HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-05-23, Page 25• Take precautions to'watch Wedn.sday'� solar by Nigel Bunce and Jim Hunt College of Physical Science University of Guelph On Wednesday, May 30 will occur an annular solar eclipse which will be seen as a substantial partial eclipse in this area. An annular eclipse Tender for Roadside Grass Cutting for Township of McGillivray - One 6' or 2 metre strip to be cut on each side of township road. - There are approx- imately 215 lineal miles - All or any part will be considered. - Sealed tenders clear- ly marked. ACCEPTED UNTIL 12:00 NOON June 4, 1984 Mr. Bruce Karr Road Superintendent R -R--3, Ailsa Craig, Ontario NOM 1A0 occurs when the apparent disk of the moon is smaller than that of the sun. When the moon passes between us and the sun it does not appear large enough to cover the sun's disk from any vantage point on earth. First contact will occur at about 11:20 a.m.. The eclipse will end at 2:14 p.m. EDT. In recent years astronomers have warned the public so insistently of the possible dangers of improper eclipse viewing that a new folklore has emerged. The oc- casion of an eclipse now elicits stories of peope who have been "told" with authority that there are special blinding rays produc- SPECIAL SORORITY AWARDS — Marie Astle receiv- ed the Order of the Rose and Phyllis Johnston was nam- ed Girl of the Year at a recent meeting of the Beta Theta Sorority. T -A photo Truckload Special Friday and Saturday Only May 25 and 26 Water Softener Salt 9 446 Main St., Exeter "c1 rlt'r K K:. ., tr. A. gZ/dietie., i7�C:XA:'Ill6C0 7/G. HOUSEHOLD ESTATE, BEAUTY SALON AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE We are pleased to offer for sale by Public Auction for an Estate from Goderich, along with Beauty Salon and Office equipment In the HENSALL ARENA: WEDNESDAY MAY 30 AT 6 PM FURNITURE: Butternut Bonnet Chest with Porcelain pulls (signed G. Diehl, Clinton); Matching Oak Dresser & Washstand; Antique Oak flat to the wall with Flour bin; Oak dining table with 6 matching chairs; 'h bed with Buroul Inlays; Dresser with mirror; Cedar chest; % box spring & mattress; Blanket box; Antique chesterfield; upholstered chesterfield & chair; Black leather recliner; upholstered recliner; Oak set Back chair; Oak kitchen table; 4 chrome chairs; book cases; Fern stands; end tablas; Oak library table; Brass Pole Tamp; pictures; lamps; smoker stand; Movie prolector screen; Jewellery boxes; Garden tools; Trestle style dining table & 6 chairs (pine). Wicker bread basket; 1165 Scientific American and 1856 Statutes of Canada books; Miniature milkglass Tamp base; two mounted English Pheasants; Egmondvllle water pitcher; Coloured sealers; Melrose Diner set; Quantity of glass i china; everyday kitchen utensils; books; Toyota rear window visor (new). KITCHEN CUPBOARD A APPLIANCES: 13' x •' "L" shaped kitchen cupboards (recently new); matching Admiral gold Fridge & Stove; Frigidaire 24" Fridge; Inglis superb 100 stove; Westinghouse apartment freezer; Simplicity spin washer; Maytag Dryer; Electrohome Air Conditioner; Alrtemp air conditioner; Zenith Colour T.V.; Oak case dehumidifier; Dehumidifier; 2 upright vacuums; Singer Pedestal Sewing Machine. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Two executive office desks with matching credenzas; two secretarial desks; three double pedestal office desks; two typewriter desks; executive chairs; steno chain; Chrome stacking chain; 4 drawer lateral filing cabinet; 4 drawer vertical filing cabinet; miniature metal fila cabinet; 4 • upright display cabinets; Black 1. White French Provincial office leatherette chesterfield & chair; black leather chesterfield & two matching chairs; Bell & Howell micro -fiche terminal. BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENT: 17 Hair dryer chairs; 5 swivel pump chain; 5 sink recliner chain; 4 swivel chain; 4 Hair wash basins; utensil trays; electric hair spray pumps; hair blowers; hot curler units; curling irons; assorted mirrors. For Further information contact Dick Robinson, Sales Manager AUCTIONEERS Dick Robinson, Bruce Rothwell, Wendy Mltton, Danny Tyndall