HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-05-30, Page 12i • Pape 14 Times-Advoente, Moy 30, 1984 •rwid Bend area butftrfIIes soon to be added to endangered spedes The Kerner Blue butterfly, whIch exists only on 40 hec- tares (100 acres) of land near Grand Bend, will soon be an- nounoed as Ontario's 15th en- dangered species. Steven Price of the World Wildlife Fund said Monday plans call for adding the but- terfly to the list, which in- eludes only one other insect, the West Virginia White butterfly. In Canada, the Karner Blue lives only within a small por- tion of the Carolinian forest area of Southern Ontario. Specifically, it lives on a small piece of privately own- ed land near Grand Bend. Listing under the En- dangered Species Act pro- vides protection for the species and ensures govern- ment agencies will work toward its survival. The act provides a fine of up to $3,000 and six months in jail for per- sons who kill, injure or in- terfere with an endangered species or its habitat. Others listed are the golden eagle, bald eagle, Kirtland's warbler, blue racer snake, Lake Erie water snake, small whorled Pogonia orchid, pip- ing plover, white pelican, Eskimo curlew, peregrine falcon, timber rattlesnake, eastern cougar and small white lady's slipper. Bridge starts Duplicate bridge was held at the St. Johns' Parish hall, Wednesday. There were five tables. Winners of the north -south position were Jules DeBrabandere and Betty Hoyles. Second place was a tie between Helen and Mann- ing Jamieson, and Verna MacDonald and Millie Harney. In the east -west position, Marge and John Adams took first, with Millie Kane and Kay Farquhar following. For any information con- cerning bridge please phone 238-2526. The meeting adjourned and a social time was enjoyed, served by hostesses Eva Allister and Loreen Gill, The next meeting will be held in the form of a picnic, on Fri- day June 15 at 6:00 at the Shipka School. Church of God Pastor Campbell's message on Sunday morning, was en- titled "The Strength of His Faith", taken from Matthew 14: 22-32. In the midst of a storm, Jesus came walking on the water to the disciples. Peter jumped out of the boat and also tried walking on the water. He tried but failed. Most of us are guilty of never trying to use our Faith. Dr. A. Brown sang "The Unveiled Church". It's up to you Guest speaker at the United Church Sunday morning was the Rev. G. Smith, from Strat- ford, representing the work of Alcohol and Drug Concerns of Ontario. Assisted by session members, Betty Riddell gave the call to worship, Bob Southcott the pastoral prayer and Dianne Rice introduced Mr. Smith. In the children's story time, Mr. Smith gave several of the children colorful pictures to hold up saying "It's Up to You". He told them that life is made up of choices and our greatest choice is choosing. Jesus as our Lord. As the children left the sanctuary, everyone sang, Jesus Loves Me. A duet was sung by Susan McKay and Millie Desjar- dine, entitled "Abiding Love." Rev. Smith's sermon topic was "God Loves You" taken from 1 Cor. 13 and Ephes. 3:1-21. Rev. Smith is present- ly on the Board of Directors of the Alcohol and Drug Con- cerns and he told us that it is a voluntary organization. He feels that young people of to- day lack love and so they ex- perience with drugs and pills. Ninety percent of all Cana- dians drink socially. Alcohol and Drug Concerns seek your prayers, remembering that God gives up a freedom of choice. Next Sunday the U.C.W. will be'in charge of the ser- vice. Door greeters were Ruth and Elgin Hendrick. Nasturtium seeds given The subject of Rev. Sutton's sermon at St. John's -By -The - Lake was taken from Acts 17:22-31. Rev. Sutton urged the congregation, like Paul, to meet and talk with strangers in Our midst. Packages of nasturtium seeds were given to all members of the con- gregation, as a symbol of the growth that can be obtained in our contacts with people. Also, with intentional evangelism, hopefully God's son will radiate out from us to them. Reports of a synod meeting held in London, at St. .Paul's Cathedral, on May 13, 14 and 15 were given by Mrs. Fran Kite and John Brock. Welcoming the congregation were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marsh. Mrs. Mary Wallen• served refreshments after the service. ques to: Tim Harkness, SArah Michielsens, Walter Michielsens, Steven Vrolyk, Gary Peters, Mike Kollen, Jonathon O'Connor, Tim` Vlemmix, Michael Vandenberk, Ron Mom- mersteeg, Susan Jansen, Tania Johnson, Sandra Relouw, Cassie VanDongen, Jacelyn Vandeberk and Jen- nifer Argent. Personals Fifteen Beavers joined the Cubs and Scouts Saturday at There is- nothing more relaxing than lying in bed and listening to the sound of a light breeze rustling the leaves of a poplar tree at night. During the day, poplar trees cast cool shadows in the hot summer sun. All in all, poplar trees are pretty nice to have around. Except in spring. First, before you get those rustling leaves you have to put up with the sticky buds falling everywhere. Don't park your car under a poplar tree in bud. Those sticky things can ruin the paint of a perfectly good