HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-02-08, Page 6SAVE .40 Page 6 Times -Advocate, February 8, 1984 Tako a lesson from flee onlons Once again, as they do every year, the onions in my refrigerator drawer are tell- ing me spring is on the way. No matter that outside it's 20 below, that the winds, blowing cold and strong from the north, are whipping up a four foot snowbank against the front door. Even though the weather man has warned us to bundle up and brace ourselves for another cold spell, those silly onions know something special. There they sit in the dark, isolation of the fridge bravely pushing out their pale green shoots, because they know, deep down inside them, that winter is on its way out, that days of sunshine and warm showers are on their way. Cheer up, they say, shake off the winter doldrums, bet- ter times are coming. It's easy to fall prey to winter doldrums, feeling depressed and sorry for ourselves. Maybe it's the lack of sunshine that makes us think bleakness is focusing on us alone, or that drabness is clouding only our lives. We're like the winter land- scape that falls before our gaze, barren, covered with snow, where trees and all growing things appear to be lifeless. We know, of course, they aren't dead, that even in the coldest days, the tiny buds are being formed, that small bulbs and seeds are stirring beneath the snow and will ap- pear, in a few weeks, as snow drops, crocuses and other springtime flowers. Instead of sitting around moping, we, too, can use these winter days to be a time of growth. Often, we have a prise ?...well, a lot of people, I'm afraid. Many of us are afraid to try anything new...to take a chance. A new food? ...it may give me indigestion. A new It seems to me... by Gwyn Whilsmith talent that just needs to be stirred up and brought to life. Another good way to beat the blues is to try something new...to discover something we didn't know before. Paul Tournier says, "God calls us to adventure...dif- ficult and exciting, but full of new discoveries, of fresh turns and sudden surprises." And, who doesn't like a sur- hairstyle?...Ilmay not like it. A study group or night course?...I may look stupid. A new place?...I've never been there before. Make new friends with a new per- son?...he may not like me. We need to take a lesson from the courageous onions...go ahead and sprout, no matter how silly it looks.Eric Berne, author of Ladies group sponsors films at high school gym Four different films for men, women and youth will be shown in the old gym at South Huron District High School in Exeter. These films are this spring's project of the Engagements, Weddings. Portraits; Group, Family, Babies. "Or whatever it takes." Custom Frame Work Exeter 235-0134 WILLIAM MASON Aom4rI Cabinets Jim Holliday F' c call anytime 235-0349 - installing new - remodelling old - vanities, wall units - wide selection of hardwoods Exeter and District Ladies Community Fellowship. Each month a different film will be shown. The first film, to be shown February 16 at 8:00 p.m. is "Inside I Trembled" featuring Keith Miller. Miller, with a B.S. degree from the University of Oklahoma and a Ph.D. in Psychological Counselling from the Univer- sity of Texas is the author of many books including "A Taste of New Wine," and "Edge of Adventure" and "Living the Adventure." - "Inside I Trembled" cap- tures on film Keith Miller's - dramatization of what Mat- thew may have been thinking and feeling during the historic days before and after Jesus' .crucifixion. Miller's gift for storytelling and his uncanny insight into the emotional and psychological roots of our faith make these events come alive. The second film, "God in the Hard Times," featuring Dale Evans Rogers, is an in- tensely personal glimpse into the life of a Christian. Dale tells how desperation and what at the time appeared to be sheer luck brought about the beginning of her career. How new happiness with Roy Rogers almost didn't happen and then almost ended in misery. Dale Evans has also written several books. "Happy Trails", "Angel Unaware" and "Let Us Love" and others. God in Hard Times will be shown Thursday March 22 at 8 p.m. "People of Refuge" featur- ing Charles Swindoll, a pastor and theologian is the third film. Swindoll's film deals with being the kind of people others can go to for affirma- tion and encouragement. Swindoll has written many hooks on this subject in- cluding "Improving Your Serve" and "Strengthening Your Grip". People of Refuge will be shown Thursday April 19 at 8 p.m. The last of the films will be shown May 17. It is entitled "Lessons from a Sheep Dog" by Phillip Keller. This film gives insight into obedience, and why God is a trustworthy Master. SINGER W z cc 1&1 z SINGER SINGER SINGER GEN'S1MPORIUM INGEROIN=IIIN Huron County's Urgent WOOL & YARN CENTRE Sewing Machine Repairs ALL MAKES • Expert repairs by Singer trained service men • 90 days warranty on all repairs • Tune-up price CENTRE MALL EXETER 235-0600 SINGER SINGER $2995. (parts extra) W honour VISA and MASTERCARD