t Kent Rothwell gg./4„,, AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS, TENDER BROKERS i BUSINESS CONSULTANTS (MWY. No.4,$RUCEFIELD, ONTARIO NOM 1J0 - 482-7181 or482-31 ed by an eclipse. This is, of course, nonsense; the only danger in viewing an eclipse is the danger which always exists when viewing the sun. The sun is something we never normally look at direct- ly. We are conditioned to keep our eyes averted from it and for a very good reason; even a brief steady gaze at the sun can cause permanent damage to the retina of the eye. Dur- ing an eclipse several things serve to heighten this danger: the fact that something in- teresting is going on increases the compulsion to stare at the sun and our aversion is over- come to some extent. Without knowing the danger, people look at the sun with optical instruments such as binoculars or telescopes. This is something which can- not be done even once as per- manent damage to the eye is the inevitable result. It is not safe ev n.to view the eclipse througme form of protec- tion w ich cuts the visible light sufficiently to permit steady viewing, because of the transmission of the invisi- ble infrared rays; this can result in literally "cooking" the cells of the eye's retina. The best way to observe the sun during an eclipse is by in- direct methods. The pin-hole camera is the simplest in- direct viewer of all. It is par - I ticularly useful if you have a south facing window into which the sun shines at noon. Cut a four inch square hole in the centre of an 18 to 24 inch square piece of cardboard. Tape a piece of aluminum foil into this square and punch a pin hole about one-eighth inch in diameter in the centre of the foil. 'Pape the card against the glass of the window and an image of the sun will ap- pear in the centre of the shadow of the card on the op- posite wall. At a distance of 10 feet, this image will be one inch in diameter. If you wish to use binoculars or a small telescope, then use them to Tiger Times from Stephen Central Tree Planting Ceremony - May 3, Stephen Central students and three guests of honour planted three white pines. The guests were Jack Riddell, MPP Huron - Middlesex, Harry Hayter, Huron County Board of Education and Robert McCall, Superintendent of Program, Huron County Board of Education. The six students who helped the guests were Julie Schade, Jason Finkbeiner, Christine Schade, Alex Russell, Susan Ratz and Dean Pfaff. The three white pines were planted for bicentennial pur- poses. (Susan Ratz and Dean Pfaff - Gr.5) A Baby Lamb Visited Kindergarten - She licked our fingers. We petted her. We fed the baby lamb her milk from a bottle. She is white. Her fur is soft, curly and fluffy. She walked around to us. She fell asleep and then we put her in her box to go home to mom. Spring Concert - A couple of days before the Spring Con- cert, May 16 were really busy. All of the primary teachers were organizing something for their children to do. Also the primary choir was learn- ing new songs. The kindergartens did a spring song with kindergarten spring flowers. There were six - kindergarten flowers. Mrs. Miller's class and Mrs. Hogarth's class put on a show called Chick Soup with Rice. Ms. Thomson's class put on a show called Mr. McGrew Zoo. My sister Lisa was a Tragle. She was all green, bumpy, slimey, and slippery. Grade 1 did two dances called Clickety Clock and Round and Round. The cheerleaders did baseball and lots of other sports cheers. Room eight did two folk dances. "Partner, Won't You Dance with Me?" and "Skip to My Lou". Last but not least there was Chris Neil. He was Master of the Ceremonies. (Jenny Robertson - Grade 3) Arbour Day - Friday May 18 Stephen Central had their Arbor Day. Each class had a different project. Room eight is going to the Hundred Acre Wood to clean up. They are going to cut off dead branches and pick up garbage. They have 25 white pine seedling to plant at the east side of the wood. (Matthew Miller Gr. 3) Pippi's Birthday Party - was funny. Room 9 ate a birthday cake for Pippi's birthday. They sang "Happy Birthday" to Pippi. Room 9 wrote a Pippi story on their own and did a painting. A