Times-Advocate, 1984-04-18, Page 10QUILTING RAFT— D sp ay ng some o t eir quit = • creat ons at a cra t s ow e
in the Hensoll Community Centre were Centralia ladies Verda Lightfoot (left), Ellen
Brown, Etta Powe and Lois Wilson.
Anniversary celebrated
Thames Rood
Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Rowcliffe entertained at a
surprise dinner party Satur-
day evening in honour of his
parents Mr. and Mrs. William
Rowcliffe's 40th wedding an-
niversary. There were 25 of
the Borland family present.
Congratulations Bill and
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Barry E. Miller on the
birth of their third daughter in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London
on the weekend.
A number of people from
the community attended the
fiddler's jamboree at the .
S.H.R.C.. Exeter Sunday
afternoon and evening.
Among some of those playing
were Ray Cann and Ken
Church service
Rev. Robert Matheson was
in charge of the Palm Sunday
Church Service on Sunday
with a fair attendance. He
told the children a story entitl-.
ed "The Light of Life". The
choir rendered an anthem ac-
-companied by the organist
Miss Agnes Bray. The Scrip-
ture Lesson was read from
Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians
2:5-11, Matthew 26:14-27:66.
The sermon was entitled The
During the 1960's Simon and
Garfunkel produced a sonic
(i3 the caoperatols
374 Main St, Exeter
Clinton Community
Credit Union Office
`esidence 235.1109 Busineu
"Homeward Bound." The
lyrics caused the listeners to
dream of being able to put
their troubles aside for awhile
and enjoy a visit with old
friends and relatives.
That was the political
dream but there were two
political realities. Israelite
religious leaders were lined
up against Jesus - they were
his own people. These leaders
were using their leverage
with the imperial political
power basis to see Jesus as a
threat to their well-being -
their stature with Rome. •
Palm Sunday is a day of
celebration because it does in-
form us of how God governs
his Creation. But he does not
do it this way human beings
(with all our prejudices and
pre -conceived notion) an-
ticipate. While, according to
the human telling of the story,
events may be leading us in a
downward direction we have
to wait for Easter Sunday to
see God's Good News come to
Rev. Robert Matheson
spoke on Minute for Mission
entitled "Don't let the world
forget us."
Confirmation Class will
meet Wednesday April 18 in
the church at 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Messengers will meet in the
church, Wednesday April 18
at 6:45 p.m.
Sunday School meeting
Wednesday April 18 at 8:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bill
Good Friday Communion
Worship Friday April 20 at 8
p.m. in Thames Road Church
for our congregation and
Youth Group • "Sun Rise"
Easter morning b`reakffst
and worship at 6:00 a.m. April
22 in Thames Road Church.
Mr. and Mrs: Archie Ether-
ington.arrived home recently
after having spent the winter
in the south.
Eighteen ladies of the UCW
were guests of the j<'romarty
ladies Tuesday evening.
Miss Judy MacDonald. Mr.
and Mrs. Barry J. Miller.
Robbie, Kenny and Shelly
were guests on Saturday at
the wedding of Robert Liv-
ingston in Ottawa.
m** . Monday, April 30, 1984)
All garbage placed on the street for
regular pick-ups, shall be placed on the NORTH
and WEST sides of the street, unless otherwise
noted below:
West Side of Town (Mondavi Place Garbage On
William Street East Side
Huron St. W. (Between Carling and Railway)
North Side
(except between Carling and
Railway) South Side
South Side
South Side
East Side
South Side
South Side
South Side
South Side
Huron St. W.
Mill St.
Park St.
Mary St.
John St.
Gidley St.
Wellington St.
Nelson St.
East Side of Town (Friday).
John St.
Gidley St.
Wellington St.
Simcoe St.
Edward St.
Andrew St.
McNaughton Drive
Pryde Blvd.
Churchill Dr.
Sherwood Cresc.
Main Street and North of River
William S1reeT
Main Street
Hwy. no. 83
Walper St.
Riverside Dr.
Hillcrest Dr.
Alexander St.
Devon Dr.
Andrew St.
South Side
South Side
South Side
South Side
Eost Side
East Side
South Side
East Side
South Side
on inside of Crescent
East Side
both sides
both sides
south side
south side
east side
south side
east side
east side
Extra Large Garbage Pickups
April, Juno, August and October
West Side of Town - 1st Thursday
East Side of Town - 2nd Thursday
All GarbajQo Pickups - must be of curb by
8:tXf o.m. to ensure pickup
Landfill Site User Fees - All residents and
6usTnesses are allowed 2 freeloads (up to
size of pickup truck) per year.
