HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-05-02, Page 13Lions collect for charities Education weep at St. B�niface Education week at St. Boniface School will be held this week with the parents be- ing invited to drop in and take the opportunity to view the stridents' work and science fair exhibits. - From the Lion's Den The April 2 meeting was Farmer's Night. Fifteen Lion's were present with 14 guest farmers who met at the Dominion Tavern for supper at 7:00 p.m. along with four members from the Woodstock Lion's club. Speaker for the evening was Miss Penny Porter, inspector with the Ministry of Agriculture who gave a very informative slide presentation. Lion Vic Dinnin thanked her and presented her with a gift. Correspondence was read and a thank you from the Leader Dog school for the re- cent donation of $250.00. The Lions are collecting for the Cancer Society and Easter Seal Campaign which Russell Grainger reported has raised $1,650.00. At the previous meeting perfect attendance pins were handed out to Louis Willert, Bob Evans, Wayne Meidinger, Carl Finkbeiner, Pat Bedard, Kevin McKin- non, Doug and Richard Erb and Don and Doug O'Brien and Russell Grainger for be- ing members for various numbers of years in the club. The 50-50 draw was won by Gerald Stewart and farmers' .draws were won by Garnet Leitch, John Paul Rau, Phil Regier and Doug Erb. Important up -coming dates to remember are: April 29 is the ,Innerkip Pin Trading Breakfast in Woodstock; May 12 Zurich Lions are invited to the 60th anniversary of Strathroy Lion's club. May 12 is also charter night for Cen- tralia and Huron Park club being sponsored by the Ex- eter Lions Club. It is interesting to note that the Zurich group is in eighth place in the efficiency contest which is really good out of 43 clubs! Bowling Banquet A delicious roast beef sup- per was enjoyed by the ladies and men's bowling teams along with their spouses at their annual banquet and dance on Saturday at the Hen- sall Community Centre. Trophies and awards were handed out to the winning bowlers and a gift of ap- preciation was presented to the proprietors Tony and Marlene Bedard for their sup- port during the past season. The Executive teams chosen for next year are for ladies; The Happy Gang and men's team, The Dashwood Hotel Group. Dancing to the music of Mozart's Melody Makers was fun for all and completed a lovely evening. C.W.L. meeting St. Boniface C.W.L. held its Api it meeting last Thursday beginning with Mass at 6:15 in honour of our Lady of Good Counsel with the installation of officers for the new ex- ecutive by Fr. Mooney. Following Mass a scrump- tious dinner was had by 53 at the Dominion Tavern. special guest for the evening was Helen Regier of Mt. Carmel Parish who is Diocesan Presi- dent and gave us a very infor- mative talk on being proud to be members of such a great and large Catholic organization. Cecilia Smith presented Madeline Gelinas with a Maple Leaf Service Pin which is an honor given Madeline in recognition for her many years of dedication to the league. Nineteen ladies received their 25 year pins. As past president Cecilia Smith thanked her executive for their help in the past two years and to all the ladies for their support, before turning her chair over to the new president Cecilia Farwell; each one received a pin for their title. Cecilia and first vice Bridget Groot will be at- tending the convention in Sar- nia on May 8 and 9. The next meeting will be on May 22. Door prize was won by Mar- jorie Meidinger. Ecole Ste. Marie The students of Ecole Ste. Marie are preparing for a special day on Friday May 4 to conclude Education Week. Families and friends are in- vited to Mass at 9 a.m. and then to a program at the hall (including skipping and clap- ping activities, dancercise and a play entitled Cupivac). A hot dog lunch willfollow for students, parents and pre. schoolers, friends and relatives. If you have not received a note from the school but wish to attend the lunch, please notify the school so that we will know how much food to prepare. The day will con- clude with a baseball game between students and parents. St. Peter's C.W.L. St. Peter's C.W.L. is plann- ing their membership drive for before and after masses on May 5 and 6. Any woman over the age of 16 is entitled to be a member and would be welcome in the group. Not all • women find it possible to be actively involved but we en- courage them to become members because spiritual support is as important as the active involvement. • W AT LAST — After serving over 500 hungry customers at the annual Zurich Chamber of Commerce ribs and sauerkraut dinner, Chamber members get a chance to eat their own dinners. Ferguson's Chop Their Low PricesIven tower on a Wide Selection of -Pre Packaged . BULK FOODS Times -Advocate, May 2, 1984 Page 13 C of C ribs dinner is well attended After 20 years of perfecting their technique, the Zurich Chamber of Commerce has reduced the art of serving hundreds of ribs and sauerkraut dinners to a precise science. Chamber members worked together like a well-trained drill team to prepare and serve 720 pounds of barbecued or plain spare ribs, 250 pounds of potatoes, 100 pounds of cole slaw, 200 pounds of sauerkraut, 44 dozen buns and all varieties of homemade pies to 500 ap- - preciative customers last week. The turn -out was 150 more than the year before. Lori Turkheim won the draw for the trip for two to' Nashville, compliments of Zurjoh and area business, the Zurich Chamber, Ellison Travel and Tours and Hanover Tours. Other wins and the donors are: Blanche Parke - Schilbe Hardware; Jack Guenther - Fisher's Abattoir; Dc,rothy.