HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-06, Page 23i
l Imas-Advocate, June 6. 19d4
� A
The Wsstsel-Rocco
Asim -System —
d..tgtt.a to
grow with
> needs
Your new Area
Dealer for
Storage and Hop.
per Bottom Bins
1 I
Callus for all your
material handling
and storage needs
Dougall Construction
Exeter 235-1281
You are invited to a
A. Grain Drying and Con-
ditioning Seminar 8
This event will be held
June 7
at the
Pineridge Chalet
Hensall, Onta -,o
Registration at 9:30 a.m.
,• Grain Drying, - Equipment Display
• Dryer Demonstration
• Door Prizes
• Lunch and Refreshments will be
See you there!
RUN1111111n1II1lN111111ltltrnittttltl; IlIlflllll Itlllll 11U11t111%Ifflllllll lllllllrtlitr
You make it sound as
though every farm wife in the
country is getting beaten up
by a frustrated husband.
That is a quote from a let-
ter received more than a year
ago when 1 quoted a survey
prepared by the Concerned
Farm Women.
It delineated some of the
problems on the home front in
agriculture and painted a
chilling picture of some of the
frustration in agriculture
Still another survey,
Women in Rural Life,
prepared at a cost of $96,000
by the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, has.
pinpointed a few more pro-
blem areas. I hope, though,
that the information will not
be misconstrued and provoke
a few more letters castigating
me for putting farm wives in
a bad light.
The new surve revealed
thataffordable day care is a
top concern for farm women.
A great many rural wives are
forced to, take off farm jobs
just to keep the farm out of
the red these days.
In addition, the economic
crunch has meant a change in
farm labor. Few farmers can
afford to hire help. So who has
to pitch in and help? Wives
and the family, that's who. If
adequate child care is not
available, the kids are bundl-
ed up and taken into the
Vetter el�
Spoon -biked teeth rake through the ground shattering crusty soil kicking
out weeds for a positive kill chemicals are introduced into the wiled root zone
- that s the Vetter Rotary Hoe way of cultivation Plants show more undorm growth
Rowcrops and bedded plants are cultivated with equal ease and wdhoul modifica-
Where wind erosion is a problem the Vetter Rotary Hoe forms surface pockets that
arrest browrnq top -sod n one pass The Hoe is also useful in incorporating pre-
viously broadcast wheat and other small grains
Y.L. Beaker & Sons Ltd.
Sales & Service
Dashwood Main Street
Check out the great
low prices on
Get Case quality
parts now
$.1.a end f.rvle.. R.p.lr
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Coil for .n .ppolntrn.nt foray
Farming is one of the few
businesses left in which un-
paid family members make a
significant contribution to the
labor and management of the
operation, says the report,
prepared by Molly McGhee, a
Ferrers a.e aptrec.aited by Bob Nous, (Idol* Rd Ein ,ra Ont
ministry employee.
The report got little support
at the provincial level.
Agminister Dennis Timbrell
said he might challenge the
28,000 member Federated
Women's Institutes of Ontario
Toilet training pigs
can cut workload
What is the worst job on a
hog farm?
Very few people complain
about carrying all that money
to the bank. On the other
hand, we hear lots of com-
plaints about " cleaning out
pens. Why 'are some pens
clean while others are always
messy? What can be done
when planning new buildings
or in existing barns to reduce
the problem?
Here are some ideas that
seem to provide a basic
recipe for clean pens. They
are aimed especially at
feeder pig barns with partial-
ly slotted floors, but will app-
ly to other situations.
1. Don't crowd the pigs. As
a guide, allow one square foot
of pen space for every 25
pounds of Weight.
2. The pens should be two
and one-half to three times as
long as they are wide.
3. The slats should be at one
end of the pen and should take
up about one-quarter to one-
third of the pen length.
4. The feeding area should
be either on the floor or along
Admits costly
farmer poll
Agriculture Minister Den-
nis Timbrell spent $120,000
last year finding out that On-
tario's beef fhrmers are in
financial trouble - something
everyone already knew,
Liberal agriculture critic
Jack Riddell (Huron -
Middlesex) revealed this
Timbrell conducted a poll of
beef producers "to tell him
the beef producers of Ontario
are in dire straits. We've been
telling you all along," Riddell
Timbrell acknowledged the
poll was coni ted, but
argued that his miastry felt
it necessary to canvass
everyone with a direct
knowledge of the industry's
Despite that kind of spen-
ding, Riddell said, there was
no new money or emergency
assistance for farmers in the
May 15 provincial budget.
Any increase was for existing
programs or programs
already announced, he said.
In Saskatchewan, Riddell
said the government has
given farmers emergency
assistance of $25 a cow, $5 a
pig and $2 a lamb, while New
Brunswick is providing in-
terest free loans until com-
modity prices increase.
NDP agriculture critic Mel
Swart ( Welland -Thorold) said
the budget contained no
money for Ontario's share of
the national red meat
stabilization plan which Tint -
!well has urged the federal
government to adopt. Without
money set aside, no payments
could be made in 1985 evert if
the plan was approved soon,
he said.
Timbrell explained that
such a plan would have
quarterly payments, and
could'tte implemented in 1985.
The producers themselves
do not want any money from
the province which would
jeopardize chances of federal
government agreement to a
national stabilization plan.
the minister said.
Farmer sm
Book Now
To have your spring
grain and beans custom
cleaned -on YOUR farm.
