HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-03-28, Page 10, Page 10 Times -Advocate, March 28, 1984 Banquet planned for April 4 Amber Lodge •Amber Rebekah Lodge met on March 21 with N.G. Marg Upshall presiding, assisted by V.G. Eunice Aikenhead. The V.G. reported for the visiting committee. Several "Think- ing of You" cards were sent to members who have been unable to attend. The treasurer gave her report. Members were reminded of the euchre party on March 29 at 8:00 p.m. sponsored by Humanitarian Services Com- mittee and the birthday par- ty on April 4 commencing with a banquet at Carmel Presbyterian Church at 6:00 p.m. It was announced that the Disrict meeting will be held at Edelweiss Lodge Seaforth on April 25 at 2:00 p.m. Queensway news Ladies from Unit 3 of the Hensall United Church were in again on Monday to start off the week of activities with games of bingo. Tuesday afternoon church service was conducted by .Rev. Jim Sutton. Along to assist him were two ladies and Mrs. Greta Lammie. On Tuesday evening the Lakeview Conservative Youth were in to sing. Their music was certainly ap- preciated by everyone. Wednesday morning was the monthly residents' coun- cil meeting. Thursday morning all the residents who have been in- volved sanding birdfeeders got together and put on the first coat of stain. In the after- noon a birthday party was held to celebrate the March birthdays of Carl Lawatak, Isobel Sproar and Ella Middleton. "Due to the miserable winter weather on Friday morning, bowling was cancelled. In the afternoon a movie entitled "Down South Up the Nile" was view by the residents. Oursympathyis extended to the Heal family in the death of Norman Heal; to the fami- ly of Dora Alcock and also the Finkbeiner in the death of Laving Finkbeiner. It has been our pleasure to know these people and to care for them. They will be greatly missed by all of us. Carmel Presbyterian Rev. Kenneth Knight con Registration for Hensall Men's Slow Pitch Contact: Earl McNab 262-5214 Jack Aikenhead 262-2011 after 6 ducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the . organ. Flowers in the Sanctuary were placed in the memory of the late Mr. Jade Corbett by his family. -The P.C.W. will meet on Monday, April 2 at 8:00 p.m. in the church. Hensall U.C. There was an excellent at- tendance at the United Church on Sunday morning when the congregation welcomed Mr. McDonald back from holidays. Loretta Riley greeted the congregation and Ray Jacobi, Chuck Mallette, Tim Mann and Scott Jesney were the ushers.' Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject of "Where Are Your Accusers", speaking from the Gospel of John and Jesus' words to the woman who had committed adultery. The children's story was on "A Gift Nobody Wanted." The choir, with Helve Fuss on the organ, sang a very beautiful anthem "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross", the well known hymn by Isaac Watt with arrangement by Adolf Strube. The flowers at the front of the church were placed in lov- ing memory of John Corbett by the family and in loving memory of Norman Heal by the family. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy meets returned from a pleasant vacation in Florida. Mrs. Blanche Chapman returned to her home in Lon- don after spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mrs. Carl Payne, who recently underwent major surgery in University Hospital, London, returned to her home. Mr. , and Mrs. George Parker visited recently with the former's sister and brother-in-law Sgt. Doug Wein R.C.M.P., Mrs. Wein and son David in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mousseau, Ridgetown, spent a few days with friends here and attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jack Corbett. 