HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-05-23, Page 27ANNOUNCEMENTS
(HER — Sid and Shirley are
py to announce the arrival of
say Daniel, a little brother for
thew, born on May 9, 1984 at
Joseph's Hospital, weighing 8
4 oz. 21c
)GE — Cindy (Edwards)
ge is happy to welcome her 3
oz. daughter, Stacey Ann on
20, 1984. The proud grand-
ntts are Mazy Cronkwright
Mr. and Mrs. William Payne.
Jecial thank you goes to Dr.
ert Casper and to the nurses
he 3rd floor at St. Joseph's
pital. 21c
KBEINER — Rodger and
rlene are pleased to announce
)rth of their son, Lee Rodger,
I May 17, 1984, weighing 6 lbs.
:. Little brother for Daniel and
m. Proud grandparents are
and Rose Regier and Allan
Irene Finkbeiner. Proud
it -grandparents are Lydia
ler and Estrella Finkbeiner.
:MING — Mark and Linda
Hing ( Hackney) are thrilled
mounce the birth of their twin
i David Wilson, weighing 4
7' , oz. and Michael Earl,
Thing 5 lbs. 6 oz. born May 14,
at Victoria Hospital. Wee
hers for, Cole. Proud grand
mss are Uoyd and Doris
kney and Bud and Marg
ning. 21c.
SER — Jon and Brenda are
sed to announce the safe ar-
1 of their first child, a
Inter Meghan Christine, born
• 5, 1984 at St. Joseph's
)ital weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz.
id grandparents are Ray and
:e Ducharme and Mel and
y -Fran Gaiser. Proud great-
dma is Agnes Regier, Zurich.
YLOR — Kan and Kim are
ghted to announce the birth of
r new baby brother Jeffrey
athan George. Jeffrey was
n May 7, 1984 at South Huron
;pita!, Exeter, weighing 9 lbs.
iz. Special thanks to Dr.
'lace, Mrs. Visscher and the
ses at South Huron Hospital.
ad parents are Marvin and
dy Taylor. Proud grand-
ents are George and Judy
ser, Hensall and Mrs. Myrtle
dor, Brucefield. 21c
HAGGATT — Mike and Linda are
proud to announce the birth of
their son Nathaniel John born
May 8, 1984, 8 lbs. 12 oz. First
grandchild for George and Mary
Haggett, Zurich and Russ and
Eileen Jones, Huron Park. 21c
SOUDANT — Ted and Janet are
happy to announce the birth of
their son Mark Andrew, weighing
8 lbs 15 oz. on May 18, 1984 at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London. A
brother for Nichole, grandson for
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Soudant and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Desch,
great-grandson for Mrs. Sam
Desch and Mr..and Mrs. Theodore
Soudant. Special thanks to Dr.
Steciuk, Dr. Fellows and 3rd floor
nursing staff at St. Joseph's. 21c
CANN — Suddenly at University
Hospital on Thursday, May 17,
1984, Susanna ( Van der Lei)
Cann. Beloved wife of Bruce Canp
of Exeter, in her 67th year. Dear
mother of (Susan) Mrs. Robert
Gray of Kingston, Sylvia Cann of
Toronto, (Kathleen) Mrs. Rev.
Gerald McMillan of Fort Erie,
((stiristina) Mrs. Dr. Donald Jol-
ly of Lucknow, Stephen at home,
Annetta Lee Cann of London. Also
survived by 7 grandchildren, 3
sisters Mrs. Saakje Dooper, Mrs.
Sjoeke Van der Weide and Mrs.
Trien Veenstra, 1 brother Mr.
Harm Van der Lei all of Holland.
Friends called at the Hopper -
Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter.
Service was conducted from the
Pentecostal Church on Monday
May 21. Pastor Robert Donan and
Rev. Gerald McMillan officiated.
Interment Exeter Cemetery.
Donations to the Gideon Bible or
the charity of your choice would
be appreciated by the Cann fami-
ly. 21c
LAING — Suddenly at Joseph
Brant Memorial Hospital, Burl-
ington, Wednesday May 16, Cecil
B. Laing of Burlington, formerly
of Exeter. Beloved husband of the
late Irene Stewart, father of
Donald, Sarnia and Barbara,
(Mrs. Howard Eyerby), La
Canada, California. Brother of
Hazel (Mrs. Ulric Snell) and
Hilton Laing of Exeter. Smith
Funeral Home, Burlington in
charge of funeral arrangements.
