HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-03-28, Page 6RLUEBERRY $ CHERRY MRS. SMITH'S 24 a 02. PKO. PIESJen Z . 1 Times -Advocate, March 28, 1984 SPRING FASHIONS - Lisa Martin, Debbie Steeper, ner model spring coats at Wednesday's fashion show Specialty Shoppe. Marjorie Oke and Kim Gent - sponsored by Jacqueline's T -A photo ENROLL NEW BROWNIES - Three new members were enrolled as Exeter Brownies, Wednesday. Back, left, leaders Roberta Mortley and Lynda Hartman. Front, Jaqueline Koehler, Angela Erb and Sarah Vair. MEMORIES you'll cherish forever Book Your Wedding NOW!!! Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY ( unnnI` (I, 1 Industrial and )S r•ddinK PhnlnKraphv 137 Thames Rd., Exeter, Ont. NOM 1.50 Telephone 519-235-1298 T -A photo Huron -Perth PA day April 2 All educational staff with the Huron -Perth R.C.S.S. Board will meet at St. Michael's School, Stratford, April 2, for a day devoted to the topic of 'Providing Enrichment Through the Curriculum.' During the day. teachers will have the opportunity to tearn about the Renzulli Triad - a model which pro- vides three types of enrich- ment: general exploratory experiences for all students, group training activities in thinking skills, and in-depth independent studies for the most able students. In addition, various cur- riculum committees and some outside resource people will demonstrate how the three forms of enrichment can be applied to every sub- ject area, thus providing specialized programming for academically able students within the regular classroom. ...for that Special Occasion Ul/ecl�lin�� _9nvifafioni and j cceddorie3 Select your invitations from our collection of traditional and contem- porary designs. Socially correct thermo- engraving complements the elegance of our wed- ding stationery. Ask to see our many wedding accessories too. Times ‘, - dvocate�.: Main 51. Exeter 235-1331 V 1' Once upon a time, a Cana- dian, while travelling through a crowded city in India, was clutched at his sleeve by a native who whispered furtive- ly, "Follow me, if you want a bargain." He led our hero through many a crowded and narrow lane until they came, at last, to a large yellow tent. Pushing through the flap that served as a door, the Indian brought the tourist inside to where an immense, but beautiful white elephant stood, swaying back and forth majestically. "Isn't that the most gorgeous elephant you've ever seen?" asked the native. "It certainly is," agreed the impressed visitor. "This elephant comes from the finest stock in the land, is far smarter than a horse and more lovable than any dog. He will be a faithful, lifelong friend and a great asset to his owner...and I will sell you this magnificent beast for the ridiculous sum of $1000." "Oh," said the Canadian, "I can see that this elephant is all that you say, but really, I have no use for an elephant, even though I recognize you are offering it at a great bargain." "I shouldn't do this," replied the Indian, "but because you look like such a nice fellow, and because I sense you will be good to my elephant, I'll reduce the price to $500." When a bargain's not a bargain The man began to hesitate and then said, "Well, that is a bargain, but let me find my wife and ask her advice." In due time, he brought his wife, and she agreed It was, indeed, a noble animal to be chant again whispered in the man's ear, "Come. See what I have at the back of the tent. Following him, the Canadian beheld another white elephant, just as large and just as magnificent as the It seems to me... by Gwyn Whilsmith sold at such a small price. However, she pointed out to him it would cost a fortune to have the elephant shipped back to Canada. "Besides'," she said, since we have no place to house him we would have to build a barn which, again, would cost us thousands. Then, there i3 the matter of his food, which I'm sure would also amount to a great deal. On top of that, what would we do with him? We have no work for him and no place for him to exercise. It really would be very foolish for us to purchase this elephant." "You're absolutely right, agreed the husband, "we just couldn't handle this elephant at all." Realizing that he was losing the sale, the sly Indian mer- first one. "For you," said the cunning dealer, "I'm going to make a