HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-02-29, Page 13Kippen ladies buzzing around quilting frames By Margaret Hoggarth If you heard an extra loud buzzing in the area last week, it was coming from the home of Rena Campbell, where a number of Kippen and area ladies had gathered for a quilting bee to help with another quilt that had been put into the -frames, this one being a project for the Kippen - East Women's Insitute. Those ladies who enjoyed the quilting and companionship accompanied by tea and goodies courtesy of the hostess, Rena Caldwell we e Ruby Triebner, Isabelle Scott, Grace McBride, Grace Adkins, Grace Drummond, Grace Pepper, Angnes Eyre, Helen McKaig, Jeanette Turner, Gertie Moir, Mona Alderdice, Mattie McGregor, Frances Kinsman, Myrtle Sheritt, Grace Eyre, Ida Dickert, and Edna Caldwell. 4-11 news The Kippen I Quilting Bees had to postpone their meeting this week due to the flu bug among some of the members. The first meeting of the Kippen 3 4-11 Quilting club was held on Tuesday February 14, at the home of Joyce Wilson, one of the leaders of this club, the other leader being Eileen Town- send. Officers elected are President - Yvette Predhomme, vice-president - Lori LeBeau, secretary - floating, treasurer - Janice Moffatt, press reporter - floating, telephone committee - Karen DeJong and Mary Gibson. We have seven members for this project. After going through our books and finding out about the requirements for this quilting club, we started on our first sample showing the basic ,quilting stitch. Kippen United Church news St. Andrew's Church, Kip - pen, held their Sunday February 26 service at 10 a.m. with Pastor Don Moffat in the pulpit. The theme for this service was "Prayer". The ministry of music was presented by the choir singing "Only one Life" accompanied by Barbara Cooper at the organ. The children's story "Go to God in Prayer" reminded the children that we all need help and when we do, we pray. The scripture lesson was "teaching about prayer" with the sermon test "'Lord teach Us to Pray". The sermon ex- pounded on "The Lord's Prayer" part 1. Pastor Don Moffat reminded us that the Lord's Prayer is made up of 68 words and takes about 30 seconds to repeat. 'Our Father' is a prayer for disciples who love Him and do His will. 'Who Art in Heaven' strips away all limitations that we might place on the word Father. 'Hallowed be Thy name' means to make Holy, to magnify and set apart. 'Thy Kingdom Come' - the purpose of God is t� establish a Kingdom here on earth. 'Thy will be Done' is to ask that God's rule be established. The bulletin an- nouncements included a reminder that Friday March 2 is World Day of Prayer at Brucefield Curch at 2 p.m. AT ALL STAR GAME - Shown prior to Saturday's South Huron all star game are all star manager John Baker of Hensall, Exeter Mohawks manager Dan Brintnell and Doug Vance of Molson's. WHITE, CHAMPAGNE OR YELLOW VIVA TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG. SAVE 80' PURE CHOICE ALLENS APPLE JUICE 48 FL. OZ. TIN SAVE 86' GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES 7 oz. NIBLETS CORN OR 10 oz. CREAM CORN, SUMMER SWEET PEAS, SWEETLET PEAS OR KITCHEN SLICED GREEN OR WAX BEANS SAVE UP TO 33' TIN ALL VARIETIES TAB, SPRITE or COCA-COLA CASE OF 24 - 280 mL TINS WESTON WAGON WHEELS 72.19 WITH PORK, BROWN SUGAR OR VEGETARIAN STYLE VAN CAMP BEANS 14 FL. OZ. TIN TRY OUR OWN BRAND COLBY, BRICK, HAVARTI, MOZZARELLA OR MARBLE CHEESE 326/lbi • 1 /kg' FRE1N MINt OR MILD MINT MACLEANS TOOTHPASTE 99° TRADITION • 3 YAR. NABOB COFFEE 3991.99 PEPPERIDGE FARM FROZEN ASPARAGUS IN MORNAY SAUCE 260 f,39 SWISSPUM • i FLAVOURS DELISLE YOGURT 175 59? 