Times-Advocate, 1984-03-21, Page 7Happy Gang plays euchre iducator speaks to Riverview WI .y ALICE DICKENS Ailsa Craig Riverview Women's In-. stitute met March 6 in the Masonic Hall. The theme was Educational and Cultural Ac- tivities, the motto being Grant, 0 God, that we may be parents pleasing unto Thee. President, Nancy Harmer, opened the meeting with 0' Canada followed by the In- - stitute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. The scripture lesson relating to children was taken from Matthew 19 and read by Ruth Ross. Ruth McCallum opened the .program with two good poems pertaining to the mot- to. Ruth introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Una Amos, who is quite well-known and is ac- tive in area schools in the special education field under the Middlesex County Board of Education. Mrs. Amos outlined the dif- ferent educational programs and how many students could be in each program. She gave each a sheet of paper with the many different programs which made it quite easy to follow. A question and answer period followed which proved very interesting and understanding more of what is being done to help these children. Margaret Wilson thanked Mrs. Amos for a splendid talk on an important subject. Ruth McCallum also thanked her and presented a gift to her. John MacDonald sang the familiar song "School Days" accompanied by Jean Lee on the piano. The encore, 'Let the rest of the World go by' brought back a lot of memories. Margaret thanked. John and Jean and presented each with a plate of sweets. Ruth thanked all for taking part and to those who had so nicely decorated the hall with St. Patrick's Day greenery, shamrocks both real and otherwise. The tables looked lovely and inviting and all en- joyed a dainty lunch prepared by Gertrude Rosser and committee. Gertrude won a prize hav- ing sat on the lucky chair and Adele McCallum received a gift being the first visitor to come to the meeting that day. After lunch the minutes were read and approved and they continued with the business. It was decided to hold a dessert euchre in April, a bus trip to Cullen Gardens in June is being planned. The annual meeting with yearly reports will be held on April 10. Richard Doyle, London spent his holiday with Marion Simpson and family. Mrs. Yvette MacGregor, Betty Doyle, London and Shirley and John McKichan holidayed in Barbadoes last week. Mrs. Kay Simpson spent last week in London with her grandson: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosser visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Amos of Wanstead recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill and Mrs. Margaret Dores were visited with their cousins of Grand Bend recently. Master Michael Sutherland, London spent the holiday with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rqy Sutherland. Winners at the Happy Gang seniors club for the euchre were Babe Chapman, Reta Morley, Sybil Stephenson, Carmon Stewart, Marjorie Steeper and Helen Smith. On March 28 a pot -luck dinner will be held folowed by euchre. Yum-yum desserts were served by the Craigwiel Ac- tivity Centre committee to a good-sized crowd at the St, Patrick's dessert euchre held on March 12 at the Activity Centre room. Euchre winners were Alice Dickens, Lyle Stokes, Evelyn McNaughton, Verna Leitch and Isabel) Stokes. Congratulations to Barbara (Rosser) and Chuck Daigle on the birth of a daughter, March 14. Times -Advocate, March'21, 1984 Page 7 111. . BED • BATH • KITCHEN • GIFTS BOUTIQUE >t 0.140 Our new limited edition Collector Dolls "The Royal Baby by Alresford" NEW LIONESS MEMBERS - Three new members joined the Exeter Lioness club recently. From the left are Lions District Governor John Stephens, Joon Hunking and sponsor Lisa Frayne, Mary Jane MacDougall and sponsor Sally Lou Raymond, Connie Birmingham and sponsor Bev McGregor and Lioness president Sue Pear- son. T -A photo Watch for our Spring Specials 405 Main St. Exeter, 235-2957 Sot. 9:30 - 5 p.m. Open Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9130 to 5:30, Fri. 9:30 - 9 p.m. tft4.4 A&H AR1 ET% OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. We Deliver - 235-0212 A HEADSTAND - )waren Tomasik do a headstand at demonstration of SHDHS. Love helps Catherine the recent gymnastics T -A photo LAST CALL Wed., Thurs., Fri. 0 f all remaining fall and f winter merchandise. 65% 0 ONE DAY ONLY i O/0 f Saturday, March 24th f our Toss is your gain o4 ' , - cidity 7catioN4 420 Moon St. South Centre Mat, - E ■.t./ `,( occ dYi ,01.720 �Q o 0\0\ 1 3?R{A)ij6 s) -(ow Llsicb `moarch alei. tsex1_,T,q aa. '1:30prn. at 6dcc_u4tsct) li 3S).lOAS Cxttre' MrAshlnQ.T11 s S‘ ,n % d SY,Qna. Coln& oui. Stye -?ceAs- lQ)*oSSvc rrt SAYE .46 2 PLY ASS'T COLOURS KLEENEX FACE TISSUES BOX OF 200 .89 [HELLMANN s REAL MAYONNAISE 500 ML JAR 1.79 einz, 1.25 litre KETCHUP 2.98 HUNTS TOMATO PASTE LIPTON CHICKEN NOODLE MIOXP 13 OZ. 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SWIFT'S OLD MILL DINNER HAMS KG 4.83 SWIFTS OLD MILL STORE SLICED - KG 4.39 COOKED HAM LB 1.99 SWIFT S PREMIUM WIENERS 4800 99 SWIFT'S OLD MILL LINK OR Maple Leaf, FARM STYLE KG 2.62 SALAMI SAUSAGE LB. 1.19 kg 3.95 .1 .79 SWIFT'S PREMIUM Turbot, 4.39 kg. BOLOGNA FILLETS lb. 1.9u CHUNKS SHOATEAIB OA KG 3.73 BEEF CROSS %BLADE ROAST ,01.69. RIB ROAST KG 2.84 L8.1.29 KG 4.39 LB 1,99 5.p ri•r BUYS OF THE WEEK 2.4friAILK 2.79 4s Valley Farms. 1 kg. TANG 1.29 CHOICE PEAS1.19 SALTINES .99 ICE2CREAro 2.59 Skippy, 750 g. Medium, 10 Ib. bag PEANUT BUTTER 2.69 GROUND BEEF PATTIES15.90 FROZEN Welch's, 12 oz. tin GRAPE JUICE 1.09 N113LET5 GREEN GIANT NIBLETS 1 KG BAG CORN Z■O9 COFFEE RICH 500G CARTON .49 BAKERY 67513 LOAF BONUS BREAD Jig SUNSHINE PKG. OF 8 HOT CROSS nit BUNS ■ GRANNY'S BUTTER AG TARTS eitU PKG. OF 10 --- PRODUCE yr U.S. SUNKIST 1 DOZEN PRODUCE OF U.S. BUNCH ORANGES 2.99 BROCCOLI .89 CALIFORNIA LEMONS 3 .39 PRODUCT OF ONT., CAN. 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