HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-01-11, Page 7Mary Thomson, Exeter, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Thomson,
Woodham and Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Jeffery were Sunday
dinner guests with Mr. and
Mrs. William Rohde.
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Times-Advocote, Jonuory 11, 1984
Pogo 7
Centralia UCW meets
The January meeting of the
U.C.W. was held January 5.
Janet Hicks was the leader
for the program. Janet gave
a very interesting presenta-
tion from the study book
"Jesus means life to
Women". June Essery read
the scripture John 8 verses 3
to 11. Janet led in prayer.
Iva Blair presided for the
business. She welcomed
everyone and read a poem
Storm cancels
church 'service
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac-
Dor.ald, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Abbott, Centralia and
Mr. Jack Dickins, Exeter
were dinner guests Thursday
evening -with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Greenlee.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker
were dinner guests Thursday
evening with their son Mr.
and Mrs. Gary Barker, Marla
and Gwen. Gwen was
celebrating her second
Mrs. Charlotte Barker and
Mrs. Mary Davis, Lucan were
Thursday dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker.
Many friends and relatives
of the community and London
attended a reception and
dance at Lucan Community
Centre Saturday evening for
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bourne,
London (nee Joan Barker),
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Barker, Lucan.
Church service Sunday was
cancelled at St. Patrick's due
to a sudden storm.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
were Sunday dinner guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Carroll and family. Mrs.
Harry Carroll was observing
her birthday.
Don't Miss
"Another Year". Annual
reports were given by Donna
Smith on secretary's report of
highlights of the past year.
Janet Hicks gave the
treasurer's report. Varian
Deane sent her card report.
Plans were discussed for the
new year. A family night is
planned for March with a pot
luck supper followed by fun
and games.
It was decided to make
cookies and give donations to
the Cancer clinic in London in
April as a project for Cancer
Month. A bake sale and
garage sale is planned for
June. A fririckr social tlgrle
follawetl: '
JAN. 28th
Centre Mall
420 Main Street, Exeter
ichmond Carpets
Come Early For Best Selection
Level Loop Multi -Tone
Foam backing, ideal for rec
rooms bedrooms, etc.
Sale !6.49
Price sq. yd
First euchreart
p Y
for CraigHappyGang-
The Happy Gang seniors
held its first euchre of the new
year with tour tables at play.
Winners were Laura Chap-
man, Marj Davidson, Babe
Chapman, Helen Smith,
Jessie Lewis, Roland Neil.
January 18 there will be the
noon meal followed by
Remember the Mason's
euchre Wednesday night at 8 To the Hughes families our
p.m. in the Masonic Hall, deepest sympathy is extend -
Main street. ed at this time.
The Prayer service for Mrs. Heinz Seifert, Glan-
Christian Unity will be in the worth and Mrs. Tom (Regine)
Baptist Church on Sunday at Hutchinson and family, Lon -
7 p.m. don were recent visitors with
Plan to attend an evening of Mrs. Alice Dickens.
Clandeboye UCW meets
games (crokinole, euchre,
etc.) at the Activity Centre,
Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Neil,
Rexdale visited Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil.
Mrs. Becky Ross visited
recently with her son, Allan
and family of Ottawa, and at-
tended her granddaughter's
Mrs. Wilmer Scott was
hostess for the January
meeting of the Clandeboye
United Church Women, with
eight in attendance. Betty
Coughlin led the worship ser -
`vice with all members
The business consisted of
discussion about
Presbyterial, which will be
nos Ters:Write
Dear Editor:
A5 we are all aware, there
is a constant demand for
blood on both a daily and long
range basis. In response to
this need, Exeter and area
residents are invited to attend
a special Red Cross blood
donor clinic to be held at Cen-
tralia College of Agricultural
Technology, Huron Hall
Lounge, on Wednesday
January 18. Donors are
welcome between the hours of
3 to 9 p.m. Thank you.
' Yours truly,
Chairmen: Jim Nyenhuis
Richard Dortmans
held February 9 at Trinity
United Church, London.
