HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-02-29, Page 1818 Times -Advocate, February 29, 1984 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 word $3.25, 104 per wortd thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 94 per word, minimum 51.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $3.25 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $2.75 per column inch. (Minimum sizein this category 11/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — $1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS -- 20 words $3.25, 104 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices — 20 words $3.25, each additional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS — $3.00 plus 154 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words $3.25, each additional word 104 Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words $3.25, additional words 54 each. 50t DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline for classified ads Is 4:00 p.m., Mondays. Phone 235-1331 HELIUM BALLOONS ...Jusf For The Fun Of It QWtinti?V - Flowers EXETER 235-2350 1 Lost, Strayed TAPE RECORDER, Clairtone stereo cassette. At the high school. Name and address on back. Reward. Phone 235-2675 or 235-0880. 9• 2 Found DOG - brownish grey medium siz- ed. Call 229-6569. 9x DOG - small light brown with white feet. Part collie and terrier. Found in Crediton. Phone 234-6342. 9c 3 Situations Wanted LICENCED ELECTRICIAN will do electrical work at reasonable rates. Call 237-3539. 8• GRAND BEND preferred. Retired executive, skilled organizer and administrator, also has clerical and retail experience. Full or part time 238-8864.9:10• EXPERIENCED radiological technician requires position. Will- ing to relocate. Resume and references available,ppon request. Kathy Emerson, RR 1, Vienna, Ontario NO1 IZO (519) 866-5581. 9x Lawn Rolling Call today: Floyd Upshall RR 1, Mitchell, Ontario Res. 348-9772. Sus. 262-5222 "Big or small, we roll them all. " • A -LIFT SERVICES 229-6741 LIFT R.R. 6 St. Marys Call Bob McLaughlin Super Local Service & Super Local Price 24 HOUR REPAIR SERVICE ON FORK LIFTS AND TRUCK CRANES .s- ALL HYRAULIC REPAIRS FOR HURON AND PERTH MF AGRI BUILDERS Quality grain storage, drying and handling products DESIGN / SALES / SERVICE MF AGRI BUILDERS P O BOX 550, MAIN STREET SOUTH, EXETER, ONT , NOM 130 (519) 235-2120 After Hours 34S-2611 1 classifications I Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 4 Help Wanted NEWS CORRESPONDENTS re- quired for Brinsley area. Contact Bill Batten 235-1331. l3nc ARTIST, part time required. Enclose samples. Box 93P, c/o Times Advocate, Exeter, Ontario. 9c SUMMER EMPLOYMENT, full or part time. We are looking for self starters. Bronze and swimm- ing an asset. Write for application forms to Windmill Park, RR 1 Fullarton, NOK IHO. 6-9c SALES REPRESENTATIVE to cover Huron County area. Agricultural or accounting ex- perience would be helpful. Box 94P, c/o Times Advocate, Exeter, Ont. 9c BABYSITTER required for boys ages 1 and 3. Four days per week. To commence 1st of March. Ex- cellent wage. Apply Box 91P, Times Advocate, Exeter, Ont.8,9• PART TIME person to sell mer- chandise and assist in purchasing in Sportswear Department of local retail store. Please send resume to Box 96P, c/o Times Advocate, Exeter, Ont. 9c BABYSITTER needed three days a week and one evening for two children. Apply Box 92P, c/o Times Advocate, Exeter, Ont.8:9c STUDENT needed immediately for after school and on weekends in Exeter business, being mechanically inclined would be an asset. Please send resume to Box 95P, c/o Times Advocate, Exeter, Ont. i 9c LADY TO BABYSIT in my home. Your children arc welcome. 2 or 3 half days a week. Flex;ble hours. 235-2558. 9c EDITOR required for large Eastern Ontario weekly newspaper. Location is heart of recreational arca offering wide variety of activities including, ski- ing, hunting, fishing. Good com- pensation plan. Successful person will he a leader with strong writing, reporting, and layout skills and will want to participate in news coverage.. Apply im- mediately in writing to the Publishing Manager c/o The Record News, P.O. Box 158, Smith Falls, Ont. K7A 4TI. 9x WANTED - very reliabl1' abysit- ter for 22 month old girl, in my home 2:30-5:00, five days a week, non-smoker please. Phone 235-0889. 9:10• EXCAVATING SERVICE tA D Mil • Weeping :e.s • Footings • Basements & General Backhoe work NOW.CO 1XCAVATIN0 Owned end op•ret•d by )Im Snnw. Phone 233.0642 after 6 p.m. 4 Help Wanted AGENT to sell day old meat birds, white and brown egg layer pullets in this area. Interested par- ties phone Barb at 519-271-4783 for more information. Must be able to pick up chicks at hatchery. 