HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-13, Page 9MR. AND MRS. JOHN LOVE John and Joan Love wish to announce their marriage on May 9, 1984 at ,Toronto, Ontario. Joan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Lagerwerf, Greenway and John is the son o_ f Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love, Grand Bend. The attendants of the bride and groom were Kim Morley, friend of the bride, and Stewart Love, cousin. of the groom. Following the wedding the couple spent a week in Las Vegas. An open dance is being. held in their honour on Saturday June 30, 1984 in Parkhill.24* FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE — Cindy Lou Ann, daughter of Vincent and Marilyn Thompson, RR 8 Parkhill, has chosen the occasion of her parents twenty- fifth wedding anniversary to become the'bride of Mr. Eric Bu!gin, son of Allister and Gloria Bulgin, RR 1 Ailsa Craig. The wedding will take place Saturday, June 23, 1984 at 3:00 p.m. at Ow- Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel, Ontario. ,Reception in Parkhill at 9:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. 24* Former resident sees many changes Lloyd -Eagan, last in town in 1959. was back in Exeter to renew acquaintances last week. He called on former teachers Andy Dixon and Glen Mickle, and visited SHDIIS, which he had last seen as a Grade 12 student before leaving for Edmonton. Eagan noted the many addi- tions to his old school, and the disappearance of a barn that he remembered being on the property. Eagan's general impres- sion of Exeter in 1984 is of a prosperous, well -kept town. Eagan is sorry he didn't have time to see more old friends, but could not stay for Homecoming festivities. Riverview WI entertain 4-H members • Times -Advocate, June 13, 1984 Page 9 New members welcomed into Ailsa Craig congr.gati.n By ALICE DICKENS Aliso Craig With Rev. Bea Ash presiding on June 3, the following were welcomed in- to the fellowship of the Ailsa Craig Pastoral charge. Elizabeth and Jerry Reid, on certificate of transfer from St. Andrew's United, Niagara Falls; by baptism, Sean Ed- ward Lyons; by baptism and confirmation, Lorne MacGregor, and Maxwell Exeter ladies enjoy picnic The ladies of the Evening Unit of the Exeter UCW were welcomed at the Tuckey family cottage by Elsie Tuckey on June 4. Everyone enjoyed a delicious potluck supper on the lawn. After members went to the beach, Mavis At- thill and Marion Kerslake conducted a humorous skit and a game before all retired to the cottage. Audrey MacGregor, Unit Leader opened the business portion of the meeting with the poem "Thank You God" by Helen Steiner Roce. She announced the closing of the Resource Centre in Mitchell from June 22 to September and reminded all of the Camp Bimini. Roll call was answered by "What I look forward to for the summer". Many in- teresting plans for activities and travel were given. Audrey reported on recom- mendations -which were presented at the General UCW meeting on May 28: The Christmas Bazaar is to be held November 10 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. A light lunch will be served. The UCW's special project will be to decorate the main and east entrances. A special Friendship Tea is to be held June 21 to entertain residents of nursing homes and shut-ins. Plans were finalized for entertainment, food and transportation. Audrey MacGregor an- nounced that Norma Hooper's group will be in charge of pro- gram for the September meeting and Marie Brunzlow's group willlook. after lunc!fi. A potluck supper will be held at 6:45 p.m. Elsie Tuckey opened the worship service by reading "God Doesn't Compete" which was a selection from the book "An Everyday God" by James Taylor who was at the weekend at Westminster College. Several members of the UCW had attended this weekend. • Audrey McDonald read a poem "One Day at a Time" followed by Marion Kerslake who also read a poem entitl- ed "Outlook". Marion Dougall accom- • panied the group as they sang "One Day at a Time" and "Thank You Lord". Ethel Cushman led in prayer. OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK COMMENCING SATURDAY JULY 7/84 MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. FRIDAY SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VG VICTORIA AND GREY musr Since 1844 425 MAIN STREET, EXETER PHONE 235-0530 .4 � W�, rdby. confirmation, On behalf of the United Church Women, Margaret Wilson presented 20 service books to the United Church; Rev. Ash accepted them and dedicated them. May 29 Riverview Women's Institute entertained the local 4-H clubs in the Masonic Hau. Mrs. Lorna Priestly welcom- ed club leaders, girls and mothers and Institute members. The meeting was opened by singing 0 Canada, the In- stitute Ode and the repeating of the Mary Stewart Collect. Nancy Harmer took charge of the program and welcom- ed the club girls and leaders. All were invited to come to the front of the room where each introduced herself and displayed her sample of work done during the club year. The town leaders are Mrs. Dawson MacGregor and Mrs. John Cornett while in the country Mrs. Geo (Bea) Lee and Mrs. Jim Marshall are leaders. Nancy read an humorous reading on "The Garage Sale". Next on the program, Nan- cy introduced Mrs. Judy McLellan of Arkona who in- troduced (some of us) to the use of the microwave oven. Judy gave us a great deal of information about the oven. We sampled the cooked Poplar Hill chocolate cake, a potato (baked) and rice•pud- ding which were all delicious. Judy was thanked by Nancy and given a gift. Janice Rees was presented with a gift (from the In- stitute) for being a contestant on Farm show. The club leaders expressed thanks to the Institute for entertaining them. Before leaving, tasty desserts were served. • A great deal of interest was shown as all admired The neatly kept club books and their well -made article* which were on display. Wednesday the librarians from the Ailsa Craig Library spent the day selecting books at the Middlesex County library, Arva. Soon an ex- change of books will be com- pleted and these will be a change of reading material on the shelves for the library patrons. Kathy Kilby and her pup- pets ehtertained sixteen children at storytime last Friday. Preparations are underway at the library for the children's summer reading programme. This year's pro- gramme is entitled "Go Wild and will begin June 23. Recently the staff at he MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM BRUCE WATSON April 28, 1984, Marilyn Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hodgins and William Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Watson, exchanged marriage vows at Grace Anglican Church, Greenway. The maid of honour was a friend, Jennifer Muma. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Darlene Gajewski, sister of the groom, Mrs. Dianne Vermunt, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Cathy Hodgins, sister-in-law of the bride. The girls were dressed alike in royal blue gowns. The best man was a friend, Steve. McCann. ushers were Stefan Gajewski, brother-in-law of the groom, Kevin Hodgins, brother of the bride, and Scott Darling, friend of the groom. They were dressed alike in navy and white tuxedos. The flower girl and ring bearer were Emily and Mark Masschelein, niece and nephew of the bride. After a honeymoon to Florida, the couple are now residing at RR 3 Ailsa Craig. It seems to me Continued from page 8 all we had exchanged. The Chinese will not let any of their currency leave the coun- try, but of course, they welcome foreign money com- ing in. We also visited the People's commune. Although the membership was over 2000, we were told it was a middle- sized commune, the member- ship being divided into teams of about 250 adults, plus children. By Western standards, liv- ing conditions were very primitive, although we were taken to a 'hand picked' house that was furnished very plain- ly, but adequately. It consisted of four small rooms where six adults and several children lived. I can- not imagine any Canadian, no matter how poor, living in similar conditions...although, I must admit the people look- ed healthy and well fed. We were often told that times are much better for the ordinary Chinese than 30 or 40 years ago. Then, the wealth was held by the monied man- darins, and the feudal condi- tions of the common people were very bad. Now, so we were informed, there are no wealthy people