HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-02-01, Page 25i i For Salo Duplex, brick, situated behind Vic- toria & Orey at 429 William Street. Each half contains 3 bedrooms, dining, living room, kitchen, full basement, elec- tric heat, full front porch, new roof, ce- ment drive, garage each side. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420 I i1 " limier akin 80 Queens St. Hensall One bedroom apart- ments. Elevator, stove, and frostfree ' fridge. Free laundry rooms, parking. Large lounge, complete with dining area and kitchen. Could be used for entertainment. Sitting room upstairs Apply Irene Davis 262-2129 Eileen Rennie 262-2005 Harry Klungel 262-2536 19 Pi opet ty 1 nr Snle EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNI- TY. 13 units, downtown Exeter, low maintenance, potential expan- sion, $30,000.00 gross. Asking $I80,0 00 with 15 percent down. Phone 472-0986 evenings. 401fn ZURICH - remodelled 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom, large rooms, garage, deck. Recent new rpof, windows, electrical service, nice- ly landscaped. 236-4536. 2-5c EXETER, newer 4 bedroom home, 2 storey with double garage. Custom built on double lot. Viewing by appointment on- ly. Evenings 235-0935. 4tfn 20 Property For Rent UPSTAIRS one bedroom apt., carpeted, fridge and stove includ- ed. Phone 235-1706 evenings.4tfn COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. Suitable for office or many other uses. Call 235-1706 evenings. 4tfn Elizabeth Court Apartments 1 & 2 bedrooms February 1 or March 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included. Located a` 176 Oxford St. Hensoll, Ontario PH: 262-2846 HOUSE FOR SALE 2 storey home at 296 Huron St. W., Exeter with in- door ,pool, 2 car garage, circular driveway, 3 bedrooms, den, family room with Franklin stove, 1'/2 bathrooms, upper and lower deck. Fully carpeted throughout house. For appointment, call 235-2976. $38,900 1 Y2 storey stucco and siding country home, about 9 miles from Exeter, near Kirkton. Very private treed lot. Home features 3 bedrooms, large coun- try kitchen 15 x 21, up dated 4 pc. bath. Attached 2 car garage with basement entrance. For more in- formation call Jim Ostler 679-1034, Harry E Waghorn Real Estate. „N 1.11 u ccar,,, Exeter Council Civic Notices 1984 Dog Tags now available Before March 15th After March 15 Male - 7.50 Male - 10.00 Spayed Female - 7.50 Spayed Female - 10.00 Female - 15.00 Female - 20.00 Kennel - 25.00 Kennel - 30.00 $15.00 fine for dogs running at Targe os per By- law No. 10, 1978 as omended. 1984 Tax Instalments are DUE ON the: 15th day of February, May, August, and November PUBLIC NOTICES Traffic By -Law No. 18, 1975, as amended: Parking is Prohibited between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. on Exeter Streets to facilitate Snow Removal. Contravention of this By-law could lead to fine and removal of vehicles at owners' cost. By -Law No. 41, 1981 - Being a By -Law to re- quire owners or occupants of buildings on Main Street between Gidley and Simcoe Streets, to remove snow and ice accumulations from sidewalks and roofs of such buildings, can lead to a penalty of $500.00, if no removal or action. By -Law No. 32, 1983 - Being a By -Law in respect to sewer surcharge be decreased to 78% of the water rates. BUILDING PERMITS All new buildings, Structural Changes, Interior and Exterior renovations, tool sheds, garages, plumbing renovations, etc. - require permits. $10.00 - 1st $1,000.00 $4.00 - every $1,000.00 thereafter $25.00 - Demolition Permits $25.00 - Swimming Pools $10.00 - Sign Permits - Permanent and Portable $5.00 - Occupancy Permits. Antiqued Gold Exeter Pins - available at Municipal Office - $2.00 2O Pt °petty i 01 Kent FURNISHED SINGLES, doubles, parking, quiet, 520.00 per week, $75.00 per month and up. Grand Central Hotel, Lucan. '227-4811. 42tfnc HENSALL - House, close to downtown. Couples only, rio pets. Phone 262-2103. S0tfn HOUSE in Grand Bend. 3 bedroom, available immediately. Phone 236-4230. 3;4c HENSALL - 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. S185 -3205 per month including heat. No pets. 262-3146. 31 fn LARGE COUNTRY HOME, 6 miles from Ailsa Craig. '/2 mile from paved road. Attractive set- ting. Oil heat. 293-3072. 