HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-05-23, Page 14PRESENT MONEY — Antoinette Pachlarz and Nancy Stokkermans pass Lynne Des-
jardine a cheque for $1,345 for the Grond Bend cancer canvass. The two ladies on
the left were representing the local CWL who raised the money in a bowlathon.
Bertha Baltessen topped the bowlers with pledges of $323.
Colonials go on spree,
trounce Pefrolia crew
The Grand Bend Colonials
went on a scoring spree Sun-
day as they blanked Petrolia
10-0 in a Level I Cup game
with seven players sharing in
the scoring.
Tony Mennen was the
leading scorer with a three
goal performance. Nick
Vandenberk was next with a
two goal effort and single
goals were booted by Alex
Haragate, Bill Van den
Bygaart, Dave Michielsen,
Kevin Simmons and Frank
The Colonials return to Lon-
don and district first division
play Sunday at 4 p.m. when
they meet Calabria at the
West Williams field.
Practices are underway for
the Grand Bend minor soccer
teams. The squirts work out
Monday' at 7 p.m. at Grand
Bend, the mosquitoes at the
same place and time on Tues-
day. The pee -bantam club
gets together Thursday at the
Klondyke and the atoms time
is Saturday from 1 to 2:3Q
p.m. at Grand Bend.
Elections were recently
held at the Grand Bend
Legion which produced the
following results: Keith
Crawford, president; Vern
Gallant, first vice-president ;
Sid Durdin, second vice-
president; Judy Roane,
treasurer; Lou Hamilton,
secretary; George Gallant,
service officer; Chuck
Howard, Sergeant -at -arms;
Art Rubery, past president.
The executive members
are Bob Hamilton, Borden
Clark,. Bud Durdin, Tony
Gaudio and Robert
Chamber of Commerce
During the last Grand Bend
and area Chamber of Com-
merce meeting, a film was
shown on the Katimavik
organization. This is a
government sponsored group
that gives young people a
chance to travel and work
across the country, spending
time in each major region of
The Chamber of Commerce
also discussed plans for mak-
ing the major weekends in the
Bend'. (Burgerfest, Canada
Day, Sandcastle Day) for
family oriented by providing
a "kiddieland" with rides.
The Optimists Club had
planned a Family Day on
Sandcastle Saturday in
August as well. This would in -
,chide food being served and
events like a Junior Super-
cross.competition, children's
tractor pull and adult tricycle
Now' village
The new Grand Bend
village hall opened to "Pomp
and Circumstance" on May
18, an appropriate day, as it
was the beginning of the Vic-
toria Day weekend, the "of-
ficial" start of the summer in
the Bend.
The project, which began
with the transferring of the
old post office to a site next to
the bank of Montreal, was in
progress for about a year and
among the well-wishers were
Ralph Ferguson, MP for
Lambton-Middlesex and the
Hon. Lorne Henderson, MPP
for Lambton.
Ferguson presented a pic-
ture of Queen Elizabeth and
Prince Philip to Reeve Bob
Sharen as a gift for the new
hall. Both Ferguson and
Henderson commented on the
growth and success of the
Grand Bend area.
The master of ceremonies
for the event was Roy
Johnson, the P.U.C. commis-
sioner and Rev. Peebles gave
the invocation. James Dalton
spoke on behalf of the former
reeves and he congratulated
the past and present councils
for their hard work and
Reeves Fred Thomas of
Bosanquet and Alan Waiper
of Stephen also offered con-
gratulations as did Rev. Jim
Sutton, chamber of com-
merce president Gene
Grenier and the warden of
Lambton county, Barbara
The special guest at the
event was Greg Morris, the
cabinet director for in-
tergovernmental relations for
the state of Michigan. Morris
said that it is the Great Lakes
that bond his area and ours
together and that his govern-
ment is committed to keeping
the Great Ickes clean. Mor-
ris also presented Reeve
Sharen with a gift for the new
Sharen spoke on behalf of
the council and thanked many
of the area businesses for
their help and cooperation. He
then, with the help of
Ferguson, Henderson, Mrs.
Horner, Johnson and Morris,
cut the ribbon to officially
open the new village hall.
After the ceremony people
toured the new building and
refreshments were served.
Bible Coffee Hour
Nineteen ladies were out for
Bible Study at Bertha Keyes'
home in Green Acres Tuesday
morning. The opening prayer
was given by Nita Sinclair,
followed with a hymn sing led
by Betty Campbell with
everyone participating.