couple of the adventures are written below. (Erin O'Rourke) Pippi At The Beach - Pippi saw a lifeguard. She thought it would be nice to climb up and sit with him. So she climbed up. "Hi! My name is Pippi Longstocking. What's your name?" The man didn't say his name. "Oh, don't be shy, you! Talk!" Then it got boring up there so she jumped down. Then she shouted, "When you learn to talk I'll go back!" (Doug Wilson) Pippi In A Cave - Tommy and Annika had to go home for supper. When they went home she went for a forty mile walk. She went in a cave. She met a bear. The bear would not move so she picked him up. Pippi met a dragon. She pulled his tail. She said, "What do you think you're do- ing sleeping in the path?" She Clearing Auction Sale Sat., May 26th, 12 p.m. sharp Clearing Balance of Beaver Hardware Main St., Exeter at roar of store New Westinghouse auto. dryer, small safe, typewriters, small file cabinet, games, toys, glass, china, cannister sets, wringer washer, misc. hardware, electrical, paints, shovels, commercial floor sander, edger, island and counter display cases, antique vice, small elec- tric appliances, stove pipes, TV tubes, radio speakers, table grinder and motor, hand tools, glass shelving and brackets, new G.E. floor polisher, 5000 B.T.U. air conditioner, 19" col- our Westinghouse portable TV, circulation fan and motor, fire extinguisher, rolls of wrapp- ing paper, paper holder and cutters, window glass, etc. This is partial listing of this auction. Terms cash, cheque, Visa, Chargex. Prop. Reg. Beavers Auctioneer Jack Heywood 473-3655 455-8649 Auction Sale Of farm equipment, household fur- niture, antiques, and misc. items. On Sat.m May 26, 12:30 p.m. sharp Thames Road West, Exeter, Ont. (83 Hwy.). Contents from George Smith RR 6 Parkhill and A.E. Berry, St. ,Marys Ontario. FARM EQUIPMENT: 8 ft. cultivator, 7 ft. Massey Ferguson hay rake, Massey 20 plate double disc, 2, 2 furrow ploughs, post hole auger, 4 sec. harrows and bar, bush hog rebell, 3 iron kettles, steel posts, 3 water troughs, log- ging chains, tack box. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE chesterfield and chair, tub chair, arm chairs, foot stool, stereo, colour TV, radio combination, B & W TV, large mirror, coffee table with glass top, end tables, small tables, 5 odd tables, 3 pc. bedroom suite, night table, oak office desk, steel cabinet, table and 4 chairs, 2 door frost free refrigerator, 2 radios, upright vacuum cleaner, Viking canister vacuum, elec. broom, 2 floor polishers, pillows, mats, 8 lawn chairs, garden tools, lawn mower, alum. and wood step ladders, photo enlarger, tripod, many other items. Terms cosh. For further information call Auctioneer "Norm Whiting 235-1964 or 235-1931 picked him up and moved him. (Dwayne Glanville.) Constable Marshall - came to Stephen Central on May 7 to talk to grade 6, 7 and 8 classes about drugs. We inter- viewed Randy Hoffman and he said"The Constable talked about the effects of drugs. He had some films." The Con- stable had some drugs there and showed them to the grade 6, 7 and 8 classes. (Justin Pickering and Lee Hope). eclipse project an image of the sun on a white card held behind the eyepiece. A vertical board on a 'base has a pair of binoculars clamped to it. The shadow card has a hole to ad- mit light from the sun into one side of the binoculars. If the eyepiece is racked out as far as it will go, an image of the sun can be formed on a card held behind. For standard 7x35 binoculars, this image will be about one-quarter inch in diameter and appear about four inches behind the eyepiece. Under no cir- cumstances look through the binoculars, or irrepairable damage to your eyes will occur. For direct observation of the sun, the eyes must be pro- perly protected. Sunglasses, no matter how expensive, are not sufficient nor are crossed polaroid sunglasses. The im- portant criterion for filters for the eyes is that they absorb the infrared radiation which, while not seen, can cook the eye. Number 14 welder's glass, available at any welding supply shop, is satisfactory for short periods (a few seconds at a time). Fully exposed and developed black and