HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-02-15, Page 5Dasbwood WI Names cNfsreu� d.hgat, Sy MRS. IRVIN RADER Dashwood The February meeting of Dashwood Women's Institute was held Tuesday afternoon at the community centre with 13 members present. Resolu- tions conveners, Mrs. Margaret Carroll and Mrs. Syd Baker were in charge of the program. Mrs. Eben Weigand, vice- president presided for the business. Roll call was "name one way progress is changing our lives." Mrs. Emil Becker, secretary -treasurer, was named delegate to the Of- ficers Conference at Waterloo in May. Cards of thanks were read. The W.I. members are invited by Hurondale W.I. to a luncheon March 28 at the Masonic Hall. The executive is in charge of the Exeter Fair list. Mrs. Syd Baker and Mrs. Irvin Rader are to prepare a page for the Bicentennial Atlas. A crib quilt made for the W.I. by Mrs. Syd Baker was donated to the War Memorial Hospital, London. There will be two more euchres February 15 and 29. The program committee took charge with Mrs. Carroll reading two poems written by her mother, "The Seed Catalogue" and "Horse and Best Interest 11� Guaranteed Investment Certificates *subject to change RRSP 11'/4 % Gaiser.Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc.- EXETER nc:EXETER 235-2420 • GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON GODERICH 482-9747 524-2118 Buggy Days." Mrs. Syd Baker gave a most in- teresting motto, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing." Mrs, Carroll discussed the Resolution, Resolved that the drinking age be raised to 21. She had spent much time on statistics.and research. Mrs. Emil Becker showed crafts she is making. Mrs. Aldene Wolfe won an African violet in a contest. Dashwood Seniors meet Monday afternoon February 20. There will be quilting for the ladies, shuffleboard and cards for the men followed by a potluck supper. Ladies aid Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid met Wednesday, with group 1 in charge of devotions and lunch with convener Mrs. Lorne Becker. President Mrs. Florence Martene opened the meeting with a hymn, Bible reading, Colossians 3:12-17. Pastor Meliecke took for the topic "Called to Suffer". This related not only to Paul's ex- periences but also to ours. He described the persecution and ridicule Paul suffered as an apostle of Jesus on his trip to Rome. The Altar Guild reported 11 visits, phone calls and two plants sent. Mrs. Oscar Miller and Mrs. Lorne Becker are the new Guild. Cards of thanks and donations were received. Money will be sent to our sponsored seminary student. Mrs. Martene gave a reeding "Thank you God for little things." The ladies are reminded to save Zehr's tapes and used postage stamps. Mrs. Arnold Becker wad in charge of closing devotions. She read "Come unto Me" followed by the Lord's Prayer. Group 2 is in charge of the March meeting. Librarian Mrs. Bernice Boyle, reports that the books BE A REGULAR+ BLOOD DONOR have been exchanged by Huron County library and there is a wonderful selection of non-fiction books and for students there are seven sets of encyclopedias, namely, American, Canadiana Inter- national, two sets of World Books, Academic American, New Encyclopedia Science and 20th Century. There are also large print books. Don't forget the euchre par- ty tonight Wednesday February 15. Ed Stire is now a resident of the Blue Water Rest Home. Mrs. Wellwood Gill and Mrs. Colleen Higgs, Ailsa Craig were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader. V.L. Becker has been transferred from Stratford General Hospital to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Centralia family celebrates birthday Sy MRS. TOM KOOy An esteemed resident of the village in the person of Ralph Lightfoot passed away Friday evening in South Huron Hospital, Exeter following a lengthy illness. He was a faithful attendant of Centralia United Church and was on the board of Stewards until the time of his death. He was a retired employee of the O.D.C. at Huron Park where he worked for many years. The funeral was held from the Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood on Monday afternoon. The sympathy of the community is extended to his wife Verda and daughter Sharon and family, also his brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bowden attended the Kirkton Winter Carnival on Sunday, where a combined church service was held followed by a pancake and sausage dinner. Recent visitors with Mrs. Minnie Harrison were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harrison and VG VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Since1844 Iemhr, t u1.1. 1 kp..rt Inawuneoq..wm n 5 year Gk. Ynl,,,.' 