HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-01-04, Page 7TI Advocate, Amu 4, 1984 MR. AND MRS. CYRIL K. OINGERICH On Saturday, December 17, 1983, in the chapel of Con- rad Grebe! College, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Carol Ann Erb, daughter of Gordon Erb and the late Mabel Erb, of Zurich, and Cyril K. Gingerich, stepson of Elizabeth Gingerich, Bluewater Rest Home Apart- ments, Zurich, Were united in marriage by Rev. Ralph Lebold,. President of the college. The maid of honour was Lillian Wilton of Toronto, the best man Don Smith of Burlington. Ushering the guests were Philip and Laurie Erb, brother and sister-in-law of the bride. Guests were present from. Burlington, Cambridge, Dunnville, Hamilton, lona Station, Kitchener, Linwood, London, Niagara Falls, Oshawa, New Hamburg, Petersburg, St. Marys, Selkirk, Stouffville, Toronto, Vineland and Waterloo. Telegrams were received from Germany and Indiana, and o phone call from Arcadia, Florida. Cards and letters of good wishes were receiv- ed from Afghanistan, England, Ethiopia, Finland, Ger- many, India, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan, Scotland, Sweden and Tanzania as well as from many parts of the United States. After a short honeymoon in Niagara Falls, the couple are continuing preparation for a two-year assignment in Ethiopia under the Christian Blind Mis- sion International. They plan to leave Canada on January 7, 1984. MR. AND MRS. RANDY WITHERSPOON Mary Heffron and Randy Witherspoon were united in marriage November 12, 1983 in the alyth United Church with Rev. Brian Elder officiating. The bride is the daughter of Jerry and Marie Heffron of Blyth and the groom is the son of Carl and Ruth Witherspoon, RR 2 Crediton. The maid of honour was Marg Anderson, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Merrilyn Black, Joyce Gordon, Kathy Purdon, friends of the bride and the flower girl was Amanda Anderson, niece of the bride. The best man was Ken Govers, friend of the groom. Ushers were Dennis Pfaff, Jim Anderson, friends of the groom and Todd Witherspoon, brother of the groom and the ring bearer was Bradley Ander- son, nephew of the bride. The pianist was Mary F. Dow and soloists were Nola and Chuck Dow. The couple have taken up residence in Huron Park. orkisar9�!!s• ** Active Wear Slacks Sweaters Co-ordinates !t Holiday Wear Ski Pants & Jackets Scarves Panty hose Kilts Velvet Blazers Velvet Skirts • } • VI% Off All other merchandise - 20% - 30% Off a011.4 4 -!44/4/ I M Centre Moll, Exeter Six. 16.24, 38-44, 16'/2-241/2 Mons. - Thurs., Sat. 9 - 5:30 friday 9 - 9 362 Lan/bton Mall Rd. Sarnia Now In Byron Village Phu. 1240 Contedsslonar Rd. W. London, Onterio 9 Better than not trying • It's still a good thing to make New Year's resolutions even though they get broken in a few weeks, or even a few days. At least, for a short period, you tried to live up to something nearer your poten- tial, and it seems to me it's better to have tried and fail- ed than never tohave tried at all. A lot of people (preachers among them) point to St. Peter's aborted attempt to walk to Jesus on water. They condemn him for sinking when be toile his eyes off the Lord. But a east Peter tried; the other fellows in the boat were quaking with fear, never daring to step out on water. Many of us are like those disciples....we sit in the boat with no intention of doing something innovative or dar- ing. It takes risk to do that; there's always the danger we might fail or be ridiculed. So, we play it safe...and we don't make' New Year's resolutions. Well, anyway, I'm going to go out on a limb and make one, this year, with the hope of keeping it for one day. If I can do that, I'll likely be able to keep it for two, or maybe a week. If I hold on for two weeks, perhaps it will become Seniors get tax grants The Ministry of Revenue has completed the mailing of 900,000 'Sales Tax Grant' che- ques to eligible Ontario senior' citizens. These $50 cheques are sent automatically each year to all Ontario residents aged 65 or over, to help offset the retail sales tax they pay. This year's sales tax grant payout totals nearly $45 million. "It is the government's belief that Ontario's seniors deserve special relief from provincial retail sales tax," commented Bud Gregory, Ontario's Revenue Minister. "Approximately 900,000 seniors throughout the pro- vince will receive sales tax grant cheques over the next few days. "Those who have turned 65 since September will receive their cheques in January of 1984." In his statement to the Legislature, Gregory also provided an update on the processing of "Ontario Pro- perty Tax Grant applications. The Property Tax Grant is provided annually, in two in- stallments, to eligible seniors who complete an application form and return it to the Ministry. The grant is design- ed to offset the municipal and school property taxes paid by seniors either through their property_ tax or rent payments. "As of mid-November, the Ministry of Revenue has pro- cessed approximately 98% of the 557,612 completed Proper- ty Tax Grant applications received since our initial mail -out in September," said the Revenue Minister. "So far, we have mailed 544,121 grant cheques, each averag- ing $243. This means that the average annual entitlement for seniors in 1983 is