HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-03-28, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, March 28, 1984
Humour as meet
Euchre and scrabble were
enjoyed by eight tables of
Seniors Citizens at their
meeting on Thursday after-
noon, in the Masonic Hall.
Card convener was Mary
Kooy and winners were High
Score - Marion Noels and
Rose Atkinson, the latter
playing a man's card, Lone
Hands - Laura Williams and
Ed Dowdall and Low Score -
Lela Abbott and Arnold
Damen. Scrabble winner was
Mary Kooy.
Humour was included in the
fleeting when jokes were told
by Elsie Gibson, Marie Veel
and Iva Hodgins and a
reading was provided by
Jessie Lewis. During the
business period, the Lucan
Skating Show was announced,
as well as the Speaker on
Nutrition , tomorrow, Thurs-
day, at 2 p.m.
All Seniors or "near -
seniors" are invited to hear
Kathy Hicks from Brescia
Hall, speak on "Food Facts
and Falacies". This will be on
basic nutrition with helpful
hints for cooking one or two
seniors. There will be time for
4-H meets
Lucan No. 4, 4-H club held '
their fourth meeting with the
reading of the 4-H Pledge and
Roll Call. The secretary read
minutes from the previous
Members were asked to •
bring a picture from a child's
book to quilt. Leader, Heather
Giltan explained what each
girl had to do to begin their
Each girl brought fabrics to
trade amongst other
members or their "Moon
Over the Mountain" quilt
design. Heather displayed her
sample to the members to
give them a better idea on
what they should be doing.
The tour convener, Elsie
Gibson, told members that
the tickets had been reserved
for the Geritol FoUea in June,
and Mrs. Gibson also sug-
gested other trips which were
available. Those present were
asked to note their preference
on a list on the bulletin board.
Ed Dowdall informed the
group that he had attended
the "Bi-Centetudal" celebra-
tion meeting last week and
the date has been changed
from June 30 to June 16. Some
plans are finalized but others
are still in the making.
Lunch was served by Helen
and Maurice MacDonald and
Marion and Harry Noels.
WI to sponsor
Bi -Centennial baking
The Lucan Women's In-
stitute met in the Masonic
Hall with president Bernice
Lockyer conducting the Ode
and Collect.
The date has been changed
for the Bi -centennial celebra-
tion to June 16 at the Lucan
arena. Members have been
asked to set up a "Baking
Contest" with details and
registration forms to be in the
May issue of the Town Crier.
There will be a class for those
who are 18 years of age and
under. This baking will then
be for sale after the judging.
Lucan and Clandeboye In-
stitutes will be sponsoring a
Blood Donor Clinic Tuesday,
April 24 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
There will be a work
meeting to bring the
Tweedsmuir history books up
to date. Summary Day for the
people who took the rug
braiding course will be Mon-
day, April 2 in Strathroy.
Tuesday, May 29 at Lucan
United Church from 1 p.m. to
9 p.m. a clinic will be held on
the topic of breast self-
examinatioh. A film will be
shown, with nurses and doc-
tor to assist those attending in
their personal self-
Marion Lee read two scrip-
tures on water from Genesis
and John. Resolutions Con-
benor Flora Robertson show-
ed a film on "Water, the
Hazardous Necessity."
The next meeting will be
held Wednesday, April 18,
7:30 p.m. at the home of
Mabel Froats with Citizenship
and World Affairs Convener,
Lillian Radcliffe in charge.
'All ladies are invited to 146
Main St. for this meeting.
The Lucan Branch
Women's Institute will spon-
sor a "Breast Self -
Examination Clinic", Tues-
day, May 29 in Lucan United
Church, through the Lucan-
Biddulph Branch of the Cana-
dian Cancer Society. A plan-
ning meeting was held on
Tuesday evening in the
United. Church with Ann
Sanderson of the London -
Middlesex Unit as
Mrs. Sanderson told those
present that the BSE clinics
had started in Owen Sound a
few years ago, on an informal
basis, and have spread across
Canada. Ages 13 and up may
share in the clinics.
Members of the Institute
urge all women in the area to
mark this date on their calen-
dars NOW and plan to attend.
