HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-03-28, Page 21ONE BEDROOM apartment,
ground floor, fridge and stove,
0111traty located. Available May
lat. 235-2087 after 6:30 k.m.l3tfn
downtown one bedroom 5196.10,
two bedroom W4.26, heat, park-
ing, laundry included. Apt 12,
304 Andrew Street. 235-2139,
472-0986. 13tfn
GRAND BEND furnished apart-
ment, suitable for a couple.
Utilities paid. No pets. Apply
Patio Motel. Phone 238-2431.6tfn
PRIME RETAIL or office space.
Main St. Exeter. 235-1497. 6tfn
IN ZURICH, centrally lotrryyed
upstairs 1 bedroom apartiient
with fridge and stove. 236-4320.
GRAND BEND - furnished
bachelor apartment. Call after 6
o. m. 238-8656. 9t fn
:I I, I {t n t
portable cement mixer, Power
Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form
ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau,
Zurich: Telephone 236-4954. 51
auditorium for rentals including
weddings,•-tbeetin s, banquet
room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available.
Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000.
BUILDING for Rent or Lease -
32'x80', three bays, office -
washroom, partial heat, large pav-
ed lot. Call 236-7777 after 6 p.m.
23 Wonted To Rent
LAND for cash crop. Top dollar
for top land. 229-8841. 13-15c
• s
R1.- MT.7• MID
11It17..MMIS- STM•
* Farm Sold
* Clearing auction sale of farm
* machinery, feeder cattle etc. for *
* Mr. Wm. Morley, Lot 13, Concession *
* 13, McGillivray twp., 5 ml. N. of *
* AIIsa Craig, 7 mil S.W. of Crediton. *
* Wednesday, April 4 - 12:00 noon *
* CATTLE: 56 top quality Charolais hfrs., western *
* cavles wintered in Ont., 600-700 lbs,; 19 B/W *
* faced yrling strs, and hfrs; 10 big B/W faced
* calves; 5 yrling B/W faced calves. *
* TRACTORS: J.D. 4020 diesel with cab; J.D. 1830 *
* disel with 146 J.D. loader, only 800 hrs., Int. *
* 504 diesel. *
* 'MACHINERY: J.D. 5 fur. F145 semi -mount *
* plow; Glenco 181/2' cult. with harrows; Int. 18 *
* run f. -& g;-5)0 drill with grass seeder (like- "*
* s new); Kongskilde 3 pt. hitch fert. spreader; *
* Kongskilde 4 row scuffler; Ford 311 4 row *
* planter with insecticides; Noble 4 row cult.; *
* Arts -Way 425 mix mill; Int. 555 2 row'harvester *
* and hay head; 2 Gehl forage boxes with roofs *
* and wagons (like new); Dion forage blower and *
* pipes; Int. 201 10'/z' self propelled swather; *
* Int. 550 manure spreader with slush gate; N.H. *
* 67 baler; 2 wheeled closed in utility trailer; Int. *
* side rake; Int. 7' mower; Int. 3 pt. hitch - plow;
* Kool blower; 32 plate double disc; 91/2' 3 pt- *
* hitch cult; gravity bin and wagon; Noble bar *
* cult. *
* MISC. wagon with stock rack and loading *
* chute; Woods oat roller; water trough; -seed , *
* cart; platform scales; table saw; 4" grain *
* augers; ladders; utility single chain elevator; *
* cement mixer and motor; steel posts; quantity *
* of lumber; 3 pt. hitch blade; McCullough chain
* saw; barn de-fogger; Stewart clippers and *
* dehorners; nuts and bolts; J.M. 8' fert. auger; *
* cattle squeeze; 40' extension ladder; North *
* American double auger snow blower (like *
* new); air compressor; antique shot gun; old *
* wooden hand tools and other misc. fools. *
* For information phone (519) 293-3653. TERMS: *
* cash sale day. Booth
* Hugh Filson Tom Robson *
* 666-0833 666-1967 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Land Rented or Sold
Clearing auction sale of form
machinery, truck, etc. For Patterson
Farms. Lot 1, Concession B, Stephen
Twp. just off 81 Hwy., 1 mi. east of
Grand Bend.
