Times-Advocate, 1984-01-25, Page 9Pogo 8 January 25, 1984
Seniors meet
at Dashwood
Dashwood Senior Citizens
held the January meeting
Monday afternoon with 29 at-
tending. Mrs. Eben Weigand,
president, read a poem,
"Brighten the Corner Where
You Are."
The card secretary sent
four get well cards and two
birthday cards. Cards of
thanks were received from
Ed Hendrick and Dashwood
and Area Business Associa-
tion for their donation. An in-
vitation 'was received from
Exeter Seniors for Bi-
centannial pot luck dinner at
the Legion Hall February 6,
at 12:30 noon.
Shuffleboard will be held
each Tuesday afternoon 2-4.
The next meeting will be a
quilting February 20 followed
by a pot luck supper.
Mrs. Oscar Miller's group
was in charge of the program
and Jack Gaiser showed films
of local people.
There were 1; tables in play
at the euchre held Wednesday
January 18 sponsored by the
Women's Institute. Winners
were: ladies high, Mrs.
Harold Hendrick; men, Elgin
Rader; low, ladies, Irene
Datars; men, Peter Datars;
lone hands, Ray Rader.
Watch for the announcement
of the next euchre.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn
Tieman attended the fur-
niture show in Toronto last
Mrs. Florence Keller is ex-
pected home today (Monday)
after a lengthy stay in South
Huron Hospital and Victoria
Hospital, London.
Weekend guests witht Mr.
and Mrs. Hubert Miller were
Bob and Dianne Biggam and
Vicki Miller, Toronto; Lisa
Miller, London, and Mrs.
Emilie Miller, Dashwood was
a Sunday guest.
Mrs. Frieda Keller is a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital,
Crediton East
Mrs. Della Sims celebrated
her 93rd birthday Thursday,
January 19th. Happy Birth-
day Della.
Mrs. Jerry Smith returned
home from St. Joseph's
CREDITON WI STARTS SI -CENTENNIAL — The Crediton Women's Institute initiated Bi -Centennial celebrations
Wednesday night with the lighting of a candle. Doing the honours is a charter member Alma Morlock. Others
from the left are Dolores Shapton, Lois Hodgins, Joyce Black of Victoria and Grey in Exeter who was -the guest
speaker and Gloria Martin. T -A photo
Crediton WI hears about banking, investments
The Crediton Women's In-
stitute met Wednseday even-
ing in the town hall. The
meeting was opened with the
Ode followed by the Collect.
Mrs. Bruce Shapton played
the piano.
President Mrs. Norm
Eveland welcomed all. The
roll call "What would you do
if you won a lottery?" was
answered by nineteen ladies.
The minutes were read and
the treasurers report given.
Correspondence was read.
A committee was appointed
for the bi-centennial project.
Mrs. Glenn Hodgins, Mrs.
Lloyd Roeszler and Mrs. Ross
Haugh will head the commit-
tee. Mrs. Harvey Hodgins
was in charge of the program
which included several songs.
A candle lighting ceremony
commemorating Bi -
Centennial year was con-
ducted by Mrs. Bruce Shap -
ton, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and
Mrs. Peter Martin, Mrs. Gor-
don Morlock lite the candle.
A hymn "Faith Of Our
Fathers" was sung by Gloria
Hospital, London ana
Leonard Wein returned from
Victoria Hospital, London.
Jack Dye is a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Preszcator were Sunday sup-
per guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert England and family,
Huron Park.
Martin accompanied on the
piano by Mrs. Harvey
Mrs. Bruce Shapton read
the motto, "A wise mind is
like a Savings account" put in
a little every day.
Speaker for the evening
was Joyce Black from Vic-
toria & Grey Trust. She spoke
on the various aspects of
banking and the service of-
fered by Victoria and Grey.
She closed by giving each
lady a package of information
and gifts.
Mrs. Harvey Hodgins
played the violin. Her sister
Fern Dougall accompanied
on the piano. -
Mrs. Gordon Morlock read
a poem "Growing Old". The
' meeting closed with a "Hymn
for all Nations". Lunch was
served by Mrs. Dave Cottel
and Mrs. Rots Haugh.
The Crediton and District
Social Club held their 15th an-
niversary dance Saturday
evening. The Blenders pro-
vided the music for about 56
couples. A special. anniver-
sary cake and rolled back
prices dominated the celebra-
tion. Lunch was served by
Peter and Gloria Martin and
Dave and Anne Cottel.
Sunday morning the United
Church Women took the
church service. President
Marie Fydenchuk conducted
the worship service. Evelyn
Kirkton church
elects officers
St. Paul's Anglican Church
held their annual Vestry
meeting in the church base-
ment Sunday evening.
Officers elected for 1984 are
Ministers Warden: Bill,
Schaefer. Peoples Warden
Ken Blackler. Lay Delegates
to Synod Ethel Copeland,
Gwen Waghorn. Alternates -
Walter Creery, Burns
Board of
Brent Blackler, Garth
Blackler, Harold Davis, Bill
Waghorn, Cathy McCormick,
Gerald Paul and Rosemary
Schaefer, Vestry Clerk Wilma
Davis. Rectory Committee
Harold Davis, Rosemary
Schaefer and Burns Blackler.
Cemetery Committee, Garth
Blackler, Gerald Paul, Brent
Blackler and Walter Creery.
