HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-05-02, Page 25Tired of Paying Too Much 413 for Car Insurance? r1 ..�IIUtt11 • CP .7 rc1 66. • .19 Many area residents have already taken advantage of /ETNA CANADA'S competitive premiums for careful drivers. Lor your no obligation quote contact � 2 Moore gip, Lori J miled .1711Ir ("CC/Ng() .c ',ANN In 414 Main St. S., Centre Moll Telephone (519)235.2211 • AL�• YA `,�. 7 • SENIOR POSTER WINNERS — Receiving the Crediton firemen poster contest prizes ore Dean Pfaff, Dwayne Hayter and Paul Nutt of Stephen Central from fireman John Pritchard. T -A photo Cancer canvass 'underway By MRS. PETER MARTIN Crediton Monday evening six ladies from the United Church Women travelled to Wingham to attend the Presbyterial events night. A panel discuss- ed pornography in film and magazines. Jane Fairhart• a former Euchre at Centralia By MRS. TOM KOOY Centralia The euchre party at the community centre was well attended with 12 tables playing. Winners were: -high score Jessie Lewis and George Cun- ningham, lone hands Irene Oesch, Joe Carter; low score Pearl Taylor, Kay Armstrong (playing a man's card). The next party on May 7 will be convened by Bill and Elizabeth Lamport and Larry -and Mary Cronyn. Mr. and Mrs. Doug McLellan spent the weekend with Doug's mother Mrs. Doris McLellan of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cronyn of town and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith, Crediton spent last weekend in Las Vegas. Tom and I were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carroll on Saturday evening. Harry Carroll was celebrating his 80th birthday. Mrs. Clara Cunnington spent five days Last week with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and family, Listowel. THE CASE FOR GOOD BUSINESS SENSE. Visit us in Exeter Every Wednesday REPRESENTATIVE: • Bruce Gagnier Isimply makes good sense to meet.with the representative of / the Federal Business Development Bank who will soon be in your area. There is no obligation and no cost to you. And there is so much you could gain for your bt tness. Come talk with us if you could use financial aid, in the form of loans, loan guarantees or even selling an equity position in your business. We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course of growth and success for your business. And we can provide you with direction to government assistance, both federal and provincial, as well as other vital information. For an advance appointment call: 271-5650 (collect) ti! write; 1036 Ontario Street Stratford. Ontario 41 Federal Business Banque federale Development Bank de developpement Ynul future is our guarantee Canada lada member of the censor board was guest speaker. Mrs. Mary Elder, ,Mrs. Marie Fydenchuk, Mrs. Nola Ratz, Mrs. Evelyn Pickering, Mrs. Eleanor Roeszler and Mrs. Leila Finkbeiner attended. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber and Shelley have returned home from a holiday in Orlan- do, Florida. • The Crediton Lions Club -are canvassing the area for the Canadian Cancer Society: Canvassers are Cam Stewardson, Jack Jesney and Norm Evelarid. The ham bingo sponsored by the Lions Club netted $300 which will be applied to the purchase of four tents for the Boy Scout's troop. Tennessee Country sup- plied the music for the Social Club dance Saturday evening. Lunch was provided by Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cottel and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin. The next meeting will be May 14. The Crediton ball clubs held registration last Thursday evening. Approximately 55 youngsters signed up in an- ticipation for the forthcoming season. Slo-pitch teams are warm- ing up on the diamonds. It looks like a good baseball season this year for both players and spectators. Dashwood men entertain ladies • By MRS. IRVIN RADER Dashwood Men's club held ladies' night April 27 at Dashwood Community Centre when 34 men and 34 guestssat down for a delicious turkey supper. President. Wayne Ratz conducted a short business meeting. The sum of po was donated to "Bunny Bundle". Tom Ilayter introduced the guest speaker Miss Helen Brand who spoke on Colours. Dancing followed and everyone had a good time. Personals Judy 'Thurman, Joan Cox - on, Cathy McCarthy, Anne Cartmell and Judy Thompson have returned home following a most enjoyable two week vacation in Africa, Spain and Paris, France. Recent visitors with Mrs. Aldene Wolfe were Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and ('laudine, 'Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wolfe and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Parker and family, London; and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wolfe and family. Dorchester. . Mr. and Mrs Fred Sanders and family. London, and Mrs. Margaret Carlisle, Goderich were recent visitors with Mrs. Cindy Keller. ,Joe and Judy Simpson and Patricia, Mississauga, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Gerald Mason. P.O. Box 160p, Exeter. Ontario NOM 1S0 7 Times -Advocate, May 2, 1984 Tkaniu- Road ladles attend Prosbyt•rIaI By MRS. WILLIAM IONISE Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Mrs. Mac Hodgert, Mrs. George Kellett, Mrs. Gladys Miller, Mrs. Bill Rohde, Mrs. Lee Webber went on the bus Monday evening to Wingham United Church where they at- tended the Special Events Night of the Huron Perth Presbyterial United Church Women ,Mrs. Bill Morley, Zion, Mrs. Howard Pym, Elimville, Rev. Robert Matheson and Bill Rohde attended Presbytery Tuesday evening at Gorrie United Church. Mrs. Dorothy Heard, St. Marys was a