Friday April 6 - 10:00 a.m.
TRACTORS: Int. Hydro 100 Farman diesel, cab,
hydrostat, air, (excellent condition) Int. 300 For -
mall gas, 4 row puller, 4 row scuffler and Russel
weeder; Michigan 35A payloader with cab, 1'/,
yd. bucket, 4 speed Alison automatic; 18.4 x 38
COMBINE: Int. 403 corn and soy bean special
hydrostat, air, automatic header, flowing cutter
bar; Sun pickup head, recently overhauled.
MACHINERY: Int. 710 semi -mount 5 fur. plow,
new bottoms and mould boards; Miller 12' offset
wheel disc; Allied 24'/,' cult. with rolling harrows
and hydraulic wings; Int. No. 564 row planter; No.
363 3 fur. 14" plow; J.F. 4 row 3 pt. hitch scuffler;
Int. 15 run double disc drill on big tires; Kelso 3
pt. hitch sprayer; Allied 10' 3 pt. hitch cult., 8'/,'
packer; single wheel for front of Int. 300 tractor;
harrow Brady harvester, Gehl 15" hammer mill;
Innis 500 windrower with cross conveyor; 16'
hydraulic grain auger; two 75' hydraulic hoses;
3000 gal. liquid manure tank with hydraulic con-
trol; two Tu Gehl blower; t Turnco ora
e n forage racks and
c g
wagons;1200 gal. water tdrtic complete; Int. 830
2 row harvester with hay head; electric controls
(like new); int. 135 PTO manure spreader; 4-720
Industrial loader; Int. 7' mower; N.H. forage
blower; J.F. 3 pt. hitch fert. spreader; G.W. snow
blower; Vincent chopper; 2 wheel trailer; 3 sets
rollers; Int. No. 15 side rake; Turnco bin and
wagon; 12' fert. auger; 42' Speed -King 6" auger
on wheels; 4" Diaphram construction pump, quick
cupler and hose, 11 h.p. Wisconsin motor;
Gilmore tailgate side dump box and wagon holds
300 bu. grain; 3 pt. hitch pulley; scales; bob
sleighs; chicken troughs; cattle clipper; loading
shute; cream separator; 5th wheel; grain thrower;
Int. 550 harvester for parts; 1020 truck tire and
rim; oil furnace. Some furniture and misc., anti-
que tools.
TRUCK: Int: 1974 1800 tandem gas 478, 13 speed
Road Ranger, 15' box, tarp, good condition, sell-
ing as is. Pup with tandem axle 19' box with
hydraulic fitted tar hoist. For information phone
(519) 238-2046. TERMS: cosh sale day. Booth
* Hugh Filson
* 66d-0833
Tom Robson *
666-1967 *
23 Wtin(i• i !u f410
HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc-
ed acres in Exeter area. Must have
ample water for small livestock
operation. Two-year lease or
longer preferred. Apply stating
location, rental and length of term
available to Box BAX, The Exeter
Times -Advocate, Exeter. 45ifx
Kippen area. Phone M & T
Farms, 262-6018 or 262-6068.
Lawrence Becker, Crediton.
519-234-6486. 11-13c
4 bedroom home. Please call
45-0941 or collect 519-853-2078
anytime. 13c
HOUSE in town or farm house in
Hensall-Exeter area, by May 1.
Phone 262-2277 evenings. 13:14c
and July 1 holiday weekend to
' sleep three. Phone 262-3131.
26 Legal Notices
In the Estate of
Flossie Milverna
Treumner '
Known also as Verna Truemner,
late of the Township of Hay, in
the County of Huron,
Housekeeper, who died on or
about the 6th day of March, 1984.
Creditors and others having claims
against the above estate are re-
quired to send full particulars of
such claims to the undersigned on
or before the 25th day of April,
1984 after which date the estate
assets will be distributed having
regard only to claims that have
then been received.