ROLLINGS — • Suddenly at
Tlllsonburg Memorial Hospital,
on Sunday May 13, 1984 Gerald
Rollings of 1212 Fanshawe Park
Road and formerly of London
Twp in his 72nd year. Beloved
husband of the late Dorothy
Cohoon, Dear father of Mrs.
Margaret Brodhagen of London,
Reginald Rollings of Norwich
and James Rollugs of London.
Dear brother of (Mae) Mrs.
Albert Smith of Huron Park, Mrs.
Lulu Neil of Granton, Leroy of
London, (Viola) Mrs. James
Darling of Sarnia, (Madeline)
Mrs. Norris Desjardine of Grand
Bend and Charles, Orville and
Clifford Rollings all of RR 2
Lucan. Also survived by six
'grandchildren and three great-
grandchildren. Rested at the C.
Haskett and Son Funeral Home,
Lucan where the funeral service
was held on Tuesday May 15th a
2 PM by the Rev. Manley Sadler
of Birr United Church.
Pallbearers were Bill Beiber,
John Finch, Glenn Rollings,
Harvey Rollings, Clarke Rollings
and Rick Rollings. Interment in
Birr United Cemetery. Donations
to the charity of your choice
would be appreciated by the fami-
ly. 21c
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Paton of
Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Howald of Ilderton are pleased to
announce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their children Darlene
and David. The wedding will take
place at 7 o'clock on Saturday
June 23, 1984 at St. James
Anglican Church, Clandel)oye.21c
Winners of Lottery (Licence
No. 403281) sponsored by South
Huron Rabbit Breeders Associa-
tion were: 1st prize - H.
Murakami, 2nd prize - Bud Ap-
'pleman, 3rd prize - Harold Smith,
4th prize - Wes Lovell. 21'
1 would like to thank all my
family, relatives and friends for
all the cards; flowers, treats,
prayers and visits while I was in
St. Joseph's Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Gans, Dr. Walker,
Rev. Sutton, and all the nursing
staff on 4th floor. I would also like
to extend my appreciation to the
V.O.N. Your thoughtfulness and
concern will always be
Mr. Nelson "Punch" Wells. 21•
ited Church of Canada
iss Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T.
Sunday, May 27
?:45 o.m. Church Service
):45 a.m. Sunday School
Thursday, May 24
7:00 p.m. Teen Group
at the Manse •
Everyone Welcome
Reformed Church
luron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, May 27
):00 a.m. Worship Service
rist's Prayer for the Church"
n 17:20-26 and Acts 7:55.60
1:00 .1.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Worship
"Edify .One Another"
Romans 14:13.23
trsday. May 31 - 800 p.m.
Ascension Day Service
bme and Worship with us
aven Presbyterian
Phone 235.2243
Mr. Robert McIntosh
Sunday. May 27
trvice and Sunday School
withdrawn in favour of
Anniversary Service at
rmel Presbyterian Church,
Hensall at 11 a.m
Everyone Welcome
Lutheran Church
Sunday, May 27
0 o m. Sunday School and
Bible Study
11 00 Worship Service •
Everyone Welcome
Exeter Christian
Reformed Church
Main St. North
B.A. M. Div.
Phone 235.1723
Sunday. May 27
10 o.m Morning Worship
clay School - Preschoolers
1 p m. - Afternoon Service
tnday School Grades 1.4
Everyone Welcome
Nursery Available
Listen to
The Back to God Hour
odio Program - Sundays
NX Dial 920 - 10:30 a.m.
'OK Diol 1070 - 6:45 o.m.
th 20 - Global 6 (cable 3)
9:30 a.m. Sundays
I would like to thank all my
family, relatives and friends for
all the cards, flowers, prayers
and visits while I was in South
Huron Hospital Special thanks to
Dr. Wallace, Mrs. Visscher and
the nursing staff at South Huron
Hospital, for your thoughtfulness
and care. I would also like to send
a special thanks to my Mom for
taking such good care of Kari and
Kim while I was in the hospital.
Also to Judith for taking the girls
for a day.
