Times-Advocate, 1983-12-28, Page 2Page 2
Times -Advocate, December 28„ 1983
the year that was ..
Continued from front page
Gerald Johns was elected
president of the South Huron
Junior Farmers.
Huron Country Playhouse
announced that 'On Golden
Pond' would go on tour.
The Huron -Perth SS board
announced plans to expand
French instruction.
March 23
Residents of Clinton and
Dashwood successfully con-
vinced Bank of Montreal of-
ficials to leave their branches
A Kitchenercouple, Ralph
and Audrey Sprung, refloated
Hughes Columbia, while
Custom Trailers in Exeter
started production again.
MPP Jack Riddell was
"roasted" on the occasion of
his 10th anniversary as a
SHDHS teacher Pat Wilson
authored a book on accom-
modation across Canada.
Cadets Edward Morrison ,
and Tony Jones competed in
a rifle competition in B.C.
Ratepayers in Stanley en-
dorsed a new office -
recreation complex.
March 30- .
An Exeter man was
sentenced to six months in jail
for breaking a window.
Exeter police completed a
course in cardiovascular
pulmonary resuscitation and
were given a resuscitator by
the R.E. Pooly branch
Legion. •
Area ministers announced
a series of seminars on
The Lucan-Biddulph cancer
society decided to drop the
annual family bicycle ride.
Trudy Van Wieren
displayed her collection of
17,000 cigar bands for T -A
Blyth Summer Festival an-
nounced an earlier opening
and longer season for 1983.
April 6
Huron County set a budget
calling for expenditures of
just slightly under $15,000,000:
Several SHDHS students
placed in the top 25 percent of
an All -Canadian math test.
Graham Arthur, Exeter,
was selected as a page boy for
the Ontario Legislative.
, Exeter Mohawks captured
the South Huron Hockey
League title by defeating
•Hensall Sherwoods in four
straight games.
SHDHS gymnasts won the
Huron -Perth title while Lee
O'Rourke and Catherine Pat-
terson won individual cham-
pionships. Basketball ace
John Mol was named to the
London Free Press all-star
April 13
Exeter's core area got good
news in the announcement.
. that FrayneChev-Olds would
erect a new store for Cana-
dian Tire.
Usborne and Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation
Authority officials turned the
sod for their new office at
Morrison dam. •
Several secondary school
principals were shuffled in
Huron. Joe Wooden moves
ram SHDHS to Clinton, while
Bruce Shaw comes to Exeter.
Centralia College staff
member Don Cameron was
transferred to Kemptville.
Kenpal Farm Products pur-
chased the former Easton
manufacturing plant on
Highway 4 south of Exeter
and started production of
vitamin and mineral pre-
mixes for livestock.
South Huron captured the
WOSSA gymnastics title.
Construction started on the
Hensall senior citizen apart-
ment building.
April 20
The Biddulph home of Ron
Pullman was destroyed by
fire, adding to the family's
string of bad luck.
Huron delegates to the Pro-
gressive Conservative leader-
ship convention were elected
with none of the squabbles
which featured the selections
made in other parts of the
An accordion quintet of
Irene Dietrich, Joanne
Verlinde, Robert Hoffman,
Angela Fleming and Debbie
Zielman won honors at. the
London Kwanis Music
Mary Rader marked 30
years as correpondent to the
Times -Advocate for
The Hensall UCW beef
barbecue attracted over 700
Martens Pipe Products Inc.
commenced production of
pool and patio furniture in.
April 27
Rank of Montreal announc-
ed the establishment of a
Commercial Banking unit in
Exeter, resulting in the addi-
tion of about 20 people and a
$600,000 renovation and
enlargement of the existing
Andy DeBoer became
nursemaid to seven squirrels.
Area farmers started
spring work in earnest.
Van Robert Tuckey was
called to the bar at the Law
Society of Upper Canada..
Catherine 'Pits' Patterson
won the Ontario elite beam
championship in gymnastics.
• Close to 200 people attend-
ed a blood donor clinic in
Lucan. -
May 4
The residential and com-
mercial tax rates in Exeter
went up two mills. ;
The Huron -Perth Separate
School Board's budget in-
creased 12.5 percent.
Frank Drea announced the
imminent closure of the Blue
Water Centre in Goderich.
May 11
The 1983 mill rate for
Stephen township increased
by 19 mills. Taxpayers were
told their share of the Huron
County Board of Education's
budget had increased 10 per-
cent, or an average $37.05 per
The film "Caring and Shar-
ing" upset some parents and
at least one trustee when
shown at SHDHS.
A water main break on
Jamieson Street flooded part
of Ailsa Craig.
The Morrison Dam was
stocked with trout.
