HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-03-14, Page 11Times -Advocate, March 14, 1984
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dons make numerous donations, again in charge of Easter Seals
The Lions had their
meetings chaired by Pres.
Doug O'Brien twice a month
on the first and third Monday
evening with dinner at the
Dominion Tavern at 7:00 p.m.
The club has been busy the
past few morphs visiting other
clubs and attending their
meetings. They are invited to
Woodstock on Sunday, April
29 b; the Innerkip Lions to a
Pin -traders Breakfast They
will be proud to bring along
the "new Zurich pin".
The recent C.N.I.B. can-
vass raised a total of $1,271.00.
They still need volunteers for
Meals. on Wheels, so please
phone Russell Grainger at
236-7724 if you can help.
At the last director's
meeting, several donations
were approved including to
the Leader Dog School, Hear-
ing Conservation, Huron Day
Care Centre, Canadian Lions
Foundation of Canada, Youth
Exchange, Aid to the
Physically Handicapped,
Lions Home for Deaf
Children, Dashwood Minor
Athletic, Diabetes Association
and one hour's ice time to
both the Zurich Ringette and
Novice tournaments.
It was decided to replace
Monte Carlo Night with
another money raising
Zone chairman, Dave
Heller of Stratford was a
guest speaker in February.
The club is once again looking
after the Easter Seals
'No' to
Reeve Isidore LaPorte
commented on the full house
at Zurich council's regular
March meeting on Tuesday
night: Ray McKinnon was
filling the formerly vacant
council seat, and clerk -
treasurer Sharon Baker was
back after time off for
surgery and convalescence.
Some budget matters were
discussed as a prelude to a
special. meeting on March 20
to set the 1984'hudgets for the
various departments.
The Zurich and area fire
board budget for this year will
be approximately $15,880.
down slightly from the
previous year's $16,173
because of a carry-over
surplus of $1,300.
The cost to ratepayers for
recreation in 1983 was $19,000,
less than the budgeted $27,700 -
Council will decide whether or
not to put this surplus .in a
special reserve fund, as the
board faces large expen-
ditures for major repairs this
year. The ice plant com-
pressor motor that blew up
has been replaced, but a new
condensor costing around
$10,000 should be installed this
Arena Manager Jerry
Rader told council he would
like to see revenue from
special events such as the
bingoes scheduled to begin
soon put into a special fund to
be used for capital
No one applied for thr
vacancy and the Industrial
and Retail Development com-
mittee, to serve with Reeve
LaPorte. councillor Mike
O'Connor and business
representative Bob Vair.
Councillor Bob Fisher's sug-
gestionthat someone from the
Chamber of Commerce be
asked was accepted. McKin-
non will replace LaPorte on
the Zurich fire board. All
other standing committees
will remain as before.
In response to a question -
crossing guar
naire sent out with 300 tax
notices about the need for a
crossing guard, the clerk
received 27 nos and 27 yeses.
A previous questionnaire sent
home with village school
children moved that the mat-
ter be shelved at present due
to obvious lack of interest.
A letter from Elda Wagner
complaining about sidewalks
not being cleared sparked a
discussion on snow removal.
Fisher said the expectation
that the village be responsible
for clearing all sidewalks was
unrealistic, and the cost
would be astronomical. He
said possibly next year one
side of each of the two main
arteries could tie kept
cleared. LaPorte added the
safest way would be to pass a
by-law making property
owners responsible for keep-
ing the sidewalk in front of
their property shovelled.
No action was taken on a
complaint from some
residents of Spruce Villa that
trees on adjacent property
were too close to their
building, as council has no
jurisdiction over such mat-
ters on private property.
Fisher reported that a
Septemberfest is. being con-
sidered as Zurich's bicenten-
nial project, with much of the
funding to come from the
The village of Zurich has
received word from their
solicitors, Donnelly and Mur-
phy, that the trial in the action
brought by Ron Heimrich on
behalf of Dave's Decor has
been adjourned. No new date
has yet been set.
After hearing from an of-
ficial of the ministry- of
transport and communica-
tions that Zurich's size does
not warrant larger highway
signs, Mike O'Connor joked
that the village should con-
sider annexing the Bluewater
Rest Home and the Maple
Woods Appartments.
Councillor Keith Westlake
was appointed to form a com-
mittee to write up a submis-
sion on Zurich for the Huron
County Atlas.
Important dates to
remember are the meetingon
March 19 when guest speaker
will be Lion Jack Bishop of
Kitchener; March 30 to April
1 is the annual convention.
Don and Barb VanPatter
are happy to announce the ar-
rival of their second grand-
child, James. Bryson. This
past weekend Barb went to
Mississauga to visit her fami-
ly, new baby and husband
Don who works there.
It was nice to get away on
Saturday and Sunday.
