HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-04-18, Page 17a.e 4A Times -Advocate, April 18,1984 Council finds overtime payout pays off Works superintendent Den- nis Regier and arena manager Jerry Rader attend- ed the regular April meeting of Zu' ' council. . Ret said unexpected repairs to an old private drain to stop flooding in Mrs. Dorothy Koehler's basement cost approximately $782. The circumstances are unusual because the old drain was in- stalled privately years ago. As part of the repairs were on the village's road allowance and broken tiles were replac- ed on Mrs. Koehler's proper- ty, the cost will be divided, with Zurich paying the major share. Rader said all bills resulting from the equipment breakdown at the arena have been submitted to the in- Total n- FA TEST EGGMOBILES - e eggmobile built bpi Chris Semple (left front) and Paul Dickert won the Great Egg Race at Zurich P.S. The entry by Paula Watson (back) and Susie Ferguson finished second, and Jaime and Jodie McGee's machine was t tv4&, Ezek , s' • MOST ORIGINAL - Nicole deBlieck (back left) and Laurie Forrester won first place - for the most original eggmobile, Thriller. Jared Siebert's entry was second, and Sarah Vair's Egg Express third. Great Egg Race Zurich Public School's most scrambled competition of the year, the fifth annual Great Egg Race, got cracking at 1:00 p.m. in the school gym on Friday April 13. Seventeen eggmobiles in turn took off from the starting position and headed for the far wall, egg- ed on by the entire staff and student body lining both sides of the raceway. The competition's goal is to transport a' hardboiled egg supplied by the school as far as possible in a conveyance powered by rubber bands. Egg crates could measure up to but not egg -teed 80 cm. long, 40 cm. tall and 20 cm. wide. The designs, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, demonstrated the ingenuity dhd creativity of the inventive racers. Not all entries ran at ZPS eggs-actly as planned, though. Some went backwards; or sideways, or refused to move at all. One eggs -ample; "'perhaps • on .a secret test for Canada's arm- ed forces, fired elastic bands at the spectators as it sped along. Winners in the distance and originality categories will receive a- free lunch -at the next school hot dog sale. St. Peter's CWL meet St. Peter's CWL St. Joseph's Parish held its April meeting last Tuesday at the Bluewater Rest dome with entertainment provided by Clare Masse and Max Ducharme, and poem read by Mary -Lou Denomme. At the meeting which followed issues discussed included the election of a new treasurer, Mrs. Sharon Durand and a new vice-president Mrs. Rose Regier. The membership drive -on May 5 and 6 at the hack of the church, prepara- tion for the confirmation' students on June 6 with Bishop Gervais coming from Windsor and nominations and the choosing of twe delegates for the convention in Sarnia on May 8 and 9. Personals Mrs. Gertie F'Ieischauer spent the weekend in Palmerston with her daughter and son-in-law. 'Ruth -Ann and Bill Mills. The Mennonite Choir will once agar be presenting a beautiful Easter ('antata on Easter Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the Zurich Mennonite Church titled "Ile Lives" by Joe E. Parks. It is being directed by Dorothy Steck le, and warm welcome is extended to everyone in the community. Joe and Dolores Staton and family of Troy. Michigan spent the weekend at their cottage north of St..lospeh opening it up and cleaning it ready for the summer months ahead. Welcome to town to David and Irene Schilbe and two children. Sabrina and ('an - dace. formerly of Calgary who have moved hack to Zurich and are temporarily staying with his parents, Lou and Delores Schilbe. David is working with his dad at the hardware store.And little Sabrina is enrolled in grade 'one at the public school. Peter and Bonnie Regier and family. London, visited on the weekend with their parents Lee and Rose Regier and Clem and Theresa Regier. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Regier returned home on Fri - U • day after spending the winter in Florida. Cathy and daughter Alicia Sainte of Chatham spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents Paul and Marie Cyr and family. Congratulations are in order for engaged couples, Vicki Schroeder and Mike Ducharme; Jackie Bedard and Craig Clausius; Lori Meidinger and Murray Arm- strong and to Linda Klopp and Robert Earle. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Henn- ing from London were Sunday visitors with Doc and Ellen I torn. Maplewoods residents en- joyed their Easter dinner at the Zurich hotel on Wednes- day night. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Risi. Following dinner they return- ed to Maplewoods for a business meeting and social time of cards and crdkinole. Birthday celebrants were Tillie Ziler, Tony Wisser and ,Clem Jeffrey. We regret that Edna Eckel is still a patient in Exeter Hospital. Congratulations•to Brenda and Jerry Rader on the ar- rival of Jaclyn Mac on Satur- day. April 14. A grand- daughter for Clarence and Leona`Reichert and Mr. and" Mrs. Gale. of Forest. Congratulation, to Donna and Danny Overholt, Exeter, on the arrival of their second son, Kevin Daniel on April 12. A third grandchild for Denny and Rose Ann Overholt, Zurich and seventh for Leone Riddell, Kitchener and M.Y.P. Jack Riddell. A lovely bridal shower was held for Carrie Sweeney at St. Boniface School on Sunday. April 15 with 62 friends, neighbours and relatives sign- ing the guest book with ad- dresses from Stratford. Lon- don, Toronto and Zurich area. Following a few games Car- rie opened several beautiful and much needed gifts. assisted by her sister and at- tendants. A delicious lunch was served thanks to the help of many dear friends. Another shower is being planned for Carrie on April 29 at the home of her future mother-in-law given by the Eybergen family in Stratford. Paul and Shirley Bedard along with Bob and Betty Kirk enjoyed a nice relaxing weekend in Toronto. Case and Annie Van Raay, RR 3, Dashwood returned home from a week's trip to Las Vegas along with relatives Wim and Uannie Boon who are presently visiting with them from Holland for three weeks. They also attended Joanne's wed- ding on April 7. The Boons wilt be leaving for home again on Friday. A nice bridal shower was held in honor of Rose -Mary Bedard. Zurich in Dashwood on Sunday. given by relatives and friends of the Rader family. Don't forget about the Easter Tea and Bake Sale be- ing held this Saturday, April 21 at the Zurich United Church from 2-4. p.m. Everyone welcome. Some high school students from St. Boniface and St Peter's parishes made a COR weekend in Stratford on April 6 to 8 which was very rewar- ding for all of them. Mrs. Anna Caers of Alymer was a weekend guest at the home of her son and. daughter-in-law. Mike and Donna Caers and children. Ted and Sarah Robson, Windsor spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Corriveau. A lovely evening was en- joyed by several ladies from all the area churches. They were guests of the Lutheran church Women last Tuesday who presented a nice Easter Pageant which was well nar- rated and portrayed with original costumes. Adjourn- ing downstairs afterwards lunch and refreshments were served and enjoyed by all present. Correction Linda Smith (not Brenda Smyth) placed third in grade Six biological at the six -school science fair in Exeter. We apologize for the mix-up in names. Total mill rate set soon 1984 Hay budget 'up 2.2 mills Hay township council spent most of the time at its second regular Aprilmeeting talking about - budgets. Eugene Bender presented the audited 1983 financial report for the township, and council discuss- ed the estimated expenditures and revenue. for 1984. Bender reported the township entered 1984 in ex- cellent financial shape. Last year expenditures were ap- proximately $13,000 less than estimates, and revenue $12,000 more than expected. The township has no tem- porary or long-term debt. A six-year review shows the education levy has almost doubled since 1978, while township expenditures rose in the same period from $358,000 to $585,000 last year. Bender said the record of Hay Municipal Telephone System was quite impressive, with a net income of $349,770. Money set aside from current revenues is available for capital expenditures schedul- ed for 1985. A new digital swit- ching system will be in effect by next February. A review of budget estimates for 1984 produced a final figure of $846,733 for total municipal expenses. This