We clean, treat, wags
or bulk and we offer
germination tests.
or (416)775.6994
one side between the front of
the pen and the manuring
area. The pigs have to be able
to move freely between
feeding and manuring areas.
5. Open pen partitions en-
courage activity in pigs. Open
partitions should be used in
the manuring area but the
resting and feeding areas
should have solid partitions to
discourage activity. Keep in
mind that the solid partitions
must be compatible with the
room's ventilation system.
6. Pen floors should slope
one-half inch to the foot from
front to back, with an extra
one to two inch drop from
solid floor to slats.
7. Locate the waterer over
the slotted area. Wet the slats
before moving pigs into a pen.
Sprinkler systems on timers
may be used in hot weather.
8. Make sure the resting
area is clean and dry when
pigs are first moved in. Floor
feeding for the first couple of
days will help encourage the
pigs to keep it clean. Small
pigs may need some sup-
plemental heat in this area in
cold weather.
9. Perhaps the most impor-
tant of all is to eliminate
drafts in the resting area.
Ventilation plays a major role
in hog health and the stresses
which are put on pigs. We en-
courage ventilation systems
where fresh air moves across
the ceiling, drops into the
back of the pen ( manuring
area) and moves slowly
toward the resting area. On
the very hot days of summer,
there are advantages to
reversing this pattern.
However. most systems don't
have this -capability.
By following these prin-
ciples, you should go a long
way to keeping pig pens
relatively clean. Once that
happens, then maybe you can
worry about carrying all that
money to the bank. At least
the barn will be a lot more
pleasant place to work.
N38 2C r
to work out some solution on
child care.
And Robert Welch, the man
responsible for women's
issues in Ontario, was not
much help, either. He made
some vague references to
church basements.
Dianne Harkin, founder of
the Survival of Agriculture,
put it -in perspective: The
report will net make' big
waves..."but it will be a tool
to use when we lobby for
change, "she said. She knows
darn well the province has no
intention of , providing
daycare in the boondocks, in
spite of the fact that 64 On-
tario children were killed on
farms between 1975 and 1981.
A farm is clearly a combin-
ed effort and it is practically
unavoidable fora farm wife
not to do a lot of physical work
on the farm. It would seem to
Inc that the province is.
remiss in not taking the prb-
blems of farm day care
I am well aware that day
care problems in the cities'is
far from adequate. If it is in-
adequate in most cities, think
of how bad it is in the country.
Which is not to put down the
Federated Women's In-
stitutes. If those ladies are
presented with a challenge,
they could certainly put their
membership to work and sur-
prise the whole country.
Farm wives -- and farmers,
for that matter -- were given
no consideration of any kind
in the recent provincial
budget. I perused the pages of
the national newspaper and
our local daily and c.,uld-find
no mention of agriculture
anywhere. So any solutions to
farm problems will not be
coming from Ontari-ari-ari-o.
Give them time and the
farmers will solve their own
problems. Unfortunately,
there may not be any farmers
left in a few years.
Field Crop
Anyone wishing to
enter their Wheat, Corn
or Beans in the Field
Judging Competition
Burns Blackler
Jim Nairn
Ewart Crago
Compact Diesels...
from John Deere
HEADING TO EUROPE — Two members of the Kirkton-Woodham Girl Guides will
be enjoying a trip to Europe this summer. Above, District Commissioner Roberta
Mortley of Exeter presents jackets and crests to Karen Atkinsons and Laurie Hawkins.
Lawn & Garden
Time is Here
5 H.P. Rear
Tine Tiller.
16 heavy duty tines counter -rotate in the opposite
direction from the drive wheels for better tilling. Ideal
for tough sod conditions. Powerful Briggs & Stratton
engine 5 -position depth control Tills up to 18" wide.
13 x 4 00 semi -pneumatic tires 545-343 -
Easy -To -Handle 4 H.P. 29
Chain Drive Tiller Special3 9 Sea.
Reliable 4 H P Briggs & Stratton engine powers 4Ixteen
10" diameter. 18" wide tines 'o tilling depth of 5" 3 step
reduction chain drive. forward and neutral gears Throttle
control mounted on handle for easy access 8" x 1 75' poly
wheels 545-344
Mowing, landscaping, cleaning livestock
areas, building fences, removing snow, what
ever the job, whatever the season, John
Deere has the right tractor. Compact utility
diesel tractors perform most jobs on about
half the fuel needed by a comparable gas -
powered tractor. Because they're sized a few
notches below full size tractors, they're able
to get into confined areas you'd have to see
to believe.
These compact utility tractors are packed with
impressive features thot make them real
giants on most any job. John Deere Compact
Diesels start at 17 horsepower. For more
details stop in and talk to us about a Com-
pact Diesel. •
Exeter 235-1115
Blyth 523-4244
10 HP 'TURF-TRAC' Lawn Care Tractor
With 34" Cutting Deck
Here's power you can count on! Equipped with electric start for
quick engine response. Features 5 -speed transmatic dnve with
integral disc brake, full floating 4 -position 34" twin blade cutting
.401deck, combination clutch/brake /brake pedal with parking brake and much
more. Complete with lights. Alternator charged. 545-011
See Exeter Co-op for all your lumber and building supplies `'
Henri Mon. -Fri. 8 a,�n, - 5 p.m, `
Sat. 8 a.m. , 4 p.m. FREE DELIVERY
Exeter District Coop
4 blocks wast of the Fire Hall