HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-02-08, Page 17Times -Advocate, February 8, 1984 Page 17 CLASSIFIED RATES • WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 word $3.25, 104 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 94 per word, minimum $1.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $3.25 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $2.75 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1'/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — $1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words $3.25, 104 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices — 20 words $3.25, each additional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS — $3.00 plus 154 per Zine of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words $3.25, each additional word 104. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words $3.25, additional words 54 each. SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline for classified ads 1s 4:00 p.m., Mondays. Phone 235-1331 INVOLVEMENT IN MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM Summer Student Opportunity Duration - April 30, 1984 - August 31, 1984 Location - Exeter and Hensoll Municipal Offices One University or Community College Student currently enrolled in law, business, public ad- ministration, computer science, economics or political science programs, who will be returning to studies in September is required at both the Hensall and Exeter Municipal Offices. Typing and good communications skills would be beneficial. Please apply by sending resume to either of the following locations by February 15, 1984. Hensall Municipal Office Box 279 Hensall, Ontario NOM 1XO Exeter Municipal Office Box 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 Immediate Sales Opportunity Pickseed is a leading producer of forage and hybrid corn seed to Canadian agriculture. New and superior products in our line have created ad- ditional opportunities in Western Ontario. Theise oppor- tunities will appeal to enterprising people wishing Jo enter a high income potential field. The support of a professional team of agricultural ex- perts will help you reach your goals. Send personal resume to: John Lawrence, P.Ag. Marketing Manager Otto Pick & Sons Seeds Ltd. Box 126, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 4X9 PICKJ I Otto Pick & Sons Seeds Ltd. Box 126, Richmond Ifill, (hit. Tel. 416-884-1147 J aMuunmUU1uuHunuuumoummnmumun Part-time and Full-time required by South Huron and District Associa- tion for the Mentally Handicapped for an Adult Residence in Exeter. MRC graduates with ex- perience preferred. Please send resume outlining education, qualifications, experience and other pertinent information to: Personnel Department, South Huron and District Association for tate Mentally Handicapped BON 20, Dethwood, Ont. NOM IMO 237.3437 Closing date: February 20. 1954 =_ :111t11IIIIH11IHUII111111NNIJNNH W IHIIIIHnllllltltl classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment. Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 1 Lost, Strayed HOUND - one Red Bone, one Walker hound. Phone 235-2046. 5:6c SKI RACK, One Griffin, possibly around Clandeboye. Phone 235-1298. 6x WE WOULD appreciate the return of our wood stove that was removed from Parker's Ski -Doo Shop. 6:7c TWO FEMALE HOUNDS - one Walker, one black and tan, in Ailsa Craig area. Phone 293-3239. 6c 3 Situations Wanted CUSTODIAN or janitor work full time or part time. References 235-2352. 5-8' WOMAN wants homekeeping job helping elderly people. Have vehi- cle. Ailsa Craig - Lucan area. Phone 293-3579. 6' 4 Help Wanted NEWS CORRESPONDENTS re- quired for Brinsley area. Contact Bill Batten 235-1331. l3nc RELIABLE homemaker required 2 to 3 days per week to live in. Companion for lady. Apply to Box 88P, c/o Times Advocate, Exeter, NOM ISO. 5:6c Wanted Registered Dental Hygenist to work at the Huron County Health Unit on a half-time basis. Work will be mainly with elementary school children and some geriatric patients. Apply in writing by Feb. 15 to: Dr. W.C.P. Wright, Huron County Health Unit, Court House, Goderich N7A 1M2 4 Help Wonted WAITRESS for weekends in restaurant. Exeter Inn 235-1508. 5:6c BABYSITTER required for 4 mon. old boy in my home. Mon. - Fri. in Exeter. 235-1094. 5;6c MATURE experienced person re- quired for full time reception, telephone and bookkeeping duties in busy chiropractic office. App- ly in writing with resume to P.J. Hann, Box 1319, Exeter, NOM ISO.• 6c SALES ASSISTANTS required in Hensall and Exeter area for ma- jor company in the water treat- ment industry. Salary plus com- mission. Please call 1-800-265-1040 and ask for Janice Panke. 6c OPPORTUNITY exists for so- meone who does "Everything" in Newspaper Production, typeset- ting, camera work, makeup. On- ly high volume producers need apply with full details. Box H OC - NA, P.O. Box 451, Oakville, On- tario L6J 5A8. 