May 18
Exeter agreed to proceed
with a 1.2 million dollar sewer
;project after getting a provin-
cial grant. •
Susan McClure topped the
senior division of the Huron -
Perth track and field
Education and county
levies were responsible for an
increased in Hay township's
mill rate. It will mean an ad-
ditional $110 on a $6,000
May 25
Usborne taxpayers faced a
five percent increase.
SHDHS principal Joe
Wooden was transferred to
Clinton, effective in
September. as principal of the
Clinton high school. talent show to go on to the
Health Minister Larry contest at the Western Fair.
Grossman •visited Tuekersmith taxes took a 14
.Meadow rest. percent jump.
' Jamie Chaffe was named August 3
tap SHDHS student of the The Thames Valley Pro -
year. Sandra Datars and duce and Supply turnip -
Sarah McClure tied for the processing plant was
female title destroyed in a lightning -
June 1 sparked blaze.
A Dashwood driver had his Carrie Sweeney, who had
licence suspended for three been named Zurich Fair
years. Queen the previous week,
Cathy Seip was named On- captured the 1983 F'rledsburg
tario Welcome Wagon hostess Day crown in Dashwood
of the year. A survey showed the need
Local food stores began the for senior citizens apartments
switch to metric weights. in Dashwood
Carmel Presbyterian Area crops received much
('hurch in tlensall marked its needed rain in the nick of
Fay Gaiser was selected to Edith Boyle retired after 30
play on the Southwestern On- years in the ladies' wear
tario regional basketball business.
team.The Luc: -n Irish were
June 22 beaten 4-3 by Stratford
Dunlop Construction Pro- Samsonite.
ducts Inc. in Huron Park was August 17
officially opened by Hon. Gor- Exeter math teacher
don Walker. Joanne Young ended a three -
More than 2,000 people at week hunger strike in a jail in
tended the annual fiddling Syracuse, New York, after
contest in Hensall. being arrested July 27 for an
A 4-H Careers Night was anti cruise demonstration at
held for the first time in Griffins Air Force Base.
Clinton. Pollution closed the beach
Burgerfest packed them in at Grand Bend.
at Grand Bend. Hensall celebrated the com-
June 29 pletion of the paving job on
Eleven Ontario scholars main street that had diverted
were among the graduates at traffic for most of the
Prince Philip was served summer.Mpp Jack Riddell laid the
smoked fish from St. Joseph cornerstone of the newly com-
at a Toronto dinner. pleted seniors apartment
Exeter's municipal pool building in Hensall. -
opened for the summer. August 24
Stanley township received a •The general manager of the
COED grant to build its C.H. Lewis landfill site north
municipal complex. of Lucan was fined in provin-
The PUC :announced water cis 1 court for letting leachate
use restrictions. run into the Ausable River.
July 6 Three area girls returned
Exeter attempted to get from a European exchange
support from other municipal visit sponsored by the Lions
councils for withholding pay Club.
ment of the education tax un Crediton's Summerfest was
til' the. money had been an unqualified success.
collected. August 31
Grand Bend council refus-
ed to accept the Harbours The
at (:rand Bend.
Building until deficiences Dashwood industries _Ltd.
were corrected. laid off 107 employees.
The future of Ecole Ste. Area residents toured the
Marie at St. Joseph remained new Grand Bend post office.
uncertain after a meetingof Zurich's 18th Bean Festival
the Huron -Perth Separate drew a large crowd to the
School Board. village.
July 13 Students found picking
Kongskilde announced that cucumbers hard work, but
from now on all plows will be worth the effort.
manufactured at the Exeter September 7
plant. Olive Andrew of Exeter
The Huron Perth Separate celebrated her 100th birthday
School Board decided that on September 2.
Ecole Ste. Marie would hot be Provincial Secretary for
closed. Justice Gordon Walker an -
The Ausable-Bayfield 'on nounced that the Bluewater
servation Authority will allow Centre near Goderich would
Pork cottage owners at become a penal institution for
Franks to purchase their lots. youth.
Labatts Senior National
The summer season ended
Motocross championships with a bang of nine area
brought more than 200 riders motor vehicle accidents with
to the Holly. Gully track.damages totalling $14,000.
July 20 A plan by the Exeter in -
South Huron and Districtdustry and tourism promotion
Mentally their
Association for the Men committee to hire a promo -
Handicapped reported tion person in England was
n had
money -raising campaig p
been very successful, ut
ex -
Exeter resident
ceeding its objective.
Reeve Bill Mickle opposed Dorothy (Heywood) Brintnell
a pay increase for two has been named manager of
members of the recreation the Lucknow branch of the
staff. Bank of Montreal.