11,1. IC,I Exeter 425 Main St. 235-0530 Extended R.R.S.P. Hours: February 27, 28 & 29 until 8 p.m. Ask about our No -Fee Redeemable RRSP CELEBRATES 91 YEARS — Everett Heist of Dashwood celebrated his 91st birthday, Friday, February 10. A pioneer of the white brick manufac- turing industry in Credi- tion in the early 1900's, Hoist has completed a wood carving of the Fred Hoist brick yard in miniature form and it is now in the Huron Pioneer Museum in Goderich.T-A photo. WEEKL Y F°R SPECIALS POPULAR REG. 13' EA. if 7 1); Chocolate Bars SAVE 11' R THURi., FRI., SATURDAY ONLY Carton Of Popular Canadian Brand Cigarettes KING LITE DISPOSABLE Lighters SAVE 20' LADIES Silk Purses SAVE 70' $13r 69' $9. BLUE MEDIUM POINT P Br Bic Pens SAVE 36' R 694 FISHER -PRICE ARTS i CRAFTS Wood Kits SAVE 3.11 Racer - Airplane - Birdfeeder - Sall Boat $12?8 AU Johnson & Johnson Toys 0°/"IFSFR Including the NEW Imagin-It Building System RIOPRICES. TrivaI Pursuit SAVE 3.11$ 2 2 8 8 BABY BOOMER EDITION BASSETT'S 451 GR. SIZE Licorice Allsorts SAVE 40' lipALE PRICES INTECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY. FER. Wide Selection Of CARLTON GREETING CARDS IS OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST •� 235-2202 MAIN STREET, EXETER 39 Christopher Giffen, Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and Mrs. Minnie Harrison visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tilley, Sarah Jane and new baby of London. A very large ' crowd gathered for a family skating party in Huron Park arena for Faith Tabernacle Friday followed by hockey. All reported • a good time and many skates which had been stored away for some time were put into action resulting in many sore spots next day. The Lawrence Hirtzel fami- ly held a birthday celebration on Sunday when they gathered at Heywoods restaurant where four members of the family celebrated. - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sim- mons of Woodstock spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Rick Walker and family. Mrs. Lloyd Vogan, Mrs. Roy Vogan, Listowel, Mrs. Heather Brown and Terry, Monkton spent Tuesday with Mrs. Clara Cunnington. Sunday guests with Tom and Mary Kooy were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kooy. Bonnie and Clyde, Huron Park and Ben Riley and Clyde Alice and Tom were all celebrating birthdays. Ladies plan dessert euchre Sy MRs. HEBER DAVIS Sointsbury Rev. Peter Derrick, rector of St. Patrick's was in charge of Holy Communion service Sunday. Robbie Gee and Marguerite Gteenlee were the readers with Mary Kooy at the piano. Confirmation classes followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gee. Tuesday afternoon Joan Greenlee gave her home for the February A.C.W. meeting. The roll call was answered with a Valentine verse. Mary Jefferies read the minutes of the last meeting. President Marg Greenlee led in prayer. Mary Jefferies read the meditation from the Living Message - Joan Greenlee read the Scrip- ture lesson. Final plans were made for the February 18 banquet in 11- derton. The ladies are plann- ing a St. Patrick's dessert euchre the date to be an- nounced later. They decided to make another quilt, to be marked and quilted at Mary Kooy's in the near future. Rev. Derrick joined the ladies and spoke briefly on the year end report. "The hostess served a delicious lunch and Rev. Der- rick closed with prayer. Mrs. Eleanor Darling, Mrs. Agnes Hotson, I.ucan, Cleve Pullman, Exeter and Mrs: Helen MacDonald and Mrs. Harry Noels and Mrs. Marguerite Greenlee, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and Marylou, Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis were guests with Mrs. Mary Davis this: past week. After church Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Davis and Mrs. Mary Davis viAited Mrs. Alexia Atkinson at Craieholme. Corporal Cindy Desjardine, stopped by on the weekend to visit her parents, Willis and Ella Desjardine and little Michelle Mabel. Cindy had been at Camp Borden for graduation exercises and has returned to Westwind in Win- nipeg. Travelling with Cindy were Kelly McFarlane, of Vancouver and friend Pete of the Shelbourne area. Supper guests with Willis and Ella Desjardine, Satur- day . evening, to celebrate Michelle Mabel's first birth- day were Ray and Kay Cooper, Exeter, Debbie and Harry Plantenga and son Eric, Huron Park, and Alvin and Clara Statton, Grand Bend. Drop in visitors over the weekend with the Desjar- dine's were Jimmy Phair, Camlachie and Maurice Des- jardine, Huron Park. Hugh and Annie Morenz visited Friday afternoon in Hensall, with his sister and brother-in-law, Hazel and Jack Corbett. While the girls quilted, the men visited and they' all enjoyed a coffee break and lunch. CRAIG LEGION AND ZONE WINNER — Todd Dart of East Williams Public School was a recent first prize win- ner in an Ailsa Craig Legion and Zone poster contests. Above, he receives his prize from John Whitmore. Films at Craigholme for Friday night By ALICE DICKENS Many people who visited the .local library recently were interested in reading microfilm copies of the Parkhill Gazette. At the pre- sent time there is a microfilm reading machine in the'Ailsa Craig library and microfilm copies .of the Gazette from 1893 to the 1930's. - Anyone who is interested in reading some of the old Shipka By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Another good turnout was at the euchre party here Wednesday evening at the Community Centre. Winners were - ladies high Mrs. Jessie Rader, Dashwood area; ladies low Mrs. Elzar Masse, Zurich area; men's high Lloyd Durr, Parkhill area; men's low Sheldon Wein, Dashwood area. Most lone hands won by Tony Martene with a total of eight. The east group were in charge of lunch refreshments, end there were 16 tables in play. It was announced that another euchre will be held in two weeks, on February 22. It was good to see Art Webb, of Parkhill, at our card party here last week. As a former Shipka businessman . he and his wife Nora operated the Shipka general store here about 40 years ago. Angie Zielman attended a figure skating competition, Saturday, at Glencoe and won a trophy for sixth place Poise: The ability to be ill at ease inconspicuously. Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor. It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong. papers is welcome to come to the library and use the machine. Your correspondent was in- terested in reading the early 1930 Gazette records, under the West Corners Column, as my late father, Alex W. Stewart, was the correspondent. Thanks to the library and the Gazette for making this available to us. Happy birthday to Mrs. Ella Tweddle who will be 94 years old, Saturday. At* the Craigholme Auditorium Friday at 7:30 p.m. the following films spon- sored by the activity centre committee .will be shown, Island (an island off the coast of Ireland), Niagara Frontier, and A Place to Stand (On- tario). Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams, Dorchester visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morgan. Mrs. Harry Knight and Mrs. E.M. Warwick, Blenheim, as well as Mrs. Alex Menzies frofn Toronto, visited Miss Grace Mackay. The Take -a -Break club can- vassed here in the village for the Heart Fund on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Don Clark, Margaret Wilson and Alice Dickens at- tended the Middlesex Presbyterial meeting of the United Church Women at Trinity United Church, Lon- don, Thursday. On location or Studio Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY • COMMERCIAL • PORTRAITS • WEDDINGS • GROUPS • PUBLICITY Mounting and laminating ,.0..4, daob4 d+.w w..., w ro.,....o.., AI .. Telephone 235-1298 137 Thames Rd. East Exeter, Ont. Times -Advocate, February 15, 1984 Page 5 WI meets at Elimville Sy SHIRLEY COOPER The Elimville Women's In- stitute met Wednesday at noon for soup and sandwiches before the meeting. Mrs: Floyd Cooper welcom- ed everyone and introduced Leroy Edwards, Larry Smith and Norm Tait, members of the Exeter Fire Department. They showed slides of many different fire hazards around thehome and also told what should be done about them. They discussed smoke alarms and the different sizes and kinds of fire ex- tinguishers. Mrs. Elson Lynn thanked them, on behalf of - everyone present. Mrs. Cooper, past president was in charge of the business. She opened with a poem on the New Year. The Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect were repeated. The roll call was answered by "How to make your home a safer place". Everyone was reminded of bazaar items to be sent to the War Memorial Bazaar in the fall. Mrs. Jean Lynn will attend officers conference in May. The Institute accepted an in- vitation from Hurondale Women's Institute to celebrate their 65th anniver- sary on March 28. The Institute will contribute some history for the new Huron County Atlas to be printed this year. A donation will be made to Exeter Agricultural Society. The next meeting will be held March 14 at Elimville United Church with a pot luck meal at 6:30 p.m. The mothers, daughters and friends will Iw! invited TASTY -NU BREAD WHITE or 60% WHOLE WHEAT *HIGHEST QUALITY •ALWAYS FRESH •NO PRESERVATIVES SUPER MID -WINTER BUYS COUNTRY BUNS r 'ik HOT CROSS BUNS WHITEE WHEAT 'REALLY OEL1000S' 59__•a. LIMIT 2 00ZEN PER CUSTOMER 6 .1.29 MEDIUM CHEDDAR allairigis wr wit ='>Ji 2.99 Lia%��> CHERRY KIRSCH RUM & RAISIN BACON a & ONION 3.99 OVER 40 KINDS OF DELICIOUS DONUTS- - Bakery & Cheese House ZURICH 2344812 EXETER ' 235 1 NOW is the time to save during Whiting's RENOVATION SALE We must make room for the workmen. Don't. buy anywhere until you've checked our low prices on furniture, flooring and appliances Your Homeland furniture and appliance store WHITING'S MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1964 LADIES' 14 KT. TOTAL WEIGHT CLUSTER 1/4 CT '4 CT Total Weight 599" Total Weight 1299" '/: CT 1.00 CT Total Weight 899." Total Weight 1895" ANSTETT'S DIAMOND SPECIALS arii *44 t� 1 kit sti- PEAR SHAPE AND MARQUISE CLUSTERS • 14 KT. GOLD Approx. '/4 CT Total Weight 599" MEN'S 10 KT. TOTAL WEIGHT CLUSTERS 1/4 CT '/4 CT Total Weight 699." Total Weight 1499." Y2 CT. Total Weight 999." - SUPER VALUE DIAMONDS Set In 14 Kt. gold PENDANTS 90." EARRINGS 199." 8 Albert Street CLINTON 26 Main Street South SEAFORTH .203 Durham St. East WALKERTON 284 Main St. EXETER 135 Queen St. E. ST. MARYS TOP: 10 CT Set In 10 Kt. gold . 199." M:.09 CT Set In 14 Kt. gold 219." MATCHE s DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING AND DIAMOND WEDDING BAND SET - IN 14 KT. GOLD Eight Styles • Illustrated Is "Wistful" '545. SET These specials reflect the new lower diamond market prices. Sizing and appraisals from our own accredited Gem Lab provided at no extra charge. ANSTETT MEMBER AMERICAN (A7S.")GEM SOCIETY JEWELLERS V