HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-05-16, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, May 16, 1984
Study on Ministering
The Women's Auxiliary of
the Lucan Revival Centre
held their monthly meeting
Wednesday evening in the
Fellowship Hall of the church.
While Mrs. Carole Butler
played the piano, Mrs. Elsie
Melanson and Mrs. Charlene
Hazeen led in chorus singing.
Then they sang Bless Thou
the Lord, 0 My Soul.
Mrs. Charlene Hazeen con-
ducted a study on the
Ministering Woman employ-
ing her gifts from God. Once
a person has accepted Christ
as her Saviour, the fruit of the
Holy Spirit should be
operating in her life. Bless-
ings of spiritual gifts are
given by God becaue He
Four area
Damages were estimated
at $11,300 in four accidents in-
vestigated this week by of-
ficers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police.
Sunday at 1:10 p.m. Con-
stable Vance set damages at
$1,600 when a trailer hitch
broke on a vehicle being
driven by Joseph Roberts,
London on Middlesex road 23
and the car and trailer
entered the ditch.
At 7:15 p.m. the same day,
a vehicle driven by Mark
Pyne, RR 2 Ilderton was
damaged to the extent of
$2,000 when it was -struck by
an unknown vehicle 'on
Adelaide street. Constable
Chapman investigated.
Vehicles driven by Barbara
Scott, Hyde Park and Robert
Clarke, London collided on
Concession road 5-6 at 10:10
a.m. Tuesday. Constable
Stables listed damages at
Friday at 7:30 a.m. a vehi-
cle driven by James Graham,
London went out of control on
Highway 4 and hit the ditch.
Constable Briggs estimated
damages at $1,500.
During the week, officers
charged three persons with
impaired driving and four 12
hour suspensions were issued
and two other persons were
charged with Liquor Licence
Act violations.
loves us, not just because we
are good.
Mrs. Hazeen discussed
several of the spiritual gifts.
Next month she plans to con-
tinue the study of these gifts,
that can be used in a Chris-
tian's life as God wills. A light
lunch was served at close of
the meeting.
Sunday morning Bruce
Thomson, Mrs. Marlene
Thornton, and Mrs. Lorraine
Armitage sang It is Well with
My Soul, accompanied by -
Mrs. Armitage playing the
Mr. Thomson, as guest
minister spoke from 2
Timothy 4:5-18. From verse 7
Mr. Thomson showed how
some Christians have such a
defeatist attitude. Because
the Christian life is a fight
against the enemy satan,
Christians need a Christian
Christians need to be equip-
ped spiritually even though
the battle is the Lord's. Mr.
Thomson told of a girl he met
in the delinquent girls home.
She was a satan worshipper,
very foul mouthed, dressing
in black. Mr. Thomson
witnessed to her that satan
was not the one with all
power. He ,and his wife
brought her to church with
them one Sunday morning,
where she saw someone
This really impressed her.
She had her tattoo removed
put on good clothes even
before going to church, from
their witness to her. She went
to church again, and accepted
Christ as her Saviour. She is
now living with a Christian
family, serving the Lord.
A defeatist attitude is not of
God. In a battle to serve the
Lord against satan, things
somtimes may go wrong,
even though nothing is wrong
in our lives for the Lord.
When we resist satan he has
to flee. Matthew 16:18 states
the gates of hell will no
prevail against the church of
Jesus Christ. As a Christian
becomes stronger serving the
Lord, the light of Jesus Christ
will shine from them.
The way to make us strong
Christians is to study the word
of God.
Sunday evening Bruce
of Kincardine and Mert Culbert of Lucan check the agen-
da for an Atlantic Ocean crossing Mrs. Austin and three
others are beginning May 24 in a 34 foot sailboat. Her
husband and Culbert were buddies in the Canadian
Navy in the Second World War.
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Thomson accompanied
himself on the guitar as he
sang "Here Am I." He then
sang "The Circuit Riding
Preacher." Before preaching,
Mr. Thomson sang a song he
wrote, "If You've Never
Known the Love of Jesus."