tremendous sacrifice...I'll sell you both these animals for the price of one." "Sold." came the instant reply. This story came to my mind, the other day, when I was in a dress shop where a young woman was waffling between buying or not buying a garment that was on sale for half price. As she tried to make up her mind, she said, "I know my husband will say, 'If you didn't need it, it wasn't a bargain." I had to smile because it reminded me of myself when I was young, and an en- thusiastic but poor, antique hunter. Whenever I brought my treasure home, be it a stack of cracked old plates or a three legged rocking chair, my husband would glare and demand, "Why on earth did you buy that useless thing?" (He's always been high on usefulness). My stock answer was always, "Because it was so cheap." He'd hold his head and moan, "How many times do I have to tell you it's not cheap if you can't afford it in the first place?" To this day, I find it hard to resist a good bargain (even when I don't need it, or can't afford it). And, like the man in the story, I've brought home a few white elephants...but not as many as I used to. The last one was a four foot pale blue, glass walking cane... absolutely useless and impossible to display. I couldn't bear to see it being knocked down for a mere $20 so I thought I'd try to boost the price a little. You guessed it....l ended up trying to sneak it through the door. No such luck. In answer to my spouse's glowering stare, I JOIN THE CROWD BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR confessed lamely, "It was so cheap...." He handled it silently for a few minutes and then remarked cheerfully, "Well, at least, this is useful." "Whatever for?" "To break over your head the next time you just can't resist a bargain." So, now, it seems tome, it's better to let some of those wonderful bargains go by the board. Come and join us for our Mexican Fiesta. OLE! Virbrant colourful prints imported from Mexico especially for you! Dresses, tops and Coverups 20% off March 28 to 31 on Mexican Imports Only at 'd Spec a[i[!-7AJI1lon.1 11,1 420 Minn SI. Soule Contra, Mall - Exult/ Mon. - Thurs., Sat. 9 - 5:30 Friday 9 - 9 A&H RRLIETS OPEN THURSDAY We Deliver - 235-0212 & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. ORANGE DRINK PKG. OF 4 SAYE .64 DELSEY TOILET TISSUE WHITE, BEIGE OR YELLOW 4 ROLL PKt3. 1 .49 r3 L JUG PURE VEGETABLE CRISCO 011 6.49 AYLMER KETCHUP 1 1. BOTTLE 2.29 HUNTS TOMATO SAUCE 7.5 OZ. TIN .39 Laundry Detergent, 6 lit -359 FAB SELECTED VARIETIES OF , DEL MONTE FANCY FRUITS 14 OZ. TIN .99 DEL MONTE FANCY WHOLE STYLE CARROTS 14 OZ. TIN ■79 KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES 1 600GBOX .79 MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAM 1.5 LB. TIN 4.89 WELCH'S GRAPE JELLY or JAM 500 ML JAR 1.51 Liquid Detergent, 1 Ilt SUNLIGHT 229McCORMICK'S SOFT 10000 VEGETABLE AL MARGARINE MARGARINE 2-8 OZ. TUBS .1 9 SELECTED VARIETIES OF COOKIES. 1 600 G PKG. .99 WINDEX n REFILL 900 mi.1.3u ` F1O5MIL. Wx29CMRAP SARAN WRAP 1.09 Purr Your Choice, 6 oz. tin CAT FOOD 3i 99 5upiri.r PRODUCE PRODUCT OF U.S A. - CANADA NO. 1 VINE RIPENED KG 1.08 TOMATOES 10..49 PRODUCT OF CENTRAL AMERICA FRESH PINEAPPLES 129 FRESH ONTARIO KG 4.17 MUSHROOMS LB.1.89 PKG. FRESH COLESLAW ■49 CHIQUITA KG 1.08 BANANAS L8.49 - Fancy Ida Red, 3 Ib. fancy APPLES 1.19 J BAKERY SUNSHINE HOT CROSS BUNS DEMPSTER'S STONE GROUND BREAD PKG. OF 8 99 ■ 676 G LOAF .79 1 WESTONS RASPBERRY SWISS ROLLS PGK OF 4 .99 FROZEN SELECTED VARIETIES SWANSON DINNERS 11.5 02. PKG. 39 ■ DESSERT TOPPING COOL WHIP 500 ML TUB . 99 Salad Dressing, 500 g. MIRACLE WHIP Store Sliced COOKED HAM 1.39 LB.1.89 Solo Soft, 100% Veg. oil, MARGARINE 1 Ib. tub .69 " Clover Valley, 500 g. jar CHEESE SPREAD Generic, 200 g. POTATO CHIPS X89 2.79 White Swan Face, TISSUES' 200's ■89 operiir QUALITY FRESH, tBACKS ATTACHED► CHICKEN LEGS KG 2.18 9 9 LB. ■ MEAT PICNIC PORK SHOULDER ROAST KG 1.87 14 5 LB. ■ SCMiE1OElqEL aoon►«G. CLO BEEP' STEAKET TES 1.69 SSLICED SIDE BACON SOO G PK G. 350G BUCKET SGOLDEaN CHICKEN3.69 CNEQUNTRY SAUSAGE- 1.1 S000PKG SCHNEIO[RS WEINERS ISO GPKO 1 .79 PEPPERCORN PEPPERCORN SALAMI 3.95 kg./Ib.1 ■7 Devon BraiCai50TIDE A 1.8 RLUF. RIBBON (0 3.73 SCHNEIDERS BOLOGNA . LB. 1 ,69 FPORK K02.54 PORK KG 1.08 UTT CHOPS 0.1 15 RIBLETS 18..49 r