9c PERSON to work in farrowing rooms in hog barn. Good work- ing conditions. Start immediately. Salary based on abilities. Phone W. Woods 294-6576. 9:10c CLERK - honest friendly, hard- working, needed for evening shift. Apply in writing to Box 1034, Grand Bend, Ont. NOM IT0.9; lOc FULL and pari time positions open to reliable and hard working persons. Am looking for someone to instruct proper skin care and makeup applicatibn. Work with finest water-based skincare and cosmetics. No inventory invest- ment. Continuous free training and support. No door to door sales. Set own hours. For inter- view call 235-1626 between 9-11 a.m. or 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mon. to Thurs. 9• 5 Business Opportunities DEALERS WANTED for quali- ty line of Cedar Lawn Furniture. Approximately SI,500investment required for initial stock. Must have good location and display area. (613)279-2206. 9x TURN $I96 investment into S40,000 annual income. Exciting business opportunity marketing new revolutionary foods and related products. Full or part- time. Phone Huron Leaf (519)291-4445. 9x YES, YOU CAN earn extra money in your spare time as a Regal Sales Representative. Write Regal, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept. 627, Toronto, M4G 2L6.9x ACORN NEWSLETTER turns hobbies/skills into money. Con- tains ideas/information to develop profitable business. Single copy $3.00. Hillhouse Publishing, Box 413, Station K, Toronto, Ont. M4P 2G7. 9x 6 Services SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 JIM SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Hauling l3ulk Grain Hauling KIRKTON 229-6439 36t 321 CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.K. I Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding Wrought iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 81 A. DENOMME CONSTRUCTION LTD. •ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING •ROOFING *ADDITIONS •CUSTOM HOMES •INDOOR/OUTDOOR PATIO FURNITURE tate t.ti114M4,t.S 237-3516 DASHW000 No Job Too Wg OR Too Smart YOUR ONE STOP VACUUM CENTRE S„1#$ R,•pai„ �EILT« QUOIN IYRUK� Service Centres Electro, Kirby, Hoover, Royal Central Vacuum Systems Bags, Hoses, Belts, Repairs To All Makes. (FLOOR SAVER MATS) Goderich Vacuum Centre S2 West St t;" 524 4112 1 6 Services !!!TAX REFUND NOW!!! Don't wait - Get 85% now. !!!No hid- den costs!!! Call for information. CompuRead Services Inc. 238-2388. 8tfn EXETER CAB 24 hour service radio dispatched Phone 235-2110 If no answer phone 228-6812 49 Simcoe St. Exeter 231 fn John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Call 237-3298 38t fn Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales 6 Installations PH: DON BENDER Dashwood- 237-3575 12t SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Experience Backhoe service, Scrap purchased 16t fn STEVE SCHROEDER DESIGN BUILD General Carpentry Architectural Drafting RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. 24tfn CARPENTRY DRYWALL IDCONTRAc ET MG HAROLD DEVRiES 75 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ont. Phone 233-0941 "Quality Workmanship at a Reasonable Price" 'SUDDENLY IT'S SO1-D' 482-9371 Clinton RESIDENCE: 523-9338 NEW LISTING: One mile south of Seaforth, 2 acres with 1 floor bungalow, new shop - 40' x 64'. Ideal for business enterprise. REDUCED: to sell quick- ly, service station, body shop and restaurant with .living quarters. Ideal Mom and Pop business, highway locotion. HENSALL: 70 King St., 1'/2 floor frame home, 2 bdrm., fireplace, F.A. gas heat. BLYTH: Queen St., Targe commercial pro- perty, 2 apts. above. Can by purchased with or without existing stock. Good terms. HENSALL: 1'/2 storey home on Richmond St. S., in good condition, financing available. • 6 Services Gene's stens Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1N0 PHONE 238-8242 4t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13t ELECTRIC MOTORS • Rewinding * Repairs ' Sales & Service • Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 229-8222 KIRKTON IIt WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper & Sons Ltd. 4 t -DDERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Dud 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 30t CAMPBELL APPLIANCE REPAIR Repairs to all makes of Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Dishwashers, etc. PHONE: 235-1501 24tfnc 6 Services T.V., Stereo & Antenna Repair JOE PALSA 236-4790 * 9 years experience * competitive prices 8tfnc Jerry's Drywall Boarding, Taping, Textured Ceilings, Plaster Repairs, Free Estimates Gerald Morgan 228-6724 9-I2c Desjardine ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK Porch Columns and Railings Inside Vinyl Covered Railings Custom Welding PHONE Zurich 236-4622 or 236-4509 9tfn INCOME TAX RETURNS. Per- sonal tax returns done. Excellent service and rates. Call me for free checkoff list. Art Read 238-2388. 