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Page 10 Times -Advocate, A e ril 25, 1984
Thiry -one members and
four visiting members attend-
ed a most delicious pot -luck
supper at the Three Links
Seniors on Tuesday evening.
Before the business meeting
Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt enter-
tained with familiar selec-
tions at the piano. President
Mrs. Hilda Payne presided
and welcomed everyone to
Links hold pot -luck dinner
the gathering. The Lord's
prayer was repeated in
unison, followed by the roll
call and minuted. The quilt
which had been completed by
members was displayed by
Mrs. Dick Taylor and Mrs.
Gertie Moir. The treasurer
Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell gave
a financial report. A letter
was read from ARC In-
dustries and placed on file.
Mrs. Irene Davis, newly
elected president of Zone 8,
was introduced and gave a
very interesting report of the
Spring Rally she had attend-
ed in Brussels. She was thank-
ed by Mrs. Payne and a mo-
tion was passed to host the
Fall Rally in Hensall.
Mrs. Gertie Moir and Mrs.
BEING SERVED — Mary Brintnell serves breakfast to
Ryan Kyle at the breakfast following the Easter sunrise
service at Hensall United Church.
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and district news
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor,
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SUNRISE BREAKFAST — Among those up betore breakfast on Easter Sunday to
attend the sunrise service and breakfast at Hensall United Church were Ryan Kyle
(front left), Carrie Stewart and mother Carol and (back) Gary and Judy Kyle and
EASTER BONNETS.— Victoria Bisback, brother Peter Owen and mother Janis were
some of the congregation of Hensall United Church who dressed in Centennial
costume for the sunrise service and breakfast and the regular morning service.
ANNIVERSARY — Shown before a dinner to mark the 30th anniversary of the Hen-
sall Kinsmens Club are Paul Burroughs, Governor of District 1 (left), Hensall presi-
dent Dan McGlinchey, Exeter president Bob Reynolds and Joe Phillips, Dep. Gov.
CHARTER MEMBERS -- Hensall Kinsmen, sponsored in 1954 by the Exeter chapter,
held a dinner at the Hensall Legion to mark their 30th birthday. Shown are three
of the originals: Jack Drysdale (left), Harold Knight, Bill Mickle, and Al Crerar, who
joined a year later.
Civic Corner
Thurs. April 26, 1984
at the Hensall Public School
7;30 p.m.
The Public are invited to participate in the development of an economic
strategy for the Village of Hensall to promote residential, industrial and
commercial growth.
You are encouraged to take o e active role to promote development
and to participate lathe nge of information toward meeting the needs
of our community residential and commercial areas.
You, the citizens of Hensall ore the biggest sales force of our own
"Think positive" Plan to attend:and participate
Co-sponsored by
B.I.A. and Council Village of Hensall
One committee member required for the Hensall Parks Board. Applica-
tions are invited from persons interested in serving on the Hensall Parks
Board. Please submit name and telephone number in writing to Elizabeth
Oke, Clerk -Treasurer, P.O. Box 279, Hensall Ontario, NOM 1 XO or
telephone 262-2812
0 i
About People You Know
Mrs. Susan Purdy is a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital
Exeter, where she has been
receiving treatment.
Mrs. Murray Traquair, who
was a patient in University
Hospital, London. returned to
her home.
Mrs. Blanche Chapman.
London, visited recently with
her sister Mrs. Jack Corbett.
Mr. and Mrs. Don
Maclaren, Oakville visited
on the weekend with Don's
mother Mrs Bertha
Mr. Doug Mann is a patient
in University Hospital, Lon-
don, followinga heart attack.
Miss Pam Sangster return-
ed to Timmins after spending
the past week with her
mother Mrs. Jane Sangster
and members of the family.