includes a working capital reserve of $38,775. Total revenue from all sources is estimated at $588,086, leaving $258,847 to be raised by taxes. This represents a 3.6 percent in- crease, which will add 2.2 mills to this year's tax bills at the township level. The 'township's rate for residential and farm will be 62.87 mills, and 73.97 for commercial and business taxpayers. Hay will pass a by-law set- ting the total mill rate at their next regular session after ' discussing the rates with the village of Dashwood. When the county and school taxes are included, Hay township ratepayers face a total in- crease of 5.5 percent. Don Beaucham N came in . ti{ TOP BOWLERS Winners in the Zurich and Area businessmen's tournament at Town and Country Lanes, Zurich were John Douglas (left), Stratford, third; Doug Donaldson, Stratford, first and Sonny Moore, Goderich, second 1 WINNING BOWLERS =- High scorers in the Zurich and Area businessmen's tournament at the Zurich lanes were (left) Ken Johnston, Clinton, 1st high five, Nor- man,Wilding, Mitchell, 2nd high five and Bob Graham, Goderich, high single. Missing: Manfred Popernitsch, 2nd high single. Bowling tournpment Town & Country Bowling Lanes held the second in a series of Three bowling tour- naments on Sunday. Thirty- six bowlers bowled 10 games in competition for $760 in prizes and cash. Participants were from Goderich, Zurich, Lucan, Clinton, Seaforth,. Stratford and Mitchell. Top 10 game bowler was Doug Donaldson of Stratford bowling 2560; second was Son- ny Moore of Goderich bowling Pi, and third was John D',oe'as of Stratford with a score of 2443. Placing first for the first high five was Ken Johnston of Clinton bowling 1294, second was Norm Wilding with a score of 1288. High single of the day was Oo[/en it is nice to see the daffodils and crocuses blooming, and I am sure these April flowers will prove very beneficial. Movies were shown Mon- day evening followed by refreshments. The April birthday party was held on Tuesday evening hosted by the ladies of St. Peter's Catholic Church. St. Joseph. The residents enjoyed an evening of old time music provided by Max Ducharme playing the violin and Clare Masse accompanying him on the guitar. Mrs. Mary Lou Denomme gave a reading. Residents having birthdays during the month of April are Mrs. Jenny Mason, Mrs. Genevieve Ducharme, Mr. Bob Graham bowling a game of 318. Second was Manfred Papernitsch, Stratford bowl- ing 317. Businesses from Exeter, Dashwood, Stratford, Grand Bend and Zurich, sponsors for this tourney were: Birch Bark Trailer Park, Tender Spot, Clarke's Shell Self Serve, Campbell's Homeland Appliances, Fisher Meats, Whitings Warehouse. Ellison Travel and Tours, Dinney Furniture, Canadian Tire, Pizza Delight, Dashwood Hotel, Don's Food Market, Exeter Electric, Tuckey Beverages, Moffatt& Powell, Bob Swartman, Tas- ty Nu Bakery and RSD Sport Den inc. [`mpJeJ Wellington Riehl, Mrs. Alice Thompson and Mrs. Myrtle Woodford. Birthday gifts were presented, courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary. Follow- ing the program, refreshments were enjoyed. We welcome Mrs. Erma Gascho back from the hospital. Mr. Alexander entertained the residents on Wednesday evening to a video program. Bingo was played on Friday evening followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Stan McDonald of Hen - sail United Church. Mrs. Mid- dleton presided at the organ during the service. part way through the meeting to ask what help the organizers of the new ball dia- mond could expect from Hay township, and if money set aside for actual work on the diamond could be used for purposes such as seed money for a money -raising bingo game. Reeve Lionel Wilder said the money Beauchamp refer- red to had to be used for the ball diamond itself, and the county was doing its share by acting as borrower for up to $40,000 to build the facilities. Beauchamp thanked council for their explanation, which he will convey to the rest of his committee at their next meeting. The organizers of the new ball park planta raise money through activities such as bingoes, a bowlathon and a raffle. Many- township residents are donating labour, materials and machinery. In other business, the Zurich Agricultural Society's request for money was answered with a grant of $350, the same amount as given in 1983. A petition signed by Andy Durand and Henry Hendricks for improvement and repair of the Triebner drain was received. Bruce Holdsworth of W.G. Bartlett and Associates will be asked to draft a preliminary report. The next regular meeting will be on May 7 at 7:00 p.m. surance company. Revenue loss was included in the estimates. After the two men had left, Councillor Ray . McKinnon questioned the necessity of having them appear at each council meeting when authority'has been delegated to the rec board and two coun- cillors to sit on the board. Bob Fisher supported McKinnon's stand, but Councillors Mike O'Connor and Keith Westlake disagreed. Clerk Sharon Baker supported the latter's position, saying problems had arisen when councillors had been unable -to attend board meetings. Reeve Isadore LaPorte agreed, saying he liked to see them there, if only for ten minutes. Fisher had done some research after hearing in- direct complaints about coun- cil's experiment this winter in paying overtime to salaried employees. The 1983-84 cost for overtime, truck rental, gas and insurance totalled $1,400, compared to$2,973 the year before, $1,600 for the 1980-81 season and $2,900 the winter before that. A member of council is authorized to accompany Chamber of Commerce Fred Haberer to Toronto when MPP Jack Riddell has ar- ranged a meeting with the ministry of transportation and communication. The Zurich delegation want to ob- tain large signs directing peo- ple to the village from Highways 4 and 21. A recorded vote shows that McKinnon opposed the in- crease to 65 cents per bill for sewage billing and collecting. Part-time arena employees will receive a five percent pay increase. The $7,839.30 rec board surplus will be set aside in a reserve fund for the purchase of a new compressor needed this year. Ball park rental will in- crease to $11.50 per game without lights and $13.50 with lights-. Rec League and Minor Athletic rentals will increase five percent to $237 this season, and park area rental will be $10. Plans are underway for a Zurichfest on September 22. A German band has already been hired. Varna confirmation By Mary Chessell Six young people were received into full membership in Varna United Church in a confirmation service on Sun- day. Those professing their faith were Lori Consitt, Jeanette Keys, Laura Roy, Jacqui Taylor, Steven Taylor and Julie Webster. In Goshen Church Bradley Eckel, Kim and Tracey Hayter and Lisa and Lorelie Robinson were confirmed. Congratulations to the Beierlings on the birth of a baby boy in St. Joseph's Hospital last Tuesday, April 10. Joan was coming home on Monday. The baby is fine, but still has to gain a bit of weight before leaving hospital. Bob and -Gwynne Roberts and children 'Jessica and Jamie visited with the Chessets on Saturday for a couple of hours.. A nasty flu virus has been around lately, and -quite a few families have been sick. Bill and Mary Chessell at- tended Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Stratford on Sunday for the confirma- tion of their godson Tom Brown. Zion is a beautiful church on Erie Street, and has a large congregation with services at nine and eleven. A • large number of people were having coffee following the early service, and the church was filled again for the confir- mation service. Twenty-two young people were confirm- ed. On Wednesday, the Chessells attended the funeral of a former neighbour and friend Lucien Lair in Niagara Falls at Our Lady of the Scapular Church. Councillors agreed to stay with the present landfill site arrangements in partnership with Hay township, and will inform Stephen township they will not participate in their proposal for a joint. master waste plan dj$posal. O'Connor informed council the village has acquired an optometrist. Dr. Paul Pad- field, an associate of Dr. G.B. Clancy, Goderich, will be sharing the facilities of the Zurich Dental Clinic for one or two days weekly. Details of the arrangement are still be- ing worked out. The Heimrich case will be heard in small daiins court in Exeter on May 3. The council, meeting ad- journed at 9:30, followed by a short session concerning Zurich's entry in the Huron County Atlas and an in - camera sitting of the finance committee. v