6x SERVICE MANAGER, agricultural equipment. An oppor- tunity for the individual who en- joys the challenge of management and the rewards of customer satisfaction... Case Power and Equipment, a leading supplier of farm tractors, has an immediate opportunity for the individual with service management ex- perience, preferably with agricultural tractors. This position also requires an ability to super- vise, develop work schedules, and work with store management. This position offers an excellent income plus a generous corporate benefits program that includes company - paid dental, medical and life in- surance. Send resume to Case Power and Equipment, Box 820, Killarney, Manitoba, ROK IG0.6x AGENTS WANTED full or part time for new automotive product. Be your own boss, E.M.S. Distributions, 7040 Torbram Road, Unit 5, Mississauga, On- tario L4T 3Y3. 6x SUMMER EMPLOYMENT, full or part time. We are looking for self starters. Bronze and swimm- ing an asset. Write for application forms to Windmill Park, RR 1 Fullarton, NOK 1 HO. 6-9c 5 Business Opportunities LIFETIME Kitchens high quality unique concept in kitchen cabinet rafacing. Selected territories still available. We supply: complete training, existing retail accounts to service, market -tested and proven methods. you supply a desire to succeed. High volume, little or no inventory, no previous experience required. Contact Steve Eisen, 960 Alness St. no. 12, Downsview, Ontario. Call collect (416) 665-3955. 6x SELL SATELLITE T.V. Large profits for you. Grow fast. Buy manufacturer -direct. New book reveals secrets. Video tape courses, free details. Write now. Com- mander Satellite Systems, 4369 Rathkeale, Mississauga, Ont. i.SM 2B5. Phone (416) 826-8066. 6x 6 Services INCOME TAX RETURNS. Per- sonal tax returns done. Excellent service and rates. Call me for free checkoff list. Art Read 238-2388. 4tfn TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE R.R. #3, P.O. Box 1420 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 1S0 235-2900 Requires: One (1) Summer Student Date of Employment: Mid -May to end of August. Depending upon successful candidate. Supervision: The successful candidate will be supervised by the Clerk -Treasurer. Duties of the Succesfyl C.ndidetei 1. The successful co dldote will act as an assistant to the Clerk-Teasurer. 2. They will observe and assist in the wording of by-laws, agendas, minutes. 3. They will be expected to know good business procedures, as they will be doing a multitide of dif- ferent operations all of Interest to the person wishing to someday work in the local government field or some related field. 4. Other duties el saas assigned by the Clerk -Treasurer. Educet)Qfbe in University 1. Musters ty or Community College. 2. Must be a student of one of the following courses: a. Business, Public, or Municipal Administration b. Commerce, Economics, or Political Science. c. Law (L.L.B. or legal office admin. /assistant) Qthh.r Resumes may be submitted to the undersigned until April 27, 1984 at 12:00 noon. Larry H. Stuck 6 Services HSR BLOCK REFUND BUYING SERVICE Service Now Available At 399 Main St. Exeter Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Closed Wednesday 235-1901 5-7c KITCHEN CABINET RECOVERING Update your existing cabinets and counter tops Add on and renovations as well For more information call 235-2615 after 4 p.m. 6' ROB'S JANITORIAL SERVICE complete cleaning of Homes, Apartments, Stores, Banks, Motels, Hotels, Offices and Schools Also strip and wax floors and clean windows FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call 236-4527 6-9' CUSTOM HEMMING of skirts, pants, etc., minor alterations and sewing. 235-0234. 6' MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 1 tfn CARPUISTRY • R.YWAU ID CONTRACNIT G HAROLD DEVRIES 75 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-0941 "Quality Workmanship at a Reasonable Price" NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... • WE CAN DO IT Specializing in Replacement Windows CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Van Haarlem Construction 235'2210 Our Reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship 6 Services BE SAFE Call Pioneer Chimney Sweeping 293-3035 6:7c For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 46t JACK'S PLUMBING & HEATING For all your plumbing and heating repairs and installations Rural - Residential Commercial Water heaters, softeners and pumps JACK MAVER PH: 235-0581 l4tfn 6 Services MINNIE'S MAID SERVICES Personal home cleaning Everything from top to bottom Call and inquire 235-2855 33tfnc DOG GROOMING. Apply Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main St., Exeter. 235-1951. 52tfn FROZEN underground metal pipes thawed. Phone (519) 232-4704. 