5c PROPERTY FOR RENT. 200 acres cash crop land. East of Hen- sall. Apply to Box 86P, Exeter Times Advocate, NOM 150.4:5• DOWNTOWN, modern, 1 bedroom apartment, carpeted, stove, fridge. Phone 235-2420.4tfn MAPLE ARMS Apartments, lux- ury, adult, one bedroom apart- ment. Phone 235-2420 evenings. 4cr^ HOUSE - 287 Main St. Exetr Commercially zoned. Ideal f boutique, second hand store, a tiques etc. High exposure. Phone 227-4669. 5c ONE BEDROOM ground floor apt. appliances, heat, laundry, parking included. $189.62 available March, Apt. 4, 304 An- drew St. 235-0529. 472-0986.5fn FOR RENT OR SALE - House in Hensall with detached workshop. Phone Clinton Community Credit Union. 235-0640. 5:6c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. St ELDERY AND DISABLED The Villa in Lucan cares. 518.00 per day and up. Gov't assistance for qualified individuals available. 227-1073. 2-9c ROOM FOR RENT and share kit- chen. Phone 235-0289 after 6 p.m. Ask for Mike. 4:5c 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term, available to Box BA X, The Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter. 4Stfx LAND for cash crop. Dashwood, Crediton, Exeter area. Phone 234-6398. 3-6' HOUSE IN EXETER by the end of April. Phone 235-0605. 4-6c LAND SUITABLE for cash crop- ping for 1984 season. Phone 262-2821. 5-8' GOOD CASH CROP LAND. Phone 234-6371. 5-8c Count on the Classifieds to Do the Job Call 235-1331 MUSICIAN AT SHDHS — Mark Dominico, a musician from Toronto visited SHDHS Monday. From the left are students John Farwell and Mark Hartman with Dominico. South Huron- students is hear about music business Monday, musician Mark in an envelope. If the writer Dominica visited South Huron mails the tape to himself, and High School. He met with the envelope has not been several interested students tampered with, the tape can and discussed the music in- be used to prove you wrote the dustry with them. song when you say you did, Mark studied music at because of the date on the Humber College in Toronto envelope. and now devotes his time to The musician also devoted producing records and shar- some time to explaining how ing his experiences with those a record is produced. interested in entering the All who attended his talk music business. ' found it both informing and interesting. Bridge building His first suggestion is that those interested hire an agent to handle all the business ac- tions. From here, he feels one may get some jobs and get to know some people in the in- dustry. Once you have become familiar with a few of the people in the business, of- fers will become more abundant. Mark also explained a few of the legal aspects of the music business. First, he brought up the musicians' union. He explained that although the union is not strong here, they have been known to keep non-members from getting musically related jobs in big cities such as Toronto. In answer to a question, Mark suggested a simple Method of copyrighting your songs. He suggests that the song writer make a recording of his or her songs and place Building Design & Drafting Sor.iices k I MF BUILDERS & DESIGNERS Main St. St-, Exeter, Ontario (519)235-2120 To All Members of Recreation Groups in the Township of Stephen The Stephen Township Recreation Committee is-' asking any recreation groups within the Township of Stephen requesting funds for 1984 to submit a budget for consideration, Submis- sions should reach the Committee Chairman, Tom Tomes, c/o Township of Stephen, Box 100, Crediton, Ontario NOM IMO no later than FEBRUARY 17, 1984. No consideration will be given to applications received after this date. Wilmer D. Wein Clerk -Treasurer f LUCAN — ASKING $56,900 Very clean and professionally decorated 3 1 1 bedroom brick ranch with paved drive and garage. Features bright eat -in kitchen, dining room, rec room with bar and fireplace. Owner anxious to sell and willing to consider all reasonable offers. M.I.S. listing. CaII Don Jackson 679-2000 or 685-6789 Re/Max Forest City Realty Ltd., Realtor. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 For part of their second term mark, students in '350 Physics must design and build a bridge out of toothpicks. The assignment is being conducted as a contest with the bridge being able to survive under the most stress winning. All the bridges must weigh less than 200 grams and be at least 20 centimetres long. Students may use any type of glue they wish to glue the toothpicks together. For ex- ample, some people have employed rubber cement to make the bridge bend like rubber until it breaks. The entire toothpick must be used in the construction of the bridge. This prevents people from using only the thick heavy -end. The bridge need not resem- ble a bridge. All that is impor- tant is that the bridge be able to be laid across two boards and have a surface where the stress can be applied to them. Teacher Bruce Perry fastens a piece,of metal with some wire attached to it, to the bridge. Weights are add- ed to the wire, thus creating the force on the bridge. When any toothpick or joint snaps, the total amount of stress that the bridge has endured is calculated. Presently, Murray Rundle has had the most success with his initial project. Rursdle's bridge supported 1920 times its own weight. The contest will run until February 24. AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TENDER Tenders are being accepted for the rental of pasture land in the Parkhill area. Sealed tenders clearly marked "Tender for Land" will be received by the undersigned un- til 12:00 noon on February 10, 1984. Property consists of 52 acres more or less situated on Pt. Tots 1, 2, 3 ECR Conc. 5, McGillivray Township. For further information. contact Ted Jones, General Superintendent Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority Box 459, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 150 Phone: 235-2610 NORM WHITING R•al astute Auction Salo On Saturday, February 11/84 at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Located at 2nd lot west of Victoria St. on Portland St., Centralia Ontario, for the mortgagor. Real estate consists of a Targe cement block and frame building, approximately 70' x 40' with extra office facilities and parts room. This building has 3 Jorge overhead doors. Inside there is one pit, one hoist, a large drill press, a grinder, and three work benches. The building is heated by an oil forced air furnace. This building is situated on a lot known as part of lots 27, 28, 29, 30, plan 202, registered plan 22R270, part 2 Stephen Township in the police village of Centralia, ap- proximately 121' x 155' with a section out of corner ap- proximately 78' x 38'. This property is suitable for a ser- vice garage, warehouse, storage shed or several types of businesses. REAL ESTATE SOLD SUBJECT TO A REASONABLE RESERVE BID. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE. 10% DAY OF SALE, BALANCE IN 30 DAYS, FINANCING AVAILABLE. For Information contact Norm Whiting Auctioneer. Phone Exeter 235-1964 or 235-1931 Auction Sale Antiques, furniture, appliances to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton Ontario. For Dungannon Orange Lodge,Blyth and Brussels area homes Sot., February 4 at 10 a.m. Large bowed glass china cabinet, 9 piece din- ing room suite in good condition, Hardwick 30" gas or propane stove, Inglis automatic clothes washer, propane gas barbecue, Sound Sign component hi fi, with cabinet, record player, cassette player and some tapes. Filter Queen vacuum cleaner, 2 sterling silver candle holders, GE portable colour TV, 2 sterling silver fruit bowls, Zenith 12" portable TV, modern chesterfield and chair, Singer electric sewing machine, antique Victrola, floor model phonograph (good condition), upholstered swivel rocker plus much more. ITEMS FROM ORANGE HALL 2 captain's chairs, 5 Windsor back kitchen chairs, 47 matching wooden chairs, lift top desk, hoosier type kitchen cupboards, blanket box, copper pail, small parlour table, 2 bass drums with carrying harness, pictures, etc. Terms Cosh Auctioneer Richard Lobb, Clinton 482-7898 Approve grant for Authority The Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority has been granted $724,345 to undertake various water management, conservation and recreation projects this year, Natural Resources Minister Alan Pope announced this week. This is part of a total of $37.4 -million in provincial grants earmarked by the Ministry of Natural Resources to help finance projects being undertakers by the province's 39 conservation authorities this year. "01 the total amount, ap- proximately $1.5 -million is proposed for a federal/pro- vincial mapping program to identify areas of potential flood damage throughout the province," Pope said. The provincial grants, representing about 10 percent of the ministry's total budget, were based on proposals sub- mitted by the authorities last year. They represent about a four percent increase over the 1983 funding allocation. Pope noted that while the provincial economy is show- ing signs of recovery, there continues to be a need for sound financial management in all areas of public expen- diture, including the transfer payment' to conservation authorities. 