Miss Vicki Mann of Toron-
to spent the weekend at her
home visiting with her
mother and family, also with
her father Doug Mann who is
a patient in University
Ho_sptial, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reaburn,
Jamie and Rill jamin, Corona
tion, Alberta are holidaying
this week with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Slade
and Glenn and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Reaburn and -Chris.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Lashley of Ottawa were
Easter visitors with the lat-
ter's grandmother Mrs. Hazel
Mr. Charles Mickle,
Hamilton visited over the
Easter weekend with his
mother Mrs. Laird Mickle.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reaburn
and Robert, Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Reaburn and fami-
1J, Parry Sound, Mr. and Mrs.
eff Reaburn and family, (or-
ontation Alberta visited dur-
ing the Easter weekend with
their parents Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Reaburn and Chris.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett
and Mrs. Jack Corbett were
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Morenz at Dashwood on
Mr. :d Mrs. Bill O'Brien,
Todd 4nd Stacey, Bridgen,
spent Easter Sunday with
Mrs O'Brien's mother Mrs.
Evelyn Flynn and Gerald.
Ruby Bell were in charge of
the entertainment and pro-
gressive euchre was played
with the following prize win-
ners; Ladies' high prize (pink
cards) Evelyn McBeath;
Men's high prize (white card)
Alex McBeath, 2nd prize
(white card) Elsie Carlile;
lone hands (white card)
Dorothy Elrintnell; Birthday
nearest date Pearl Taylor;
Easter seal, David Blackwell.
Since the meeting a bus trip
to the Geritol Follies at
Massey Hall in Toronto on Ju-
ly 4 has been secured; 44
seats are available --call for
your seat early. Telephone
262-2025. •
Amber Rebekah Lodge meet
Noble Grand Margaret Up
shall presided for the opening
of Amber Rebekah Lodge on
Wednesday evening assisted
by Vice Grand Eunice
Aikenhead. An invitation was
accepted to the 75th anniver-
sary of Goderich Lodge on
May 12. The District Church
parade will be at Northside
United Church, Seaforth, on
May 6 at 11 a.m. The Huronic
Lodge Clinton are holding
their dessert euchre May 2 at
I p.m.
Vice Grand Eunice
Aikenhead reported for the
visiting committee;
Treasurer Bonnie Upshall
reported the finances and
Margaret Consitt, Jr. P.N.G.,
and Warden Edith Bell
reported bills and accounts.
Arrangmegts were made for
the Dessert Euchre to be held
on May 9. A donation was
made to the Cancer Fund.
Lodge closed in regular form.
Hensall U.C.
There was an excellent at-
tendance at the Maundy
Thursday 'Service at the
United Church when Commu-
nion was received by the con-
gregation. The service was
based on the seven last words
of Christ with the choir sing-
ing "0 Dearest Lord" by Har-
dy. The ushers for the evening
were Larry Elder, Wayne
Corbett, Jeff Corbett and
John Rowcliffe. Following the
service the congregation were
given opportunity to remain
for quiet meditation and
Over a hundred people
were up bright and early td
attend the Sunrise Service at
the United Church. The Ser-
vice conducted by Rev.
McDonald, with Joyce Pep-
per at the piano, gave- the
joyful exaltation of the Risen
Christ. Along with the singing
of the beautifully spirited
Easter Hymns Mr. McDonald
gave a poem -sermon on Mary
Following the service the
congregation left the Sanc-
tuary for the Fellowship
breakfast singing "He Lives".
The breakfast committee, in
charge of Mary Brintnell,
served a delicious meal of
orange juice, bacon and eggs,
toast and coffee with
volunteer helpers from the
congregation and Roy Brock
as the chief cook. The tables
in the dining room were
beautifully decorated for
Easter with white crosses
surrounded by daffodils.
Baskets of flowers arranged
by June Davis were also plac-
ed within the dining area.
Many members of the con-
gregation of the United
Church came in their Centen-
nial dress on Sunday morning
to celebrate Easter in this
Centennial Year. The old-
fashioned period costumes
dotted the congregations. Ex-
tra chairs had to be brought
in to accommodate the huge
Mr. McDonald spoke on the
subject of Resurrection,
Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow as he told of what
the Resurrection meant to us
yesterday as well as today
and what it will mean to us
tomorrow. "if Jesus really
did walk nut of the grave, then
he destroyed death's power
over himself. And if he
destroyed the power of death.
then he has proven to us that
there is life beyond the grave.