The annual church meeting
wll be held this Friday even-
ing, January 13, at the home
of Gwen and Ralph Lynn. All
church members are urged to
Four ladies were chosen to
be responsible for setting the
communion table throughout
the year. The treasurer's
report was given and no.
money raising projects are on
the agepda, at the present
St. James Church news
Seven tables in play at the
euchre party at St. James
Church Tuesday evening.
Prizes went to, high scores,
Mrs. Roy Swartz and Ron
Fahner. Lone hands, Jean
Hodgins and Jim Cunn-
ingham. Low scores,
Kathleen Neil ' and Nelson
Squire. The next party will be
Janaury 17.
Lewis and Elnora Raycraft
moved Saturday, to the
Dykeman apartment on
Water St., Lucan.
viding funds for some free
South Huron Rec Centre
a cheque to rec d
Exeter Lioness club is pro -
ice time this winter at the
. Above, Janice Dougall
irector Lynne Farquhar.
NEW HURON PARK BROWNIES — A number of Tweenies moved up to the ranks of Brownies recently in the
Huron Park Pack which is sponsored by the Crediton Lions Club. Back, left, leaders Sherry Christian, Sandy
Melvin, Donna Dunlop, Wendy Conium and Denise Dunlop. Centre, Leanna Foster, Lisa Melvin, Carrie Kapp,
Judy Wilson and Alisha Levasseur. Front, Tanya Deaville, Jodi Glavin, Sonia Smith and Lisa Morlock.
Despite storm
Good attendance at Tliames Road
Thames Road
There was a fair crowd in
attendance at the regular
church service on Sunday
morning even though it was
very stormy. Rev. Robert
Matheson was in charge of
the service, the first Sunday
after the Epiphany.
The children's story was en-
titled "Who Is This Jesus?"
The Scripture Lesson was
read from Isaiah 42:1-7,
Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew
3:13-17. The sermon was en-
titled "The Call to
There have always been
those who have
misunderstood the message
of the life of Christ - that we
are called to live in communi-
ty one with another. All three
of our Scripture lessons re-
mind us of the radical nature
of the life of Christ. We are all
in this world together.
Christ in allowing Himself
to be baptised by John tells us
He takes the human predica-
•ment seriously. He is willing
to identify with the bent reeds
and the faltering lamps - the
wounded and the discouraged
people in this world.
In the year 1984 there are
signs of the smallness of our
planet. Space vehicles orbit
the planet several times in a
day and yet divisions (ar-
tificial divisions) somehow
become more pronounced
between warning and arguing
factions in the world.
Christ's call to universal
community - living is not an
easy calling to follow; but in
order to remain faithful to
Him, we as Christians have to
work for universal recogni-
tion of the human family
under the Lordship of Jesus
The Fellowship group will
hold its first meeting Sunday
Our pipes burst and water damaged some
of our stock. Our Toss is your gain as we
clear out the damaged, but still useable,
stock at
tip -to
Sale starts today
and continues to J nuary'21
• All sales final
no exchangeor refunds
un Fel
395 Main St.
January 22 at 8 p.m. in
Thames Road Church. Bill
Mickle of Exeter will show
pictures of Russia. A good
crowd is hoped for.
The Youth Group meeting
was held in the church base-
ment with 7 young people and
four leaders in attendance.
The meeting started with
worship led by Catherine
Johns and Kim Prance. Part
of the worship involved a skit
based on the Parable of the
Prodigal Son. There was a
skid on communication and
Grace Pym led a workshop on
The meeting ended with a
prayer -written by the group
and following the meeting all
shared a game, hot chocolate
and popcorn.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Johns were guests recently
with Mrs. Mary Neil of
Mr and Mrs. William
Rohde had supper with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Passmore,
London, Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johns,
Kevin, Amy and Caleb return-
ed home Sunday evening
after holidaying in Florida.
They spent several days at
Disneyland. They spent the
New Year's weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. David DeSousa
and family at Port St. Lucie.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Rohde were Friday evening
supper guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Hodgert.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques
spent Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett.
Mrs. Hazel Jeffery, Mrs.
Mr. Earl Stephen entertain-
ed a number of couples on
Saturday evening.
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