HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-03-28, Page 17St. Peters, St. Boniface CWLs hold elections Last Tuesday evening the C.W.L. meeting was held at St. Peter's Parish St. Joseph with the main objective being election of officers for the next two-year term. Results were, past president, Ber- nadette Denomme; presi- dent, Mary Ducharme; vice- pres. Sharon Durand; secretary Martha Ducharme; treasurer Barb Jeffrey and Sharon Overholt; Spiritual and Christian family life, Mary -Lou Denomme and Marilee Ayotte, Organization, Janet Durand; Community Life, 4oretta Ayotte and Com- munications will be done by Patty LaPorte. Congratula- tions to everyone. St. Boniface C.W.L. On Tuesday March 20 the St. Boniface C.W.L. monthly meeting was held, which began at 6:30 p.m. with a delicious pancake supper. Forty-four members answered the roll call. Money collected from the door and profit from supper will be sent to Peace and Development. Five ladies joined in on a day of Recollection at Im- maculate Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend last Wednesday. An invitation from the Lutheran Church ladies to attend their meeting on Tuesday, April 10 at 8 p.m. was accepted. A motion was made to send $50.00 for the Pope's Visitation Fund in September. Eighteen ladies from the ENROL NOW College opportunities still exist By enrolling now you can gain an advantage in many of our program areas. Openings are still available for the fall 1984 term...but only if you act quickly. This year, more than ever before, the demand for career -oriented courses of study is greater than the ability of most colleges to handle. So don't get left behind this fall. Act today. Apply today to register. Call this number for Program details: 519-542-7751 Ask for Information Centre Among the programs with openings are: • Industrial Hygiene Technology • Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology • Mechanical Drafting • Secretarial Arts • General Arts (for possible university entrance) • Art Fundamentals (one year) Lambton College - Box 969, Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7K4 Liquidation Sale 50% - 75% 0 f NEW f Family clothing - collector plates - fabrics and yarn Jeans & Ruggers 9.99 Men's Shirts 4.99 Swim Suits 9.99 Flash Dance Tops from 3.99 Ladies Long Coats 44.95 Figure skating dresses, skirts and jewellery Infants Sun Dresses Girl's Tops Paper Backs 1.99 99C 5/1.00 Thurs. March 29 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Fri. March 30 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. At Annex, Huron Park Follow the signs White and pastel shades 9995 4 Iltre can „_liteartor Paint GLOSS ijimmaits 9995 4 litre can Natural Whites �,;, See Exeter Co-op for all your lumber and building supplies Exeter District Coop 235-2081 Hours blocks west Mon. -Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. a the Flre Hall Sat. A a.m. - 4 p.m. 4 bl k f h parish attended the . World Day of Prayer, 10 went to Mt. Cannel's play last month and 12 ladies made a Retreat in Oxley last week. A Rug Braiding Open House will be on Wednesday, April 4 at the Heasall Community Centre from 7 to 9 p.m. The league purchased a Papal flag for the parish, which will be up for Easter. Fr. Mooney still has some Papal candles for sale. A report was given on the re- cent March of Dimes collec- BUILDING BLOCKS — Julie Coleman has her coordina- tion tested under the watchful eye of nurse Helen West as part of the procedure for kindergarten registration at St. Boniface. tion that realized 81,311.22. Captains