car. The buds will stick to clothing and shoes and anything else they contact. After you survive the sticky bud stage, you get the white fluff stage. The poplar tree can produce an abundance of white fluff. Again, don't park under the poplar tree when it's producing white fluff - and be careful not to leave your car window down. The next morning you'll have a car full of white fluff - you'll think it's snowing inside your windshield. But the worst of the poplar tree is not what the sticky buds and white fluff do to your automobile. The problem is what they do to your dog. Our Pepper is not a really shaggy dog, yet he does have enough long fur and feathers on his legs to attract both the buds and fluff. And isn't long before he's completely mat- ted with whatever the poplar tree produces. Well, last week the poplar tree was in the sticky bud stage. Poor Pepper was brushed several times and still his coat was matted after each visit outdoors. And then, of course, the carpet, the bedspread and all of Pepper's favorite locations were also covered in the sticky buds he left behind.() u r house was a trail of poplar tree droppings! After brushing Pepper and Mary's musings By Mary Alderson picking out all the buds a cou- ple of times, I gave up. Con- veniently, Ihad to leave on a business trip to Montreal for three days - right in the mid- dle of the bud -producing season. That left my husband, Vic- tor, to deal with the problem. He soon gave up trying to keep the dog clean and decid- ed to somehow solve the pro- blem permanently. No, he didn't cut the tree down - wouldn't have done much good anyway, since most of the trees that hang over our driveway are in our neighbour's yard. So since he couldn't cut down the poplar trees, he decided to cut Pep- per's coat - that way there would be less fur to pick up the sticky buds. Being a hairdresser Victor thought it would be easy to give Pepper a trim. And Pep- per didn't mind a bit - he en- joys brushings and he even likes to have his coat gone over with the vacuum cleaner. The only problems was that halfway through Pepper's trim the electricity went off, leaving the barber and the dog in the dark. Now, Victor's told me hun- dreds of times that he could cut my hair with his eyes shut, but here was a real challenge - trimming a dog by candlelight. Pepper's ears were shagged and evened up, the feathers on his legs were shortened, his br4tches were hemmed and his tail was trimmed. The procedure took a little longer than it should have - due to the fact that the lengths had to be checked by candlelight. But finally, an even, well -trimmed and silky smooth Pepper emerged, I ar- rived home from Montreal and hardly recognized my dog. Pepper has his next ap- pointment for a haircut about the time that he starts dragging in the white fluff off the poplar trees. it�P�'sluarc maw on CA}►r+stra� Collectors Solaria That's right ... so why an - not take advantage of -Bend Decorating Centre OW special Armstrong ,�1e. Collectors Solarian Sale. oouu Now's the time to save - 44.00 off per square metre which means great savings for you today! COLLECTOR$ SOLARIAN NO -WAX FLOORING • Choose from a magnificent collection Of. 16 patterns and colours • Exclusive MIRABOND " XL wear surface shines without waxing • Extra durable surface resists scuffs and scratches • Easy to maintain -- dirt and spills wipe right up HURRY!! SALE ENDS May 28 to June 9 _ Save $2.60 off the regular per sq. metre price SOl( ong Ce h�00� GRAND BEND DECORATING and FLOORING CENTRE liffisral HWY. #21 238-8603 Mixed Vegies The Grand Bend No. 1 4-H club met on May 16 in the home of Nancy Stokkerman. The girls learned the three different types of soil par- ticles: sand, silt, and clay. They examined the different textures of the particles and read over the soil elements which are required for the proper growth of plants. Before the next meeting, each member is to do an ex- periment to separate sand, silt and clay. and report their results at the next meeting. Press reporter - Erika Coeck. Last meeting held Sixteen ladies were nut Tuesday morning to Bertha Keyes home for the weekly Bible study. Nita Sinclair opened with prayer and a hymn sing was conducted by Millie Desjardine. The lesson was led by Doris Peebles, from the practise session of the Beatitude, taken from Matthew 5:9. Some questions discussed, were "Which is easier - to make peace between others or between yourself and another?" "How can a lack of peace in the home or outside have an adverse effect on a Christian's peacemaking ef- forts?" Ann Richardson gave the closing prayer. As this was the last study time for this season, the cof- fee time was reversed and served by Mrs. Keyes at the close of the study period, along with a variety of muf- fins and cheese. The meeting will resume on September 11, at Nita Sinclair's home in Southcott Pines. Speaker from Owen Sound At the May meeting of the Grand Bend Women's in- stitute, held in the United Church, there were 20 members present. Nola Taylor presided and roll call "I Am Proud to be a Cana- dian", was answered by all. Also present were a number of visitors. An invitation was