He ministered from 1 John
5:7-19. There are four things
of perfect love named here -
a source, a standard, a circle,
and a security. Man's love is
imperfect as it is man's love.
Verse 7-8 tell us love is of God,
as God is the only source of
perfect love. Man's love can
destroy by distortion when
lust takes over. Jesus com-
manded that we love one
another, as He loved us, and
gave Himself for us. The very
highest quality of love is com-
plete sacrificial love, as Jesus
gave. This very high standard
of love is for us to reach too.
The circle of love from
verse 16 shows that God is
love, that we dwell in love,
that we dwell in God, and God
in us. The more we move in
this circle by love, by confess-
ing Jesus the'more start see-
ing past people's faults.
The security of perfect love
is not found in the world
because people let you down.
Verse 17 tells us because our
love is made perfect, we have
boldness in the day of judge-
ment. We then can have no
fear of dying, when we are
secure in the perfect love
Jesus offers. Verse 19 says we
love God because He first lov-
ed us.
Upcoming events - Tuesday
at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Roger
Mason continues the study on
the end times. May 30, at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday, will be held
the annual Blossom Tea at the
church. Guest speaker is to be
Mrs. Charles Hazeen. Special
music will be provided by
Mrs. Marlene Thornton.
Crafts to be shown by Mrs.
Carmina Thomson. All ladies
is successful
The Lucan branch of the
Canadian Bible Society held
their walkathon-bikeathon
Saturday on a beautiful day,
starting at 9:00 a.m. Starting
point in Lucan was the United
Church. In Granton their
walkers and bikers started
from Granton United Church
to Lucan United Church and
back with Lucan reversing
President Jim Robertson
gives a good report of the
results. The goal was $2,000 to
raise money for blind people
in Taiwan to have Scriptures
on cassettes. Mr. Robertson
feels sure they raised that
The participants enjoyed
the hot dog lunch after they
returned. Mr. Robertson will
take the highest score boy and
girl to a Blue Jay's game in
Toronto. The top Senior
Citizen, who walked from
Lucan United Church to
Lucan Arena and back will be
treated to a dinner at a
restaurant in Lucan.
The oldest walker was Mrs.
Amelia Graham who was 81
years young in February this
year. She has gone on the
Senior Citizen' walk since it
started. The enthusiasm for
the bikeathon-walkathon was
very good. The Lucan ex-
ecutive wishes to thank all
who took part.
Training for
Nurses who will be in atten-
dance at the Breast Self Ex-
amination Clinic, at the
Lucan United Church, Tues-
day, May 29 from 1 to 9, held
a training session on Tuesday
evening, at the church. The
film "it's Your Choice" was
viewed and some of the
nurses became patients and
then reversed the procedure
so that each nurses was
enabled to perfect her exper-
tise to assist those attending
the clinic. You will protect
your health by doirtg so.
The Clinic is being co-
sponsored by the Lucan-
Biddulph Branch of the Cana-
dian Cancer Society and the
Lucan Women's institute.
The film will be shown,
followed by each person at-
tending carrying through the
instruction in the film,
• assisted by a trained nurse.
Refreshments will be served
and child care is provided.
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WALKING FOR BIBLE SOCIETY — A Targe number of Lucan and Granton residents
participated in a walkathon and bikeathon Saturday for the Canadian Bible Socie-
ty. Shown walking from Lucan are Janet Joyce, Angie Sire, Mary Holden and Patti
Hodgkin. T -A photo
and district news
At Anglican Church
Mothers Day celebrated
Warmly greeting the con-
gregation at Holy Trinity
Anglican Church and wishing
each mother a "Happy
Mother's Day" were Elsie
and Dean Gibson.
On this day the 133rd ses-
sion of the Synod of the
Diocese of Huron convenes.
At the request of the new
Diocesan Bishop, Derwyn D.
Jones, each parish celebrated
a "Parish Communion Ser-
vice" with special' in-
tercessory prayers for the
work of Christ's Church in the
Diocese, in the parishes, and
individually. At the Annual
Synod :service held at St.