Virginia Denomme and Rose Regier would like to retire after heading the cam- paign for the last 12 years. It is hoped that another church in the community will take it over. Elections and nominations were: past president Cecilia Smith, president Cecilia Farwell; 1st vice, Ilridget Groot; $nd vice, Helen Creces; 3rd vice, Afra Van- Wonderen; Recording secretary Denise Schroeder; corresponding secretary, Teresa Bedard; treasurer, Helene Ducharme; Standing committee, Debbie Pennings, Elaine Beauchamp and Maria Mathonia. Door prize was won by Blanche Overholt. Next meeting will be on April 26 with supper at the Dominion Tavern. If interested in going, phone Marie Cyr as soon as possible. This is your last reminder of the figure skating carnival at the arena on Sunday, April 1 and it's no April Fool's joke. Curtain time is at 2:00 p.m. sharp and tickets are 83.00, $2.00 and 81.00. Bring a warm blanket and be prepared to see good entertainment. For the Second Learning. for Lent series on Wednesday morning at 9:15 a.m. March 28 the speaker will be Arch Andrews of Bayfield, a fami- ly counsellor or learn how to crochet with Judy Morrison. Bowling at Zurich lanes Thursday Mixed League Til M. Vermont B J. Jacobs D L. Meloche GT B. Martens 'HS B. Martens HS D. Smith 523 0 546 7 678 4 539 3 222 249 Saturday Intertown Exeter at Mikes No. 2 (Stratford) Exeter HS J. Simpson 268 8 HT J. Simpson 648 Mikes 11 HS M. Ridley HT M. Ridley 251 -22 702 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION — Shuron O'Toole, (left) a teacher at St. Boniface School, explains one of the procedures involved in kindergarten registration to Tanya Bedrrd and mother Jane. About People YOU Krcw Cathy Fawcett with children Kent and Scott of Sherwood Park, Alberta ar- rived last Wednesday and is spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Russel and Elizabeth Grainger and relatives in the area. Her hus- band Doug, spent the weekend here also. The lucky winners of last Monday's euchre party at the town hall organized by the Women's Institute were: Doris Wilson, Brucefield for ladies high; ladies low, Agnes Regier, men's high, W.D. Wilson; men's low, Frank McClinchey; lone hand Doreen MacLachlan, Kippen and lucky chair prize also went to Doreen. This was the last card par- ty for now. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Corriveau were Francisand-Rita Felber from Chatham. Little Melissa Ann Meidinger, daughter of Denise and Wayne, was bap- tized on Sunday, March 25 at St. Boniface Church by Fr. Mooney with godparents Jerry and. Debbie Pennings. May we offer our sympathy to the family of Leonard Prang, a long time Zurich resident, who passed away on Sunday. Mrs. Dolly Jeffrey, along with Robert, Dennis, Michael and Susan, all spent the weekend in Windsor and at- tended the wedding of a nephew and cousin, Dennis Siemon. son of Joseph (Sun- ny) and Millie Siemon. Several relatives from Goderich were there. Diane and Ron Ducharme, Zurich, also attended the wedding. Margaret Kalbfleisch's son Fred of Burlington spent Sun- day with his mother. Leroy and Marie Thiel returned home last weeke'hd from a nice three week bus trip to Texas and Mexico. March 29 is once again the monthly paper drive by the boys from the Mennonite Church. Have bundles out at the curb by 6:30 D.m. Party in Varna hall By Mary Chessell Shelly Hayter, Robyn Nor- man and Janet Mcl3eath 1/jr�lLesa tempi e.t It is nice to see that at least some of the robins are op- timistic about the arrival of Spring. Hopefully the rest of us will not be disappointed either. Movies were shown on Mon- day evening followed by refreshments. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the families of the late Mrs. Alice Baker and Miss Loretta Keller. On Tuesday evening the Girl Guides of Exeter, under the leadership of Mrs. Joyce Morgan, visited with the residents. We welcome Mrs. Alice Haberer, a former Zurich resident, to the home. Bingo was played on Fri- day evening followed by refreshments. Residents out visiting recently were Mr. Aaron Gingerich, Mrs. Hilda Shap - ton, Mr. Loftus Denomme and Mrs. Annie Noakes. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther of Hensel!. received honours in their Grade 2 Royal Conservatory of Music piano exames in Stratford. They are students of Marjorie Hayter. Mrs. Mel (Lila) Webster of Clinton was the honoured guest of the Webster families at a party in Varna hall celebrating her seventy-fifth birthday on Sunday. She was presented with roses and gifts as memories of the happy occasion. Florenc e Elliott returned home from Sea forth Hospital on Friday. She had surgery the previous Friday. Joan Beierling is confined to St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Bill Chessell received a news clipping (courtesy of George Divok, Ontario Hydro) taken from the Mit- chellAdvocate,about a friend of his, Earl Squire, who bought and restored a couple of army'motorbikes in the '40s with Bill's help. The first one, a 1935 Harley Davidson, came in pieces in three baskets. The other was an Indian Chief he bought from Bill Holland of Clinton. Pictures of the men and bikes accompanied the article. Earl and his wife Marion still ride a bike, and occasionally drop in to see us while out touring with it. Goderich at Zurich Zurich HS S. Stade 255 5 HT S. Dickert 624 Goderich HS J. Horton 293 25 HT D. Geddes 656 Zurich at St. Marys Selects Zurich HF V. Glaab 1377 35 HS V. Glaab 313 St. Marys HF D. Harburn 1193 HS G. Jackson 307 13 Tuesday Mens League F 13. Horner 667 16 DH 13. Boogeman 554 14 B 11 Debus 648 8 P R. Crown 680 22 R H. Finkbeiner 765 16 TT K. Clark 660 18 1111 R. Smale 620 HS L. Hoffman 377 R. Vanderhoek 354 HT R. Radar 815 R. Crown 787 HA R. Crown 211 L. Bedard 205 Wednesday Morning Exeter Ladies M. Lovell 416 13. Elgie ' 495 V. Horbaniuk 483 A. Wilson 472 M. Bridges 573 A. Appleton 499. HS M. Bridges 225 Thursday Grand Cove Estates F. Allen 550 R. Marshall 528 T. Hunt . 512 . R. Kite 486 HS T. Anderson 178 HS R. Marshall 224 Thursday Golden Age Seniors High Doubles B. Hogg L. Gandier E. Hohner M. Clausius HS E. Hohner HS E. Strachan Monday Huron Hope High girls: T. Wegg M.L. Masse High boys J. Dekort A. Volk 269 301 306 255 211 139 97 89 GH DH UD PH HG AO P TC PP RD Monday Ladies League V. Wilder A. Sweiger J. Bengough C. Vanderboomen 1. Becker C. Cooper H. McEwen S. Pole J. Fisher S. Dickert 538 490 674 572 611 647 676 684 553 626 Tuesday Grand Cove Estates E. McArthur L. Vollrath P. Morton HS T. Anderson HS E. McArthur 566 513 482 199 222 March 28, 1984 Page 17 1 .4. St. Pter's Lutheran Church REV. DONNA KYLLONEN Pastor Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, April 1 10:00 o.m. - Worship Service 10:45 o.m. • Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised dur- ing the worship service. Everyone Welcome Annual Meeting Bayfield Cemetery Co. Mon., April 2 1:30 p.m. Bayfield Municipal Building •f HOW TO HOP — David Creces hops along with nurse tea 133 Madelaine Rosk as part of the Denver development test for children registering for kindergarten at St. Boniface. Shaw's Dairy Store 264930 