And if there is life beyond the
grave, then each of us must
be prepared for that ex-
perience," he said. i am the
Way, the Truth and the fife.
Jesus said, and no than com-
eth to the Father.
The Choir sang a very
-jubilant, beautiful Easter an-
them "This Joyful Easter
Tide". Ushers for the day
were Tim Rowcliffe, Rod
Parker, Steven McGregor
and Steven Gerstenkorn.
Shelley, Rick and Benjamin
Parsons, as a family in peri6d
costumes, greeted the
The children's sermon was
on Without Easter there
would be' No Christmas, Mr.
McDonald drew different
Christmas decorations from -
the brown paper bag as he ex
plained to the children that
without the death of Jesus and
his rising Again through the
resurrection, Christmas
would just be another day.
Along with the sermons and
music the service contained
Easter Affirmations, prayers
and scripture based on the
Easter Experience.
The flowers at the front of
the church were placed In lov-
ing memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Fee and also a gift of
a plant from the Hensall Hor-
ticultural Society. The con-
gregation were reminded that
next Sunday will be visitation
Sunday and that the Couples
club will meet on Thursday
evening and will enjoy an
evening of swimming.
Rev. McDonald visited on
Sunday with his sisters Mrs.
Norman Coughlin and Mrs.
Chester of Atwood and was a
dinner guest with Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Earl and their
Carmel Presbyterian
Rev. Kenneth Knight con.-
on-ducted Easter service 'in
Carmel Presbyterian Church.
The sermon subject was "the
Response of the People".
Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presid-
ed at the organ and led the
choir in the Anthem "The
Light- of the Cross". Miss
Carolyn Love played two
numbers on the organ,
"Christ The Lord Is Risen"
and "The Old Rugged Cross."
The service next Sunday
will beat 10:15 a.m. Daylight
Saving Time. Please note the
change of time.
The floral arrangements
were very much appreciated
in the Church. A carload of
P.C.W. attended First
Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth, last Wednesday
evening and enjoyed the
speaker very much.
Plant auction
Hensall and District Hor-
ticultural Society will hold its
second meeting, Monday.
April 30 at 8:00 p.m. at the
Hensall United Church. Guest
speaker Jean McKee will be
speaking on geraniums.
There will be a plant auction.
Admission 50e.
Everyone is welcome and
new members will be most
welcome. Consider this an in-
vitation to join the group.
Queensway news
Another busy week of ac-
tivities has taken place at
Queensway, Monday after-
noon a sing -song was held for
those wishing to sing some
old-tyme songs. In the even-
ing the Arnold Circle Evening
Auxiliary of Carmel
Presbyterian Church were in
to play bingo. with the
On Tuesday morning crafts
were enjoyed by some of -the
residents. Tuesday afternoon
Church service was con-
ducted by Rev. Bob Matheson
and along to assist him at the
piano was Marjorie Johns.
The Lakeview Conservation
Mennonite Youth were here in
the evening to sing for us. The
beautiful music was certain-
ly enjoyed by everyone.
Our monthly resident's
council meeting was held on
Wednesday morning. In the
afternoon treats were made
for Easter.
Thursday morning eggs
were coloured for Easter.
More Easter goodies were
made at this time for our
Easter party. In the afternoon
a movie was viewed and en-
joyed by all the residents.
On Saturday evening our
Easter party was held.
Games and treats were en-
joyed by all the residents that
attended the party. Due lathe
Good Friday holiday, bowling
was cancelled for this week.
Health Centre
Second Set of Prints
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Deadline for receipt of application for space
TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1984
to accommodate the many organizations, families and business firms who have
Indicated interest in having details of their histories included in the Atlas.
The new May 15 deadline also will give time for others to make application for
an entry In the Patrons Directory. A two line entry is S35 and this Includes a free
copy of the Atlas.
Applications accompanied by payment for the space required and/or for a
Patrons Directory must be forwarded by May 15 to the Atlas Office, Huron
County Court House, Goderlch, Ontario, N7A 1M2.
For further information, call the Atlas Office, Goderich 524-2950. Application
forms are available at municipal offices and libraries across the county.