Paul's Cathedral Bishop Der-
wyn D. Jones was installed as
the Ninth Bishop of Huron.
Reader of the First Lesson
was Betty Ankers. Lay
Delegate to Synod, Marion
Hodgins, read an Epistle
from the new Diocesan
Bishop. He specifically asked
for our prayers and support
as he beeins his new ministry
His hope is that we grow dai-
ly in our mutual commitment
to God and help each other to
deepen our discipleship, look-
ing unto Jesus, the author and
finisher of our faith."
Sharing their God given
gifts with us were Mary and
Peter Lawson as they
ministered in song. Peter
sang the beautiful "When I
Survey The Wondrous Cross"
and together they sang "Love
Divine All Love Excelling".
Their home parish is Bishop
Cronyn Memorial in London.
Assisting Rev. Pocock with
the administration of Com-
munion was Andy Van Geel.
Rev. Pocock's message
was based on the Gospel from
John 10:1-10. This gives us a
beautiful picture of the rela-
tionship that exists between
the Good Shepherd and His
sheep. We who are His sheep
Seniors entertain
A really "fun" afternoon
was enjoyed by seniors from
Ailsa Craig, Granton and Il-
derton when the Sunshine
Club of Lucan hosted a
dessert euchre, scrabble and
UNO, at the Community Cen-
tre, May 7.
Ed Dowdall welcomed
everyone and was able chair-
man for the afternoon. A skit
"Food for Thought" was
presented by Greta Gibson,
as narrator, Aunt Martha, a
farm wife played by Mary
Davis, her cousin, 'Irma'
from the city, Agnes Hotson,
with her bratty daughter
Lulu, played by Iva Hodgins.
Euchre prizewinners were
high scorers, Edith Kennedy
and Norman Reith from the
Ilderton Club, Lone Hands,
Rose Atkinson and Percy
Williams from the Lucan
Club, and low score, Dorothy
Burdick and MabelHenderson
from Ilderton. Scrabble was
won by Greta Gibson and
UNO by Iva Hodgins, both of
Lucan. The birthday prize
went to Inez McRoberts of
Helen Loft, president of the
Ilderton club, on behalf of all
the visitors thanked the,
Lucan members for their
know how often we stray. but
we also know how the Good
Shepherd lovingly draws us
back to Himself. God loves
and cares for each of us. Our
Lord makes it clear that He is
the door, the way, the en-
trance into a new life.
All women of the churches
in Medway Deanery are
reminded of the evening
planned for May 23 at St.
Aidan's, London, beginning at
7:30 p.m. For transportation
contact Marion Hodgins,
Seniors plan
fashion show
Members of the Sunshine
and Busy Buddies groups held
their regular meeting in the
clubrooms in the Masonic
Hall Thursday afternoon with
president Ed Dowdall
Fashion Network branch
manager June Taxon, of Lon-
don, will show fashions for
seniors, Tuesday afternoon
June 12 at 2 p.m. in the
downstairs Club Room. All
seniors, or near seniors, are
invited to share in this -after-
noon of fashions. Commission
will be paid the club on sales
Sizes will include petite to
extra-extra large. Members
will "model" co-ordinates,
dresses, jumpsuits, etc. Birth-
day wishes were extended to
Mary Scott in absentia, and
two readings were given by
Marjorie Steeper, "Senior
Citizen on the Run" and one
in honour of Mothers' Day
"Mother's Kitchen."
Euchre was convened by
Baptismal at United
Several families brought
their children for baptism to
Christian Family service on
'Sunday at Lucan United
Church. Mr. Brown baptized
Emily Jane Barr, daughter of
Robert and Catherine Barr;
Nicole Victoria Dann,
daughter of Russell and Mary
Dann; Matthew James
-Daubs, son of Dennis and
Vicki Daubs; Brianna and
Robyn Gatt, twin daughters
of George and Sandra Gatt;
Donald Scott Jeffery Park,
son of Jeff and Diane Park;
Nathan Thomas Reed, son of
Bruce and Nancy Reed; and
Devin Lee Scott, son of John
and Virginia Scott.
