HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-03-21, Page 14• r^rr.+fl'F'.-:-+�,r..: ,�,-r-�..�..Tr.,�r,-arc.-. �..�c�T�^,�_^^�+'1t w^+�►t-T T VALUABLE PLAYERS — The most valuable players on each team in the Lucan Optimists tournament teams received trophies at Friday's windup event. Back, left, Optimist officials Bob Davis and John Hope. Centre, Anson Vince, Brian Heesels and Mike Lindsay. Front, Derek Greenlee, Shaun Fairweather and Jason Hodgson. Blood clinic April 24 The Blood Donor Clinic Committee met on Tuesday morning at the home of the convener, Nancy Murphy to plan the up -coming clinic, Tuesday, April 24, from 5 to 9 p.m. in the Community Cen- tre at the Lucan Arena. Elsie Lewis, president and Ruth Hill represented the Clandeboye Institute and Ber- nice Lockyer, president, Flora Robertson, Iola Goring and Iva Hodgins were present from the Lucan branch. Registrars were chosen, bed -care names suggested, supper for the workers plann- ed and helpers at the post- bedcare tea table and in the kitchen were named. Mrs. Murphy reminded the committee of the difficulties with line-ups at the 1983 clinic and an order to alleviate this problem pointed out that the following steps are being taken: A total of 12 donor beds in- stead of nine, with extra staff, will be provided. The clinic will start an hour earlier and donors who can are urged to come between 5 and 6 p.m. Each donor will receive a number tag upon entering the clinic - which should allow donor flow to move along at a smoother pace. It was pointed out that the objective for the Lucan Clinic is 150 donors which should be well within reach of this community. We need your "type", please be a blood donor. B CHAMPS ARE BOMBERS — The B championship of tie Lucan Optimists houseleague was won by the Bombers. Back, left, Optimist president Bob Davis and coach Rob Hardy. Centre, Michael Porter, Greg Hayter, Brian Heesels, Mat- thew Lane and Steve MacDonald. Front, Derek Hardy, Glen Murphy, Mark Amos and Chris Hewitt. Missing were Graham Rollings, Danny O'Shea and Kenny McGuf- fin. T -A photo 1850 is your inviialion from cc-'�] _loevosAip of Pidlul``hl r oumelf to aflencl Appreciation Night for Retiring Clerk -Treasurer Austin Hodgins Saturday, March 31 Lucan Arena 8 p.m. - Reception Line 9 p.m. - Dance 10:30 p.m. - Presentations After the presentation dancing will resume and a cold buffet will be available. For further information call the township office at 227-4491 \ J 4 Seniors Members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies groups met in the Seniors' club rooms, Thursday afternoon with the president, Ed Dowdall, presiding for the business period. An invitation was received from the Ilderton Seniors' Club to visit them on Tues- day, April 10 at 1:30 p.m. The invitation was accepted with pleasure. Helen MacDonald read "Ode to a Volunteer" which was most appropriate as several of the members are volunteers with "The Helping Hands". A card was signed by Three. area accidents Officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police in- vestigated 37 general occur- rences this week which in- 'cluded three accidentis and resulted in a number of criminal charges being preferred. Included in the charges were two males for trespass to property, false pretenses, sexual assault, Alert refusal, break and enter and one 12 hour suspension for impaired driving. The first accident occurred Sunday when a vehicle driven by Veronica Lougheed, Lon- don slid on the icy surface of Middlesex road22 and struck a sign post. Constable Briggs set damages at $1,600. Vehicles operated by Aileen Lawton, RR 1, Arva and Doreen McRobert, Granton collided Monday at 2:45 p.m. on Concession 8 of London township. Damages were listed at $6,000 by Constable Holland. Constable Goldschmidt estimated damages at $7,600 when vehicles driven by Leona Doreen Johnson, RR 2, Granton and Barbara E. Mason, London were in colli- sion on Middlesex road 47 at Highway 23 at 10:35 a.m. Saturday. • to visit !Iderton all present foe Merna O'Neil who is recuperating from surgery in' Sj. Joseph's Hospital. - Florence. Hodgins celebrated her.e0th birthday on Thursday and was duly congratulated: She replied stating that she had passed her test for her permit to drive, so will be coming to the club for another year! Verna Ibbitson was also wtshed a Happy Birthday, way out in Arizona, and Liz Conlin was welcomed back after several weeks absence because of illness. Irish songs were enjoyed, with Muriel Cobleigh at the piano. and Irish decorations added to the meeting. Euchre was enjoyed by members of the Sunshine Group with Alice Hodgson as convener and prizes were won as follows: high scores Agnes Hotson and Murray Carter, lone hands Mary Kooy and Tom Kooy, low scores Elsie Gibson and Adrien Bax. The craft prize was won by Gayle Cronyn. Members of the Busy Bud- dies Craft group enjoyed a session on "Soft Sculpture" which will continue tomor- row, Thursday, with Leslie Lindsay. Lunch was served by Jessie Lewis, Eileen Hodgins, Mary and Tom Kooy. The