Raymond & McLean
Barristers and Solicitors
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
In the Estate of
William. Wesley
late of the Town of Exeter, in the
County of Huron, Proprietor,
who died on or about the 14th day
of February, 1984. Creditors and
others having claims against the
above. estate are. required.to send
full particulars of such claims to
the undersigned on or before the
20th. day of April, 1984 after
which date the estate assets will be
distributed having regard only to
claims that have then been
Raymond & McLean
Barristers & Solicitors
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executrix
li I ',, • ;1 ,,ti 1i‘(1
Seaforth Fire Area
Tender for Stip Von
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until 5 p.m.
Wdn•sdoy, Apell 18, 1984
for the supply of a 1984 Step Van.
Tender forms and specifications
are available from the
The lowest or tow tender not
'necessarily accepted.
• J. Crocker
Secretary Treasurer
72 Main St.
P.O. Box 610
Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO
LENDERS for cutting and trim-
ming grass at Kirkton Lknion
Cemetery for 1984. Tenders to be
in hands of Leonard Thacker, RR
6, St. Marys NOM 2V0 by April
13. 229-6137. , 13c
28 Auction Sales
Machinery Consignment Sale.
Norwich, Ontario. Friday, April
13, 1984 a; 10 a.m. (Sates con-
ducted second Friday each
month). Approximately 150-175
tractors plus all types of farm
equipment. Consignments
welcome. For more information
call (519) 424-9998 or (519)
424-9093. Proprietors K.S.
Hamulecki and Sons. • 13x
Count on the Classifieds
to Do the Job
Call 235-1331
Youth movie
set for Lucan
The Lucan youth group is
sponsoring a movie The
Dating Movie by Family
Films Friday, March 30 at 8
p.m. at Lucan United Church.
The film is about a young
fellow Bill William who is a
young Christian interested in
girls, and baseball and girls,
and pizza, and girls. He's also
interested in going out, but
he's never had a date.
How do you ask a girl out?
What if she says "No"? How
do you handle competion? If
you get the date that's just the
first problem solved. What do
you talk about during the big
evening? And what do you do
when you take her home?
Youth leaders, pastors,
parents, the Dating movie
will make the topic of rela-
tionships fall into place for
your young people. Use it to
help them share their fears
and insecurities about dating.
Use it to help them find com-
fort in knowing their pro-
blems are not unique.
Use. it to help them learn
that the key to any successful
relationship is Jesus Christ.
Reserve seats by phoning
Jim Robertson at 227-4400 or
227-4538. Seats will be held un-
til 7:45 p.m. Make your plans
NINETIETH Beatrice A. Young was guest
at a family party to celebrate her 90fh birthday. The
former Clinton resident now lives at Huronview.
eiieriZer 7/
Fares Equipment Auction
We have been instructed by the secured par-
ties to offer for sale by public auction, to the
highest bidder, without reserve, three com-
plete lines of farm equipment. The sale,to be
held at Mosselman Farms 2'/2 miles north of
Grand Bend on highway 21 on
Tuesday, April 3, 1984 at 10:30 a.m.
TRACTORS: White 2.62, 4 wheel drive c w remotes, 3 p.t.h.
P.T.O. (real sharp); International 656 Diesel c w 3 p.t.h. PTO..
Torque amplifier: Ford 4000 gas c w 4 speed tronsmission 3
P.T.H., P.T.O.: 1954 Ford 8N completely reconditioned, like
new with blade; International "H" with narrow front end. In-
ternational McCormick W6; Bobcat M-600 skid steer loader:
Clark 3000 Ib. forklift on hard rubber.