A special "Three Genera-
tion Women's Choir" directed
by organist Helen Stanley
was another highlight of the
service. Beth and Don Miller
with sons Michael and
Timothy welcomed the con-
gregation as they arrived,
and later received the offer-
ing. Barb Bannerman read
the Scripture, and Linda
Froats was in charge of the
children's story time.
She told the children the
true story of Hannah, to
whom God gave a little son
Samuel, in answers to her
prayers. Hannah was proud
of her son and glad that he
learned to listen to God and to
hear Him speak to him. Lin-
da encouraged the children to
express their love• to their
mothers, and to make them
happy by loving and serving
God as Samuel did. Sandra
Ivfunro, assisted by the Junior
Helpers, took charge of the
children during Junior
congregation. -
Mr. Brown spoke on the
theme, "Why this Waste?"
He based his message on the
story of Mary's lavish gift of
perfumed ointment which she
poured out on Jesus' feet.
Some disciples felt her gift
was a waste and failed to see
its true significance as an ex-
pression of love to Him. But in
God's Kingdom, we are call-
ed to pour out our lives for
Him; only so will we find true
This principle holds true for
motherhood. Many today feel
that the monotonous tasks of
child -raising constitutes a
waste of a woman's gifts and
talents. Mr. Brown expressed
the view that child-rearing is
the most .productive and
challenging task a woman
can undertake, if she has the
right attitude to it.
In the home she becomes
physician, teacher, influence
Betty Sutherland and prizes
were won as follows: high
scores Mary Kooy and Percy
Williams, lone hands, Rose
Atkinson and Joe Carter; low
scores, Lydia Regier and
John Loynes. The craft prize
was won by Iva Hodgins.
Lunch was served by
Jackie Loyens and Laura and
Percy Williams.
on the future d the world, and
example of true religion as
she lives out her faith before
her child. To her is given the
challenge of teaching her
child to share that faith and
know her Lord. Mr. Brown
challenged mothers present
to be willing to be "wasted for
God" in their families.
Donna Vanarenthals ar-
ranged. and placed several
lovely baskets of spring
flowers in the sanctuary for
this special service. In addi-
tion, the Young family placed
a pot of white mums in loving
memory of Isobel and Eva
Coming Events
The Friendship Unit of
U.C.W. meets Wednesday
evening at 8:30 in the C.E.
wing of the Church. Donna
Vanarenthals will be doing a
repeat of her Learning for
Lent session on "The Artistic
Use of Scarves". All ladies of
the charge are invited.
"Prayer Break" meets in the
C.E. wing Wednesday at 12
noon. All are invited to bring
a bag lunch and join in prayer
for God's blessing on our
homes, community and
Prayer and Share
Fellowship meetings at 9:45
Thursday morning in the C.E.
Wing. Next Sunday there will
be the monthly hymn sing
preceding the service.
REX WIN LEAGUE TITLE — The league championship
of the Lucan men's bowling league was won by Rex
team. Back, left, Bill Morley, Wes Hickson and Ray
Hands. Front, Jack Hardy and Don Mills. Missing were
Art Hodgins and lorry Decaluwe. T -A photo
Mr. Harvey S. Percy
Royal Canadian Legion
Suite 219, 660 Ouellette Avenue
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 1C1
Will be visiting Branch No. 540, Lucan on
May 23, 1984 at 12 noon to 12:30 p.m.
Anyone wishing information, advice or
assistance. regarding: - -
(a) War Disability Pension;
(b) Treatment for entitled veterans;
(c) Benevolent Funds;
(d) War Veterans Allowances, including
Widows, or appeals against adverse
W.V.A. decisions.
is requested to contact the Branch Service Of-,
ficer or Secretary of the local Branch, whose
name appears below, to arrange an
Sid Daley, Service Officer
139 Kent Street,
Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0
Tel: 227-4751
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