Times-Advocate, 1983-12-28, Page 8By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brint-
nell, Bradley Wright, Exeter
and Marion Molnar, and Joe
Varley spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fink-
beiner and Suzanne RR 2
Crediton were Christmas sup-
per guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Stan Preszcator and Brenda
Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Preszcator and Brenda Glan-
ville, Crediton, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Barnes Parkhill and Den-
nis and Robert England and
Karen Foran Huron Park,
were Saturday Christmas
guests with Mr. and Mrs
David Isaac, Centralia.
Brenda Glanville is spen-
ding a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Howard and fami-
ly of Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chalmers
and Joshua. RR 1 Brunner
and Mr. and Mrs. David
Isaac. Centralia were Friday
evening visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Preszcator and
Brenda Glanville.
Irish lose
In tht,ir onl start of the
week in the OHA Junior U
northern division. the Lucan
Irish dropped a 7-5 decision to
the Thedford Browns at the
Lucan arena. Wednesday
The Irish were in Seaforth
last night and their first start
of the new year will be Tues
day night in Tavistock
The only first period goal
for Lucan in the loss to Thed-
ford was fired by John Medd
on a pass from Steve Glenn
In the second session, Medd
scored again with Glenn pro-
viding the pass and Brent
Bannerman registered nn a
three-way combination with
John Medd and Brad
John Medd completed a hat
trick performance at 29
seconds of the third period as
he converted a pass from Jeff
Skinner and Jamie Shipley
completed the Lucan scoring
near the midway mark on a
power play with Steve Glenn
Paul Walker was best for
Thedford with four goal per-
formance. Scoring single
goals were John McIntyre.
Don Dew and Dave Shea.
Present gifts
at Cromarty
The annual White Gift Ser-
vice was held in Cromarty
Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day morning with the Sunday
School children assisting in
the worship service.
Following their song, Gifts
of Love.the kindergarten and
aursery classes presented
their white envelopes of
money which this year will go
to the Children's Aid Society
for use in Perth County.
The intermediate classes
placed their white gifts in the
box under the Christmas tree,
then did a Christmas
Acrostic, leaving their letters
pinned to a rope at the front
of the church.
The junior choir, with Caroi
Ann Scott at the organ, sang
Christmas and Lisa Gardiner
and Sherri Elliott read the
scripture and meditation.
Rev. Kenneth Knight
discussed the meaning of
Christmas with the chidlren
and lit the candle on Jesus'
birthday cake. The children
then sang Happy Birthday to
The final number by the
Sunday School children was
the song, Merry, Merry
Following the White Gift
Service, a smorgasbord lunch
was served in the basement.
Al and Bonnie Switzer, and
baby, have returned home to
High River, Alberta, after
visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Everard Kerslake.
Several from Cromarty at-
tended the carol service in
Carmel Church, Hensall, Sun-
day evening.
11 nun!..- r.: 1L/
Pogo 8 Times -Advocate, December 28„ 1983
Many holiday visitors
Good crowd at Thames Road concert
N Mrs. wsLUAM ROHM the piano which was much
Thomas Rood enjoyed.
Santa Claus then arrived
Some 80 people attended the and distributed gifts from
annual Christmas concert on underneath the Christmas
Tuesday evening in the tree which brought' an en -
church basement. joyable evening to a close.
Rev. Robert Matheson Personals
welcomed everyone and was Mrs. Clara Cunnington of
chairman of the program Centralia was a guest recent -
which commenced with two ly with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
films "The Mole and the Cunnington and family.
Christmas Tree and Runt of Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Oliver,
the Litter." David, Ryan and Julie of New
The kindergarten class did Hamburg spent the weekend
some Christmas songs under with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
the leadership of their Duncan.
teachers Miss Agnes Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ellis of
Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne and Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Mrs. Barry Jeffery. Hern of Zion. Mrs. Mary
The primary class did a Hodgert of Exeter, Mr. and
dialogue "Heart Gifts" Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Grant and
directed by their . teachers Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Mrs. Rick Parker and Mrs. Cann and Brad. Mr. and Mrs.
David Passmore. Rick Parker. Tim, Erin and
Rev. Robert Matheson Ryan were Friday evening
spoke a few words. ,Mrs. supper guests with Mr. and
William Rohde gave a Mrs. Ross Hodgert and Alan.
reading "A Christmas Let- Mr and Mrs. Doug Rohde,
ter." Gerald Cunnington and Karen and Kathy of Exeter,
Brent Dawson received the Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rohde of
offering. Kippers Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
The Junior Class did a Rohde, Danny and Tammy
dialogue "Merry Christmas were Saturday dinner guests
Customs" under the leader- with Mr. and Mrs. William •
ship of their teachers Mrs. Rohde.
