HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-05-16, Page 9Times -Advocate, May 16, 1984
New families welcomed to Zurich and district
Welcome to new
parishioners of St. Boniface
Parish, Mr. and Mrs. John
Verhoeve of Hensall and Mr.
and Mrs. Claude •Emmond,
RR 3 Zurich. Welcome to
town the family living on the
corner of Walnut St., Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Zimmerman and
son Nathon, formerly of
Changes about town which
will be of interest to our
former out-of-town Zurich
friendsand readers. We once
again have a lovely new hard-
ware store in the village,
thanks to Lou Schilbe and
family who are located in the
former Stade and Gascho
stores which is now one big
The Advance newspaper of-
fice has been moved to the
former Oesch shoe store
building, and Cleve
Gingerich's (G.C. Farm
Supply) is now located in the
former Hamather car
building and garage beside
the arena.
Due to the lack of interest in
donating articles for the Auc-
tion Sale it will not beheld this
coming Saturday as planned,
They will still take anyth ing
you have to give away and
hopefully can have it at a
later date to raise money for
the Hay Township ball dia-
mond (people are probably
just too busy right now).
• Remember the Bingo being
held tomorrow night Thurs-
day May 17 at 8:00 p.m. at the
Zurich Community Centre.
The doors open at 6:45 p.m.
with an Early Bird game at
7:45. These bingos will be held
every two'weeks.
Congratulations to Earl and
Anne Flaxbard who
celebrated their 39 wedding
-anniversary on Saturday.
They were Mother's Day
dinner guests on Sunday with
their daughter and son-in-law
Shirley and Ross Cooper and
family in Ingersoll.
Lions club
The new executive for the
Lions club are: past president
Doug O'Brien; president
Richard Erb; first vice
Wayne Meidinger; second
vice Norm Koehler; third
vice Louis Willert; secretary
Pat Bedard and treasurer
Kevin McKinnon.
One year directors are:
Carl Finkbeiner and Wes Cox -
on; two year directors Isidore
Laporte and Morris Webb.
Lion Tamer is Doug Erb and
Tail Twister is Don Oke with
Bulletin editor being Doug
A few Lions and their wives
attended the 60th anniversary
celebrations of the Strathroy
Lions club last Saturday, May
Vic Dinnin won the 50/50
draw at a recent meeting.
Volunteers are still needed
for driving "Meals on
Wheels" to people in town
that are prepared at the Rest
Home at noon hour. If you can
drive one or two times a week
would you please phone
Russell Grainger at 236-7724.
Club members are invited
to a Lobsterfest by the Strat-
ford Lions on May 25, and the
M.D.A. convention in Niagara
Falls at the end of May
June 8, 9 and 10 is the se-
cond annual slo-pitch tourna-
ment here in Zurich.
Zurich W.I.
Education was the topic for
the May meeting of the
Womens Institute. Joan
Smith gave the history of
education dating back to3000
B.C. In 1500 A.D. there were
80 upiversities in Europe. The
first Canadian university was
in Quebec in 1663.
Edith Hohner read a poem
When Dad was Young. Dur-
ing the business Edith
Hohner, Joan Smith and Ina
Neeb were appointed
delegates to the district an- •
nual in Dashwood. Joan read
the fall fair list Focus on Corn
which consists of 1. Johnny
Cake, 2. Harvest wall or door
decoration using corn, 3.
flower arrangement using
corn, 4. corn husk doll, 5. ser-
ving of corn chowder.
It was agreed to send $25.00
to the Diabetic Association
and $50 to the day care at
Huronview. .
Ina Neeb gave a report of
the three-day officers con-
ference she had attended in
Waterloo where 560 W.I.
members took part in discus-
sion groups, listened to
speakers, saw the operetta
`Patience' and some took a
trip to the home of Erland
Lee, the co-founder of
Women's Institute. Edith
Hohner reported the fall ral-
ly will be October 1 and the
area convention November 1
and 2 in St. Marys.
Maria Mathonia had a
display of braided rugs she
made and showed how to
make them.
Congratulations to Nancy
Overholt and Joe Becker who
were married on Saturday at
St. Boniface Church by
Father Mooney and Father
Buchanan from Stratford,
followed by dinner and recep-
tion held at the Hensall
Recreation Centre with music
by Country Unlimited.
The bride is the daughter of
Phil and Vonnie Overholt,
Zurich and the groom is the
son of Bill and Nancy Becker,
Dashwood. On return from a
honeymoon to the Pocono
Mountains the happy couple
will be living at RR 2
The students at Ecole Ste.