COMBINE a. FORAGE EQUIPMENT: International 303 combine
c 10' straight grain head and cob. New Holland 479, 9' hay.
bine (like new); International 9', 990 haybine: Gehl forage
harvester c w 4' pickup and one row corn head, International
56 forage blower in mint conditon: Gehl & Rex forage box c w
5 ton running gears both with belt unloading. Inter'notionol
37 baler, International 46 baler. (damaged); International 310.5"
II'lil mower; Cockshutt No.5 corn picker --
TRUCKS AND TRAILER: 1979 Ford 150 4 wheel drive c w lock
in front hubs: 1977 Dodge 700, 8 ton truck: double wide
snowmobile trailer.
TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: International 540 4 furrow 16" bottom
semi -mount plow: Internotiona1,550 5 furrow 16" bottom plow:
Cockshutt 4 furrow'14" botton semi -mount plow; Ford 130 3
furrow 16- bottomplow; 18' International 470 disc c 'w folding
wings, 13 Du -All cultivator: Sandrum 3 P.T.H. 10' cultivator:
International 8' pull type cultivator; 14' land leveller, interna-
tional 456 4 row plonter. Massey Harris grain drill; two 100
gallon saddle tanks (fibreglass). two George White 200 gallon
field sprayers c,w 20' & 28' booms, New Idea 300 bushel
manure spreader. c, w floating tandem axle; New Idea 175
bushel manure spreader: four 200 bushel Bruns & Turnco gravi-
ty wagons; 8' Forane front mount snow blower; Ford 12" 3
P.T.H. post hole auger; two Fortren P16 feeders; 7' Interna-
tional side mower, 8' International disc. Case 530 complete
with loader, Case 5 model tractor, Case disc, International
emItivator, 15 ft. hay wagon. 20 ft. bale elevator, 1969 GMC
flat bed truck, 1979 Ford Moveric, 1974 Ford Thunderbird.
Dick Robinson, Sales Manager
519.482-7181 or 7176
Moss•Imon Forms, Tony Goud
519.238.8626 1 Z
Auctioneers Comments: Solo dote changed duo to
Ourantee clear title on all equipment. Absolutely no
reserve, all soles final. Additional equipment will also
be sold. All verbal announcements take presidente over
written materiel. Stablest to additions and deletions.
el it
adflie, ri- .4•10Ciale.l
NOK 1 WO voir
Lucan Anglican
Continued from page 16
sense a echo of the whole of
Jahn's Gospel, for this story
mirrors in vivid miniature the
keypoints of its spiritual doc-
trine. The darkness the
woman finds herself in, her
hidden longing for liberation
and fulfillment, the living
water he invites her to, the
coming of the true light into
her life, worship in spirit and
in truth, going out to other
people in love -- all these are
spoken about elsewhere in
this Gospel.
The life promised to the wo-
mand is the transcendent in-
ner life of God himself. He
raises us lovingly far beyond
our innate human
possibilities. It is through
knowing Jesus that we come
to know God, who is truth,
love and life. Do you know
During the service a lovely
solo was prayerfully sung by
Kay Egan, "0, Saviour Hear
Up -Coming: The Ashes to
Easter meditation continues
on Wednesday evening at 8
p.m. in the Parish Hall. On
Friday March30, beginning at
7 p.m. the Parish Strategy
Workshop,will commence and
continue on Saturday 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. at the Church.
Please give this your prayer-
ful consideration and plan to
attend either Friday evening
or Saturday or both if possi-
ble. The Planning Committee
hope this will be a time of
renewal and fellowship for
Estate Auction Sale
Antique furniture, appliances, carpets, misc.
items etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction
Barn, Clinton Ontario for the Estate of Joe Lit-
tle of Blyth plus additions from Wilmer Harrison
of Goderich plus others.
Sat., March 31 et 10 a.m.
