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Times -Advocate, April 25, 1984
Times Established 1873
Advocate Established 1881
Amalgamated 1924
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
& North Lambton Since 1873
Published by 1.W. Eedy Publications Limited
Advertising Manager
Editor Assistant Editor
Composition Manager
Business Manager
Published Each Wednesday Morning at Exeter, Ontario
Second Class Mail Registration Number 0386.
Canada: $22.00 Per year; U.S.A. $60.00
C.W.N.A., O.C.N.A. CLASS 'A' and 'ABC'
Some valid points
A plea for a taxpayers' "Bill of Rights" was the
central theme of the report of the Progressive Conser-
vative task force on Revenue Canada, which was
released at the party's recent policy convention in
. The Revenue Department has come under sharp
criticism for the past several months following revela-
tions about the manner in which it conducts its assess-
ment and audits of taxpayers. It was revealed that the
Department set quotas for its auditors and authoriz-
ed so-called "fishing expeditions" where wide-ranging
probes were approved with virtually no justification.
The PC task force urges that Revenue Canada's
vast powers should not be allowed to infringe on basic
civil liberties --such as the right to privacy, the right
to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, the right
to fair and courteous treatment, and the right to time-
ly information from the Department.
Many of the 76 recommendations should be
seriously considered in an effort to make the Depart-
ment operate in a more humane manner.
People who will set about to complete their tax
return in the next few days could probably add one
more recommendation: a more easily understood tax
return form.
Waste is problem
About a year and a half ago, there was con-
siderable criticism of the federal government's an-
nouncement that it had appointed one of its own faithful
to head up a royal commission to study the nation's
economic condition.
The interim report submitted by former finance
minister Donald Macdonald has now been released and
indicates that the criticism was well founded.
After spending 17 months and $10 million on hear-
ings across the country, the Macdonald commission
has come forth with a document that has aptly been
described as a "bucket of mush."
There are no recommendations in the report, but
merely a list of challenges and choices for Canada in
areas ranging from job creation and industrial and
trade policy to education, social policy, government
relations and electoral rgform.
Now the high-priced group of commissioners will
spend the next few months spending another few
million dollars in hearings across the country,in an at-
tempt to determine which of those choices the Cana-
dian people find most palatable.
Naturally, the answers will be political in nature, and
therefore of questionable value to the nation.
About the only tangible conclusion to be drawn
from the interim report is that one of the major causes
of the economic ills in this country is the vast amount
of money wasted by the government in such things as
the Macdonald royal commission.
Respect the rules
Now that the weather is more conducive to outdoor
activity, children and adults alike will be out in force
on their bicycles.
The inactivity of winter will make the activity
much more of an exercise in pain than pleasure for
some but the point remains the same. Cyclists and
motor vehicle operators can get along on town streets
if both respect the laws of the road and each other's
The exhiliration of being out of doors, unin-
cumbered by bulky winter apparel, can easily take
one's mind from the rules of the road while on a
pleasure bike ride.
Children may tend to be a little careless and
carefree, as the warm weather lures them to the
streets in packs. Parents should take the time to re -
instruct children on the rules of the road to ensure their
cycling season is safe and accident free.
While cyclists should take the time to familiarize
themselves with the rules of the road, drivers should
also be on the lookout for cyclists. Respect the cyelist's
rights and don't crowd or force them off the road. At
the same time, cyclists should keep as far to the side
of the road as they can. Cyclists should avoid riding
on sidewalks and children riding to and from school
should do so in single file.
By respecting each other's rights, and by keeping
an eye out for the other guy, the cycling season should
be a safe one for all involved.
Goderich Signal -Star
Shouldn't be left to whims of qthers
Members of Exeter council, and to a
lesser extent, the councils of Usborne,
Stephen and Ilay have again left the South
Huron rec centre board of management
on the horns of a dilemma by failing to
come to grips with the obvious need for
some formal agreement regarding cost
sharing of the board's operation.