white negative film is sometimes suggested as a suitable filter. If this is prepared properly by a photographer who knows what he is doing, it may be satisfactory, but we do not recommend it! Projection methods are safest and best! * **4 -**4 -****4-4-4-4-4-* * Unreserved * Land Auction * For the Township of McGillivray, be- * * ing S. Part Lot 6, Concession 7, * * McGillivray Twp. corner of 81 Hwy. 2 * mi. North of Parkhill. * * Saturday, June 2, 10:00 a.m. * PROPERTY: consists of 5.2 acres, lots of trees, * * shallow well, no buildings. Lake Huron water * * available. Excellent corner lot with building per- * mits available either commercial or residential. * * For further information phone 293-3400, Mr. * Dortmans. - * TERMS: 10% down balance in 30 days. No reserve. * * AUCTIONEERS * * Hugh Filson Toni Robson 4 * 666-0833 666-1967 * Auction Sale Of Real Estate, Household Fur- niture, Antique and Misc. Items. on Saturday, June 2 - 1 p.m. sharp Two miles South of Clinton on No. 4 Hwy. for the estate of the late Mrs. Muriel Rooth. REAL ESTATE: Consists of one storey frame house, living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and three pc. bath, full basement, detached garage, new roof. This house and garage are situated on a lot approximately 132'x127', part of Lot 48 Conc. 1 of tigte Township of Tuckersmith, County of Hur-o4herovince of On- tario. Real Estate to be sold at 2 p.m., subject to a reasonable reserve bid if not previously sold. 4 TERMS: ori Real Estate, 10 percent day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Terms Cosh For further information contact Norm Whiting 235-1964 or 235-1931. Norm Whiting Auctioneer 1 Of farm equipment, household fur- niture, antiques, and misc. Items on Sat., May 26, 12:30 p.m. sharp 1/4 mile west of No. 4 on 83 Hwy. Exeter Ont. Contents from George Smith RR 6 Parkhill and A.E. Berry, St. Marys Ont. FARM EQUIPMENT & BIKES: 8 ft. cultivator, 7 ft. Massey Ferguson hay Rake, Massey 20 plate double disc, 2,2 furrow plows, post hole auger, 4 sec. harrows and bar, Bush -Hog Rebell, 3 iron kettles, steel posts, 3 water troughs, 2 hp. gas water pump, Traveline lawn sprinkler, logging chains, tack box., Honda 100 motor bike, Honda 50 motor bike. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE chesterfield and chair, tub chair, arm chairs, foot stool, 2 stereos, 1 cabinet model, colour TV radio com- bination, B & W. TV, large mirror, coffee table with gloss top, end tables, small tables, 5 odd tables, 3 piece bedroom suite, hospital bed, night table, 2 oak office desks, steel cabinet, table and 4 chairs, 2 door frost free refrigerator, 2 radios, upright vacuum cleaner, Viking cannister vacuum, elec. broom, 2 floor polishers, hair dryer, 110 volt clothesdryer, dehumidifier, record player and speakers, pillows, mats, 8 lawn chairs, garden tools, lawn mower, pool table, aquarium, slide projector and screen, alum. and wood step ladders, photo enlarger, tripod, several antiques, trunk, cooler, round parlor table and many other items. Terms Cash. For further information call Auctioneer Norm Whiting, 235-1964 or 235-1931 Times -Advocate, May 23, 1984 Ile IN ell INI VOW III MI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pinery Page 13A Sunday, May 27, 1 p.m. We will be selling a nice selection of modern and antique furnishings from a Grand Bend area home, including all major appliances. Viewing from noon day of sale. Pat Lyon Auctioneer *(******************* * Valuable Real Istate * Restaurant and Variety* *( Some stock and misc. articles by* auction. * *( Forresters Restaurant (Dining Lounge * *( Licence) in the Village of Granton - 15* *( miles north of London. * *( On Friday June 1st, 12 p.m. * * Property to be offered at 2 p.m. * .0 PROPERTY - 2 storey brick building 40' x 60', 2* • licenced dining rooms, coffee bar and variety, 2 * modern apartments upstairs with matching 1* refrigerators and stoves, utility room with heavy * duty washer and dryer, also an office, full base- * * ment, 2 forced air oil furnaces, central air condi- * * tioned, town water, pool table coin operated. * * TERMS ON PROPERTY - 10% down balance in 32 