Doris Peebles led the study
on the Beatitudes from Mat-
thew 5:9, "Blessed are the
peacemakers, for they will be
called son of God." A couple
of questions under discussion
were, "Are the peacemakers
facility offkially opened
referred to make peace in all the league prayer. Madelaine bleak and dark .things are, $131.00 for Multiple Sclerotic.
situations - spiritual and Dalton led in one decade of God is still with us. We should First Grand Bend Beaver
be ready, willing and Colony spent their May 14
prepared to do what God meeting filling bags with lit -
asks. ter from the Grand Bend
"God Lifted Me" was the Public School yard and
choir anthem. Rev. Peebles Medical Centre gounds. On
told the children a story about May 26, Beavers are remind -
"Bright in the Corner Where ed to be at the school at 9:00
You Are". It was about a Sun- a.m. if they plan to attend the
day School class who met Benmiller Camp for the day.
under the stairs. We should The ' North Lambton
try to be happy even though Chapter FGBFI will hold
things are not always the their dinner meeting this Fri -
best, and in so doing, make day at 7:00 p.m. in the
others happy. As the children Pinedale Hotel -Motel, with
left for classes downstairs, guest speaker Bruce Srigley
everyone sang "Jesus Bids from Atwood.
Us Shine". Many Canadians rejoiced
Flowers were placed in the with the Edmonton Oilers
sanctuary were in loving Saturday night when they
memory of Mrs. Mae Holt by brought the Stanley Cup back
her family. to Canada.
The Couples Club met on
Saturday evening May 12 in rVillage Flea Market
the Sunday School rooms. Saturdays, May 26
Janet Kobe read some in- to September
teresting articles on Mother's P
Day. Everyone joined in to do 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
some repair work on the Buyers and Vendors
chairs for the church. welcome. Phone 238-2396
Larry and Donna Lovie, or 238-2407. Wondergrove
Fred and Marlene Desjardine Roller Rink
and Don and Jan Kobe serv- `23 Main St. Grond Bend f
ed lunch refreshments.
political?" the rosary. A report on the
Since all Christians are CWL league convention in
called to live in peace and be Sarnia was given by Annie
.peacemakers, what personal Baltessen.
qualities enable us to make Helene Regier was
The closing prayer was
given by Irene Read.
Orpha club
A pot -luck lunch was en-
joyed at the home of Mrs.
Mildred MacLarens last
month with 15 members pre-
sent. Irene Kennedy read the
"Blackbirds Sing a Sweeter
Song" and then said grace.
Irene thanked Mildred for
having the lunch in her home
and the penny collection was
counted, proceeds going to
purchase cards for the ill and
Marj. Mason and Jeanne
Kading will conduct the next
meeting on September 24 at
Eva Allister's home.
A letter of thanks was read
from the Children's Aid in
Sarnia, followed by a poem
out of the friendship book.
Mabel Gill donated a figurine
which was won in a draw by
Gert Flear. Eva Allister
donated three prizes, won by
Alma Prance, Loreen Gill and
Olive Webb.
On Tuesday, May 15, 28
members of the Catholic
Women's League met at the
Alhambra Hall opening with
presented with a certificate of
merit by London Diocese
Council with the inscription
"In grateful recognition and
appreciation of faithful and
exceptional services."
Roberta Walker gave a
small talk and everyone who
participated in the Bowlathon
were thanked by president
Antonette Pachlarz.
Grand Bend now has 80
members; Rose VanBruane
explained the duties of con-
veners. Lunch was served by
A group. Plants were donated
by Tilly Van Leewan and
Cathie Brolyk.
The next meeting will be on
June 19 at 7:30 p.m. with
mass, meeting and bingo at
8:30. All senior citizens from
the parish are encouraged to
attend this meeting.
United Church
At the service Sunday mor-
ning, Rev. Peebles sermon
was entitled "What Do You
Desire?" with scriptures Personals
from John 5:1-15. He address Irene Kennedyhad
ed this question to the con Mother's diner in
gregation and said he feels Day
that many want to see the Jasper, Alberta. Celebrating
congregation growing in a with her were husband
spiritual renewal and Clarke, daughters Jean,
regeneration. No matter how Elizabeth and Mary Lynne,
and son Jim. The family
members were visiting Alber-
ta to attend Jim's graduation
from the University of
Calgary Medical School. On
Sunday and Monday, they
travelled from Calgary to
Jasper, stopping to tour in
Banff and Lake Louise. The
highlight for Irene was a ride
to the snow-cap' summit of a
mountain on the Jasper
tramway. -
Congratulations to Mary
Morrice on opening a branch
travel office in her home in
Southcott Pines.
Grand Bend Lions hosted
area youngsters Thursday
night at Oakwood Inn for din-
ner and movies after.
The fresh carnations sold
r' hereon May 11 and 12, raised
CUT RIBBON — The new Grand Bend village hall and office facility was officially opened, Friday. Joining in
to cut the ribbon were, from the left, Greg Morris, Lambton-Middlesex MP Ralph Ferguson, Lambton warden
Barbara Horner, Lambton MP Lorne Henderson and Reeve Bob Sharen.