100 mL • TRADITION DECAFFEINATED NABOB COFFEE 99 3199 4 VARIETIES PKG. Of B SCHNEIDERS MEAT PIES 4 1419 FRESH LIMON OKRAPMERRY WESTONS BUTTERHORNS PKG. OF6 1.19 ARRID XX 75 mL ROLL ON OR 200 mL ANTIPERSPIRANT 2.39 ISLAND QUEEN ALBACORE SOLID WHITE TUNA ,g8 f• 59 TENDERFLAKE PURE LARD 454 990 JOS. & LOUIS OR ILDEDERRT PUFF 0 FRIIA VACHON SNACKS PK 6. f 79 ORANGE PEKOE TETLEY TEA BAGS 22772's g 1.99 DILL • 3 VARIETIES BICKS PICKLES ?THREE OITREf.89 EASY OFF AEROSOL OR OVERNIGMT OVEN CLEANER 400 f. 99 ALL PURPOSE FIVE ROSES FLOUR k93.49 GOOD HOST SLIM N TRIM HOT CHOCOLATE 1g f•59 SURF LAUNDRY DETERGENT Z k92. 99 ALL DISHWASHER DETERGENT LITRE 1.8 4.79 SANI FLUSH AUTOMATIC BOWL CLEANER m4L t fp ALL VARIETIES TAB, SPRITE oR WISK LIQUID COCA-COLA DETERGENT Iso 5710 s LITRE?� S9 orP SUNLIGHT LIQUID DETERGENT 1.5 LITRE 2.99 WIZARD RUG & ROOM DEODORIZER °0° 1.99 YORK FROZEN ORCHARDS UST APPLE JUICE 12.5 or 99? TIN UM WE DEODORANT t.o s NEILSONS SHIELD BAR SOAP 69# BUTTERMILK,74 KRAFT IX 45O g 1.49 DINNER ROLLS 12 • 89# YELLOW BLUE OR GREEN WESTONS J -CLOTHS to '• 169 RAISIN BREAD ° Ltis SCANDQUICHE:. VARIETIES 1.49 200 g pkg. of 2 REGULAR, BUTTER FLAVOUR OR LITE AUNT JEMIMA SAVE 1.10 SYRUP 750 mL BOTTLE !39 REGULAR OR BUTTERMILK AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX 1 kg PACKAGE SAVEp� 80' CONCENTRATED PURE - FROM FLORIDA OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE FROZEN 355 mL TIN SAVE 44' PEPPERIDGE FARM VEGETABLES IN SAUCE FROZEN 260 g PKG. SAVE 60' 5 FLAVOURS CARNIVAL ICE CREAM SAVE 56' 2 LITRE CTN. !19 (HESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: 3 VARIETIES ZEHRS BREAD 675 g LOAF H16HWAYe#4 8 � EXETER KRAFT PARKAY MARGARINE SAVE 1.50 3 LB. PACKAGE SAVE 96` KRAFT PROCESSED' VELVEETA SLICES 500 g PKG. !�9 MONDAY, TUESDAY a WEDNESDAY 94 P.M. THURSDAY tt FRIDAY 94:00 P.M. SATURDAY $:30.6 P.M. times -Advocate, February 29, 1984 Page 13 Ailsa Craig UCW meets Dy'>ALKB DICKRN$ The Ailsa Craig U.C.W. met February 14 with 17 ladies present. Wilma McIntosh opened the worship service with a reading from the red hymn book, no. 20, verses 2 and 3. They sang "Blest be the tie". Mrs. Roland Neil read the scripture. The theme for the worship was Love and Friendship. Mrs. Gary Tweddle read a thought-provoking article "What the world needs now." Following prayer they sang Jesus calls us o'er the tumult with Mrs. Neil at the piano. The offering was received and dedicated. The program portion of the meeting was a "Fun Night" conducted by Margaret Wilson and Alice Dickens. Three tables of UNO were set up with prizes goig to the best scores. Mrs. Mary Rees pick- ed the lucky Valentine. It cer- taily was a lot of fun. After the secretary's and treasurer's reports, presi- dent, Mrs. (Don) Mary Clark, distributed United Church Women booklets. Unit leaders are to make sure each member receives a copy. Committee report sheets were also handed out to be us- ed for monthly reports. Valentine flowers were delivered by Ruby McLean, Margaret Dores and Isabell Stokes to the sick and shut-ins of our church at the Craigholme, Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy Hospital and locally. Recipients were pleased with flowers and visit. Thanks go to the flower committee. They were given a full report by Margaret and Alice on the 22nd annual U.C.W. Presbyterial meeting in London. A newsletter from regional vice-president Mrs. (Elliott) Jean McKichan was read. Wilma gave the final report on the carrot pudding sale for 1983. It was most successful Lucan bowling Intertown men: Lucan I - 141/z, St. Marys 331/2. Wayne Smith 356-1213, Glen Gagan 259-1146, Lucan I 39, Stratford Bowlmore 9 - Bob Smith 276-1236, Ray Hands 264,1232, Lucan II - 34, Zurich -14, Kim Giles 280-1228, Roger Ben- newies 257-1136. Monday ladies: Audrey Watt 259-660, Lorraine Mosurinjohn 262-653, Audrey Scott 238-651, Carol Willems 222-604, Marg i:lion 156, Judy Thomas 240, Linda Snider 234, Beula Storey 232, Pat Hodgins 229, Marg Greenlee 229. Tuesday juniors: Terry