Cindy Taylor. 21c
Exeter United Church
James at Andrew
Staff Associate
Mr. Peter Snell
Organist and Choirmaster
Mr. Robert Cameron
Sunday, May 27
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Mr. Peter Snell
Church School
Courtesy Car
Mr. Elwood Truemner
Nursery Facilities Available
All Are Welcome
The Trivitt
Memorial Church
Main at Gidley, Exeter
Sunday, May 27
Rogation Sunday
(Sixth Sunday of Easter)
11.15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Church School and
Thursday. May 31
Alcension Day
7:00 p.m. Eucharist
Celebrating 125 years
Serving Christ
Baptist Church
187 Huron St. W., Exeter
Sunday. Moy 27
9:45 a.m. Family Bible School
11:00 o.m. Morning Worship
7.30 p.m. Evening Service
Our speaker for the 11:00 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. services is Mr.
John Hill. He is professor of
London Baptist Bible College.
Visit us soon!
Lutheran Church
Andrew and George Streets
Sunday; May 27
The 20th Anniversary of
Pence Lutheran Congregation
9:30 o.m. Sunday School
and Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Sunday Service
3:00 p.m. Afternoon
Anniversary Service
Rev. Wm. Gott of
Jackson, Michigan
Special Speaker
BINGO — Every Tuesday even-
ing at Vanastra Centre, RR 5 Clin-
ton, 8 p.m. First regular card
81.00, 15 regular games of 820
each, 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot
8200 must go. Admission
restricted to 16 years and over.
CAMPING — At Gilbert's River-
side Park, Parkhill, Ontario.
Good seasonal sites still available.
Hwy. 7 to Middlesex Road 6 and
following Campground signs
south. (232-45521. 19-21c
ed Book Sale on Saturday, May
26, 10-6, and Sunday, May 27, 12-5
in Memorial Hall, Blyth. Books,
magazines and, records, tours of
the theatre. art show, bake table
and refreshments. Readings at 2
p.m. by authors Robert Munsch
(Saturday) and Elizabeth
Willmot (Sunday). Admission
free. proceeds to the Blyth
Festival. 20,21c
THE 26TH RADER Reunion will
be held at Dashwood Community
Pavilion Sunday June 10, 1984 at
2 p.m. Bring your picnic basket
and make the reunion a success.
Reunion Sunday June 3, 1984 at 2
p.m. Supper at 5 p.m. at River-
view' Park, Exeter. Bring cold
drinks, plates and cutlery 21c
Huron -Middlesex (Ontario P('
Association to beheld Thursday
June 7, 1984 at the Stanley
Township Complex. Tickets 810.00
per person. Guest speaker "The
llonourahle Andy Brandt,
Minister of the Environment -
For information or tickets please
contact your local chairperson or
executive member. 21,22c
YARD SALE & Bake Table June
2nd, 8 a.m.-' Sponsored by
Precious Blood C.W L. at Trivitt
Church Hall. 21,22c
to join us at a reunion of the
"Douglas Girls" at 2 p.m on June
16, 1984 in the Fellowship Hall of
the United Church in Hensall, if
you are female and were a Sun-
day School pupil of Miss Douglas
in the Hensall United Church. 1f
you were a student (female) of
Miss Douglas in Huron County -
Pnt Luck Supper will be at 4 p.m.
('ome and renew friendships from
the "Good 1)1d Days" You may
wear Centennial dress if desired
We look forward to seeing you
For further information phone
262 2512. 21c
Public Awareness Evening
Thursday May 24. 8 p.m.
Vanastra Recreation Centre. Dr.
Jon Stossie, Neurologist, Univer-
sity Hospital, speaking on Anti -
Convulsants. 21c
Bake Sale sponsored by the Ex-
eter Senior Citizen's Club. Home
of Mildred Thomson, Lal William
Street, Saturday May 26th star-
ting in the morning. 21•
We would. like to extend a
sincere thank you to relatives,
friends and neighbours for help-
ing make our 26th anniversary a
very memorable occasion.
Special thanks to Julie and Earl
for arranging the surprise dapce,
and to everyone else who helped
in any way with the ar-
rangements. Also to the surprise
shiyaree gang who woke us up
early Wednesday morning, May
16th - that we will never forget.
Also many thanks for all the
cards, gifts and flowers given to
us. We really appreciate your
Emil and Pat Hendrick. 21'
The family of the late Rachelle
LaPorte wish to express sincere
thanks and appreciation to their
relatives, friends and neighbours
for their many acts of kindness to
us in the loss of our dear wife and
mother. We gratefully
acknowledge the Mass cards, the
lovely floral tributes, donations to
the Cancer Society and Town &
Country Homemakers, sympathy
cards, funeral home visitations,
food sent to our home and the
many offers of help and support at
this time. Thanks to Michael P.