'l'he pot -luck dinner of the Three Links Seniors has been postponed until April 17 at 6:30 p.m. owing to other meetings. Please note the change of date. Mrs. Robert Chaffe, Mit- chell, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Jack Cor- bett during the time of the death of her father, the late Jack Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke, Oakville were recent visitors with Don's mother, Mrs. Ber- tha MacGregor. - Mrs. Jean Love, London, visited last Friday with her mother, Mrs. Jessie Armstrong. Hensall Legion Branch 468 The Royal Canadian Legion Br. 468 held their regular meeting on Manch 14. It was decided at this meeting to purchase a Past Presidents' plaque for our branch. Since this would be our first plaque, we will have to go back many years. After correspondence was read from the Canadian Heart fund a donation of $50.00 was passed. Plans are being drawn up to renovate the front of the Legion Hall; this project, hopefully, will be finished before the first of July weekend. Shuffleboard is over for another year and congratula- tions go the first prize trophy winners, -Mona Campbelkand Ken Clark. Runners-up were Donna Allan and Jerry Willert. League high trophies went to Joyce Willert and Al Kyle. League low were Val Kyle and Harold Willert. Once again our thanks to Comrades Pete Zwaan and Gary Lawrence for an ex- cellent job, but of course we must also thank their wives, Marlene and Bonnie. I'm sure Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" •FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE • VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales 8i Service to Most Makes) • FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For Farm & Business) • WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES • WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS • INSECT & FLY KILLING UNITS (For Indoor & Outdoor Use) •GIFTS & MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 1 they had a lot to do with it be- ing so well organized. Now, just because the league shuf- fleboard is over, the shuf- fleboard is still there, so you can get a group together or go in pairs and play at anytime. For those who played this year and lost better luck next year. Our next General meeting will be held on April 11 at 8:30 p.m. Hope to see you all out. The Ladies Auxiliary had a good attendance at the March meeting. A Waitress Cart was purchased for upstairs. There are many banquets coming up in April and May and these were discussed. Evelyn Traquair and Joan Beireling are in the hospital and we wish them a speedy recovery. Mildred Chalmers is feeling better after her stay in the hospital. After the meeting, Bingo was played under the very capable hands of Deb Plumb. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Next General meeting for the Auxiliary will be on April 3, see you all there. - At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them Y.K.O. Bea Uyl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUhIIuIIuIIIuIIuIIU hutIIIpI The egotist always hurts the one he loves - himself. tr OLD-FASHIONED GIRLS — Tove Bell (left) Eu ora Caldwell and Jan Baker were appropriately' dressed to sell tickets at the pre.Centennial dance at the Hensall Arena. ensa and district news Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 WINNERS — Taking home the prize money after the euchre party at.the Hensall Community Centre were_ (back left) Albert Gordon, first, Dave Kyle, tied for third and (front), Elaine Haugh, second, Muriel McLachlan and Pat Pollock also tied for third. Baptism at Cromarty By MRs. ROBERT LAING Sally Scott presided for the March meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary, and opened the worship ser- vice with a reading, Verse on Life, and prayer. Doris Miller read an editorial from the Glad Tidings entitled "March on. Dust and Cobwebs. Eleven members answered the roll call with a verse on Life. The assistant secretary, Alice Gardiner read the February minutes. Jean Carey presided for the business when plans were made for the April meeting on April 10 at 8 -p.m. when Mrs. Van Klooster of Downie will be speaker and ladies from the neighbouring churches are invited. An invitation to Thames Road on April 2nd was accepted. Ruth Jing presented the study boo , on the growth of the Christian Church in Cen- tral Africa : It was interesting to note that Christianity was carried to the west and south coast of Africa by former slaves or sons of slaves, retur- ning from America. Chris- tianity is growing very rapid- ly there. There is much en- thusiasm, but a shortage of money and trained workers. Alice Gardiner was in charge of the special number and had each member "Play, Say or Pay" resulting in some impromptu readings, househol d hints, instrumen- tals, etc. Tyler