extended from the Zurich In- stitute, who will be celebrating their 50th wed- ding anniversary on June 10. Millie Desjardine was in charge of this month's topic, Citizenship and World Af- fairs. She introduced the guest speaker: Evelyn Krueger, from Owen Sound. Evelyn spoke and commen- tated on her slides. Evelyn took us for a brief stop in Holland, where we saw the Dutch scenes of windmills, waterways, and beautiful flowers. Then we viewed Tanzania in Africa, where she visited relatives who are mis- sionaries. it was a very mov- ing experience to see how the natives live in their huts, and you could feel the lack of food, mostly because it is very dry with water and money being so scarce. We saw the native animals and vegetation along the creeks where the animals gathered to drink. From Tan- zania, they went to Nairobi, where Evelyn and her hus- band attended church con- ference. A thank -you to the speaker'was shown by a live- ly round of applause. Catholic news This Thursday is the feast of the Visitation of Mary, so we would like to encourage as many as possible to try to come out to mass that night, to ask Mary for for protection on ourselves and our families.. To honor Mary,•we will have the rosary said together just before the mass, so try to be at the church by 7:00 p.m. sharp on Thursday. Congratulations to Howard Green and Patricia Meloche, who were united by the sacra- ment of matrimony this past week. At the 11:00 a.m. mass on Sunday morning. the follow- ing students were given their Confirmation gifts from the C.W.L. Mrs. Lia Vandenberk, past-pres. and Father Morrissey presented the pia - TIME OUT - - Judy VanOs and Tony Wales take an in- termission timeout from dancing during Friday night's formal at South Huron High School. and district news Lynn Detijardlne 2311.117601 EXCHANGE— Tom Seip, assistant_ manager of Zehrs, Exeter, presents.a cheque for $150 to Mt. Carmel CWL members Dorothy Dietrich and Nancy Regier in exchange for Zehr tapes. The money was donated,to South Huron Hospital for their infant car rental project. By Jack Riddell MPP The Province has spent 8632,142 on public opinion polls which represents a 30 percent increase over the previous year. This informa- tion was released after Op- position Members asked the Government to indicate the cost of each poll. Among the polls that were commissioned was a poll on health issues at a cost of $56,000 and a poll on attitudes to health care at a cost of $45,435. These polls were com- missioned when the Province was thinking of challenging the Federal Health Minister over the new Canada Health Act. After incurring those costs the Province decided not to challenge the Federal Minister. Another poll commissioned was a Beef Producers Survey to test industry conditions at a cost of $120,000. Six hundred producers were surveyed., Thousands of dollars were spent on self -promotion for such programs as the Shop Canadian Plan, the govern- ment also spends thousands of dollars more on polls to determine how effective its advertising is. The Province spent 842,000 to test reaction in England to Ontario tourism advertisements. Freedom of information Act The Privacy and Access to Information Act was given first reading in the Legislature this week. There was opposition from both the Liberals and the New Democrats who say that the public's right to obtain infor- mation does not pertain to Government records prior to July 1st. All government documents that have not been released publicly could re- main secret under the propos- ed freedom -of -information act. This hill excludes all Cabinet documents, leaving it up to the Clerk of the Cabinet to determine what is and what is not a Cabinet document. in addition, the Attorney - General of the Province could keep secret any records con- cerning law enforcement. In both cases, the privacy com- missioner to be appointed under the Act would not even Jack d 9ollinjs Opinion polls be allowed to look at the documents. The proposed Act leaves final authority to accept or re- ject applications for access to Government information to Cabinet Ministers. Both Opposition Parties severely criticized Mr. Nor- man Sterling, Provincial Secretary for Resources Development for not setting up an independent route of ap- peal through the Courts. Mr. Sterling said his bill strikes a balance between the public's right to know and the Govern- ment's obligation to protect people's privacy. Liberal Leader David Peterson called the bill "a joke and a disgrace" since people will not be able to ob- tain any information about the past activities of the Government because the legislation is not retroactive. Consultant fees Liberal Finance Critic, Pat Reid, criticized the Govern- mept's increased spending on outside consultants. Ile said they are displacing civil ser- vants in order to give the im- pression of belt -tightening. He cited the case of the Ministry of Government services' figures which show a 517 per- cent increase in spending on outside management con- sultants from 1977-78 to 1982-133, when payments went Harbour is busy place it was reported at Wednes- day's meeting of the Grand Bend Harbour