Westinghouse frost free square model fridge,
Moffatt frost free square fridge, Moffatt 30"
electric stove w/self cleaning oven, beer
fridge, Enterprize 24" gas stove, Hoover spin
dry washer, Cold Spot 17 cu. ft. chest freezer,
Simplicity wringer washer, Admiral B & W por-
table TV, humidifier, Wooden table with 5
leaves, 2 odd press back chairs, Doherty
upright piano, Boston rocker, eight piece
modern maple dining suite, two antique spool
beds, antique wove front dresser w/oval mir-
ror, wove front washstand, antique dresser
with mustache pulls, hall tree, two blanket
boxes, two ladder back type chairs, drop leaf
table, wooden rocking chair, magazine table,
chesterfield and chair, wicker baskets, Tonka
catalytic heater, swag lamp w/chain, Colonial
couch bed with matching arm and swivel
chairs, newly upholstered, four drawer solid
maple dresser w/mirror, chests of drawers,, 15
ft. x 12 ft. sculptured Saxony carpet new, 6
ft. x 8 ft. rust carpet new, 8 ft. x 26 inch mat-
ching runner new, two solid maple night tables,
two corduroy single bedspreads new, hand-
made lace tablecloth, Old Irish Whisky crock
jug, chrome table and four chairs, handmade
quilts, small parlour table, odd small tables,
modern triple dresser and bed, 8 oak barrels,
large offering of dishes and glassware in-
cluding antique pieces, garden tools, etc.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton
Estate Farm Sale
Machinery and misc.
On Saturday, April 7, 1984
10:30 a.m.
Estate of the late George Peters,
lot 11, concession 7, London Twp.,
2 miles east of Arva, 1 mile west of
Ballymote on County Road No. 28
- for information phone 451-5514
MACHINERY:Ford 5000 diesel tractor, M.F. No.
35 with loader, Minniopolis Moline standard
(old), 100 cc Shaparral motor cycle, 225 amp
Lincoln arc welder, 600 cedar..posts with 5"
caps, McCullough 20" chain saw, Cockshutt 350
baler, N.H. 328 PTO spreader like new, Dear -
borne 3 pt., 6 bar siderake, Hesston No. 10
haybine, Dearborne 3 pt. 7' cultivator, Brillion
8' packer seeder, 3 pt. fertilizer spreader, 42'
ft. of 9" plastic silo pipes, gravity box and
wagon, 35 ft. of 9" steel silo pipes, M.F. 3 pt.
14" model No. 43 plough, Cockshutt 10' wheel
disc, Ontario 15 run seed drill on rubber, Ford
No. 618 silage blower, 5 section harrows,
Kongskilde 12 ft. cultivator 3 pt., wagon and
flat rack, 3 pt. 7' scraper blade, MF - 3 pt. 7'
mower, 3 tubular elevators, 50'ft. hay and grair.
elevator on wheels, 2 wheeled trailer with low
sides, Dettson 7 ft. 1 auger snow blower, J &
F - 15 ft. cultivator with leveller and wings, 12
ft. cultimulcher with heavy rollers, Harragator
18' with 4 wings, 10 ft. packer with wings, 10'
chain harrows, Hergot 10 ft. cultivator on rub-
ber, 3 pt. Ferguson dirt bucket, Ferguson 3 pt.
steel box.
MISC.: 3 Ford pulleys, aluminum ladder, cat-
tle dehorners, Patz stable cleaner 180 ft. chain,
150 gal. fuel tank, 18 ft. 4" grain auger, Woods
grain roller, Ghel hammer mill, Butler 12' silo
unloader, Universal milker motor and pump,
De Laval milker vacuum pump model 74, Vik-
ing cream separator, stainless steel double
wash tank, small wood stove, push garden
cultivator, numerous misc articles. Terms cash,
owners or auctioneers not responsible for ac-
cidents sale day.
Tom Robson Hugh Filson
Times -Advocate, March 28, 1984 Page 21
Auction Sole
Three combines, five tractors including antique
tractor, grain truck, 2 pickups, car plus o good of-
fering of cash crop farm machinery to be held for
Hougholm farms (Allan Haugh) plus additions
from Haugh Equipment Ltd., 1 %. miles east of
Brucefield, Ontario.
Sot., April 7 at 10:30 a.m.
See last week's paper for full listing
Richard Lobb Auctioneer 519-482-7898
Owner or auctioneers not responsible for ac-
cidents day of sale.
