HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-04-18, Page 23Page 10A Times -Advocate, April 18,1981 Scores from TUNING UP - Karl MacNaughton of Lucan and Marg Delong of St. Marys were two of the entertainers at Sunday's fiddlers jamboree sponsored by the Exeter Agricultural Society. It was held at the South Hurori Rec Centre and attracted a large crowd. T -A photo /CO Don Thomson FARRIER SERVICE Specializing in the Shoeing Att of Standardbred Racehorses R.R. 1 Granton 225-2886 Do whit's riht for both of you Elderly parents often resist a change in living situations, but ironically they could be happier and healthier with just such a change. Gerontology studies show increased mental acuity, a happier outlook and improved health in people whose lifestyle includes the following: Numerous extended relationships outside the family, a stimulating peer group, balanced meals and exercise. At Country Meadows we have maximized such benefits to ensure the residents a continued happy and healthy life. Come and see how Country Meadows makes a difficult decision much easier. There's No Place Like Home , Except ... Country Meadows STRATFORD AND AREA'S FINEST RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Ana Street, Brunner 20 minutes north of Stratford 595.8903 Lucan Lanes Monday ladies: Audrey Scott 359-780, Sandra Dasher 293-768, Shirley Fowles 264-703, Sue Johnston 233.672, Audrey Watt 240419, Lorraine Mosurin john 209418, Deb Thompson 228.604, Luanne Herbert 232-601, Marg Greenlee 251-, Pam Smith 237, Pat Hodgins 236, Diane Williams 232. Tuesday juniors: Chris Sleaford 273, Tabatha Perry 251, Derek Hardy 261, Jeff Bond 230, Brian Roe 245, Shane Munro 215, Tanya Buckareff 212, Eddie Van Kerkoerle 182. Colleen's: Norma Galloway 269-718, Pat Bloxam 316-602, Norah Cowie 232, Alice Hodgins 227, Helen Hearn 226, Betty Murphy 221, Mary Van Geel 217, Sylvia Fahner 216, Debbie Wonnacott 216. Medway: Janet Heaman 258-610, Peter DenOtter 231, Huss Rush 225, Tony- Siroen 216. Senior citizens: Gerrit Verhey 239, Martin Vanderkamp 201, Frank DeBloc 200, Harry Noels 196, Helen McDonald 195, Charlie Grieves 191, Maurice McDonald 188, Henry DenOt- ter 181. Wednesday bantams: Shawn Kraft 178, Shaun Williamson 165, Brad Vallrath 147, Ken Cowie 142, David Damen 139, Jay Deeks 138, Jason Woytowitch 130, Michael Munro 118, Stacey Evans 11'6. Wednesday mixed: Rose Maxwell 278-683, Bud Ap- pleman 244-677, Jackie Boyn- ton 284-647, Pat Ryan 237-649, Bob Pipe 241-645, Bill Dixon 224-614, Ed Cornelissen 212-601, Marilyn Riley 215. Thursday men: Jim Smith 286-779, Jeff Park 258-751, -Lyle Beatson 259-718, Bud Vallee 263-685, Harold Mayo 2$8-672, Bob Smith 274-671, Brian Ankers 261-668, Carl Dunlop 268-660, Larry DeCaluwe 222-653, Bob Graham 267, Norm Lewis 261, Russ Smith 253, George Van Geel 250. Sunday mixed: Norma Galloway 270-735, Gary Dunlop 294-691, Linda Webber 269-683, Bill Dixon 263-683, Cheryl Smith 246-652, Jim Smith 244-650, Rob Riley 223-629, Brice Harris 305-610, Ron Mason 246. KIRKTON BOTTLE DRIVE - The Kirkton-Woodham Scouts held a successful bottle drive, Saturday. Shown unloading bottles are Mark Morning, Jason Swan, Rudy Broers and Brion Switzer. T -A photo At Centralia Plan Easter musical By MRS. TOM KOOY The Young People of Faith Tabernacle are presenting their Easter musical produc- tion entitled Sonrise! in Faith Tabernacle, Centralia, Easter Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Plan to attend as this production is highly recom- mended. They are presenting this production in Faith Tabernacle London, Good Friday evening. Lynn and Lori Cronyn and Sandy Somerville of town and Kelly Tiedeman, Exeter spent the past week in Puerto Vallerta, Mexico. aver. and Mrs. Mike Cronyn entertained the. Fuller and Cronyn families Sunday. Jen- nifer was celebrating her third birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins have returned home after spending the winter at Villa Corona in Mexico. Sunday they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Steeper, Corbett to .Chesley where they visited with Mr. Charlie Hodgins. Tom and Mary Kooy at- tended the Oddfellows service at Trivitt Memorial Church, Banquet for parents, girls The Lucan Girl Guiding Units held a special "Parent and Daughter Banquet" Tuesday. Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders accom- panied their parents on a short, one night visit to Switzerland. From decorations to the meal, everything was done with the Swiss theme in m.nd. Mistress of ceremonies, Barb Coughlin, welcomed the guests and explained past outings and events attended by the Pathfinders, she works with. Rural North district com- missioner, Sharon Mac - St. Patrick's Church The Catholic Women's League held their monthly meeting Wednesday evening in the school library. The League Prayer and the Respect for Life Prayer open- ed the meeting followed by minutes of the March meeting. A thankyou note was read from Women's Community House for the CWL donation of $100. Thirty-six more bap- tismal books have been ordered to be presented to all newly baptized babies in our parish. It was decided that the League would present wooden crucifixes to all couples who marry in our church. Our annual pot luck supper will be held June 14 at 7:00 p.m. and guest speaker for this event will be Jay Camp- bell, . our channel 10 weatherman. A collection was taken up at the meeting for "Develop- ment and Peace." The CWL membership drive will begin on the weekend of May 5 and 6. Dues to remain at $3.50. The amount of $100 was agreed upon for the Holy Father's Canadian Visit Fund. The Lucan Fair is ap- proaching and the CWL is in need of three conveners (one for each day) to help the PTA in running the food booth. Any volunteers for this job are asked to call Bernice Crunican Historic church plates are still available at $10 each. Please call Corina Reymer at 225-2889 if your would like one. Next meeting will takeplace on May 16. Donald introduced the guiders and guests, including Chapman Division Commis- sioner Sheila Ripley. Brownie leaders Ruth Mair, 1st Lucan Pack and Pam Wright, 2nd Lucan Pack explained the events to date of their girls. Nancy Reed of 1st Lucan Guide Company reminisced on the activities of the 9-12 year group. Religion -in -Life awards were presented to Heather Smith, Erin Haskett, Christa Hardy and Christine Blay. Parents were updated on the plans and preparation for the Lucan Scout/Guide Hall by Linda Chatterson, who in- troduced the special guest speaker, Laura Potter. Laura is a • London Pathfinder leader, who at- tended an • international gathering at "Our Chalet", the Guide World Centre in Switzerland in 1983. Her talk and beautiful slides com- pleted the fantasy of being in Switzerland for a night. The evening closed with a "Norwegian Candlelighting Ceremony"; a combination of slides, candlelight and Biblical quotes read by girls from each of the groups. Everyone learned a new awareness of being members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Zurich bowling Tuesday, N1t'ns I.eague Playoffs TP • 1111 S. Armstrong 767 2837 P It. Crown 637 2797 11' B. Hogga,rth 680 3045 R W. Pierce 784 3425, DH R. Rader 684 2823 F M. Mommersteeg 516 2474 B C. Toonstra 614 2780 Wednesday Exeter I.adies R. Berends 588 1) Elder - 454 r t�Nye/M L//ir/(Ir ice. /_ft /"3:;;;;;141 1842 Corporation of the Township of Usborne Notice of the Passing of By-law #12-1984 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FORTIHE LICENSING AND THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF DOGS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE." WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron, deems it necessary to pass a By-law in compliance with theDog Licensing & Live Stock & Poultry Protection Act R.S.O. 1960 as amended. AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to license dogs in the Township of Usborne in Huron County. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne in Ifuron County enacts as follows: 1. That every owner or harbourer of a dog or dogs shall in each year prior to May 1st with the exception of the in- itiating year were the date shall be fixed as July 1, pay to the Municipal Treasurer or the appointed Dog Licen- sing Officer the following license fees: (1) Any Dog Male or Female $10.00 (2) Any single neuter or speyed dogs 5.00 (3) For each additional dog 15.00 (4) Kennel License of Pure bred Dogs 25.00 2. On or after May 1st, with the exception of the initiating year were the date shall be fixed as July 1st, in each year everyowner or harbourer of a dogor dogs