Committee, that, in excess of 82,400 was realized by the staff as a result of operations in the harbour. ',This year, harbour staff are selfinggasto boaters for the first time. They are also in charge of collecting fees at the small -boat launching ramp on the river. The four -person student group will also t:* busy pain- ting decks, washrooms and doing outdoor maintenance around the building. Rather than mdve the flagpole, which was situated in the middle of the wheel chair ramp, the committee decided to rearrange the ramp.. It was decided to charge boaters for dockage on a dai- ly basis, rather than an over- night basis, since some boats are docked only during the day. The meeting was chaired by .Joe Green, in the absence of chairman Tom Lawson. We are open for another season Pinery Flea Market Open May 6 to Sept. 30 Every Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dealers Welcome Be sure and come out 3 miles south of Grand Bend, Hwy. 21 Phone Bob Sandercott 238-8382 up from $176,000 to more than $1 million. Disabled and Seniors in the Community Program This program will provide property tax exemptions for improvements, alterations and additions undertaken in order to allow disabled or senior citizens to.continue liv- ing in their homes rathertha n in special care facilities. The Bill . to . amend the Assessment Act 1984 in- troduced by the Minister of Revenue Bud Gregory, will raise the general ceiling which allows property owners to make repairs and modest improvements to their homes without incurring increases to their assessments and subse- quently their tax bills. This ceiling will be raised from the current 12,500 market value level to $5,000 effective after May 15, 1984. Major additions and renovations to properties beyond this new -level will continue to be assessed and taxed in the usual way. 'Village Flea Market Saturdays, May 26 to September 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Buyers and Vendors welcome. Phone 238-2396 or 238-2407. Wondergrove Roller Rink 23 Main St. Grand Bend' Godericlr for an enjoyable day at Camp Benmiller. With wet feet, everyone showed a fine performance in the Olympic eievents throughout Y. Mrs. Clara Statton found a helium balloon last week, which seems to have floated in from the U.S. An address sticker found on it reads: Dr. Brian Bobbs, 1299 Arcade Street, St. Paul, Minn. Home again after surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital, is Mrs. Irene Ward. Grand Bend Golden Age Club members are reminded of their June meeting coming up on June 6. Members are asked to meet at St. John's parish Hall at 1:30 p.m. and then will leave for the Pinery Park for a picnic supper. Please bring your own dishes, lunch and beverage. Mrs, Mary Ferguson, from Victoria B.C., has arrived back in Grand Bend for the summer months. There will be a P.A. day for Grand Bend Public School on Friday June 8. Several Golden Age members were out to the drop in centre, Wednesday, for an afternoon of fun and games. Les and Marjorie Adams, of Exeter, hosted his brother and wife, Elgin and Elda Adams, for dinner last week. Area Girl Guides and Cubs played a ball game at the Public School last Thursday evening. The score ended at 9-2 for the Cubs. Local Guides staged a cam - pout Friday evening at Paula Taylor's residence. They were rained out, but were joined on Saturday by the Girl Guide Co. from Forest to meet one another for a cam - pout in July at Thed- ford/Arkona. Recent out of town visitors have been Juay and Robert Major of Elliott Lake, Earl, Kay and Carolyn Weiberg, of London and Vera and Ervin Latta, of Point Clark, with Loreen and Lorne Devine, Grand Bend. Weekend visitors from Toledo, Ohio, with Roberta and Philip Walker and gami- ly, were Mrs. Jacqueline Hahn and husband Bob and Marnie's friend Courtney Yeager. The family celebrated Marnie's birthday on Friday evening with a fireworks display, joined by 12 of Marnie's friends. Colonials win again The Grand Bend Colonials scored a 3-1 Vidtory over Calabria in London and district first division soccer play, Sunday afternoon. Tony Mennen led the scor- ing attack with a two goal ef- fort while Alex Harragate added the third score. The Colonials will be back in action Saturday afternoon when they travel to Woodstock for a 3 p.m. contest. In Ausable league play, the Exeter Centennials blanked Grand Bend 4-0. The Grand Bend team will take on the Exeter Drillers at 4 p.m. Sun- day at the West Williams field. Johnson LEADS THE WORLD SeeMf€t s�A� Come in nowl See our selection of boating packages. We've got your kind of boating package on display. All powered by Johnson outboards . . * 1 in world sales. I1?4RNER Auto Marine Open 7days Cara( Send 23S-2391 f E WORLD... FOR CITIZENS OF THE FREE TRAVEL CLOC WHEN YOU BUY A ()CITIZEN QUARTZ WATCH: 'Suggested retail value $15000 or more. Give your graduate a Citizen. Elegant state -of -the art designs, Quartz precision. 2 YEAR Guarantee FOR G77ZENS OF 77IE WORLD... FOR C777ZENS OF THE WORL ANSTETT JEWELLERS 8 Albert St. CLINTON 284 Main St. EXETER 26 Main St. South SEAFORTH 135 Queen St. East ST. MARYS 203purham St. E. WALKERTON