* Rocky's Cycle Centre
* Liquidation Auction Sale*
* 40 used motorcycles (more or less)
* On Saturday, March 31, 1984 - 12 noon *
* At 395 Wharncliffe Rd. South, London, *
* Ontario. *
* For information phone 438-9175 *
* Tom Robson Hugh Filson *
* Auctioneers *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Combine, swather, three tractors, form
machinery, etc. to be held for Dalton Steinback
at Lot 23, Concession 4, Logan Township, 2
miles north and 1 '/7 miles west of Mitchell,
Tuesday, April 10 at 10:30 a.m.
COMBINE Massey Ferguson 410 diesel com-
bine with cab, 12' header, 10' grain pickup,
scour clean, bean cylinder and concave, straw
SWATHER Owatonna 260 fully hydrostatic 10'
swather with 1350 x 16.1 floatation tires.
TRACTORS Massey Ferguson 2705 diesel trac-
tor with cab, heater, air, radio, 20.8 x 38 rear
tires, 14.1 x 16.1 front tires fully equipped, 298
hours only, Massey Fergu3on 175 diesel trac-
tor, Massey Ferguson 135 diesel tractor
w/Malco hyd. bucket loader, set of tire chains.
MACHINERY Mtissey Ferguson 880 four furrow
semi mount plow w/18" automatic hydraulic
reset bottoms, International 45-181/2' vibra
shank trail wing cultivator, International
45-121/2' vibra shank trail cultivator, John Deere
four row rowcrop cultivator vrith rolling shields,
Bear Cat 18" PTO. hammermill, New Holland
479 hay bine, New Idea side rake, two gravity
bins onJohn Deere5 ton wagons, Kools forage
blower (short trough), John Deere E PTO
manure spreader, Allied 41' x 6" portable grain
auger with PTO drive, John Deere two row corn
planter, Woodsman three point hitch buzz saw,
Generock PTO generator, New Idea PTO
manure spreader used as trailer, two wheel
trailer, three hydraulic cylinders, 4 - 20" ripple
coulter blades, sausage stuffer, meat grinder,
chains, motor jack for meat grinder, wagon
load of misc. tools and small items.
Richard Lobb Auctioneer 519-482-7898
For information phonethe owner Dalton Stein -
back at 519-348-9710. Owner or auctioneer not
responsible for accidents day of sole.
Clearing Auction sale
Self propelled combine, four tractors, swather,
bean equipment, farm machinery, etc., to be held
for Art.and Ross Smale, at Lot 24, concession 9,
Hibbert Township, 5 miles south of Dublin and 2'/2
miles west.
Please clip for further reference, last ad Thursday, April 12 at ,1 p.m.
COMBiNElnternafional 815 diesel hydrostatic
drive, corn and bean, special with cab monitors,
straw chopper, soybean head, pickup head, 4 row
narrow corn head; bought new in 1978 run 899
hrs. only.
SWATHER International 201 'twelve ft. swather
w/two reels and hay crimper, Sund pickup, sell-
ing separate.
TRACTORS Case 2390 diesel tractor w/cab,
heated, radio, air, dual external hydraulics, 20.8
x 38 rear tires, run 670 hrs., 20.8 x 38 T bar deep
lug duals, Case fast hitch, John Deere 2130 diesel
tractor w/clear vision cab, hi -low transmission,
external hydraulics, etc., low hrs., Cockshutt 1355
diesel tractor, external hydraulics, etc., David
Brown 950 diesel tractor w/David Brown loader,
6 ft. blade fits front end loader selling separate.