Marie will be holding a bake
sale on Sunday, May 20 after
Mass in the parish hall on the
Blue Water (St. Peter's
Church) to raise funds for
their end -of -the -year school
trips. It would be appreciated
if parents of the students,
would bring their baked goods
to the hall before Mass.
May we offer our sincere
sympathy to the family of the
late Mrs. Racheile Laporte
who passed away last Tues-
day, especially to her hus-
band, Tony and children Dan-
ny and Lindsay.
A baby shower was held
recently for Sandra and little
Jason Desjardine at the home
of Carolyn Rau, which was at-
tended by her co-workers
from the Blue Water Rest
Home. She received many
useful and nice gifts.
Those attending the 64th an-
nual London Diocese C.W.L.
convention in Sarnia last
Tuesday and Wednesday at
the Canterbury Inn were:
Cecilia Farwell and Bridget
Groot from St. Boniface and
Mrs. Joe Regier and Sharon
Durand from St. Peter's
Parish. Guest speaker was
Jean Mahoney from Regina
and Bishop Gervais spoke at
the banquet.
r t lilt.,
CAKE RAFFLE — Belle Merner (left) and Ross Regier
sold tickets on a fancy cake at the Blue Water Rest
Home Auxiliary's tea and bake sale.
PLANTS FOR SALE — Ann Watson (Ief t)- and Blanche
Bechard were in charge of the plant to tze+'at the Blue
Water Rest Home Auxiliary's tea and bake sale. -
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A PURCHASE — Marlene eGigerich (right) bought an
apron from Annie Finkbeiner at the Blue Water Rest
Home Auxiliary's tea and bake sale.
• I
HAVE A COOKIE — Gertie Fleischauer (left) offers a
plate of cookies to Martha Ducharme at the Blue Water
Rest Home Auxiliary's tea and bake sale.
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BAKE SALE — Rita Vanderburgt (left), convener Margaret Gingerich, Mary Lou
'Erb and Anne Flaxbard hold some of the goodies offered for sale at the Blue Water
Rest Home Auxiliary's tea and bake sale.
Celebrate 40th anniversary
A large anniversary party
was given to Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Regier Saturday
afternoon May 5 in honor of
their 40th anniversary begin-
ning with the Holy Sacrifice of
the Mass in St. Boniface
Church, Zurich at 2:30 p.m.
with Rev. Paul Mooney of St.
Boniface Parish officiating.
The attendants of 40 years
ago were Mrs. Marcella
Overholt of Zurich,
bridesmaid and John Camp-
bell, Dashwood as best man,
who were both there to
celebrate the special
Their grandchildren were
participating during Mass as
follows: Patty Regier was
Gospel reader, Wayne and
Christopher Regier were
RABBIT TREATMENT -- Mother Rabbit (Angela Clarke)
treats son Peter (Kevin Beierting) for stomach ache in
rehearsal for the Zurich Public School's Thursday even-
ing concert Music in Fantasy.
It hardly seems fair that
mothers had to tolerate a
snow storm to celebrate their
special day.
Last Tuesday evening, the
residents enjoyed a musical
program and fashion show
presented by the Junior
Members of the Mennonite
Sunday School, followed by
Now that housecleaning
time is here, perhaps you
might have nylons or panty
hose which are beyond wear-
ing that would be very useful
for our residents' projects in
the Hobby Shop.
A video program was en-
joyed on Wednesday evening.
Residents who were out
during the week were Messrs.
hinpJ e4 ,
Stephen Molnar, Aaron
Gingerich, Loftus Denomme,
Mrs. Erma Gascho, Mrs.
Mary McLay, Mrs. Ruby
lloggarth and Mrs. Hilda
Bingo was played on Friday
evening followed by
A large number of ladies at-
tended the Saturday Mother's
Day Tea and Bake Sale here
at the Home. A thank you is
extended to all who attended
the event, donated baking for
the safe and the tea room and
plants for the plant sale. The
Mother's Day cake was won
by little Shaun Simpson of the
Kirkton area.
Due to an oversight, the
chapel service was cancelled.
Altar Boys, Robert and
Gerard Rau ushered in
guests, Karen Boisvert,
Raymon Regier. and Tyler
Van Oosterhout presented gift
The choir was the "Miller
Sisters" of Dashwood.
A delicious dinner was serv-
ed in the Hensall Community
Centre after which a private•
reception followed.
Joe Gelinas, formerly from
out West visited on Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Gelinas and
Page 9
other family members as he
is now living and working in
Toronto and will be joined by
the rest of his family in July.
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