Miss Shelley Fletcher, St.
Catharines spent the weekend
with her parents Mr. ana Mrs.
Lloyd Fletcher.
Add on electric heat
loyouroil fumace
and inlivduce yourself
to substantial oil savings.
Kissing that old flame goodbye isn't the only way
to reduce your oil consumption. If that oil fur-
nace is still in good shape, you can -take advantage
of converting to a dual energy heating system.
Instead of replacing your furnace, introduce
it to an electric plenum heater, heat pump, elec-
tric boiler or baseboard heaters. These dual
energy systems let oil and electricity work in har-
mony to heat your home more efficiently and
more economically. Operation is siri'tle. The
electric system works until the coldest winter
days, then your oil furnace automatically takes
In most cases, add-on electric heat will
reduce your oil consumption by up to 75%.
Even more in some cases. And a reduction of
that magnitude can make a dramatic difference
to the total cost of heating your home.
The "plenum" is the warm air chamber at the
top of your forced air oil furnace. That's exactly
where a plenum
heater is installed.
So that 011 most days,
the fan circulates
more economical,
electrically generated heat.
Even on cold winter nights, there is still warmth
in the outside
air. Just like a
refrigerator, the
heat pump ex-
tracts that warmth
and pumps it.
into your home.
Plus there's an
added bonus. In the
summer, your heat
pump works in reverse and becomes a central air
If you have an oil fueled
hot water heating
system, there's another
alternative. You simply
add an electric boiler.
It's no bigger than a
small suitcase and can
be easily installed.
These can also be used as a dual energy system.
They're installed in
individual rooms to quietly
handle most of the heating load.
Install a dual energy system now and you
may be eligible for a COSP (Canada Oil Sub-
stitution Program) grant. It pays for half of the , --
installed cost pr $800, whichever is less, if you
reduce your 6i1 consumption by 50% or more.
Telephone today and ask for a visit from our
energy adviser. We'll tell you about the advan-
tages of dual energy heating systems and special
assistance :hat could lead to even greater savings.
Go Electric4
Exeter Public
Utilities Commission
Chairmen, M.A. Oreene Commlaaloner, H. D.Vrlos
Manager, H.L. Davis CommInfoner, S.E. Slaw
Customers ,of Ontario Hydro should contact their Local Area Office.
Pickering led the responsive
reading. Jean Neil gave the
offeratory prayer.
Gloria Martin sang His Eye
is On the Sparrow. Leila Fink-
beiner played the piano. Ruth
Miller read the scripture.
Leila Finkbeiner prayed the
payer of intercession and
Thanksgiving and gave the
children's story complete
with sound effects.
Mrs. Alma Langford was
guest speaker. She spoke on
"The Winter of the Soul".
Eleanor Roeszler announced
the hymns.
Summerfest '84
A good response was
received for the Summerfest
quilt. Anyone 'interested in
helping with the quilt please
contact Gloria at 234-6416
before next Tuesday. A sum-
merfest committee meeting
will be held Monday January
30 in the Parks board room at
8 p.m.
Summerfest '84 will be held
August 17, 18 and 19 with a lot
of new attraction being plann-
ed for young and old. Watch
this column for more details.
Sfaffa couple back from wast trip
Rev. and Mrs. Daynard
have returned home from a
visit in British Columbia with
their daughter Heather and
husband Gavin and their two
Mr. and Mrs. Rob
Templeman, Carrah and Cain
visited on the weekend with
Miss Carol Stewart and Dr.
Jane Robinson, Waterloo.
Mrs. Jake Templeman
hosted the F. W.1.0. Subdivi-
sion 23 executive meeting
January 10 in the township
hall, Staffa. Four members of
Staffa Women's Institute,
Mrs. Dalton Smale, Mrs.
Lloyd Miller, Mrs. Arthur
Smale and Mrs. Wm. Mahon
served a delicious hot lunch at
noon to 15 ladies attending
from London Area, Oxford
North District, Huron West
and South District and Perth
South District.
At a recent. meeting of the
Steering Committee for the
Cromarty Scouts, Cubs and
Beavers, it was decided to
wait until April 14 to hold their
annual bottle drive in Hibbert
The Hibbert United Church
Women, met in the Family
Life Centre January 11.
Quilting and a pot luck dinner
preceeded the meeting,
supervised by hostesses, Mrs.
. Ada Pethick and Mrs. Janet
Devotions - A gift for the
New Year, was led by Mrs.
Joan Daynard and Mrs.
Margaret Daynard, with Mrs.
Marion McCaughey presiding
at the piano. There was a
presentation of the film "Lot-
tomania", with a short buzz
session, discussing the good,
the bad, and the harmless
aspects of a lottery.
Mrs. Margaret Christie
chaired the business meeting
with thanks, both oral and
written, from friends and
organizations for assistance,
for remembrances and for
cash donations.
Reports were given from
the card secretary, the supp-
ly committee and the
treasurer. The objective was
set for the Unified budget and
a decission made to collect
pennIeB again, the recipient to
oboe decided later.
Plans were discussed for
the Presbyterial in St. Johns
church Stratford on January
23 and the World Day of
Prayer in Cromarty
Presbyterian Church, March
Suggestions were made as
to means or expressing ap-
preciation to our young
church workers, and of possi-
ble additional equipment for
the Family Life Centre. Rev.
Anderson pronounced the