mice 2'h Gallon Tub Shaws Ice Cream Zurich Wood Products Ltd MANUFACTURERS OF Pawls *Export Cries* *Bono Fisher's Abbatoir 2367793 ZURICH * ST& GIFT CERTIFICATE Ed's Burner Service -YOUR HEATING HEA000ARTERs- Zi61t% ZURICH Schllbe Hardware 28121 ZURICH * MIAMI BARBECUE Bank of Montreal 'THE FIRST CANADIAN BANK' 264354 ZURICH Lorraine's Crafts CRAFT. YAM. saws SUPPLIES ao9►Ht ST. 2t$OH * DECORATED MIRROR Dave Durand Electric COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL KAMM 264422 Zilllpl Erb Bros. Garage Ltd 238-4812 ZURICH * Five OI Chugs, PSlar, Luba E1 $10 Goa Oto� WIN2364952 BPRY Laporte Meat Market LAND -CH * 828. GIFT CERTIFICATE A "TRIP FOR 2"TO. Nashville, Tennessee TRIP iNCUAES: *Return transportation via private motor coach •Three nights aocomodation including motel tax *Guided tour of Nashville •Rnerved nab for the Grand ON Opry •Admission to cry Lard •Specht '-nnklg In Bardstown, Kentucky, inxiuding a buffet dinner •Servla of a Hanover Holiday Tours Escort VALUED AT $600 COMPLIMENTS OF: Zurich & Area Businesses Zurich & Area Chamber of Commerce TO ENTER OUR DRAW VISIT ANY PARTICIPATING BUSINESS AND FILL OUT A FREE BALLOT! MANY OTHER PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY * EACH BUSINESS PLACE DISPLAYING A STAR IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS OFFERING A BONUS PRIZE! All draws b be made on Saturday, April 28 at the annual SPARE RIB SUPPER SERVED FROM 5 TO 8 PM AT THE ZURICH ARENA Ammo TIMM' airidelde from oerlelpelha business prop/ The Beauty Den BONNIE SCHENK PROPRIETOR 5fl6-21t15 2164891 BAYER() ZURICH Framax Collector Plates 006HEN ST ZURICH * Limited Editon Collectors Plate Zurich Dental Cllnlc DR. GRANT LEE 261311 ZURICH Dave's Decor 21604t B1RICH * 4 L lire Can Reniamin Moore Paint Zurich Medical Centre OR. CHARLES WALLACE 2164314 ZURICH C.G. Farm Supply Ltd 236-M34 ZURICH * COLEMAN PICNIC COOLER TASTY -NU BAKERY and CHEESE HOUSE 7364912 ZURICH * HISACN and LANK! CHAIR WESTLAKE Insurance Brokers Inc. 'TUR A COMPETITNE OUOTATIOfr CALL 236-4301 ZURICH SOUTH HURON VETERINARY CLINIC 2364381 ZURICH DOMINION TAVERN & DINING LOUNGE 264771 ZURICH * DINNER FOR TWO NORM'S PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC NORM KOEHLER. PROPIIETQR 27L4110 ZURICH HEIMRICH'S STATIONERY & GIFTS 'YOUR STCCE FOR ALL OCCASIONS' 2 -4941 ZUISCH * Kodak EktraNM 500 Carriers STERLING FUELS "ULTRAMAR" HEATING OIL •GASOLINE *ORS DOUG Be Me4686 ZUND1 HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 2364333 ZURICH JEFFREY BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. 'vtrt WILD ANYTHING' 2361767 ZURICH TOWN & COUNTRY BOWLING LANES -Tony and Marlene 9edard- 230-4823 ZURICH St Joseph Country Store 'YOUR ONE-STOP SWOPPING CENTRE' HIGHWAY ?tend 81 Don's Food Market, 2364316 ZURICH * Witte 10 Cup Automatic Coffee Maker Zurich Arcade 'YOUR AMUSEMENT CENTRE' GOSHEN ST ZURICH A.B. Printing WEDDING INVITATIONS *FINE PRINTING 7.64182 ZURICH HI -Fashion Beauty Salon DELORES SCHIUBE. PROPRIETOR 236-4982 ZURICH Village Floral & Gift Shop y 236 7779 ZURICH 1A 620 GIFT CERTIFICATE Clare Mane Trucking IME HAUL ANYTHING' 23&4.84 ZURICH • The Tender Spot 26.017 Mat * 1r2 PIO-FULLY PROCESSED Doug Geoffrey Construction HOMES *COTTAGES NIEMOOILLlO 2164432 ZURICH Hensall District Co -Op 2364383 ZURICH * LAWN FERTILIZER SPREADER Edward Heard Construction 'COMPLETE BACKHOE stmwtcr R R t VARNA 505.29R7 His 'n' Hers Hair Shop 2367721 ZURICH * nun/WA Dick Rau Plumbing ZURICH LAUNDROMAT a CAR WASH 2641977 ZURICH Huron Ridge Acres 'DAVID STICKLE $ FAMILr * ROYAL MAPLE MEE