PLANTING EQUIPMENT White model 5400 six
row harrow, air, corn and soybean planter
w/monitor, insecticide boxes, etc., International
No. 10, 16 run seed drill 10 x 20 tires, seven tooth
three point hitch anhydrous applicator.
ft. vibra shank trail cultivator w/hydraulics, fold
up wings wide and narrow points, White six fur-
* row x 16" bottom semi mount plow, International
480 21 ft. trail wing disc, Turnco 24" three section
* T land packer (6' x 2 equals '1-12'), MF six row
* rowcrop cultivator w/rolling shields, Moble
* row rowcrop cultivator w/rolling shields, six sec-
* tion of diamond harrows, 18' truck grain rack on
truck frame wagon, 14' truck grain rock on truck
* frame wagon, 1961 Ford F600 truck w/hoist and
* 12' platform, selling as is, Geo. White tandem ax-
* le 400 gal. aluminum tank sprayer with 32' boom
* two years old, 1000 gal. water tank on skids por-
table water pump, Calsa trail 200 gal, sprayer
w/32' boom w/drop nozzles, Wick weeder fits
* front end loader, JF 3 pt. hitch fertilizer spreader,
* post hole digger, Allied 40' x 6" portable grain
* auger pto drive, 10' bin sweep auger, two small
* augers w/motors.
* BEAN EQUIPMENT Mauer six row bean puller,
* Henry six row bean woindrower w/cross con-
veyor, two wheel windrower turner.
* TOOLS & MISC. Acytelyne torch, Lincoln 225 amp
* electric welder, 3/4 " drive socket set, Robins Meyer
* 3 hp. dual shaft electric 220V motor, hydraulic
* cylinders, 3 pt. hydwood splitter.
NOTE This is a good clean well maintained line
* of equipment. For further information phone Art
* of 345-2275 or Ross at 527-0178 anytime. Terms
* cash. Lunch booth.
Please clip for reference, last ad Auctioneer
Richard Lobb, Clinton, 519-482.7898
* Clearing Farm Sale *
Owner giving up farming - farm
-4(On Thursday, April 5, 1984
11 a.m. in the morning *
For David R. Needham, lot 18, con- *
cession 8, London Twp., 3 mile north *
of City of London, 1/4 mile west of *
No. 4 highway.
* Implements, feed, truck, scrap iron, *
some household effects, for infor-
* motion phone 672-5824. *
Some antiques, 27 cu. ft. deep freeze, 1953 *
Chew '/2 ion as is. Feed, some cob corn, 400
* balls of hay
MACHINERY:MF No. 1100 diesel, new tires, *
4E excellent shape with heat houser, MF No. 35 *
diesel-matic with loader, MF 265 - 8 speed with *
rebuilt engine, MF 410 combine with 3 row corn
head, John Deere No. F1450, 4-16" semi moun-
ted plough, 14' Kongskilde cultivator 3 pt.,
New Idea 9' tiger jaw cutting bar, hay condi-
tioner like new, New Idea 5 bar siderake on
rubber, No. 69 NH baler, MF No. 34-12 swather,
Ferguson 3 pt. siderake on rubber, Ford 4row
corn planter with insecticides, Lucknow double
auger 8'6" snow blower used 1 year, NH 510
PTO manure spreader, 6' Arctic blade with
hydraulic rams new, 2 tubular elevators 20 ft.
and 24 ft. Deorborne 3 pt. buzz sow, sprayer
booms with hoses, 150 gal. new spray tank, 3
wagons and flot rocks, AC No. 66 PTO combine,
2 Ontario 16 run disc grain drills with gross
seeder on rubber, Allied 6 row crop cultivotor,
MH 2 furrow drag plough, old gravity box
needs repair, 2 steel culverts 10' and 20' x 24",
chain harrows, groin aerator, 2-4" grain
MISC: 3 old snowmobiles parts only, harness,
2 jogging carts, 2 horse tandem trailer, con-
struction building 16' x 8', numerous mise ar-
ticles. Terms cash. Owners or auctioneers not
responsible for accidents sale day.
Tom Robson Hugh Filson
We would like to thank
the many area
residents who sup-
ported our lottery
draw. Mary Ellison, Ex-
eter was the winner of
$100. gift certificate
from Looking Good. A
special "thank you" to
Karen at Looking Good
for so generously
donating the certificate
to us.
Alpha Pi Sorority
.0 -