St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. DONNA KYLLONEN Pastor Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, April 22 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. - Sunday School There is o nursery for small children which'is supervised dur- ing the worship service. Everyone Welcome Dietrich Metal Products Manufacturer - of metal trims - steel signs and lettering - steel barn lettering etc. Dealer in roofing and siding steel Complete line of building material Dietrich Construction Farm and commercial construction Concrete forming,floors, sidewalks, etc. FREE ESTIMATES 1 1/4 miles west.of Mt. Carm and ill mite4`sou h R.R. 8, Parkhill . Phone 294-6940 Shaw's Dairy Store 2364900 * 2' Gallon Tub Shaws Ice Cream G � WIN8wr N p Laporte OSE O?RYiA1vD Meat Market * » GIFT CERTIFICATEZurich Wood Products Ltd • MANUFACTURERS OF P'"S 'Export A "TRIP FOR 2" TO Nashville, Tennessee St Joseph Country Store -YOUR ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTRE" Crates B°`"(VALUED • AT $600) HIGHWAY 21 and Si Fisher's Abbatoir 7361143 ZURICH * 82S. GIFT CERTIFICATE COMPLIMENTS OF •ZURICH and AREA BUSINESSES ZURICH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ELLISON TRAVEL & TOURS Don's Food Market * 736..4316 ZURICH 5Mehtta 10 Cup Automatic Coffee Maker Ed's Burner Service "YOUR HEATING HEADOUARTERs• 2364195 ZURICH HANOVER TOURS TO ENTER OUR DRAW VISIT ANY PARTICIPATING BUSINESS AND- - FILL OUT_A FREE BALLOTTi Zurich Arcade 'YOUR AMUSEMENT CENTRE' GosHE14 ST ZURICH MANY OTHER PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY Schilbe Hardware 7154471 ZURICH * HIBACHI BARBECUE * • EACH BUSINESS PLACE DISPLAYING A STAR IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS OFFERING A BONUS PRIZEI All Draws to be made at the Spare Rib Dinner. April 25 A.B. Printing WEDDING INVITATIONS *FINE PRINTING 7364180 ZURICH Bank of Montreal 'THE FIRST CANADIAN BANK' 4384 ZURICH Come to the Annual Zurich & Area Chamber of Commerce SPARE RIB Hi -Fashion Beauty Salon �`S"`� '�°� PROPR 236+4982 ZURICH Lorraine's Crafts CRAFT. MEIN. SEWING SUPPLIES GOSIENST ZURICH DECORATED MIRROR DINNER SERVED WITH COLE SLAW or SAUERKRAUT 'HOMEMADE DESSERTS Village Floral & Gift Shop 2367779 ZURICH •♦ 120 GIFT CERTIFICATE Dave Durand Electric COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL •FARM 7.154471 ZURICH WEDNESDAY APRIL, 25 Clare Masse Trucking 'WE HAUL ANYTHING" 7354154 ZURICH Erb Bros. Garage Ltd, �c 1364Al2 ZURICH Free Of Charge, FIPMr. Lube 6 810 Gas SERVED FROM 5 i0 8 P M AT THE ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE The Tender Spot 7 ZURICH 1/2 PIG FULLY PROCESSED The Beauty Den BONNIE SCHENK. PROPRIETOR 5[ 2188 238.1881 BAYFIELD ZURICH TASTY -NU BAKERY and CHEESE HOUSE * - 2364917 ZURICH . HIBACHI and LAWN CRA* WESTLAKE insurance Brokers Inc. -FOR A COMPETITIVE OUOTAPON CALL x!6.4391 ZURICH Doug GeoffreyY Construction NAMES 'COTTAGES •REMODELLING ZURICH Framax Collector Plates GOSHEN ST ZURICH * Limited Ed{ton Collector's Plate SOUTH HURON VETERINARY CLINIC 2354301 ZURICH DOMINION TAVERN & DINING LOUNGE 2 11 ZURICHLAWN DINNER FOR TWO Hensel! District Co -Op 7364393 ZURICH * FERTILIZER SPREADER BOB'S BODY SHOP COMM ETF AUTO CARE SERVICE" ZURICH 2364059 NORM'S PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC NORM K0 4tER PROPRIETOR 236-4162 HEIMRICH'S STATIONERY & GIFTS -YOUR STORE FOR ALL OCCASIONS" 236.4941 ZURICH Edward Heard Constriction -COMPLETE sAcKrtoE sER,ncE- R R 1 VARNA 9E4997 2987 ' ZURICH 4, Kodak Eklral to 500 Camera Dave's Decor * 7364941 ZURICH 4 Litre Can Benjamin Moore Paint STERLING FUELS "ULTRAMAR" HEATING OIL 'GASOLINE *OILS DOUG ER8 HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM His 'n' Hers Hair Shop 1 nbml 7"4K" T* FREE PERM Z36-4566 ZURICH 2364333 ZURICH Haberer Concrete Products Ltd Sidewalks •Patios *Benches 'Curbs ZURICH - 236-4305 JEFFREY BROS. CONSTRUCTION ITO. 'WE BUILD ANYTHING' 2264757 TOWN & COUNTRY BOWLING LANES -Tony and Marlene Bedard- Dick Rau Plumbing ZURICH LAUNDROMAT i CAR WASH 735W ZURICH ZURICH 236.11123 ZURICH C.G. Farm Supply Ltd. y ?1544±4 IURIC.H T COLEMAN PICNIC COOLER Zurich Medical Centre O. CHARLES WALLACE 2364314 ZURICH Zurich Dental Clinic DR. GRANT LEE 7.164341 11181;1 Huron Ridge Acres "DAVID ST7<CKLE i FAMILY * ROYAL MAPLE TREE 1 •