Evans 261, Mike Gillen 231, Chris Sleaford 204, Eddie VanKerkoerle 204, Sandy Hyde 201, Tanya Buckareff 184, Brian Roe 178, Lillie Buckareff 173, Stephanie San- dison 162. Colleen's: Helen Hearn 239.629, Norah Cowie 269-613, NormaGa l l oway238.604, Mary Van Geel 203-601, Agnes O'Sullivan 248, Sandy Harris 215, 213, Alice Hodgins 215. Medway: Cal Carmichael 277-707 Janet Neaman 235, Peter Den Otter 233, Marilyn Smith 220, Paula Weir 204, Marg Carmichael 204. Senior citizens: Alf Riley 251-614, Lillus'Clatworthy 192, Gord Higgs 192, Harry Noels 195, Verna Dowdall 187, Marian Noels 182, Wilhelmina DenOtter 182, Frank DeBloc 179. Wednesday bantams: Jay Deeks 178, Ken Cowie 160, Shawn Kraft 135, Peter Gib- son 135, Shaun Williamson 128, Tammy Graham 123, David Damen 121, David Wilcox 120, Kevin Moore 112. Wednesday mixed: Bob Pipe 282-735, Bill Wheeler 225-666, Bill Dixon 229-637, Larry Smith 230-629, Rick Evans 274-610, Bub Appleman 240, Sharon Craig 239, Gary Melvin 223, Cheryl Riordin 220, Marylin Riley 218. Thursday men: Bud Valee 301-241-282-824, Harold Mayo 294-774, Wayne Smith 276-773, Jim Smith 309-764, Keith Dickson 286-754, Doug Johnston 329-747, Russ Smith 257-737, Larry DeCaluwe 307-737, Brian Noyes 269-736, Ray Hands 238-684, Mike Wraith 237-683, Rick Rollings 248-666, Harold Smith 292-666, Bill Neil 239-660, Brian Ankers 308-741, Gary Donaldson 254-658, Kevin Lightfoot 234-658. Friday mixed: Don Watt 295, 252, 283-830. Audrey Watt 281-770, Bob Smith 24-652, Vicki llorbanuik 227-619, Wayne Smith 221-608, Pat Ward 233-602, Heather Smith 236, Dave Mawdsley 236, Brian Ankers 217-623, Chris Andersen 246. Sunday mixed: Jim Smith 351-759, Linda Webber 293-745, Charlie Elson 327.699, Sharon Halladay 235-684, Pete Jurgens 277-633, Esther Hillman 234-609, Steve Davis 261-608, J on Mason 254, Rob Riley 229. as 3.0 puddings were sold. The U.C.W. gave a vote of thanks to the co -convener of the carrot pudding committee Wilma, and Mary Sutherland and all those volunteers who helped make this project a success. The president reminded everyone to bring in old eye glasses or parts. Following the benediction, the meeting was adjourned and Unit 1 served cherry cheesecake and tea. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cree and Rachel, London visited recently with Miss Grace Mackay. The World Day of Prayer service will be held Friday, March 2 at 2 p.m. at Craigholme. Friday afternoon a number of residents of Craigholme en- joyed pictures of England and Scotland shown by Evelyn McNaughton. Riverview Women's In- stitute meeting will be held March 6 at 1:30 p.m. when Mrs. (Wm.) Una Amos will be guest speaker telling us about her work in special education which includes the trainable retarded as well as the gifted children. The Take -a -Break Moms will be guests. A dessert euchre is planned for March 12 at 1;15 p.m. at Activity Centre. Won't you join with us? Fourteen tables of euchre were at play at the Masonic euchre Wednesday evening. Congratulations to Shirley and Tom Rees who celebrate their 25th wedding day. A Valentine and birthday party was held at Cralgholme February 14 for the residents. Music by Marg and Leroy Walker was enjoyed. Better late then never - Happy Bir- thday to all. Here, s a way for hubby to treat his wife and family by enjoying a pancake supper in the United Church on March 6, 5:30-7:30 p.m., sponsored by Board of Stewards. By ANNE WALPER The second meeting of the Grand Bend No. 2 4-H Club, Queenly Quilters, was held at the home of Heather Love, February 20. All members answered the roll call which was Describe a Quilted Item You Have At Home. The correct quilting techni- que was practised on samples. The members then took part in a material colour combination exercise and project ideas were discussed. A group of ladies visited Chateau Gardens on Wednes- day