1+ Canadian Radio-tckvision and Telecommunications Commission Conseil de a radlodWtust n *l des telecommunications candle nes notice : public hearing The CRTC will hold a public hearing beginning on 14 February 1984 at the Con- ference Centre, Phase 4, 140 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Que. to consider the follow- ing: John C. Ward: Hensall, Ont. Application (£332964100)• by John C. Ward, Gowanstown, Ont., NOG IYO, for a licence to carry on a broadcasting receiving under- taking to serve Hensall, for the purpose of distributing the programs of the following signals to be received via satellite from the Cancom network (and other broad - costing services). Proposed Fees: Maximum monthly fee: S17. Maximum installation fee: $35. The application may be examined at: Office of the Town Clerk, Hensall. In- tervention date: 6 February 1984. NPH -4 Canada AMINISTRY OF ._ MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference No. B65 P.T. 84-10 Upgrading of Fire Alarms & Emergency Systems at Brussels OH -1 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, February 10, 1984, by the Ontario Hous- ing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", London, Ontario. N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5 (519/524-2637) quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. CONTEST� CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT The Township Needs Your Help In Designing A "Logo" For This Bi -Centennial Year of 1984 Open to: (1) Residents of Hibbert (2) Categories: 10 Years and under 11 Years to 16 years 17 Years and over. (3) Prizes in each category: 1st. $25. 2nd. $20. 3rd $15. (4) Entries to be left in Sealed Envelope at the Township of Hibbert Office, or School Offices of the M & D.H.S., Upper Thames, S.D.H.S., St. Patricks, Dublin, or St. Columban. (5) Closing Date March 30th, 1984. Decision of Judges is final. Logos become the pro-, perty of the Corporation sof The Township of HibH bert Council. Walter McKenzie, Chairman. Ii -Centennial Logo Committee. Times -Advocate, February 1, 1984 Page 25 PINE CUISSIIIR111 Call 235-1331 nuonrmoo D)®gy Locksmith DASHWOOD LOCK & KEY Brad Barnes RR 3, Dashwood 237-3426 Certified locksmith Bonded and Insured Locks Repaired Repinning, Rekeying Master Key Systems Emergency Openings Automotive & Motorcycle Alarms REPAIRS (Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 DownieSt. ,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A Main St. S. Exeter, 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-800.265.7988 INSURANCE elRealty !napalm inc. EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238 8484 CLINTON 482.9747 GODERICH 524-2118 Farm, Home, Auto In- surance, Appraisals, Mortgages, Life In- sr4rance, Trust Certificates, AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 yeprs' of experience of complete sale service Provinciolly licensed Conduct soles of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AL.4CTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235.1964 EXETER AUCTIONEERS Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Lucan, Ont. (5 19) 227-4210 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227-4111 FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO Kirkton Specializing in ON FARM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 Auction Services Book Your 1984 Sale. Now Call 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay JF JF ABATTOIR Benders Abattoir Home Grown Beef & Pork Mill St., Hensall 262.3130 Wholesale Retail Custom Slaughtering, kill day Tues. Book in Advance Our own "CHUBS", bologna, wieners, Polish sausage, summer sausage, jellied pork, processed hams and picnics Our Motto ,s the Golden Rule ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. iorri`� omuth Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 150 (519) 235-0101 CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT r JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED tier' guAl. Ar'CoUNTANT ri1P-Ran-!11014 THE 01.') TOWN HAI.i. 19122 MAIN RTIC EBT EXR.TRR. ONTARIO NOM talo J