other Personnel Accumulated Sick Leave x 1 x Regular Annual Salary on 2 240 Retirement, Excluding Overtime Funding for the plan is provided for In the year in which payment is due. Payments to retired employees during 1983 amounted to $196,007 ($68,028 in 1982. The amount of the contingent liability in respect of employees who meet the eligibility requirements of the plans at December 31. 1983 is estimated to be $557,..0. 4. Net Long -Term Liability Repayments Of the net long-term liabilities outstanding of $2,749,760, principal amounting to 51,89i 760 plus interest amounting to 5632,759 is payable over the next five years as follows: 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Prmc,pol Interest 5549 948 373.576 358.236 327.000 283.000 5187 804 147.098 122 317 98.394 77 146 Tolol Eligible for Grant 5737 752 - $611.019 520 674 416 575 480.553 378 797 425.394 340 110 360 146 304 874 Total 51.891 760 5632 759 52.524 519 S2 05' 375 5. Debt Charges and Capital Loan Interest The Revenue Fund expenditure for debt charges and capitol loan interest includes principal and interest payments as follows 1983 1982 Pnnmcpol poyments on long berm nobilities 5535 352 St33 786 Interest payments on longterm liabilities 226 696 • 269 405 5762 048 5903 191 6. Trust Funds (o) The Four Years Over Five Plan The Board odministers a Four Years over Five Plan in accordance with the current collective agreements with the teachers. (b) The Middlesex County Board of Education Scholarship Trust Fund The following scholarship funds were administered by the Board in 1983: General Awards: J.A. Gummow Awards for Public Speaking 5602 5562 G.S. Kndpp Award 1,030 1,000 W.G. MacDonald Award I,014' 1.000 The Merle Blair Memorial Fund 1.338 1.273 Middlesex Junior Farmers Award 2,000 Ron 8 Doris Watson History Award 925 Total - General: 56.913 53.835 1983 1982 Specific Schools Awards: 1983 1982 Coradoc South Public School Mrs. Harry Brodie Award S323 5339 East,Williams Public School - The Alex M. Stewart Science Aword and the Duncan R. Campbell Sports Award Glencoe High School Doctor John A. MacEocheron Scholarship Medway High School Donald MacKenzie Memorial Fund Melbourne Public School Mary Mother Trust Eleanor McGugan Award North Middelsex District High School . George Douglas Grieve Scholarship .D.A. Lomont Award Evelyn McNaughton Secretory of the Year Award Parkhill Aliso Craig Junior Farmers Award Reunion 1980 Oxbow Public School The Richard Beamish Memorial Scholarship Fund Prince Andrew Public School Jeff Mann Memorial Trust Fund Strathroy District Collegiate Institute •Rowlond Scholorship World War I Memorial Fund West Middlesex Elementary Schools The Edward Rowlond Scholarship Westminister Central School Sandra Smibert Memorial Aword Total - Specific Schools: Total Scholarship Funds 500 10.474 9.916 1.030 1,006 1,212 1,218 1.005 . 1,003 501 503 998 1,005 512 508 754 751 5,081 4,727 3.294 3.345 1,903 1.630 1.114 1,109 1,398 1,397 2,897 2,919 583 547 33.579 31,923 540.492 $35,758 • 1 1