Time set is from 1 to 9 p.m.
continuously when a 20
minute film will be viewed
following which nurses will be
in attendance in private
rooms to assist you in making
your own examination. Ap-
proximately one hour is need-
ed, and childcare will be pro-
vided during the afternoon.
PONY SOLD — A pony was one of t e items so . at Saturay s auction sa e spon-
sored by the Lucan Optimist club. From the left are ciwners Mike, Melissa and Chad
O'Shea, Bob Davis of the Optimist club and auctioneer Bud McIver.
Blue Cross
Brian Dalton
Group Representative
Ontario Blue Cross
Ontario Blue Cross is pleased to
Introduce Brian Dalton as a Blue Cross
representative in your community. joining
Paul Pilon and Marlene West.
Experienced in the field of health -oriented
employee benefit programs. Brian will be
pleased to show you or your employee
group the health plan or combination of
plans. which will provide your employees
complete coverage for their extra health
care requirements.
Brian Dalton is located in the
London Branch Office at:
120 York Street
London, Ontario
N6A 1A9
VI (519) 439-0136
Sunday morning Miss
Cathy Crooker sang "I'll
Come Again". Rev. C.J.
Williams spoke from 1 Peter
3:18. To be a Christian is to
live etermally, but first one
has to die to self. A Christian
is either dead to sin, or alive
to the flesh.
Paul said in Philippians
1:21 that to die meant for him
he would be with Christ.
Unless we have a revelation
from God, we have no idea of
the glory of heaven. Romans
8:11 tells us when Christ's
Spirit lives in tis He gives us
life. Romans 6:6-12 tells us
when our fleshly desires die,
we die to sin. The spirit of God
does not sin in us, it is the
flesh that sins. We cannot be
dead to the flesh, and full of
bitterness and unforgiveness.
When our fleshly desires are
dead in Christ, we shall also
live with Him.
At the farewell service for
Rev. C.J. Williams, Mrs.
Becky Brewster, on leave
from missionary work in
Haiti, told of some of their
work. They have 17 churches
and 9 schools, and a clinic.
They feed 1000 children a day.
Because the adults are so
hardened in the voodoo way
they work .with the children
with Bible teaching each day.
Mr. Nello Romagndli
played his violin, accom-
panied by Miss Wendy
Robertson on the piano, as
they played Amazing Grace,
dedicating it to Rev.
Williams. Mr. Romagnoli
then played his guitar as Miss
Robertson sang His Beautiful
Rev. Williams ministered
from Isaiah 50:1-2, covering
the Lord's hands. Verse 2
asks "Is God's Hand
Verse 1 asks if we have cut
ourselves away from God. We
cannot produce a bill of
divorcement from God until
we are sold out to the enemy.
God will follow us with His
love everywhere.
FROM THE ROMAN EMPIRE — The Roman Empire number at Sunday's Lucan figure
skating carnival included Tara Forster, Kelly Williams, Jennifer Duskocy, Lisa Car-
roll, Julie Riddell and Jennifer Corless. T -A photo
Couples club attend
film showing in Exeter
Marguerite McRoberts
presented the Study and Wor-
ship Wednesday night at the
Church during the March
meeting of Lucan United
Church Women's Friendship
Unit. The Study was based on
the theme, "Jesus, the Poor
and Us", taken from the cur-
rent study book, "Jesus
Means Life".
Jesus identified with the
poor in His earthly life, and in
our day the poor of the Third
world identify with Him
because He too suffered and
died. The challenge comes to
Christians today to minister
to the poor as Jesus did. We
need to be informed and con-
cerned about Global Justice,
and must be willing to adopt
a simpler, less selfish life
style. The theme of Justice for
the Poor carried, through in-
to the Worship service as
group members participated
in Scripture reading, hymns,
responsibe reading and
Group leader Donna
Vanarenthals took charge of
the business meeting. Plans
were made for the Friendship
Unit Luncheon to be held
after the Church Service on
April 18. Donna mentioned
that mission study next year
deals with Korea, marking
the 100th anniversary of the
Christian Church in that land:
Members of Lucan United
Church Couples' Club attend-
ed a filth in Exeter Thursday
evening as the special activi-
ty of their March meeting.
The film 'God In Hard
Times", was the testimony of
Dale Evans Rogers to the
Lord's faithfulness and love to
her through the difficult ex:
periences of her life.