FIREMEN RE -ORGANIZE — Due to the recent death of Grand Bend
fire chief Harry Hamilton, the department has been re -organized.
Prosper Van Bruaene was elected as the new chief, and somb other
members assumed new positions as well. From the left are members
of the department: first captain Don Flear, Jerry VanBruaene, chief
Prosper VanBruaene, Dwight Sheppard, deputy chief Stan Lovie, Larry
Whiting, captain George Winegorden, Gary Desjordine, troining of-
ficer Larry Taylor, Jack Stanloke, Xavier Boogemans and Clayton
Rev. Campbell in States for week
Churches welcome simmer visitors
Rev. R.G. Simpson,
formerly of . World Vision,
spoke on Sunday morning at
Church of God on the
transfiguration. Ile said that
it was proof of life after death,
because Moses and Elijah
appeared after Christ.
Rev, J. Campbell sang "1
Believe in a hill Called Mount
Rev. Campbell spent last
week at the annual retreat
and meeting of the mis-
sionary board of the Church
of God in Anderson, Indiana.
Ile is a member of the Board
of Directors.
Sunday evening, the film
entitled "The Answer" was
shown it is a true life story of
Stanley Tam, author of God
Owns My Business. •
Church filled
Father Morrissey
celebrated all the weekend
masses at the Catholic
church. Does the gospel ask
too much of us with such a
narrow path to fotlow and
then burden us with guilt
when we fail'? We are severe-
ly tempted by the things of
this world, but Jesus assures
us that there are many rooms
waiting for us in Heaven. Our
hearts are troubled by our
faults and weaknesses, but
the gospel addresses us in our
sinful human nature, to tell us
that Christ is aware of our
problems. We must have the
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hope and courage to follow
Christ, the way, the truth and
the life.
Father Morrissey would
like to welcome back all the
summer residents to be with
us for another season.
Bottles of holy water are
now available at the hack of
the church for every family to
take one home.
Over the next few weeks,
we will be having confirma-
tion in our schools. Father
Morrissey has been asked .to
give two retreat days to two
of the schools this coming
week. There will be 10
parishioners who will be
receiving confirmation at Our
Lady of Mt. Carmel School.
The CWL would like to
welcome the following new
members: Susan Lovie,
Marie DeKort, Cindy Max-
field, Sharon Srokosz, Judy
Wilson, Paul: Van Osch,
Helen Jamrozinski and Adela
Today, throughout our
Diocese, we are celebrating
what is called Land Sunday.
This provides us with the op-
portunity to reflect on God's
gift of nature and our respon-
sibility as stewards of the
resources of the land. Chris-
tian stewardship of earthly
goods in a modern society,
should involve a genuine
desire for the practice of
justice with regard to the
land. The church has always
recognized the need for
private ownership of land, for
the family farm, the ability of
• VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales a service to
Most Makes)
(For Farm £ Business)
(For lndoor 4 Outdoor Use)
VARNA, ONT. 482-7103
producers to maintain
themselves in supporting a
rural community. Since near-
ly 60 percent of the best
agricultural land lies mainly
in the London Diocese of
southwestern Ontario, it is fit-
ting that we hold Land Sun-
day in this Diocese. (Office of
Bishop Sherlock, London. )
Inquest date
is established
An inquest will be held June
6 into the death of Goderich
OPP Constable Bruce Crew
who was killed last
September when a car he had
stopped after a high-speed
chase was struck by a town
police cruiser.
A detachment spokesman
said the inquest called by cor-
oner Dr. Raymond Flowers of
Clinton will begin at 1 p.m. in
the Goderich court house and
is expected to last two or
three days.
Crew, 47, a 22 -year OPP
veteran, died when a car he
had stopped on Huron Coun-
ty Road 18, about four
kilometres east of Highway
21, was struck from behind by
a Goderich town cruiser
driven by Constable Peter
Mason, a native of Exeter.
We are open for another season
Pinery Flea Market
Open May 6 to Sept. 30
Every Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dealers Welcome
Be sure and come out •
3 miles south of Grand Bend, Hwy. 21
Phone Bob Sandercott
Grand Bend
Do your spring
clean-up early! We
will be pleased to
accept your dona-
tions for our
Yard Sale
Sat., June 9
10:00-a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Call for pidcup to
Prosper's Garage
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Proceeds for Jaws of
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Top of the line only
Hwy. 21 Grand Bend €11#4
V/Srl 238-8603
Hotson Lighting
and China
Grand Bend
now is te
time to buy
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Suggested list price.
Limited time offer
Sale ends June 2/84