and chatted with many patients from the vicinity. The ladies were Anne Russell, Donna Lovie, Doris Bestard, Fern Love and Brenda Love. Don't forget about World Day of Prayer which is at Mount Carmel Church at 2:00 p.m. on Friday March 2. Everyone is welcome. News from Lucan The Lucan Women's In- stitute met in the Masonic Hall with president Mrs. James Lockyer conducting the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. A poem in memory of a departed member, Mrs. Cecil Neil was read by Mrs. Radcliffe. Many ideas to celebrate Ontario's 200 An- niversary were put forward. All activities are to be held at the arena on June 30. President Bernice Lockyer, will attend a planning meeting at the Firehall on March 15. Secretary, Mrs. William Froats, will attend an Officers Conference at Waterloo University from May 1-3. The district annual conference will be held May 17 at Granton United Church. A memorial gift will be made to the Erland Lee Homestead in honour of Mrs. Neil. We have accepted an in- vitation from South Lobo Women's Institute to Col- dstream hall to hear Mrs. Agnes Foster, a delegate to A.C.W.W. 1983 conference in Vancouver. Upcoming events are: World Day of Prayer Service at the Lucan Revival Centre on Friday March 2 at 7:30 p.m. Father Finn of St. Patrick's Parish will talk on the them Living Water. The Lucan United Church will hold "Learning for Lent" from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on March 21, 28, April 4 and 11. This is an interdenomina- tional program consisting of speakers and handicrafts, coffee break, music and Bible ' Study with Mrs. Jacqueline Pierce of Granton. Handmade Valentines were judged for the prettiest, funniest, and best verse. Win- ners were Iva Hodgins, Ber- nice Lockyer and Lillian Radcliffe. Unicef slides on pure water for the third world were view- ed as well as scenery of the Rhine River and German country side. Two contests answered by names of birds and flowers were enjoyed. . Lillian Radcliffe provided a lovely Valentine cake to close the meeting. March 20 at 2:00 p.m. is the date of the next meeting at the Masonic Hall. Mrs. Jim Robertson will be in charge. Scouts at Toronto February 18 the Lucan Scouts were invited to spend a few days at Toronto with a troop we met at Haliburton. Many new friends were Made and the weekend was very successful. The 1st Lucan Scouts were given a warm welcome at St. Timothy's Church. The weekend went along very quickly with a trip around Toronto. They had to collect information that had to be brought to home base ( the church). The two troops also played many different sports, watch- ed a movie and much more. This was one of the better camps, for many reasons, the meals were good and weather was pleasant. The Toronto troop was kind and fun to be with, and last but not least in- door plumbing ended the weekend with a truck service that lasted 2 hours. After that was over we said goodbye and started the trip back to Lucan with a promise to meet next year. I11111U11UIIIIIIIHIUIUIIl IIIIIIIUI IIlIl11 What's your attitude? Do you think those of our citizens that are handicapped should enjoy the same privileges as we do? The fact is that they might have been us and we might have been them. Published by the Public Education Committee of South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Handicapped Rot 29 Dashwood. Ont NOM VNO 2373637 ;�nnnnnmm�nnlumlumm�unnluluuulunminunnlnnlunwluulnunnnsllnmlu 1 We'll Do the Job Right... Ready -Mix Concrete FREE ESTIMATES Residential. commerical and farm, founda- tions, floors, slabs, sidewalks. driveways. manure tanks. etc., form rentals. equipment rentals. For guaranteed strength. quality controlled and service toll C.A. McDowell Redi•Mix Ltd. ■►. Cenfrolia, Ontario Plant: Exeter, Hwy. No. 83 west 233.2711 Office: 226-6110 Atter hours: 221.6710