Cduples in charge of the
meeting, Don and Anna
United Church
"What Made Judas Act
That Way?" was Mr. Brown's
Lenten sermon theme Sunday
morning at Lucan United
Church. Although, like the
other disciples, Judas had
many faults, Jesus paxpressed
confidence in hinfwhen He
chose Judas to be one of His
Special Twelve. The other
disciples evidently trusted
him too when they appointed
him their treasurer.
Moreover, Judas chose Jesus,
leaving all that he had to be
His follower. And yet he fail-
ed by betraying his Lord and
is remembered today only for
that one act.
"As Church people and
friends of Jesus, we need to
find out why Judas failed, for
he stands as a warning to us
all", said Mr. Brown.
Judas failed because, in his
heart, he remained hungry
for money and the power that
it gave him. Ile failed because
he could not understand
Christ's methods and so
became disappointed in
Ifim.Likewise, Christians to-
day become impatient and
ask, "Why doesn't God do
something" when they face
suffering of some sort. They
forget the Cross and the fact
that even Jesus learned pa-
tience through suffering. Hurt
pride was a third possible
cause for Judas' failure.
Rev. Brown pointed out that
Judas' betrayal and Peter's
denial of Christ are not real-
ly too different. But though
Peter repented and cam-'
back to be an effective ser-
vant of Christ, Judas did not,
and as a result, life for him
was no longer worth living.
Elder Barb Bannerman
read the Scriptures, and along
with Dana, welcomed those
who arrived for worship.
Brad and Jan Coughlin
assisted them in receiving the
offering. Flora Robertson was
at the organ and gave leader-
ship to the Choir as they sang
the lovely anthem of dedica-
tion, "All My Tomorrows".
Pam Wright told the
children a story about Mrs
Fisher who wouldn't forgive
the children for spoiling her
flowers, even when they said
they were sorry. "God is not
like that," said Pam. "When .
we are sorry, God forgives us.
His love never wears out."
Following the story, Pam
took the children out for
Junior Congregation.
Coming Events
The second session of Lear-
ning for Lent meets Wednes-
day morning at 9:00 at the
church. Choir practice is at
6:45 that evening, and the Bi-
ble Society representatives in
thearea meet at 7:30.Prayer
and Share Fellowship meets
Thursday at 9:45 a.m. in the
C.E.Wing, and the U.C.W. ex-
ecutive that evening at 7:30.
Friday at 8 p.m. is a film for
teens on Dating. Adults will
find helpful insights as well,
as they try to guide their own
young people. Sunday School
pupils meet at the church for
a hayride. Next Sunday is the
Friendship Luncheon follow-
ing the morning service.
Thant ou
To all the businesses and members of
the community who donated articles to
the Lucan Optimist auction. A special
thanks to the volunteers who helped
make it a success.
Maguire, Pam and Howard
Wright and Ed and Freeda
Melanson provided a
delicious lunch which the
group enjoyed upon their ar-
rival back at the Church.
chairman Wes Stanley led in
a short business meeting. The
Garage Sale was set for May
12 at Pattersons', and the
June Barbeque for June 28 at
the Dennis Maguires'.
Icy roads cause gashes
Slippery road conditions
were responsible for most of
the eight accidents in-
vestigated this week by of-
ficers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police.
Wednesday at 7 p.m.
vehicles driven by Antonius
Poland, Seaforth and Darron
Fulcher, St. Marys collided on
Middlesex road 23. Damages
were set at $600 by Constable
At 8:45 p.m. the same day,
Constable Craig ' listed
damages at $8,000 in a collis-
sion involving vehicles driven
by Christian Van Dyke, Clin-
ton and Mary Jane Guy, RR
3, Tiverton on Highway 4.
'Only five minutes later a
vehicle operated by Nancy
Northgrave RR 1, Arva skidd-
ed on Middlesex road 28 and
hit the ditch. Constable Hodge
set damages at $500.
"Skin Care" was estheti-
cian Trudy Niewland's theme
at the first session of Learn-
ing for Lent at Lucan United
Church Wednesday morning.
Trudy described some of the
beauty procedures she uses in
her shop in Lucan-manicure,
pedicure, hair removal and
facials. She outlined general
principles of care in these
areas, and shared a number
of practical suggestions for
effective skin care at home.