• Smith - Shaw's Dairy Store; Stewart Thiel - Framax Col- lectors Plates; Herb Beierl- Ing - Zurich Co -Op; Marie Dixon, Tiverton - Lorraine's Crafts; Phil Durand - LaPorte's Meat Market; Grant Triebner - C.G. Farm Supply; Maureen Peters - His and Hers Hair Shop. - Sally Desjardine - Domi- nion Tavern; Sharon Durand -.Tasty Nu; F,velyn Jeffrey - Heimric 's; Annie Van Raay - Dav Decor; Elizabeth- - erg Village Florist; Cyr - Don's Food Market; Charlene Ducharme - The Tenderspot ; Ted Lansbergen - Erb Bros. Garage and Margaret Brant, RR 2 Goderich - Huron Ridge Acres. ZMAA dinner A nice pot luck supper was enjoyed by the Zurich Minor Athletic Association and parents on Thursday at the Community Centre with trophies and awards handed out to the winning teams. r LOTS OF POTATOES — John Consitt (left) and Bob Fisher prepare to add roast potatoes to the plates of diners at the Zurich C of C dinner., WANTED Articles of any kind The Zurich Agricultural Society in con- junction with the Hay Township Boll Committee is planning a Spring Auction Sale Anyone wishing to donate articles of any kind please contact: Ted Lansbergen 236-4149 Town and Country Bowling Lanes, Tony and Marlene Bedard 236-4923 YOU CAN COUNT ON THESE PIONEER PERFORMANCE LEADERS 3950 Planted on more acres in Canada than any other hybrid. 3950 is a consistent dependable hybrid easily out yielding competitors of similar maturity. Yields best at high plant populations. 3925 A leader hybrid with tremendous seedling vigour. 3925 is an excellent yielding hybrid offering fast drydown and excellent standability. 3906 An outstanding hybrid having excellent stalks and roots. 3906 yields best at 22,000 - 26.000 plants per acre and is' excellent for grain or silage. PIONEER® ® BRAND • SEED CORN Your Pioneer Representatives are: Geo. Sereda, Exeter 235-0273 Wm. Coleman, Klppen 262-5031 Monne 1.brood turns; numbs'', Id.Mlfr Vorl.MM. $ (lplttM.d trademark Hc.n..d to Pioneer HI-Sr.d limited Ctptltoot, Ont do Curtis and Mary Gingerich arrived home Friday with lovely tans from a nice month's stay in Arcadia Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soper are back from Florida. Several friends and relatives and family of Sharen Schroeder held a sur- prise birthday party in her honour on Friday evening at her home where everyone quietly gathered awaiting her arrival home from dinner. A good time was had by all. Congratulations to Steven Finkbeiner and Theresa Dietrich who were married on Saturday April 28 at St. Boniface Church by yr. Mooney with dinner and reception at the rec centre in Exeter. Congratulations to Gerald and Ursula Regier who are celebrating their 40th wed- ding anniversary with family and friends with a dinner and dance in llensall on Saturday. Happy 80th birthday to Herb Need on May 3. A lovely bridal shower was held for Rose Mary Bedard on Sunday at St. Boniface School given by her bridesmaids. Rose is the daughter of Mrs. Joan Bedard of Zurich and fiance of Brian Rader of Dashwood. The couple are to be married on Saturday May 5. Another shower was held for bride-electCarrieSweeney this past Sunday in Stratford at the home of Mrs. Jannette Eybergen for several friends and relatives. Carrie was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Carrie and Dan are to be married this Friday even- ing May 4. Little Matthew Gerard Van Aaken, son of Frank and Judy Van Aaken was baptized on Sunday April 29 at St. Boniface Church by Fr. Mooney with god -parents be- ing llarold Van Aaken of Bayfield and Marni Tugwell, Clinton followed by a get- together at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ducharme. Congratulations to Iloward and Birdie Finkbeiner who celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary last weekend. Shirley O'Brien is now home from hospital and recuperating after an operation. Congratulations to Sandra and Lee Desjardine on the ar- rival of their first baby Jason Edward born Wednesday April 25. Cathy, Jerry and Mary Helen Van Aaken returned home on Tuesday from a nice two-week trip to Holland where they visited with relatives. Just a reminder not to forget about the bake sale be- ing held at the rest home on Saturday May 12 from 2-4 in the afternoon. Specials Treat Mother to a box of Ferguson's Homemade Chocolates Red Rose, 1 cup Tea 60 bags 7 5 $ bags 1.49 Assorted, Jube lubes; gumdrops, etc. Assorted Candies .b. 99 New Life, All Purpose Flour 40 kg., $20.79 500 gram, Heinz Salad Dressing $1 .29 500 gram, Thousand Island Dressing $1 .45 Heniz, 500 gram Sweet Relish 1 . 1 9 1 Kilo Heinz Sweet Pickles ;2.29 Dutch Mill Drink OPEN DAILY 9 am to pm CLOSED SUNDAYS erguson Apiaries Hwy. No. 84 Between Hensall & Zurich 1 •