Other Rates Aro:
Car Load - $2.50
Pickup Truck - 55.00
Dump Truck
Packer - 515.00
Residents and Businesses must show pe -, (available
at Municipal Office) to Dump Attenr'�,t.
Exeter',, own Council
Barbara Tiernan, Exeter
spent the weekend with Jayne
Mr. and Mrs. William
Rohde called at the Needham
Funeral Home, London,
Saturday evening where they
paid their respect to their un-
cle the late Clayton Hanna.
Dashwood Wi plans. meetings
The executive of Dashwood
Women's Institute met Tues-
day afternoon at the home of
president Mrs. Emil Becker
to plan meetings for 1984-85
year and also the District An-
nual to be held in Dashwood
May 17. The Tweedsmuir and
Grandmothers meeting will
be held May 1. There will also
be a white elephant sale.
Zion Lutheran Church
Ladies Aid members were
guests of St; Peter's Lutheran
Ladies, Tuwday, April 10
along with ladies from
several other congregations.
It was a very enjoyable
Mrs. Arthur Koessel, Lan-
sing, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick May, Clarkston,
Mich. and Mrs. Richard
Mueller, Bloomfield, Mich.
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Pfile and other
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader,
Stratford were Sunday guests
with Mrs. Shirley Van
Dorsselaer and Susan.
Relatives of the groom,
Nancy Rader, Rose Rader,
Eleanor Rader, Mary Rader
and Ruth Kraft hoste4 a
shower for Rosemary
Bedard, bride -elect of May,
Sunday afternoon at the com-
munity centre for relatives,
neighbours and friends. A
large number attended and
she was recipient of many
lovely gifts for which
Rosemary thanked everyone
and invited those present to
come to the reception in Ex-
eter May 5.
Convener of Stewardship,
Finance and Leadership
group, Mrs. Eben Weigand
opened the UCW meeting with
a passage of scripture, Mark
11, verses 15-18. The hymn
"Crown Him with Many
Crowns" was sung followed
by .prayer by Mrs. Mildred
Kellerman. Gail Shaw
savored with a solo, "Lord of
the Dance".
A drama was presented
with Mrs. Sid Neeb, Mrs.
Eben Weigand, Mrs. Mildred
Kellerman and Mrs. Bill
Chandler taking pail. Scrip-
ture from Luke 6, verses Z7,31
was read prior to Rev. Bar-
bara Laing conducting Bible
study with the togic, "Jesus a
Revolutionary'' The hymn,
"Were you there?" was sung.
Mrs. Weigand closed the wor-
ship portion of the program
with prayer.
Mrs. Don Gaiser, president,
thanked the committee in
charge and welcomed 15
members. A number of in-
vitations from UCW groups in
the area were received. A
special events day will be held
in Wingham, April 23. An in-
vitation was extended to Mrs.
Yvonne Reynolds to be the
guest speaker for the UCW
anniversary May 13.
The Sunshine committee
reported several visits with
the new committee for April
Mrs. Jim Weigand and Mrs.
Harold Hendrick. The
meeting closed with the Miz-
pah Benediction.
Ladies Aid
Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid
held their meeting Wednes-
day afternoon with nine
members answering the roll
call. Mrs. Florence Martene,
president, opened the meeting
with a hymn "When I Survey
the Wondrous Cross"
Pastor M. Mellecke's topic
was "Joy in Jesus". Joy is one
of the signs of a Christian. It
is something .the Holy Spirit
gives us because we have
Jesus in our hearts. It was
something Paul experienced
even though he was in chains
awaiting trial before the
Roman emporer. You might
expect Paul to be worried
about the trial. Not so, Paul
never allowed his troubles to
interfere with his joy and
thankfulness to God.
Reports were read from the
secretary, treasurer, card
secretary and Altar Guild.
The new Guild is Miss Helen
Nadinger and Mrs. Freida
Hayter. Donations and thank
you notes were received and
read. A pot luck Mother and
Daughter supper will be held
May 8 at 6:30.
Closing Devotions were
taken by Mrs. Lorne Becker.
Tom Duffy Ed Fraser
Mr. M.G. Shurety, President of poshwood In-
dustries Limited, is pleased to announce the
following appointments. Mr. Tom Duffy js ap-
pointed Vice President --Operations with
responsibility for the operations of the Com-
pany's main manufacturing, -plant in Centralia,
Ontario. Mr. Ed Fraser is appointed Vice
President --Sales with soles responsibility for
the Company's products across Canada.
Dashwood Industries is the largest manufac-
turer of wood and vinyl windows and patio
doors in Canada.
Owned & Operated by Dinney Furniture
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