O'Connor Funeral Home and the
pallbearers. A special thank you
to Father Bensette, Father
Mooney, Father Morrissey,
Father John, Monsignor
Bourdeau, Mrs. Tillie Rau and
choir, and the C.W.L. Women for
preparing the lovely lunch.
Sincere thanks to Dr. Wallace,
Mrs. Visscher, the nursing staff:at
South Huron Hospital, the V.O.N.,
the Town & Country Homemakers
Lyn Reidy and Ruth Dawe for the
excellent care given to Rachelle
during her illness. Thank you
everyone, your thoughtfulness,
will always be remembered and
Tony LaPorte and boys. 21c
Our sincere thanks for all the
kindness, cards and flowers from
neighbours and friends during the .
recent time of sorrow in the loss
of our dear sister-in-law and aunt,
Rachelle LaPorte. Special thanks
td Nancy Rader and Deb Wilbee.
Your thoughtfulness will always
be remembered and treasured.
Paul, Angela Watson and family.
Pearl and I take pleasure in
thanking all of our neighbours on
Marlborough Street for the
generous gift on our departure
from among them.
John and Pearl Pepper. 21•
We would like to say a sincere
thanks to everyone who inquired
about Mom during her recent il-
lness. A special thanks to the
Crediton Fire Department, the
Crediton Council and the "gang"
for sending her flowers. Also to
everyone who sent cards. We're
sure it helped to speed her
recovery when she was so far
from home. To Jim Finkbeiner,
our sincere gratitude for looking
after the house and Doug
Lightfoot for blowing out the
driveway during the winter. We
will always remember your help
and gout kindneSg.'" "-� ...
Don and Joan Mantey, Tem and
Judy Glavin. 21•
We wish to thank relatives,
friends and neighbours for
flowers, charitable donations,
cards and expressions of sym-
pathy received during our recent
bereavement. Your kindness and
thoughtfulness will always be
The Postill family. 21•
1 wish to express my sincere
thanks to all my concerned
friends and relatives for gifts,
flowers, visits, cards, phone calfs
while 1 was in Victoria Hospital
and since returning home. Special
thanks also for food brought to our
home. Also for extra help from
my family. Everyone's kindness
is deeply appreciated.
Donna Corbett. 21•
The family of Don Scott extend
their thanks to all those who sent
cards and flowers and for the food
sent to the house during their re-
cent bereavement. Special thanks
to the pallbearers, Ilopper-
Hockey Funeral Home and his
friends from London. ,
The Scott family. 21•
Our sincere thanks to family
and friends for gifts, cards and
flowers during our stay in St.
Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks
to Dr. Maynard, Dr. Henderson
and the 3rd floor nursing staff.
Meghan and Brenda Gaiser. 21c
Many thanks to all our
relatives. neighbours and friends
who helped us celebrate our 25th
wedding anniversary. Thank you
for the gifts, cards, and the
shivarees We sincerely ap-
preciate all the good wishes
Glen and Marg Trout. 21c
It is with heartfelt thanks that
the family of Susanna Cann ex-
presses their appreciation for the
many acts .of kindness during
their loss. The demonstrations of
sympathy by the pastors and con-
gregation of the Exeter
Pentecostal Tabernacle; many
friends, relatives and neighbours;
the loving care in providing food
and spiritual sustenance have
helped to ease the pain of this dif-
ficult period. We praise and thank
God for the assurance that Susan-
na is now in His presence.
Bruce Cann and family. 21'
The family of the late Lorne
Finkbeiner wish to express their
sincere thanks and appreciation
to relatives, neighbours, friends.
and organizations for their kind-
ness extended to Lorne over his
many months of illness. Also for
the many acts of kindness and
sympathy to the family during the
past week when a loving father,
grandfather and great-
grandfather passed away. We
gratefully acknowledge the
beautiful floral tributes, cards,
telegrams, donations to Crediton
Zion united -Church Memorial
Fund. Special thanks to South
Huron Hospital, Dr. Gans. Harry,
Hoffman Funeral Home, Rev.
Elder, U.C.W. for their delicious
lunch and to the pallbearers for
their services. Thank you
everyone, your,kindness will he
cherished in our hearts forever.
You know who I amANKS and I kno—
who you are. Thank you ever so
much for the carnations. They
were lovely.