guest Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett. For supper they were all guests with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Knight and Lindsay, Hensel'. Lindsay was celebrating her second birth- day which was April 26. Several from this com- munity attended Open House for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis at Kirkton Woodham Community Centre, Sunday afternoon. The occasion was their 40th wedding anniver- sary. Congratulations Harold and Wilma. Mr. and Mrs.Mel Blundell, Mark and Craig, London had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Don Richardson, Erin, Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Calvir, Rohde, Kippen. Grade seven pupils of Usborne Central School are at Camp Sylvan from Monday until Wednesday of this week. Church service Rev. Robert Matheson took charge of the second Sunday of Easter Church service on Sunday morning. He told the children a story entitled "Peace". God's Word Shared in Scripture was read by the ministerActs 2:42-47,1 Peter 1:3-9, John 20:19-31. The ser- mon was entitled "Need News of a Faith Lift." The story in John 20:19-31 is often referred to as the story of Doubting Thomas. Usually we think of Thomas' greatest doubt (wing as to whether the other disciples really did see Jesus after His death. How could Jesus be alive after they had witnessed His death? But there could have been another doubt in the mind of Thomas. Why had Jesus ap- peared only to the other C edl i n East By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Jack Dye and Mrs. Gordon Slaght have returned home from Victoria Hospital, London. Ms. Katherine Bullock and John Arbo, Kirkton were married Friday in Kirkton. A reception was held at Crediton Community Centre. They will reside at Kirkton. Theresa Dietrich, Zurich and Stephen Finkbeiner, Crediton were married Satur- day at Zurich. A reception was held at South Huron Rec Centre. They will reside in Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator were Sunday sup- per guests With Mrs. Edward Regele RR 4 Walton. . Mrs. Ed Regele and Nor- man Hubley' RR 4 Walton were Thursday guests of Stan and Shirley Preszcator and Brenda Glanville. disciples and not to him? Was Themas, for some reason or another, to remain isolated or separated not only from the other disciples but from God as well? Jesus' resurrection is the point of birth of the Christian Church. The apostles carried His message of rebirth throughout the world. The world, following Jesus' resur- rection is a world recreated! Jesus was resurrected for us Clandeboye girls ride for Cdncer Pat Hodgins and Marilyn Groenewegen participated in the "'Ladies Ride for Cancer" in Strathroy on Sunday. Many thanks to their generous spon- sors from this area. Dave and Eleanor Kestle arrived home Sunday after spending several months in Florida. Tony Vanderhoek has pur- chased the Rupert Williams farm and Hazel Williams has moved to 152 Nicoline Ave. in Lucan. The Clandeboye Women's Institute joined with Lucan W.I. to sponsor the Blood Clinic on Tuesday evening in the Community centre. Grateful thanks to the many donors and all who helped with the various duties to make it a- tremendous success. Anniversary services in Clandeboye United Church will be held next Sunday, May 6 at 11 a.m. with Peter Snell, student assistant of Exeter United Church as guest speaker. Lucan congregation have withdrawn their service and are asked to attend ser- vice at Clandeboye. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION 'OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Stephen passed By -Law 12-1984 on the 17th day of April, 1984, under Sec- tion 34 of The Planning Act, 1983 And take notice that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the - 'Township of Stephen, not later than the 22nd day of May, 1984, a notice of appeal setting out the oL;:sction to the by-law and the reasons in sup- port of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by -low, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and Key Maps showing the location of the lands to which the by:law applies is provided below. The complete by-law is available for inspection at my office during regular office hours. DATED at the Township of Stephen this 17th day of April, 1984. Mr. Wilmar Wein Clerk -Treasurer Township of Stephen Box 100 CREDITON, Ontario NOM IMO 519-234-6331 The explanation and purpose of this by-law is to regulate the use of lands and the character, location, and use of buildings and structures, and to prohibit certain buildings and structures in various defined areas of the Township of Stephen. The zoning by-law implements the Stephen Township Secondary Plan and provides for specific land use regulations to ensure that the policies of the Secondary Plan are realized. A summary of the contents of the by-law are as follows: Section 1 - presents the administrative details, a summary table of the Zones, Symbols and Section Numbers. Section 2 (Definitions) provide terms used for reference, to specify the meaning of the terms used in the by -low. There ore also diagrams which explain lot and building terms. Section 3 - General Provisions - This section applies to all lands in the Township of Stephen. It deals with such issues as non -complying uses, non- conforming uses, parking requirements, planting strips, etc. Sections 4 through 32 - Land Use Zones - present the various land use zones. It is in these sections that the various uses of land are given and the various provisions governing the use of land ore presented. Section 33 - Separation Distance Tables - This section includes the for- mulas and tables for