shall pay to the Municipal Treasurer or the og Licensing Officer the following license fees: (1) Any Dog Male or Female (2) Any single neuter or speyed dogs (3) For each additional dog (4) Kennel License for Pure Bred Dogs $15.00 8.00 22.00 25.00 On receiving payment of the above fee or fees, the owner or harbourer of each dog shall be furnished with a dog tag for each dog. This dog tag shall be fastened in a secure manner, save and except during such times as the dog is lawfully being used Tor the hunting of deer. 3. Any person being the owner of or being the harbourer of or having possession of any dog which does not have a valid dog cense attached to the dog in the manner con- tained in this by-law, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty ($50.00) dollars exclusive of costs, and such penalty shall be recovered under the Summary Convictions Act R.S.O. 1980 as amended. ANL) WIIEREAS it is desireable to prohibit the running - a t -large of dogs in the Corporation of the Township of Usborne i Huron County. 4. THEREFORE be it enacted that no person owning har- bouring touring or possessing a dog shall allow e said dog to run -at -large within the municipal boundaries of the Cor- poration of the Township of Usborne. S. For the purpose of this by-law a dog shall be deemed to be running -at -large when it is found to be on the roads or highways or other public places, while being under no control of any person. • 6. A dog shall be deemed to be running at large also when found on any other property than on theremises where it is habitually kept and. or tender the control of its owner or of such other person acting on the owners behalf. 7. Any dog found running -at -large within the Municipality may be seized or killed or removed to the Pound as established by the Corporation by any peace officer or any person authorized to enforce this by-law by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Usborne, and for better clarity it is hereby specifically enacted that any officer of the Ontario Provincial Police is hereby authorized to kill any dog running -at -large contrary to this section. 8. Any person being the owner of or having the possession of or being the harbourer of any dog running -at -large in contravention of the above prohibition shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars exclusive of costs and such penalty shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictiong' Act, R.S.O. 1980. 9. Upon the passing of this By-law all previous by-laws per- taining to the Licensing and Running at Large of Bogs is hereby rescind . READ A FIRST & S ND TIME THIS 3rd, day of APRIL, 1984 READ A THIRD ME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd • day of APRIL, 1984 Limn s are now avaliable from the AdmInIstrative Offices ted on the Morrison Darn. Office hours ars from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. LARRY 14. STUCK, A.M.C.T. Clerk Treasurer 4 4 M. Lovell A. Appleton M. Reline A. Wilson HS R. Berends L. Stegner 560 478 445 548 206 205 Thursday Grand Cove Estates Ifs I IIS B. Thomson R. Broad R. Marshall K. Allen D. Lightfoot B. Thomson 648 518. 567 520 215 254 Thursday (:olden Age Seniors 111) I. O'Rourke G. F leischauer 1. Neeh HS 1. O'Rourke Thursday Mixed League B .t"Jacohs 'GT H. Martens TH W. Pennings 1) L. Meloche SHS T. Fisher HS D. Smith Monday Huron Hope HG D. Brownlee T. Wegg 118 D. McElrea M. Baker 257 194 254 154 530 588 502 539 200 240 122 110 107 106 Monday 1.adies League Final Playoffs A Division: Packers Red Devils Starlites • .Jolly Six B Division: Ups & Downs Pin Heads Dashwood Hotel Greenhorns U Division: T & C Six Pin Poppers Alley Opps llappy Gang HS T. Thiel 11T P. Schroeder IIA S. Dicker( Tuesday (.rand Cove Estates M. Snider Jack T. Anderson HS Laura HS Jack Total pinfall 8845 8635 8504 7840 8216 8102 7913 7631 9,71 8950 8532 8284 359 743 229 Friday Queensway HL S. Bosse HM A. Miazga L. McDougall 510 579 466 242 199 72 126 124 Exeter on Sunday and in the afternoon visited with Mr. Steve Molnar at the Blue Water Rest Home and with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg of Zurich. The Centralia euchre party in the community centre had 12 tables playing convened by Frank and Janet Hicks and Lawrence and Mildred Hirtzel. Prize winners were: high score Joyce Willert and Pal Willert; lone hands Margaret Carter and Ed Armstrong; low score Dorothy Darling and George Cunningham. The next party will be April 23 convened by Maurice and Helen MacDonald, Jack Dickins and Tom and Mary Kooy. Clandeboye WI meets Mrs. Arnold Blake was hostess for the April meeting of the Clandeboye Women's Institute. Roll call was pay- ment of fees with a new member joining the regular membership. Good reports were given by all conveners. Ruth Hill presented the slate of officers for the com- ing .year and Mary Scott in- stalled them. The executive is: president Mrs. Arnold Lewis; vice president Mrs. Harold Hardy; secretary treasurer Mts. Bruce Henry; assist. sec. treas. Mrs. Arnold Blake; district director Mrs. Edie Worthington. Branch directors Mrs. Hoy Cunningham, Mrs. Alan Hill and Mrs. Wilmer Scott. Pianist Ruth Hill; auditors Velma Hardy and Ruth Hill. Conveners for Agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs. Chas Coughlin; Citizenship and World Affairs Mrs. Jack Hodgson; Education and Cultural Activities, Mrs. Ar- nold Blake; Family and Con- sumer Affairs Mrs. Alan Hill; Public Relations Mrs. Michael Heffernan; Tweedsmuir History Mrs. Ar- thur Hodgins and Mrs. Isobel .Simpson; . Resolutions Mrs. Roy Cunningham. Plans for the blood clinic in Lucan April 24 were discuss- ed, also the tickets for the dessert euchre, May 1 were given to the members to sell. The Institute Grace was sung and'lunch was served by committee members, 011ie Hodgins, Kay Armstrong and Beth Neil, assisted by the hostess. Jean Hodgins visited It's still early, but be sure to book now for custom spraying of your lawn, trees or shrubs. Fully licensed and insured. Lakewood Nurpry R.R. 2 Zurich, 236-4 Open 9 - 6 daily 12 - ,day A good selection of our trees and shrubs are now available. Wednesday with Ruth and Russell Brock, Goderich who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary that day. The Morley families, which included Howard and Gwen Morley of Hazel Park, Michigan, Bill and Leona Morley of Zion, Mary and Ray Ruston of St. Marys and Jean Hodgins of Clandeboye enter- tained their sister and brother-in-law to dinner at "Robindale's" in Goderich, to celebrate this special occa- sion, followed by a visit at the Brock's home in the after- noon. Arthur Hodgins was unable to attend because of illness. Frank Vanneste and Rick Rollings reported for jury du- ty last week and are on call for this week. Edie Worthington visited her daughter, Helen Hewitt, Listowel for a couple of days last weekend and also visited friends id Conn, while there. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cunningham and family in the loss of Roy's brother, Elmer Cunningham, Ingersoll. Interment took place in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. On location or Studio Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY COMMERCIAL PORTRAITS • WI)OWGS • GROUPS MOOCH Mounting and laminating Telephone 235.1298 137 Thames Rd. East Exeter, Ont. PUBLIC MEETINGS CONCERNED ABOUT THE CONSERVATION OF OUR NATURAL RESOURCES? The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority is sponsoring three public meetings because we want your input and reaction to our long- range Watershed Plan. The Watershed Plan describes the Conservation Authority's direc- tion for the next fifteen years in the program - areas of flooding, soil erosion, water supply, water quality, recreation, forestry, en- vironmentally significant areas, fish and wildlife and cultural and historical resources. The public meetings will be held from 7-9 m. at the following locations and dates: Bayfield Tuesday, April.24, 1984 Bayfield Municipal Building Parkhill Wednesday, April 25, 1984 Parkhill = West Williams Public School on McLeod St. Exeter Thursday, April 26, 1984 Old Town Hall 322 Main St. Displays and background information will be available prior to the beginning of the meeting. For more information contact: AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY P.O. BOX 459 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 150 519-235-2610 GUARDIAN° DRUGS' Geta 2nd set of prints for C41 - 110, 126, 135 & DISC ONLY No Limit on Quantity Offer expires: April 28 Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Main Street 235 15/0