4-9c EXETER CAB 24 hour service radio dispatched Phone 235-2110 If no answer phone 228-6812 49 Simcoe Si. Exeter 23tfn John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Call 237-3298 38tfr Building Design & Drafting Services MF BUILDERS & DESIGNERS Main St. St., Exeter, Ontario (519)235-2129 RO\ ail Trust Real I -.state ROYAL TRUST CORPCRAT,CH CF CA4ACA Rt AITOR 11,11 Tam ass: 755 Wonderland Rd., London 472-0660 EXETER JOHN STCombine the charm and character of the older home with all the convenience of a new home such as minimal maintenance, upgraded insulation, new wiring, large family room, 21/2 baths,' sauna and you have a superior value home. This 4 bedroom home boasts separate formal dining room, breakfast nook, cupboards and closets galore, plus much more. See inside this one immediately. WILLIAM ST. Carefree siding, extra insulation, rewired and modernized kitchen, newer goof, no wax flooring are just a few of the features to make life easier for you in the older 4 bedroom home. And all for only $36,900. NEW LISTING William St. This 3 bedroom semi is ideally located backing onto the main street. The new furnace reduces your heating costs and the siding combined with brick requires lit- tle maintenance. The kitchen is a woman's dream for cupboards. Zoned commercial so conversion to offices could be easily accomplished. . DASHWOOD Double garage, an automatic garage door opener, central air, 2 sundecks, basement walkout, double lot, abundant kitchen cup- boards, separate dining room, extra large rec room, with fireplace, 3 + one bedrooms. Are these your requirements in your new home? Then come see this quality raised ranch in Village of Dashwood. GRAND BEND There may still be lots of snow but spring isn't far off.Comespring our thoughts turn to the out- doors, gardens, the beach. All of this is available when you buy this 3 bedroom ranch just 2 miles from the Port Blake Conservation Park. The aluminum siding frees you from pain- ting to enjoy the 25 acres of space. The large kitchen, dining room and rec room add to the spacious feeling indoors. See this one soon. $69,900. PARKHILL If you want to raise horses, plus farm 25 acres, plus have several acres of bush then see this 50 acre farm near Parkhill. The large aluminum barn has 6 horse stalls. The 4 bedroom home has large livingroom and family room and is only 10 years oPOld.RT $130,FRA000NKS. Vacant lot in Pt. Franks Estate. $14,500. Are you thinking of buying or selling? Then call Heather Rogers, 235-1732 for complete and personal service. 6 Services Gene's sons Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM iNO PHONE 238-8242 4t JIM SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Hauling Bulk Grain Hauling KIRKTON 229-6439 32t r'1 Canada Trust Realtor Country Property Urgently needed. I have a serious buyer interested in property up ,to 25 acres. Re- quirements include a house in reasonable condition up to 35 miles from London. All replies held in strictest confidence. For further information call: Teresa Ondrelicka 673-6911 or 227-1068 CANADA TRUST REALTOR j Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill I)a% N cdnc'.ila' DASHWOOD ,! 237-3677 Tony's Trade Barn 1 Power trowel 5 hp. 2 used snowblowers double .auger, 7 ft. 1 turnip bin stacker 1 potato or onion grader and picking belt 1 Massey Harris 'Pony' 18 hp. with forklift Large assortment of reduction gear motors. Pullies, etc., etc. Inquire: Tony Goud 238-8626 Located on Hwy. 21, 21/2 miles north of Lake Huron Water Supply s MIMIMEO= MIMINIP. Paul Hehner 235-0302 Jim Bearss ' 235-1747 Dirk Ceoknan 235-1950 414 MAIN ST., (CXNTRIMALL) EXITUR We have many listings to choose from. Drop in to the office and pick up a new brochure and details. RIGHT TIME TO BUILD when you can buy a good sized building lot in town for only $13,900. S32,900. NEW LISTING - all brick 2 bedroom, all one floor, dining area, eat in kitchen, low heating costs and low taxes on this one. $35,900 - FULL PRICE on this side by side duplex. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, I.r. and 4 piece bath each side. Large attractive lot, 2 blocks from downtown. ZURICH - Look at this price, only $18,500 for this 1'/: storey 2 bedroom home. Full base- ment, good heating system, lot size 56 x 132'. $16,000 - BUILDING LOT on highway No. 4, approx. 1 acre located south of Exeter near Centralia. $7,900 BUILDING LOT at St. Joseph towards the lake. $41,500 - ATTRACTIVE HOUSE good residen- tial area, extremely low heating costs. 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, extra bedroom in basement, newer gas furnace, detached garage. •e , , \ , DOWNTWON EXETER Main St. store in prime main St. location, core area. Over 1500 sq. ft. floor area, plus lovely 2 bedroom apartment and garage. Vendor may consider leasing. Call office for details. "INCOME OPPORTUNITY" Now available in Exeter, 9 rental units with paved parking. Ex- cellent return, building in good repair with re- cent new roof and new high efficiency gas fur- nace. No vacancy in 1983.84. Call office for details. COMMERCIAL ZONED property just outside of Exeter with excellent 3 bedroom brick home, new kitchen with built-ins. Renovated barn suitable for workshop - approx. 1 acre treed lot right on highway. Need exposure? Try this .� , . . . , • ZURICH '49,900. Large 4 bedroom brick, 2 storey, 2 baths, separate dining room, modern kitcheh. A lot of room for a reasonable price. $69,500 EXETER modern 4 bedroom bungalow, large family kitchen, dining room, main floor family room, paved drive. 101 ACRES - 355,900 - 30 acres tillable balance bush. 3 miles from Exeter. River runs through property. 3 1 1 1 1 1 •11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1