Each of the councils has informed the
board of what financing it will provide this
year. Those grants no doubt appear
generous in the minds of those making
them, but they represent nothing more
than a stop -gap solution to the basic pro-
blem which has been brewing ever since
the facility was erected...a formal agree-
ment regarding cost-sharing.
Exeter council engaged in some sabre -
rattling last year when various members
virtually "promised" that the townships
would contribute more this year either
through direct grants from the councils or
user fees from the township participants.
That resulted in an increase from
Usborne and flay, although the latter on-
ly returned to the same contribution made
in 1981, while Usborne's increase is $1,276
over last year but only $1,000 over its 1981
figure. Stephen remained fixed in the fee
it has provided since the facility opened.
Exeter advised the board that there
would be no objection to initiating user
fees, while Usborne made it clear that any
such move would result in a decrease in
the township grant equal to an amount of
the user fees collected.
That leaves the board between a rock
and a hard place!
* * * *
While the rec board members have in-
dicated they can probably cope with the
funding provided by the councils, surely
the elected officials must realize the pro-
blem that they present for the board in
any planning.
To put the shoe on the other foot, what
would happen to the municipalitiesif the
with the editor
ratepayers in each sat down at a meeting
and decided each April what they were
going to collectively grant to their coun-
cils in the way of property taxes for the
current year?
Well, first of all, dere would be some
_ _sort_of argument each year among the
ratepayers. Yet, that is basically what the
four municipalities are doing to the rec
board and, yes, it can be almost
guaranteed that the argument over the
rec budget will arise each year until some
basic agreement is reached.
Similarily, the councils would have to
admit that their tasks would be virtually
chaotic if they had to wait until March or
April each year for their ratepayers to
decide what they were going to provide
for the year's operation.
That scenario should prompt some ad-
mission from all those involved that it is
time to take their heads out of the sand
and come to some sort of agreement.
At the present time, the elected officials
4 •
are being totally unfair to the board in the
manner in which their financing is
The matter must be resolved by the
elected officials and may he as simple as
agreeing that the 1984 grants from each
would form the basis of future funding
with the normal inflationary increases
* « « * *
What council members fail to consider
is that the rec board budget process dif-
fers from theirs. The board is basically in
the rental business and as such must set
rates that often overlap two fiscal years.
As an example, half the ice rental time
they can hope to rent in 1984 has already
elapsed. They can not go hack and collect
any more revenue from that on a retroac-
tive basis. Similarly, the rate they plan
for the 1984-$t season has to be based on
current inputs.
Commitments have to he male to
groups for the entire ice season sethose
groups in turn can plan their finances.
Therefore, the board can not simply in-
crease fees to cover the short -fall any or
all of the municipalities decide to reduce
their assistance in any given year.
Hall rentals are also made well in ad-
vance, and while the rates can be chang-
ed, it is certainly poor public relations to
do so and could cause problems for those
who have made bookings on the basis of
current charges.
The board obviously needs to have
some stability in the source of funding and
it, is unfair that they should be left entire-
ly to the whim of present and future
elecfbd officials, particularly when they
do not have the necessary flexibility to
counteract those whims.
Keep batteries charged
I noticed the other day
that I can no longer add,
subtract, multiply or
divide. I guess I must have
an advanced case of
"calculatoritis" -- the in-
ability to do any
arithmetic without using a
I knew I was very
susceptible to this disease.
I had all the early symp-
toms back in the fourth
grade. Miss Patterson
would send me home from
school each night with a
foolscap sheet of paper
covered in long columns
that had to be added up. I
spent hours agonizing
over adding the long col-
umns and trying to
remember how to
Then one day around in-
come tax time, my Dad
brought home a borrowed
adding- machine. 1t was
the big heavy kind with a
handle on the side that you
had to crank down each
time you punched in a
number -- really a far cry
from today's ultra small
calculators. But I thought
it was a wonderful, magic
machine las I hid in my
Dad's den to do my math
homework. Surely my
parents must have
wondered why I had com-
pleted my adding
homework on record time.