Your friend always. 21c
HENDRICK — In loving memory
of a dear wife, mother and grand-
mother, Lyla, who passed away
two years ago May 25, 1982.
A golden heart stopped beating
Two working hands at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove to
He only takes the best.
We wish so much that things -
could be
Just as they were before,
That you could be in your
favourite chair, Mom,
When we come through the door.
But since those special dreams of
Can never more come true,
We will be grateful for the years
We had, dear Mom, with you.
Always loved and sadly missed
by husband Edmond, family Don
and Pauline, Howard and
Yvonne, Lawrence and Carol and
len grandchildren. 21c
JOHNSTON — In loving memory
of a dear wife, mother and grand-
mother Jean, who died May 23,
Lovingly remembered by her
husband Charles, Mrs. Jean Rook
and family and Mrs. Dawn
Russell and family. 21c
TEMPLEMAN — In loving
memory of a daughter, sister and
auntie Elizabeth Jean
Templeman, who passed away
six years ago May 26, 1978.
They say that memories are
And maybe that is true,
But we never wanted memories,
We only wanted you.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you
.The day God called you home.
If tears could build a stairway
And memories a lane,
We'd walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.
Please God, take a message
To our loved one up above,
Tell Lib how much we miss her
And give her all our love.
Dearly loved and missed, Dad,
Mom and all the family. 2lx
THOMPSON — In loving memory
of my dear husband Murray, who
died June 1, 1979.
Whatever else I fail to do
I never fail to think of you,
A smile for all, always so kind
These are the memories, Murray,
You left behind
Sadly missed by his wife Ber-
nice and family and
grandchildren. 21'
--- . Mips-
Sat., June 2
For more infor-
mation call
293-3135 or
Crediton United
June 3
10:30 a.m.
Rev. Don Pietch
guest speaker
Fellowship hour to
Laura Finkbeinerand family.2lx *****441".""
Friday "Singles" Dance
• May 25(-=--9, to 1
Music by
* "Paul French and
* Rebound"
* Saturday Night
* May 26 - 9 to 1
Music by
"Canadian Country"
Call 349.2820
Harvest crews
get pay boost
Ontario Labour Minister
Russell H. Ramsay has an-
nounced that the hourly
minimum wage rates for
adult and student workers in
Ontario will rise on June 1,
The adult hourly rate cur-
rently $3.50 will rise to $3.85 on
June 1. This rate was last
revised in April of 1982.
The student rate will rise to
83.00 on June 1, 1984 from the
current 82.65 per hour. The
:student rate applies to per-
sons under 18, working 28
hours per week or less during
the school term or full-time
during school holidays.
The family of Harry and
Emily Murless are
pleased to announce
their parents 60th wed-
ding anniversary. An
Open House will be
held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Bloye, RR
4 St. Marys on Sunday
May 27 from 2-5 p.m.
For more information
please call 461-0619.
Friends and Good
Wishes Welcome.
Shillelagh Motor Hotel
Fully licenced by L.C.B.O.
• Budget motel rooms • Banquet Room, up to 300
• Weddings, anniversaries, parties for any occasion.
May Takeout Special
Buy one cheeseburg and get french fries free
Show dancer, Monday to Thursday until closing.
AI Crawford Friday, Saturday 9 - 1
May 23, 1984
Page 15A
Specializing in fresh fish dinners
from our boat to your table
Open six days a week
11:30 - 8 p.m. Closed Mondays
63 River Road, Grand Ben
Eat in or take out
I7;4.-4:7 AILIE=
tAt. • .411, .0/ • •
60th WeddingAnniversay
Mr. and Mrs. arry Murless a
house on. Ski -Hi road just off the Thorndale =o
road. Best Wishes Only! __
1111111UIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111RIttllltl llttlllttttltllltlllttllt111111111ff
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murless in-
vite all their friends and neighbours to an Open
House to celebrate their parent's 60th wedding
anniversary on Sunday, May 27 from 2 to 6 p.m.
The event will take place at their eldest
daughter's. home, Mrs. Max Bloye, the first
Get your
Exeter Lions and Lioness
Homecoming Dance
Saturday, June 9
South Huron Rec Centre 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Main Street Jug Band
Tickets available at the TA, Ellison Travel, or any Lion
or Lioness Member
$8 ticket includes a chance
on a draw for $1,000
Age of Majority Card required