Seniors' reporter "goofed" last week in stating that Jean Miller provided lunch. Gayle Cronyn provided lunch also and Jean replaced Liz Conlin in serv- ing. Sorry about that JETS WiN OPTIMISTS TITLE — The Jets won the B championship of the Lucan Op- timist hockey houseleague. Back, left, Optimist club president Bob Davis and coach Howard Lawrence. Centre, Shaun Fairweather, Sean Lawrence, and Jamie Fronts. Front, David Damen, Jamie O'Shea, Douglas MacGregor and Mike Haygarth. Miss- ing were Carey Hickson, Denver England, Barrett Barnes, Ryan Herbert and Mike Brady and coaches Grigg Vollrath and Rob Brody. T -A photo Revival Centre news John Brooks was the song leader Sunday morning. While Nello Romagnoli played his guitar, Miss Patty Harris sang What is Your Answer today?. Miss Judi, Jones read 1I Samuel 9. • Rev. C.J. Williams stated this chapter showed God as blessing always. People seldom obey God's command to pray for their enemies. Saul had been David's enemy, yet David desired to show forgivene9k, tenderness and love of God to the household of Saul. Grace and mercy originate with God, the King. Grace was born the moment Jesus said "It is finished" at Calvary. Mephibosheth belonged to the family of Saul, David's enemies. He was also lame, with deformed feet. David asked Ziba to bring Mephibosheth to him so he could show him kindness. We who are of the household of sinners are worth nothing to God, but we need' Him so desperately. Ephesians 2:4-10 tell us we did not merit grace, but God saves us through grace and United Church Wes Stanley, assisted by Marj Park at the piano, led in the monthly pre -service Hymn Sing at Lucan United Church on Sunday morning. Later in the service, the choir sang the lovely anthem "Lead Me Lord". Kit Hearn, in charge of the children's story time, told the boys and girls about Tim and Don who learned the impor- tance of doing little jobs well. Because Tim was so faithful in caring -for his pet mouse, Grandpa allowed him to take over the care of a pony. God is pleased too when we are faithful in little things. Alden Walker also assisted in the service as he read the Scripture portion from Romans 8. Rev. Brown continued his series of Lenten messages With the theme, "Blessed Assurance". People display a deep need for security in every area of Ade. This ap- plies also in our desire to be sure aboutGod's love for us and about our hope of eternal life. If ' we believe God's pro- mises, it is possible to find the .assurance we need in them. If we fulfil the condition of believing in Him, we can be sure that His promise of eter- nal life applies to us. The apostle Paul mentions another way we can be sure when he says, "The Holy Spirit speaks to us deep within our hearts and tells us we really are God's children". 'The Lord wants each of us to experience this special witness of His Spirit. for it is not His plan that we should live in uncertainty about our relationship to Him. Mr. Brown commented, "In this unsettled age of atomic power, violence and social upheaval, this assurance is desperately needed by all." He challenged those present to share with others this con- fidence that God gives us, helping them to understand that this gift is for them too. Coming events c'Lea rning for Lent" begins Wednesday morning with registration at 9a.m. Interest groups at 9:30 include "Skin Care" with Trudy Nieuwlands, and a craft group which will be making ribbon roses. Following a coffee break, Jackie Pierce will lead in the first of four Bible Studies on ILICTROLUX Sales & Service New and Used Sharonlee Billings Phone 227.1271 Lucan the theme, "Reach Out", In our Homes. Child care is pro- vided, and all women of the community are invited 'to share in his inter - denomination event these next four W sdays. Choir practice is at 7:30 that evening, and the Friend- ship Unit of the U.C.W. meets at 8:30 in the C.E. Wing of the Church. On Thursday at 7:15, the Couples' Club meets at the Church to go to Exeter to see the film, "God in Hard Times," starring Dale Evans. The Young People are plan- ning an evening of bowling on Friday. Contact Linda Patter- son at 227-4261 for details. St. Pat's dance St. Patrick's C.P.T.A. held a St Pat's dance Saturday, March 17 with was very well attended. All profits made will be used for the benefit of students' in St. Patrick's School. Sunday evening, March 18, the young people of the parish met to discuss the seventh Commandment, -"Cheating? Stealing? Does it Pay?" This .was accomplished through films and mutual discussion among themselves. Social /athletic activities and refreshments ended the evening. Tuesday, March 20 was the monthly Advisory Board meeting. All parishioners were welcome to attend as observers. The March C.W.L. meeting will be held this evening at 8 p.m. following the Lenten Mass which beings at 7:30 p.m. in the church. At 9 p.m. after business has been discussed, Mrs. Pook, R.N. of St. Marys will present a topic and film of extreme in- terest to ail C.W.L. members. All ladies of the parish are welcome. During