calculating the minimum separation distances in agricultural areas. Schedule "A" - The schedule consists of an. index map and numerous detailed key maps which cover the entire Township. On these key mops are found the land use zones which correspond to Section 4 through 32 of the text of the by-law. This by-law applies to all lands within the Corporation of the Township of Stephen as shown on the map below. r' r'41111111. - -4 0 H S .1 ,a III —661. .4 -, '0 1 t . north ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.: Copies of the by -taw have been sent for in- formation purposes, to all owners of property and tenants in the Township of Stephen as indicated on the latest revised assessment roll. all to tell us our being human is no longer reason to be separated from God. In the end Thomas is reunited with the other disciples in the Upper Room. Thomas Is reunited in faith, because he too sees Jesus following His resurrection first hand. Just as the apostles were reunited, our modern church is called to be united in faith and in action. The disciples journeyed out in faith to establish the church in such far away places (from Israel) as England and Ireland. Rev. Robert Matheson spoke for a few minutes, on Minute for Mission Development. Next Sunday, May 6 the rite of baptism will be observed during the church service at 11:15 a.m. On location or Studio Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY • COMMERCIAL - PORTRAITS - WEDDINGS GROUPS PUBLICITY Mounting and Laminating ...w M• da*M,,R.,PM,w would Yewlu..,ap+. d,Jn Telephone 235-1298 137 Thames Rd. East Exeter, Ont. The May meeting of the United Church Women will be held Monday May 7 at 8 p.m. Bridal Shower Saturday Brenda Hern and Jean Hodgert co -hosted a shower in honour of Joan Lagerwerf, future bride. Humorous readings were given by Patti Jane Love and Brenda Hern; duet was sung by Julie and Jacob Weber; i Page 23 of ucw Judith Parker and Cheryl Cann presepted a skit that was much enjoyed by all. Brenda Hern read an ad- dress, after which the bride opened her gifts, then made a fitting response. Lunch was served to guests from Green- way, Grand Bend, Dashwood, Clinton, London, Woodstock, Wingham, St. Thomas, Ex- eter and Woodham. Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Established in 1876 Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Town Dwellings as well as Farm Properties DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS Jack Harrigan Robert Gardiner Lloyd Morrison Lorne Feeney Ray McCurdy Robert Chaffe Ross Hodgert John Moore Joseph Uniac AGENTS Woodham Dublin Mitchell R.R.3, Lucan R.R. 2, Staffa R.R.1, St. Marys R.R.2, Dublin R.R.1, Kirkton R.R. 5, Mitchell 229-6643 345-2512 . 348-9012 1 _ 0 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Osborne passed By -Law 13-1984 on the 17th day of April, 1984, under Sec- tion 3.4 of The Planning Act, 1983 And take notice that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Osborne, not later than the 22nd day of May. 1984, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in sup- port of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by -low, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and Key Maps showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies is provided below. The complete by-law is available for inspection at my office during regular office hours. DATED at the Township of Osborne this 17th day of April, 1984. Mr. Larry Stuck Clerk -Treasurer. Township of Usborne Box 1420 EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 519-235-2900 The explanation and purpose of this by-law is to regulate the use of lands and the character, location, and use of buildings and structures, and to prohibit certain buildings and structures in various defined areas of the Township of Usbprne. The zoning by-law implements the Osborne Township Secondary Plan and provides for specific land use regulations to ensure that the policies of the Secondary Plan are realized. A summary of the contents of the foli Section 1 presentsby-law theare administratias ows:ve details, a summary table of the Zones, Symbols and Section Numbers. Section 2 - (Definitions) provide terms used for reference, to specify the meaning of the terms used in the by-law. There are also 'diagrams which explain lot and building terms. Section 3 - General Provisions - This section applies to all lands in the Township of Usborne. It deals with such issues as non -complying uses, non -conforming uses, parking requirements, planting strips, etc. Sections 4 through 24 - Land Use Zones - present the various land use zones. It is in these sections that the various uses of land are given and the various provisions governing the use of land are presented. Section 25 - Separation Distance Tables - This section includes the for- mulas and tables for calculating the minimum separation distances in agricultural areas. Schedule "A" - The schedule consists of an index map and numerous detailed key maps which cover the entire Township. On these key maps ar e found the land use zones which correspond to Section 4 through 24 of the text of the lay -law. This by-law applies to all lands within the Corporation of the Township of Usborne as shown on the map below. • • L t• •1, �. • . f ..: • x.04,.,',SAS .6060 I ,164 - - JI eM,• �avrt avo ,._ _I.__, .. .1 :_ . _Zs to - - j 11. . rt 13 J, 1 ' north i'. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.: Copies of the by-law have been sent for in- • formation purposes, to all owners of property and tenants in the Township ' of Osborne as indicated on the latest revised assessment roll. 1 r