(Thanks to mom for keeping
the kids). We visited with
Keva and Sharon Silverstein
in London, and helped his
sister to celebrate her birth-
day with dinner and dancing
at the Seven Dwarfs Inn and
also enjoyed sleeping on a
water bed.
Don and Elaine
Beauchamp, Steve and Janet
Durand and Dennis and Sue
Rau all enjoyed -spending
from last Wednesday to Fri-
day at the Wheels Inn in
Little Malinda and Derek
Gelinas of London are spen-
ding the week with their
grandparents, Mozart and
Marie Gelinas while their
mom and dad Cindy and
Marc are on a ski trip to a
lodge at Magic Mountain in
Londonderry, Vermont.
A flew more congratulaliens
to engaged couples. I didn't
mention last week: Theresa
Dietrich and Steven Fink-
beiner, Rose -Mary Bedard
and Brian Rader; Paul Klopp
and Heather Sweeney; Lori
Bedard and Kevan Jeffrey
and Audrey Regier and Steve
Dot and Gerd Hess return-
ed home recently after being
in Florida since December.
Cheryl Kuepfer, daughter
of Clayton and Amy, recent-
ly received word from the
Royal Conservatory of Music
that she passed her grade 5
piano exam with honours. She•
is a pupil 41 Mrs. Laurie Erb.
Just a reminder not to
forget about the Bingo at St.
Peter's Parish hall, St.
Joseph's on Wednesday,
March 14 at 8:30 p.m. Only
$1.00 admission. There will be
a card party at the town hall
on Monday, March 19 at 8:00
p.m, 31.50 admission with
lunch and prizes, sponsored
by the Women's Institute. -
Lots of fun was'had by all at
the 50th birthday party at the
home of Joe Regier on Satur-
day, given for him by his Wife
Rose with several friends and
relatives attending (50 in all).
A baby shower was held at
the home of Margaret
Gingerich for Marg and little
Megan Gingerich on Monday
evening where they received
lots of lovely and useful gifts
from friends and relatives.
Best wishes for a speedy
recovery is extended to Sylvia
Mittleholtz who is a patient at
University Hospital.
Hubert, Richprd and Jason
Schilbe and Kevan McKinnon
travelled to Toronto on Satur-
day and enjoyed watching
Toronto beat Detroit at a
hockey game held at the
Little Clayton Gerald
Neilands, son of Gerry and
Diane was baptized a week
ago Sunday at St. Boniface
Church by Fr. Mooney with
Godparents being Tom and
Kathie Neilands.
Stephanie and Whayn
Debus of Stratford are
presently spending the school
March break vacation with
their grandmother Mrs.
Florence Denomme.
May we offer our sincere
sympathy to the family of
Gladys Schade who passed
away on the weekend.
especially to her husband,
Dianne O'Connor and a girl
friend, Joe -Lynn of London
returned home on Sunday
after a nice holiday for a week
in Mexico.
St. Boniface C.W.L.
Ten ladies from St.
Boniface C.W.L. along with
others from Exeter area were
guests of the Mt. Carmel
C.W.L. ladies and were
treated to two really good,
funny plays. Even the presi-
dent of their league, Dora
Hartman took part in it as a
Cave lady.
Wedding anniversary
Many friends And relatives
were on hand to wish a Hap-
py 60th wedding anniversary
to Valerie and Urban Pfile on
Sunday at the town hall. Tea
and squares were served
while everyone present en-
joyed visiting and reminisc-
PANEL DISCUSSION — Greg,Armstrong, pork producer and cash cropper, (left) Charles Reid, cosh cropper,
Kate Keys, Linda Keys and Rev. Wilena Brown took part in a panel discussion as part of a meeting to hear Beth
Slumskie and Doris Sweiger, charter members of the Bruce county -based Concerned Farm Women.
ing and wished the couple
many more happy and
healthy years together.
Congratulations to Mrs.
Myrtle Masse who celebrated
her 90th birthday on Sunday
with a large family gathering
at the Dashwood Community
Centre. The group, 110 all
together, included her
children, grandchildren, and
great -great grandchildren
with some coming from Wind-
sor, London, Goderich and
Zurich area. Everyone en-
joyed a delicious hot roast
beef dinner.
St. Peter's
Lutheran Church
Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A.
Sunday, March 18
10:00 o.m. - Worship Service
10:45 a.m. - Sunday School
There is a nursery for small
children which is supervised dur-
ing the worship service
Everyone Welcome
Student Sizes
MEDALISTS -- Zurich figure skaters were among the
253 competitors from 19 clubs competing in the HOME
Competition in Plattsville recently. Kathy, Merner,
(right) brought back a gold medal, and Lisa Bedard o
Jr. Boys $1399
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Jr. Boys $
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