John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Elliott received the rite of baptism at the church service on Sunday morning Rev. Kenneth Knight spoke on the theme Through Pain to Renewal. The March meeting of the Cromarty Presbyterian Church W.M.S. was held at the home of the president, Dorothy Miller, with Dorothy presiding. She opened the meeting with thoughts on hope. Carrying out the theme, Edna Stonemen led the wor- ship service. Scripture b sed on Psalm 27 was read in unison. Hymns included My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less, and Great Is Thy Faithfulness. The meditation from the first chapter of 2nd Corinthians pointed out that though we may despair or grieve, we can have faith and - hope in Christ, the living and SERIOUS GAME — David Blackwell (left), Cecil Pepper, Margaret Moody and Alice Ferg were among those taking part in the euchre at the Hensall Community Centre. HENSA LL Civic Corner A Reminder To the Village of Hensall Residents that you can be a p% 4 the 1984 Historical Atlas of Huron County by reser- ving space for pictures and/or information on your home,farm, business, family, etc. Applications are available at the town hall, for submission to the county prior to April 15, 1984. • r POOR BOY DINNER -- A good crowd turned out for the pre -Centennial poor boys dinner of hot dogs and baked beans at the Hensall arena. ever-present Lord. Seven members answered the roll call, a scripture verse expressing hope. Business included plans for the special Good Friday meeting, April 20, commenc- ing with a potluck dinner at 12:30. All ladies of the con- gregation are invited. Members were reminded of the invitation to join with Thames Road- U.C.W. for their meeting at 8p.m. on April 2. Several tables were in play at the annual crokinole party of Cromarty congregation on Wednesday evening. Winners were Mrs. Kenneth Knight, Leanne Gardiner, high and low; nearest birthday, Trevor. Elliott, Lari Jo Gardiner, lucky chair, Mark Cronin. Kippen *area residents in and out of hospital By Margaret Hoggarth The community was sad- dened to hear of the death of Bert Thomson, life-long resi- dent of Kippen. Our sympathy is extended to Eleanor and the family. Bob Kinsman has returned home from Seaforth Hospital where he was a patient for a few days. Harold Parsons is now home after being in hospital for a day. Jim McGregor is a patient in Exeter hospital. Brian McGregor was in Seaforth hospital for a few days. Mabel and Emmerson Kyle of Kippen have returned from a most enjoyable sunshine holiday in Arizona, visiting Tucson, Yuma, and Phoenix. Emmerson drove all the way, covering 6,000 miles. Mabel commented on the 75-80 degree weather with no humidity, the beautiful scenery, and the very reasonably priced food with generous servings, $5.99 for a large steak as an example. Emmerson mentioned 99.6 cents a gallon for gas; the most he paid was 1.19.9 cents. Kippen United Church news Pastor Don Moffat is suffer- ing ` from a bout with the flu, and the congregation wish him a speedy recovery. In his absence the morning service at St. Andrew's Church was conducted by Mrs: Elaine Bechtel who gave an inspiring message ori the need and im- portance of prayer. Mary Moffatt presided at the organ. Kippen East WI Kippen East Women's In- stitute were treated to a trip to New York City and Washington D.C. by Debbie Josephson, Exeter, when she showed her pictures and told of the 11 -day trip she won in a public speaking contest in 1982 sponsored by the Odd - fellows and Rebekahs. The speaker was introduc- ed by Margaret Hoggarth who chaired the program and she was thanked by Thea Wisch. Readings were given by president Grace Drummond and Margaret Hoggarth. Reports were give by treasurer Mona Alderdice and Sunshine Convener Grace Pepper. Mrs. Charles Eyre gave her usual very fine mot- to on "World Affairs are our Affairs" - each nation- is dependent on the other. Roll call was to name a country belonging to the United Na- tions and give a helpful hint. Members were reminded that they are invited by Hurondale next Wednesday at noon to the Masonic Hall, Ex- eter. Mona Alderdice inform- ed the meeting that it took 103 hours of quilting on the first quilt and 127 hours of quilting on the second quilt. Frances Kinsman read the Kippen East story for the Atlas; the ladies enjoyed a sing -song. Courtesy Remarks were given by Margaret Hog- garth. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess Mrs. Dave Triebner and the com- mittee Mrs. Grant MacLean and Mrs. Alex McGregor. 4-H news The Kippen 1 Quilting Bees met at the home of Penny Savage on Tuesday, March 20. President Jane Papple opened with the 4-H pledge and secretary Diane Van- neste read the minutes. Diane, who is also the treasurer, told us that she had purchased the black duo - tangs for our covers and drawn a cover page for each of us to colour and stick on the front. We read the book work for meeting six and com- pleted the Mixed Bag game, then discussed our exhibit for achievement day. The meeting was adjourned and a delicious lunch was served. Press reporter Janet Hoggarth The fifth meeting of the Kippen Calico Kittens was held on March 20 at the home of Joyce Wilson. The roll call asked, "Do you know the name of any traditional quilt design?" and them embers also told what they had decid- ed to do for their special pro- jects. Games were later played such as the 'mixed bag game' and 'famous quilt block quiz'. The answers were checked and refreshments were served. Press reporter Yvette Predhomme STIRRING THE POT — Convener Bea Uyl (left) gets assistance from Kay Mock and Eileen Ronnie in prepar- ing the food for the poor boys' dinner of the Hensall Community Centre. Rt co } c 3 a M c Hensall's Happy Hundreth - 84 7#7, DO It Yourself We'll help We carry a complete line of repair parts for most makes of stoves, fridges, washers, dryers, etc. If we don't have it we will get it for you. Our service department will assist you in diagnosing your appliance problem. Drop in today We service all appliances We Service What We Sell DRYSDALE MAJORCENTRE "OE HENSALL 262.2728 Ontario CLOSED MONDAYS EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES tD 3 0 0 c 3 0 f WINTER TOUGH ON YOUR CAR? SHAPE UP FOR SPRING NOW $60.00 4 cylinder $64.00 6 cylinder $75.50 8 cylinder G.M. cars and Tight trucks parts 8 • labour included Tax not included --ompare— These Prices Price includes • Spark plugs • Fuel filter • Air cleaner filter • Evaporative con- trol system filter • P.C.V. filter • P.C.V. value ' Only installed if needed. Parts not replaced will be dis- counted from total price shown. The early bird catches a great deal until April 30. Let our team of highly -skilled GM - trained technicians get your car in shape. You'll feel the difference a good professional tune-up makes. So hurry to take advantage of this special. Complete Lune -up includes: • Thermo controlled air cleaner check • Carburetor choke and hoses check • Engine+idle speed adjustment • Carburetor mounting torque check • Vacuum advance system and hoses check • Fuel filter replacement Special for Cars with Air Conditioning For efficient and satisfactory perfor• mance in hot weather. The following air conditioning tune-up is suggested for only $25.00 1. Clean intake filter 2. Clean condensor fins. 3. Pressure test system • install gouge unit 4. Adjust drive belt tension 5. Check anti freez/coolant 6. Tighten compressor mounting and check clutch operation. 7. Tighten condensor and evo'porter mounting and check proper hose and pipe routing. 18. Inspect system for Teaks (hoses, couplings and valves, etc.) R12 leak detection done electronic leak detector 9. Test heater and A/C dash controls and electrical circuits. Visa, Master Card and American Express welcome parts extra • Spark plug wires check • Idle stop solenoid and/or dashpnt check • Spark plug replacement • Engine timing adjustment and distributor check - H.E.I component Insp. • Air cleaner and PCV filter elements replacement • PCV valve replacement • Evaporation control system check, and filter replacement • Fuel cap. tank and lines check • Electrical system check. including starting & charging systems • Cylinder balance check Guaranteed Service Guaranteed GM Parts Guaranteed Price This is a special limited time offer because you, our valued customer deserves it. Hurry offer ends April 30, 1984. Book your appointment as soon as possible. 235-0660 Service Department open Mon. - Thurs. 8 - 5:30 and 8 - 4:30 Friday. ACIENIK exeter 586 Main St., Exeter • 235-0660