in China, but, there are no starving ones, either. Late one afternoon, my friend, Elizabeth and I asked to be let off the tour bus so we could try to locate a Christian pastor we had been told Jived in Canton. We found his hum- ble dwelling in a very run down section of the city but Unfortunately,. he wasn't at. home. So, we sauntered along with the Chinese for several blocks, through the crowded streets, and while we receiv- ed many stares, we certainly never felt that anyone was un- friendly toward us. The last night, we were taken to what we were told was a typical Cantonese ban- quet. Canton is noted for its fine cuisines, and the meal of which we partook consisted of so many courses, we lost count: egg rolls; steamed noodle and vegetables; a whole piglet, the skin crackl- ing brown; sou with floating mushrooms and pigeon eggs: broccoli, shredded chicken and cashew nuts; shrimp, eel, and white fungus in a thick sweet syrup served with a layered gelatine and cake dessert. We ended with a fresh orange, pots of green tea, bottles of Chinese beer and strong red wine. The next day, we boarded a train for Hong Kong, travell- ing through quiet, lush farmlands being worked with water buffalo. A mist hung over the tea gardens and the peaceful terraced rice pad- dies as they flashed by the train windows. It seemed to us we were travelling in a dream, or through the pages of a National Geographic Magazine. 409 Main St. Exeter 235-1211 Sweeten Dad up on Father's Day with his favourite chocolate and nuts ..Or surprise him with a col- lectors plate. 1 • GRADUATES — Betty Neevel, daughter of John and Dina Neevel, RR 1 Hensall, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western On- tario. She is a former • South Huron student and plans to attend Teacher's College in the fall. 24* GRADUATES — Elaine Pym, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym of Elim- ville recently received her Associate Diploma in Agriculture, at the spring'. Convocation, University of Guelph. library welcomed Rita Dixon as a new member on staff. With Mrs. Ida Bice, of Craigholme on Friday was her daughter Marjory and husband, Harvey Ward of Scarborough. Happy birthday to Mrs. Janet Rose who celebrated her 80th birthday on Sunday. Alice Dickens and family called at Ball's -Funeral Home, St. Marys, last Sunday to pay their respects to their aunt, Mrs. Merton Rea, who had passed away. - r Strawberries r Henry Hendriks RR 3 Zurich 236-4451 GRADUATES — Audrey Itegler, - daughter of Joe and Rose Marie Regier, Zurich, recently graduated with honours from Westervelt Business Schaal, London, through a Banking Career Training Program. She is now employed at Victoria and Grey Trust, Exeter. 24* oC00ours��in Facia/ mut at eed(s Barbies Hair Bouti ue - 77 Main St., Exeter 235-2 � . Your hest colours to enhance your own natural skin tone by d qualified beauty councillor. Specials: Full facial with make-up application and consultation $15.00 Mini -facials with make-up application and consultation $12.00 * Make-up application only $8.50 * Brides 1 price Creative cuts, perms and colours Nail beauty and manicures, nail tips treatment for soft, splitting nails. Ear piercing $5.00 Tue. - Sat. Appointments necessary DON'T FORGET DAD FATHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 17 . CANADIAN MADE "SEVILLE" LEATHER C% WALLETS I J OFF TREAT DAD AND YOURSELF TO SOME Great Snacks at Super Savings POPULAR - REO •S' EA Chocolate Bars SAVE 11' 2/794 PEANUT OR PLAIN - 2110 g. m& M Candy SAVE 40` 1.4 9 LOWNEY'S - 300 g. Bridge Mixture SAVE 40' $2 . 1 9 r MIK COMM L SAVE =2.11 2.) AS SIM OS TV FATHER'S DAY CARDS & WRAP Ry Carlton Cards SHOP FINCHEa'S FOR FATHER'S DAY GREAT GIFT IDEAS! • CALCULATORS - BASIC FUNCTION - add. subtract, multlply,- dlvIde plus memory i percentage. • SOLAR POWERED basic modals from '16.90 - METRIC CONVERTERS from '19.99 WE STOCK CANON METRIC CONVERTERS • SHEAFFER PEN SETS '14.95 from '12,93 • FATHER'S DAY MUGS from '4.49 ORANDAD MUGS ALSO AVAILABLE from 'CM • ATTACHE & PORTFOLIO CASES Features Include... •key Tock or combination •Ion' wearing leatherette (vinyl) Prem $40.00 "4 Dor. POI PIPE SPkIAL SPECIALS IN EFFECT TIL SATURDAY, JUNE 10 41 f� MAIN ST., EXETER 235.2202 1 1