days, subject to a moderate reserve bid - terms * can be arranged prior to sale by contacting owner,* * property must be seen before sale day - no view- * * ing sale day - for information phone 225-2560. * * STOCK & MISC. - groceries, gift ware, new* restaurant dishes, frozen food, Eskamate soft ice * cream maker, glasses, old extension table * (square), original print of Queen Victoria in fan- ' * cy frame, old Supertest souvenirs, refrigerator * * and stove, propane stove and oven for trailer,* * new. This is a thriving business, numerous other* * articles - must be seen to be appreciated. Terms cash, owners or auctioneers not responsi- * ble for accidents sale day. Last ad; clip for* * reference. Hugh Filson Auctioneers Tom Robson • 666-0833 666-1967 ******************** ******************** * Excellent Furniture Auction and House Sale * For the Reverend Robert T.A. Mar- * shall, Strathroy, Ont. on County Rd. * 39 (old No. 22 highway), 1 mile east * * of Strathroy , 3 mile west of Hickory * Corners. * * On Sat., May 26th, 11 am. in the * morning * FURNITURE - modern wooden kitchen extension * - table and 2 chairs, McClary refrigerator, chester- *( field and chair, coffee table and end table, table *( * lamps, floor lamps, sectional book case, glass * * doors, Electroholm 21" coloured TV, numerous *( • books, bookshelves, fire irons, hi-fi with tape 11. deck, extra long chesterfield, Heny Herbert piano * - made by Mason and Risch, real nice, piano bench, * *( corner table, fan, humidifier, 5 piece bedroom *( * suite, Boston rocker, odd chairs, Maytag * *automatic washer, Inglis automatic dryer, upright freezer, 2 high chairs and crib, 2 small * electric ovens, electric trolling motor •12 volt, lawn * - chairs and table, 2 school desks, large piece slate * * school board, 9 x 12 rug, toboggan, cross coun- * * try skis, National Geographic magazines, Atlan- * tic monthly and Sailing magazines, 2 electric train * sets, metal shelving, dehumidifier, chest of * *( drawers, record player, desk and 2 office chairs, * *( office table and 2 typewriters, cot, numerous * * misc. articles. Terms Cash - owners or auctioneers * not responsible for accidents sale day. * Auctioneers * Tom Robson Hugh Filson * * 666-1967 666-0833 *K * * * * * * JF * * * * * ***** Consignment Auction Sale Ttsuk, tractors, farm machinery, toolsc., to be held at Lobb Bros. Machinerp Auction Yard, Bayfield Road, Clintoir, ,Ontario for Jerry Olechowski, Peter Vanderheyden, Maple Leaf Small Engines, plus local farmers. Sat., May 26 at 10 a.m. Additions to lost weeks full ad 1977 Jeep Wagoneer, 4 wheel drive, V8, air, cruise, selling as is, IHC 10'/, ft. wheel disc., Kewanee 12 ft. wheel disc., 4•row bean puller, 20 ft. single chain elevator w/undercarriage, Dion self propelled forage box, NH 717 harvester w/hay pick up and one row corn head, IHC 201 10 ft. self propelled swather w/pick up reel, New Idea hay conditioner, green chop feeder rack on wagon, trail bale stooker, bale fork for loader, Kongskilde 9 ft. 6 cultivator w/extensions and finger harrows, JD 24 T baler, New Idea steel wheel sjde rake, JD No. 5 semi mount 7 ft. mower, hay rack on running gear, 2-175 bu. bins on JD6 ton runn- ing gear, 27 ft. Benn Wing Packer w/12 ft. cen- tre, IHC 304 V8 engine w/4 speed transmission, low miles, IHC 455 four row plate planter, Kewanee 9'/, ft. trail disc., two horse tandem trailer, set of acetylene hoses and guages, MF 165 high arch diesel tractor, Case 970, Case 1070, JD 1630, White 1355, Continential post hole digger, Calsa 240 sprayer w/28 ft. boom, Geo. White 240 sprayer w/30 ft. boom, old style Haugh four wheel drive loader w/314 yd. bucket, Heston 9 ft. hay bine, Geo. White post hole digger, 3 Surge milker buckets, David Brown 1210 diesel tractor, 200 used steel posts, 14 squares of asphalt shingles, 10 ft. fertilizer auger, acetylene (orches, 1978 Honda Hawk motorcycle 400 cc., safety check, 23,000 kl., in real good condition, see last weeks paper for full listing. Sale list subject to additions and deletions. To consign , (519)482-3409 TERMS: CASH Auctlonoor: Sale Manager Richard Lobb Fred Lobb (519)482-7898 (519)482-3409