Gerry Morgan and Mrs. -Don Mr. and Mrs. Fleming
Richardson. The in- Simpson and Dale, Mr. and
termediate class did a puppet Mrs. Ron Simpson. Carrie
show. The teacher is Mrs. and Ronnie were guests •
Barry E. Miller. recently with Mr. and Mrs.
A Christmas sing song then Pete Black and boys of St.
took place under the leader- : Marys.
ship of Mrs. Parker accom- ' Miss Kim Riehl of Toronto.
pained by Miss Agnes Bray on Miss Jackie Riehl of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Riehl and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray
Tanya were guests recently and Ryan of St. Thomas, Par.
with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and Mrs. Jim Cooper Kip -
of Goderich. pen. Miss Lori Lynn Stewart
Christmas Day guests in of Timmins, Miss Elaine
the community: Stewart and friend of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann Miss Chery 1 Stewart of
and Brad and Mr. and Mrs Guelph, Mr. La Verne Rodd
Rick Parker and family; Mr. and Wayne of Woodham, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Mass of Ex- and Mrs. Jack Stewart, Mr.
eter with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Paul Passmore and
Howard Cunnington and Robbie with Mr. and Mrs.
family. Lorne Passmore and Keith.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Doug Jeffery,
and Jeremy of Fullarton, Mr. Scott and Robert of Windsor
and Mrs. bon Richardson, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Erin, Brian and Lori with Mr. Jeffery
and Mrs. Ken Duncan and Mrs Gladys Miller of Ex -
Floyd. eter, Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Mr. Brian Ballantyne of Ot- Hodgert, Amy and Ann Marie
taw•a, Miss Robin Preece of with Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hodgert and family.
Van Massenhoven, and Tam- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ballan-
my of Ailsa Craig with Mr. tyre, Deanne, Cheryl and
and Mrs. Ross Ballantyne and Jayne with Mr. and Mrs. John
Jim. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Connolly Boxing Day guests out of
with Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. the community:
Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Morgan and Jackie with Mr.
Miller, Rebecca and .Laura and Mrs. Elson Lynn of
with Mr. Edwin Miller, Brian Winchelsea.
and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp
Mr. Harold Greenfield, Lin- and Jamie, Mr. and Mrs.
da and Jeff and friend of near Kevin Gilmour, Mr. Jini
London with Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop, Miss Ruth Bray of
Ron Simpson and family. London, Miss Laurie Strapp
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballan- of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs.
tyne and Wendy with Mr. and Gerald Gilmour, Paul and
Mrs. Larry Ballantyne and David of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs.
girls. Donald Bray, Mr. and Mrs.
Christmas Day guests out theBra and
of. the community: Robert
irsnnBray Vanessa
Mr. and Mrs. David Agnes of Exeter.
Passmore, Tom and Jon with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten of and Vanessa were also with
Exeter. Mrs, Russell Morley and
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Veal family of Exeter.
and David of Exeter, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love,
Mrs. Barry E. Miller, Rebec- Pattie and John, Miss Joan
ca and Laura with Mr. and Lagerwerf of Grand Bend,
Mrs. Ross Veal and Melissa of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burton
Hensall. and Leslie of Wingham, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs Gerry and Mrs. Wayne Riddell, and
Morgan and Jackie with Mr. Jason of Clinton. Mr. and
and Mrs. •Bev Morgan of. Mrs. Bill Weber, Julie and
Exeter. Jake of Dashwood, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lam- Mrs. Ivan Hern of Zion. Mrs.
port, Kelly Ann, Kerry and Isobelle Cann, Mrs. Kay Cann
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
of Lucan. don Johnson of Woodham,
Boxing Day guests in the Miss Jennie Bettridge of St.
community: Marys, Mr. Ray Cann were
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tuesday guests with Mr. and
Hankinson of Montreal, Mr. Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Grant and
and Mrs. William Jeffery of Scott.
Toronto, Mrs. Mabel Jeffery Church service will be held
of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, January 1 at 11:15
Barry Jeffery and boys. a.m. There will be no Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Knight School until Sunday, January
and Lindsay of Hensall with 8 which will be held at 10 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett. The January meeting of the
Mr. and Mrs. William United Church Women will be
Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Robert held on Monday, January 2 at
Snow, Leanne and Michelle of 8 p.m. • •
Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Baden Kirby
James Snow and family. of Kingston are visiting with
Rev. Robert and Mrs.
All stock and fixtures
All sales final
New Year's Eve
4:00 p.m . to 1:00 a.m.
Leave the driving to us....
All in town deliveries over $20.00
All other deliveries S1.00
Hours: New Year's Eve
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.
New Year's Day
12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m.
14(TNrit" S
Matheson for a few days.
Crediton East
HIT THE NET — Simon van Dam tells Joel Smith he must
hit the three openings in the net in Friday's Fun on Ice
shootout of the South Huron Rec Centre.
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