SINGER z 1 0 m z G SINGER 1 Y Games People Play says losers spend their lives think- ing about what they will do tomorrow. Winners, on the other hand, make the most of today. Losers say 'but' or 'if only'. Winners grow strong, healthy, wise, rich and brave by saying Yes to life. You may never paint a pic- ture, or compose an exciting piece of music, or write a best seller...that's OK. Find something your own size; take a woodworking course, teach someone to crochet, ex- ercise to shape up your body, set a schedule to visit or telephone the aged and shutin in the community. Remember, there are many others less fortunate than you, who may be gripped by the winter doldrums, too, and need a cheerful word from you. Take your cue from the onions...try pushing out of the doldrums. Go on a creative adventure that will stretch you so that you end up being more than you thought you could be. If we all dared to live a lit- tle more creatively, it seems to me we could beat those doldrums...in witlter, or any other time of the year. MARRIED 60 YEARS - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Poynter, Kirkton, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Saturday, February 4, 1984. Open house was held in their honour at the Kirkton Woodham Community Cen- tre preceded by a family dinner. Messages of con- gratulations were received from Governor General Schreyer, Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier William Davis, Opposition Leader David Peterson, Mr. Bill Jar- vis M.P. and Mr. Hugh Edighoffer M.P.P. Mr. and Mrs. Paynter (the former Marguerite Doupe) were married at the home of the bride's parents, Usborne Township, on February 13, 1924. They retired to Kirkton from the farm, now occupied by their son Raymond, in 1955. ...for that Special Occasion Wedding invifafion3 and Acce3iorie3 Select your invitations from our collection of traditional and contem- porary designs. Socially correct thermo- engraving complements the elegance of our wed- ding stationery. Ask to see our many wedding accessories too. \um& Biwa 9 limes- ``` dvocate Main St. Exeter 235-1331 A&H We Deliver - 235-0212 OPEN THURSDAY a FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. ASSORTED COLOURS COTTONELLE TOILET TISSUE 4 ROLL PACK ,1 .39, SAVE .40 FROZEN SWANSON MEAT PIES 8 OZ. .69 SAVE .50 ASSORTED VARIETIES TANG FRUIT DRINKS 1L .79 SAVE .80 MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON 73'. OZ. 1.89 SAVE 1.10 REGULAR, GEL OR WINTER FRESH _ C14144TE TOOTHPASTE 100ML .99 SAVE .20 FROZEN CONCENTRATE NIAGARA ORANGE JUICE 12 OZ. .59 CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP 350 ML MILK MATE CHOCOLATE 1 39 SYRUP ■ CHOCOLATE CHIP & 1 CHOCOLATE FUDGE COOKIES 1 II450 G DARE 3LB. PURE VEGETABLE CRISCO 59 SHORTENING ■ 510GAND 44OGRESP. DUNCAN HINES CHOCOLATE CHIP 159 &BROWNIE MIX ■ CH I PITS 175 G BAKING CHIPS ■ DRAIN OPENER 32 0Z. LIQUID PLUMR 1■ 69 Christies Premium, plain or salted, 450 g. SODAS 1.29 V-8 4802. =TABLE 1.19 Clover Leaf Flaked light nn TUNA 6.5 o:. tin II u V COFFEE WHITENER 7506 COFFEE2 MATE ■ 400 �, KELLOGG'S7 CRISPIX ■ 2/8 OZ. SOFT 1 in PARKAY-PURE VEGETABLE MARGARINE I ■ PKGS. I V 4106CUTRITE DUNCAN HINES 1 nn ANGEL CAKE MIX ■ REFILLS, 100 FT. WAX PAPER 1.21 CLOROX 2 et oz.Llbby's DRY BLEACH ■ 09 Fancy, 14 oz. SAUERKRAUT .59 Lllbby's Deep Brown, BEANS 14 oz. ■ 6 9 P. G. TIP 72SKRAFT RED ROSE1 99 TEA BAGS ii 500ML CATALINA 129 DRESSING ■ CANADA FANCY IDA RED APPLES PRODUCE OF U.S.A BUNCH CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CALIFORNIA CELERY .19 BUNCH CALIFORNIA 1 19 BROCCOLI ■ PRODUCE OF ONTARIO LB CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CARROTS . , HEALTH EXTRA loos STRENGTH ASPIRINS ■ 99 Halo, with conditioner, 350 mi. SHAMPOO ■ 59 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED SECRET 90 0 SOLID 3 59 DEODORANT U. ASST VARIETIES CARNATION HOT CHOCOLATE 500 G 1.99, SAVE .80 GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR 2 KG BAG 1.19, SAVE .18 FOUR STAR WHOLE MUSHROOMS 100Z. .79 superior QUALITY MEAT FRESH CENTRE CUT LOIN PORK KG4.39 CHOPS LB.1899 BURNS STORE SLICED PRIDE OF KG 4. 1 7 CANADA SALAMI 18.1.89 Whole, cut & wrapped for freezer. PORK LOIN KG 3.51 LB. 1.59 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA DINNER KG 5.05 HAMS La. 2.29 Schneiders 3.95 kg. BOLOGNA 1a1,79 BURNS BREAKFAST LINK SAUSAGE BEEF AND PORK STORE PACKED KG 2.84 LB.1.29 REGULAR GROUND _...BEEFLs KG 2.18 .99 tsx PIESE?IVE net MORT TO LNIT OUAN'RTR$ BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA COOKED HAM STORE SLICED KG4.39 18.1.99 BURNS LISH SAUSAGE KG 3.51 LB1.59 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA SWEETHEART HAMS WHOLE OR HALF KG 3.95 18.1.79 5000 PKG. Devon, 500 g. BACON CARDINAL VEAL STEAKETTES STORE PACKED KG 3.95 L8.1.79 SWIFT'S PREMIUM WIENERS 450G . 29 BAKERY DEMPSTERS 6756 WHITE 60 BREAD ■ WESTON'S CHOCOLATE CREAM ROLLS .19 SUNMAID RAISIN BREAD 450 G 35„ ■ FROZEN NIAGARA ORANGE JUICE 12 OZ. 59 ■ SWANSON'S MEAT PIES e oz. . 69 ASST VARIETIES OF 4 X 5 INCH TOTINOS 2.49 \PIZZAS