During this "interest
period" a second group met .
simultaneously under the
leadership of Mrs. Agnes
Howard of London. She
helped her group make "rib-
bon roses", and also assisted
them in making an attractive
gift item, using a coffee cup
and fruit drop candies.
Flora Kernick and Judy
Campbell prepared a
delicious snack which the
ladies enjoyed during the
"coffee and conversation"
time following. In preparation
for the Bible Study period,
Flora Robertson led in the
singing of some devotional
Jacqueline Pierce, Granton
GETTING HELP — Erin Haskett hos her elephant ears
adjusted by club professional Debbie Naujokaitis prior
to Sunday's Lucan figure skating carnival.
Constable Hoge estimated
damages at $2000 when a
vehicle driven by Joan Clubb,
Denfield left the roadway of
Middlesex road 22 and hit a
tree at 10:30 p.m.,
Thursday at 7:30 a.m. a
vehicle driven by Ruth
Bloomfield, RR 1, Ilderton
went out of control on Mid-
dlesex road 16 and rolled
over. Constable Wicox listed
damages at $1,000.
At 10:30 a.m., Thursday, a
vehicle operated by Richard
Thompson, London left
Highway 23 and struck a Bell
Canada box. Constable
Wilcox set damages at $400.
Thursday at 9:35 a.m. a
vehicle driven by Florian
Atkinson, RR 1, Zurich went
our of control on Highway 4
and knocked down a wire
fence. Constable Briggs listed
damages at $1,525.
for Lent
them led in the first of a series
of four Bible Studies on the
theme "Reach Out", based on
Christ's Great Commission to
His disciples. "If our lives are
to be meaningful, we need to
reach out with the love of
Christ in the four dimensions
of our life - our home, our
neighbourhood, our country
and our world," said
The women divided into
discussion groups to consider
Scripture passages dealing
with relationships in the
home. To complete the ses-
sion, the whole group
gathered again and shared
findings on such topics as im-
proving husband-wife"relaion-
ships, ard the loving
discipline -Of children.
Next Wednesday's session
deals with topic "Reaching
out in our neighbourhood".
During the first hour, Mrs.
Tina Henson will speak- on
"Food Facts and Fallacies"..
The morning begins at 9:30
sharp, and child care will
again be provided.
A vehicle driven by Ronald
Kropf, London ,suffered
damages of $4,000when It left
Highway 7, Thursday and slid
into the ditch, nipping over.
Constable Briggs
Anglican Church
Welcoming members and
friends at Holy Trinity
Anglican Church on the third
Sunday in the season of Lent
were Gloria and Larry
In thegins. absence of the rector,
the service of Morning
Prayer was conducted by lay
people. Andy Van Geel ably
led in the opening, beginning
with the General Confession
and through the appointed
prayers and responses. The
lessons were read by Paul
Starling, Michael Scott and
Marion Hodgins.
The children's story, told by
Nancy Murphy, was entitled,
"The Right Way to Ask".
During a meal, a small boy
repeatedly asked for bread,
but was ignored until he add-
ed the word "please". They
were reminded that God, too,
likes good manners and
should remember this when
saying their prayers.
A warm welcome was ex-
tended to Paul Starling,
Licenced Lay Reader, from
All Saints Anglican Churchin
London, who delivered the
sermon. He based his
message on the Gospel lesson,
John 4:5-42, "The Woman at
the Well". The narrative of
Jesus' meeting with the
woman at the well is in a
Please turn to page 21
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welcomes you to enter a realm of
"Spring Fantasies"
Europe's largest skin- care company
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Free Draws
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Exeter Stedman's Store wins
sixth consecutive competition
Jim Ross, Exeter Stedman's dealer attributes the consistent
high placing of his store in company -wide competitions to the
hard work of his staff. The local store won a major award again
this year for performance excellence, including increased
sales. Shown with Mr. Ross are from the left: Terri Dobson,
Lorna Finkbeiner, Phyllis Humphries and Kathy Pring -Noel. Mr.
Ross and his wife Jessie, who is also his partner will be tc k-
ing a vacation in the near future to Portugal and Spain courtesy
of Stedman's. The Exeter outlet is the only store in the group
to be a winner six consecutive years.