the weekend from Friday, March 23, 8 p.m. to Sunday. March 25, 5 p.m. a Parish Renewal Weekend will be held to discuss Catholic life lived out in our parish family. Couples, seniors and all singles over 18 are encourag- ed to attend this no fee ^enewal weekend. Call Father Finn at 227-4726 for more information. PIRR1101PiaL1X4 faith. As Mephibosbeth was crippled, unable to help himself, so sinners are crippl- ed by sin, unable to help themselves. Ziba had to bring Mephibosheth to King David. The Holy Spirit directs a sin- ner towards forgiveness from God. Mephibosheth answered David as his servant, coming just as he was, alone. We have to meet God alone, coming as we are, asking His forgiveness. If we do not meet Him on earth, we will some- day stand before our God, our, King, at judgement day. We must be willing to place ourselves as servants before our King, God. David said to Mephibosheth, "fear not", and told him he would restore all his family possessions, and make him a member of his royal house hold. When we come to God, He makes us members of His household. In the absence of pianist Mrs. Lorraine Armitage, Bruce Thomson led the song service while playing his guitar. Mr. Thomson then ministered singing Here Am I, So Unworthy. Rev. C.J. Williams in- troduced the guest speaker, Mr. Nicholas Murray. Mr. Murray read II Kings 22:2-11 and 23:1-3, a very interesting account of Josiah, King of Judah. Beginning to reign at eight years old, at age 20 he began to purge the kingdom of all emblems of idolatry, and purify the temple. Because many years of evil kings the temple was in disrepair. Josiah sought the Lord, aided by two able faithful priests. When the high priest Hilkiah found the Book of the Law, which had been lost, it was read to Josiah, then to the people. God's Word can survive persecution, but it can be lost through neglect. When people neglect the Word of God they hinder someone else. Sin will keep one from this Book, but this Book will keep one from sin. Inconsistency is neglect. The Word must be lived, preached, and read, We can't try to guide our families, but without God's Word it will not be right. All the answers are • in God's Wotd. Stam 84 C.Cabitnetsr Arv Jim Holliday call anytime 235-0349 - installing new - remodelling old - vanities, wall units - wide selection of hardwoods g3upammoo TME9(giC REPAIRS (Sewing Machine, Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sow and Save • Centre Ltd. 149DownieSt..Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 INSURANCE itigRealty Insgrante Inc. EXETER 235-2420, GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 GODERICH 524-2118 Farm, Home, Auto In- surance. Appraisals, Mortgages, Life In- surance, Trust .Ce-rtiflcates Locksmith DASHWOOD LOCK & KEY Brad Barnes RR 3, Dashwood 237-3426 Certified Locksmith' Bonded and Insured. Locks Repaired Repinning; Rekeying Master Key Systems Emergency Openings Automotive 8 Motorcycle Alarms SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & MCKAY LTD. 592A Main St. S. Exeter, 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-800.265-7988 AUCTIONEERS 1 Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edginton . RR 2 Lucan, Ont.. (319) 227-4210 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2; Lucan, Ontario (519)227-4111 FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO Kirkton aNilAnI M TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 J JF Auction JF Services . Book Your 1984 Sale Now CaH 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF JF ABATTOIR fr sstndars Abattoir Home Grown Reef d Pork Mill St., Hensel! 262-3130 Wholesale Retail Custom Sloughfering, kill day Tues. Book In Advance Our own "CHUBS", bologna, wieners, Polish sausage, summer sausage, jellied pork. processed hams and. picnics Our Motto ,s The Golden Rule Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sole service Provinciolly licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place W. guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect •66.00.13 666-1967 VISION CARE Dr. James S. Smibert Optometrist 11 Wellington St. N., St. Marys 284-3115 Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9:00 to 5 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE. We give complete sale service PROFIT IT EXPERIENCE • Phone Collect 233.1964 EXETER People do read small ads. You are. This space could be `yours ` Call ,235-1331 ACCOUNTANT ,PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S,, Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. WOODWORKING FREE ESTIMATES PICK-UP & DELIVERY LiTTLE FALLS WOODWORKING & STRIPPING WOODWORKING OF ALL TYPES CUSTOM CABINET MAKERS STRIPPING -f- RESTORING OF FURNITURE P.O. In 1612 St. Marys, Out. NOM 2110 ST. MARTS, ONT. 221.6301 • 284.341! • 214.1210 orris omuth Chartered .Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM ISO (519) 235-0101 J CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIRD GENERAL ACCOUNTANT TMMC, a t. -*aa -*SON THE ol.O TOWN HAW. sett MAiN MTN MIT EXETER, ONTARIO NOM leo J