I hated adding the long
columns and remember-
ing to carry, but even
more, I hated subtracting
and trying to keep "bor-
rowing" straight. To this
day, I still find myself
crossing out numbers and
writing the tiny numbers
over top whenever I have
to do any subtracting.
I struggled through
elementary school
arithmetic, and then I was
hit with high school math.
Math, it turned out, was
like arithmetic only
worse. And things didn't
get any better. I found
myself stewing over
geometry, algebra and
other strange subjects.
I fought my way
through grade 12 math,
ending up the year -by hav-
ing to write the final exam
(the only final exam I ever
wrote in high school ; I was
By Mary Alderson
fortunate enough to be ex-
empted from the rest) and
obtaining the lowest mark
I have ever received on
any exam. I vowed I
would never again get
such a low mark on a
math exam -- a vow which
was easy to keep since I
didn't take any math
courses in grade 13, or
I realized the other day
how much math I had
forgotten when I was wat-
ching "Reach for the Top"
on television. (I like to
watch that program,
figuring that it's good for
my Trivial Pursuit game.)
After listening to the
students' answers, I
vaguely recalled
something about sign and
cosign and X -and Y.
Only at one time in my
life, did I feel at all confi-
dent about my math. I
worked at a catalogue
outlet aftore ove? the
Christffias rush for
several years while I was
going to university. When
people come in and do all
their Christmas shopping,
you soon have long col-
umns on their bills to add
up. When there are too
many clerks crowded
around the cash register,
you soon learn to add
quickly. Unfortunately I
lost that skill just as quick-
ly as I had acquired it.
Today I am fully depen-
dent on the tiny calculator
I carry in my purse. I
realized I had a bad case
of "calculatoritis" when I
pulled the calcuator out of
my purse to add up my
grocery bill, and then
noticed I was standing in
the checkout line with just
two items in my cart.
Now instead of worrying
about my poor math abili-
ty, 1 live in constant fear
of having a dead battery in
my calculator.
Please keep calm
When I was a youngster
there was an elderly lady
who boarded with us. This
lady was afflicated with
epilepsy and at times
would have a fairly severe
seizure, falling to the
ground, rolling, her eyes
and frothing a little at the
mouth. In a few moments
the attack would vanish
and although she would be
very weak and tired would
nem to have suffered no
ill effe^ts. We children
became accustomed to the
seizures and would take
them comfortably in our
stride although outsiders
would sometimes be very
bothered by them.
Not too many years ago
epileptics were considered
to be freaks, sometimes
even were thought of as
witches or as being
demon -possessed. Things
have changed con-
siderably with new
regular basis.
In other cases it is possi-
ble to operate on the brain
By Syd Fletcher
understanding of the
disease. Now epileptics
are able to lead fairly nor-
mal lives.
For example, Garry
Howatt, a player with the
New York Islanders, is
able to keep his symptoms
under control with pills
taken on a regular basis
and is able to play on a
and remove the tiny patch
of cells Which is causing
the problem to reetir.
These cells may have been
caused by a high fever
earlier in the person's life.
The spectacular type of
seizure that I mentioned
earlier is referred to as a
'grand mal' attack. If you
are presented by such a
situation remain calm.
Don't try to restrain the
person in any way nor
should you try to put
anything between the
- teeth or into the mouth.
Seek medical attention if
the seizure lasts more
than a few minutes.
'Petit mal' may last on-
ly q few seconds and
there's really not much
you can do. The person's
hands or feet may tingle,
or there Tay be brief
periods of inattention or
sleep. Bear in mind that
the way people treat an
epi a tic after the seizure
ma very nasty, often
beca se of ignorance of
the disease.
That is where you can
help the most by trying to
be an understanding