approx- imately $460 per household." Enquiries regarding the Ontario Tax Grants for Seniors program should be directed to Revenue's multil- ingual, toll-free information centre at one of the following numbers: In Metro Toronto, dial 965-8470. In area code 416, dial 1-800-263-7700. In area code 807, ask operator for Zenith 8-200. In all other areas, dial 1-800-263-3960. Stratford hat video ready Another first for the Strat- ford Festival! Video cassettes of Stratford's finest produc- tions arenowavailable for the commercial market. As a result of an agreement made between the Stratford Festival, CBC Enterprises \and Embassy Home Enter- tainment, the first two in an expected series of Stratford cassettes can be purchased: Stratford's 1982 production of The Mikado (i this 1:40 minutes) and.the 1981 produc- tion of The Taming of the Shrew (runs 152 minutes) At a retail cost of $89.95, the cassettes can be purchased through the Stratford Festival Gift Shop, (Write: Stratford Festival Gift Shop, Box 520, Stratford, Ontario N5A 6V2), or through Ideal Video Cassette retailers. No one so thoroughly ap- preciates the value of con- structive criticism as the one who's giving it. a habit for the whole year, or better still, for the rest of my life. My resolutions is to stop wasting time and energy on pettZ things.Doris Longacre, own. Perhaps it will lead you to make one, too. Life is too short to keep the house dusted and vacuumed all of the time. Life is too short to get upset It seems to me... by Gwyn Whilsmith who wrote the More with Less Cookbook, is my inspiration. She was a vibrant, energetic lady whom I heard speak on one occasion. Unfortunately, while she was still very young, she died with cancer. Shortlbefore she passed away, s rote down all the things life was too short for, e.g., "Life is too short to work in a room without a window. Life is too short to ice cakes, cakes are good without icing. It's too short to have fancy bedspreads you can't sleep under." After reading her list, I was moved to compile my at someone's careless remark. They probably had no intention -of hurting me in the first place. - Life is too short to wear myself out preparing exotic dishes so that I'm too tired to enjoy my guests. Plain, sim- ple food tastes fine with good conversation. Life is too short not to write to my children and grand- children regularly. Life is too short not to sit down and rest when I'm t' d. Life is too short to read 11 the magazines that come/////in- to the house. at all Life is too short to stay in- side when the sun is sparkling on the soft snow, when buds Yeitxursting, when leaves are turning. Life is too short to make a critical remark instead of an encouraging one. Life is too short to worry if my shoes match my dress. Life is too short not to telephone my friend and tell her she's important to me. 'Life is too short not to give at least one person a hug every day. Life is too short to nurse old grudges. Life is toes short not to visit my dear old friends at the nursing home. Life- is too short to bicker over senseless details with my spouse. Life is too short to remember only the sad things of life. If, as the Bible says, life is like a mist that vanishes quickly, then it seems to me it really is too short not to en- joy, every day to the fullest ...too short also,to dwell on the petty events when there are so many wonderful things to take up our time. DOGS ENJOY RI Th slopes of Morrison Dam were busy Sunday after- noon as many toboggan Qnd skiis were in action. Above, Lisa Blue and Cathy and Mary Ann Hogan and their pets enjoy a toboggan ride. T -A photo A&H We Deliver - 235-0212 OPEN THURSDAY R.FRIDAY NIGHTS yrs UNTIL 9 P.M. VEGETARIAN OR WITH PORK VAN CAMP BEANS .59 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP''. 1.49 r 1. PIECES AND STEMS LEAVER MUSHROOMS 14 OZ. .69 POWDERED DETERGENT TIDE 3.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES LIPTON CUP-A.SOUP .99 HEINZ KETCHUP ` 'LITRE 2.29 SOFT PURE VEGETABLE IMPERIAL MARGARINE :.99 ASSORTED COLOURS -PAPER ROYALE TOWELS 1.19 FANO BRIGHT'S TOMATO JUICE 48 OZ. .89 SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 2.99 BLENHEIM -- CHOICE 28 OZ. 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H ead Cheese ea.1 69 IP rut and wrapped for your freezer Pork Loins 3.46 k9. /Ib. 1 .65 Schneiders Red Hots or Regukir Wieners 450 g. pkg. •39 Centre Cup Pork Loin Tops 4.17 kg./Ib. 1.89 Pork Loin, either end ofin ROasts3.51 kg./lb. 1 .59 Maple Leaf, sliced or piece Summer Sausage 6.59 kg. 2.99 Store Sliced, Cooked Ham 4.17 kg./ lb. 1.89 Hornern(( r u Sausage 1.96 hg /1b.1019 5chnr'ufers Blue Ribbon Bologna 3.95 kg./lb. 11 .79 PRODUCE Sunkist Navels, 138 Oranges 1.19doz. Canada Fancy Red, 3 lb. ,,' Delicious Apples 1.19 Ontario 2 Ib. Carrots 594 Ontario 16% Cabbage 594 1 FROZEN HIOH LINER 700 G FISH IN BATTER 3.29 MIcCAIN 12" DELUXE PIZZA 3.59- CONCENTRATEO WELCH . -• RAPE JUICE • 1207. .19, White or 60% Whole Wheat - .nas.aliewslwEta BREAD 675 g. 694 Horne Oven HAMBURG OR HOT DOG BUNS .39 PRICES IN EFFECT IN MOST SUPERIOR STORES UNTIL JAN. 7, 1984 4 REGULAR OR SCENT II 350 G LYSOL SPRAY DISINFECTANT 2.99 Colgate, 100 ml. Toothpaste 1,39 DEODORANT BATH SOAP 3 ZEST • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ouAMtIT11� TO NORMAL FAMILY PIEou1REMEMT$. .16