8tfn HURON 1 CONTRACTORS PH: 236-4230 New Homes, Renovations Additions, Farm Buildings Dozer and BacSkhPoeECIAL Service 3 bedroom bungalow in new subdivision. ONLY $49,900. rir.r•r•MMMMatrr•--- 592 London Rd EXETER OFFICE 235-1232 Fred Eyre IR,P.A, Eves. 439-5621 Barbara Bell 235-1082 We have buyers looking... and need listings. If you're thinking of selling.... give us a call. EXETER NEW LISTINO — attractive 6 bedroom residence with fomi- ly room with fireplace on ground floor, large livingroom, formal dining room, inground pool, attached garage, ex- tra lot Somebody looking for large home should see this. The wood work in living area is really beautiful. For ap- pointment call Fred Eyre. BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM modular home with fomily room, formal dining room and sunken living room decorated in Spanish motif. Excellent buy at $43,900. Call Fred Eyre for further details. HENSALL UNIQUE PRIORY STYLE BRICK HOME 3 bedrooms, fireplace in living room. Separate formal dining room. Love- ly lot with garage. A must to see. Call Fred Eyre. Reduced to $49,900. 3 UWROOM UIIMCt( 11/2 storey on extra large lot. Seporate dining room, 3rd bedroom !on ground floor. Asking $42,900. Call Fred Eyre. PARKHILL 124,900 • TWO BEDROOM — converted schoolhouse - just outside Parkhill . town water - low taxes • '/t acre lot. Call Fred Eyre. COUNTRY ACREAGE Excellent opportunity to purchase a small acreage about 20 miles from london. 7 ocres. 4 bedroom house with Jorge farm kitchen. Almost new in- sulated drive shed/workshop. 4 - 5 acres ore ploughed. Asking only $65,000. FRED EYRE Is an associate of the International Institute of Appraisers and is qualified to do your appraisals. Call Now for further information and fees. Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 4 6 Services PERSONAL Income Tax returns prepared. Free pickup and delivery for seniors. Please call Susan Brint- nell, 235-0431 after 6 p.m. 8tfnc LAWN ROLLING Call Today Floyd Upshall R.R. 1 Mitchell, Ontario Res. 348-9772 Bus. 262-5222 "Big or Small we roll them all" 10:11 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill Iters N c-dnesdas DASHWOOD 237-3677 FLO-RITE EAYESTROY6HIN6 Cleaning & Repair Service Seamless trough - five colours Form - Residential - Commerlcal Boom Truck Available SPECIAL - until April 15, 1984 $2.40 per ft. Installed or less) depending on lengths or quantity Ken McCann • 234-6401 Jack Glavin 237-3707 i HARRY E. RGHORfl Realtor MERT.[ULBERT 2211110] LUCAN Member of London and St. Thomas Real blot. Beard 3.75 ACRES with 12 year old 3 bedroom , 1320 sq. ft. ranch with attached double garage. Featuring 12 x 20 bright living room with field stone fireplace, 8' patio doors from dining room to sundeck, 30' x 76' colored metal barn with insulation, metal lining, slider windows with screens, water, telephone and separate 100 amp. service. Also included is down draft stove and TV tower. If you are looking for a quality family home in the country, this is it! GENERAL STORE in prosperous forming com- munity, north of London. Present owner has served this area for 25 years. Good stock turn over. Clean well kept attached 5 bedroom brick. home with new kitchen thot most women would envy. Ideal family project. This business is still in operation and a good one at that! 8% ACRES of very secluded recreational pro- perty - ever flowing stream and lots of mature trees. Could be good investment for lumber harvesting or just a place to get away from everything on the weekend. Asking only 510,000. 8 YEAR OLD 3 bedroom 4 level side split on large country lot. Asphalt drive leads from a quiet country rood. Large American styled kit- chen, large family room with forced air down draft stove. Just one heck of a fine country place to raise the kids or dogs. Asking $55,000. 18 YEAR OLD 3 bedroom brick ranch on 5 acres of peaceful country. Small barn and deep well with Tots of water. Owner wdnts to sett. Asking $55,900. 100 ACRE HORSE FARM - 50 acres workable, 20 acres bush, 30 acres pasture with stream, 32 acres systematically tifed,18 acres gravel bottom. 40' x 50' born with 8 oak stalls. 50' x 60' born with 4 stalls and exercise area. Solid 3 bedroom brick home with large kitchen, separate dining room. Good water supply. LORD TOWNSHIP -- 100 acres ,rolling clay and loam with small stream, good solid barns, silo with unloader, 2 metal grain bins, Targe older house that has been extensively remodelled with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, targe liv- ing room, dining room and kitchen. Approx- imately $50,000 FCC mortgage at 91/2 %. Matures in 2007. Asking only $145,000. Vendor has other interests and says "Sell"I Many other houses to choose from at a variety of prices. 4 J