MPs Herb Gray and Ralph The only shoe store in the
Ferguson cut the ribbon for village of Zurich operated by
the new Playhouse 11 facility Milton Oeasch for 40 years
at Huron Country Playhouse. will be closing.
and also officiated at the September (4
opening of Grand Bend's liar -German visitor Ludwig
hour Building Schupp was enthused about
July 27 the prosepects of establishing
Dashwood industries Ltd. a business in the area.
held a staff party to celebrate Cattle rustling incidents in
a record sales month. the area increased as 18 head
The Kirkton garden party of cattle were stolen from the
was a sunny success. Usborne township farm of Bill
Talented teenagers were Pincombe.
picked at the Heritage Days The sun shone and often
dance increased at the 1983
Kirkton Fall Fair.
Faye Gaiser of Dashwood
was a member of the
southwestern Ontario
regional girls basketball team
which played at the 1983 On-
tario Summer Games.
Two area cadets Master
Warrant Officer Ed Morrison
and Warrant Officer Tony
Jones represented Canada •
and won medals at the Com-
monwealth shooting competi-
tions in Risley. England.
Visitors from Hensall.
England are entertained
royally by Ilensall clerk Bet-
ty Oke and her husband Don.
September 21
An application by the
June June IS Huron -Perth separate school
5 board for $700,000 under the
The new Rlanshard Canada -Ontario Employment
Municipal Telephone office destructive swath from Devlopmentprogramwasre
was • officially opened by Bayfield through Varna to Detest Included in the -
former provincial cabinet Kippen and Staffa, causing was an addition dion toe project
minister William Stewart. thousands of dollars damage was School in to Precious
Huron County elementary to crops. houses, farm TheBlod Exeter verExeter. the
teachers accepted a five per- buildings and vehicles. annual Terry Fox Run of netted
cent pay raise. The Huron Board of Educe- more than 12,500 according to
SHDHS students and staff tion opposed establishment of
despite rainy weather
South Huron District High
School student Doug Wood=
burn wins a trip to Greece as
his prize in an Ontario wide
essay contest.
Fires destroyed the farm
homes of Rick and Brenda
Morrissey. RR 3, Ailsa ('raig
and the Gordon Yates family.
near Granton.
Exeter council decided to
withdraw the $5 fee charged
town residents who haul
small loads of garbage to the
landfill site.
Lynne Dodds, IRR I,
Seaforth is named Huron
Queen of the Furrow for the
second straight year.
September 28
Excellent weather condi-
tions and a special Focus on
Wheat helped the 1983 Exeter
Fall Fair to be one of the best
in recent years. Alice Dietrich
was named Exeter Fall Fair
Queen for 1983.
The Exeter Royals won a
fastball tournament in
135th anniversary.
August 10
A freakish hail storm cut a
honoured departing principal a Christian school near organizer Doug Ellison
Joe Wooden. Wingham
NEW CREDITON SCOUTS Five new members were installed in to the First Crediton
Scout group Wednesday along with two leaders. Back, left, leader leutle Kapp,
Crediton lions club president Bill Wilds and leader Richard Barnard. Front, Jason
Deoville, Ted Hyde, Gerry Beaver, John Gollen and Scott Hodgins. T -A photo
Nearly 700 boats visited
Grand Bend harbour during
the summer of 1983.
John Bendeich, vice-
principal of an agricultural
college in Australia visited
Centralia College as part of a
Canadian tour.
More than 1,900 area
students participated with ex-
hibits and entries in the 1983
Exeter Fall Fair.
October 3
The Exeter Businesses Im-
provement Association called
on council to adopt a bylaw to
eliminate loitering and
crackdown on vandalism.
Attendance of more than
12,000 was reported for the
1983 Ilderton Fall Fair.
Sherwood Crescent was put
at the top of the list by Exeter
council for grading and pav-
ing next year.
Reeve Bill Mickle and wife
Fran said a recent tourof the
Soviet Union reinforced their
appreciation of Canada.
The village of Hensall
received a gift of Dutch
flower bulbs through the
courtesy of a Netherlands in-
surance company.
October 12
Lorne George Prince of RR
3, Zurich was killed when his
pickup truck left Huron road
3 west of Brucefield.
Taxpayers in Stephen
township will be paying four
installments on their 1984 pro-
perty taxes.
The Huron Board of Educa-
tion may consider the
establishment of a reserve to
reduce next year's budget im-
pact on taxpayers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken McCrae,
Dashwood celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary.
Rainy weather cut atten-
dance at the 1983 Middlesex
plowing match held on the
farm of Bev Hughes, near
Former Huron -Bruce MPP
Murray Gaunt received the
Huron Federation of
Agriculture annual award.
October 19
Negotiations resumed in an
effort to end an 18 day strike
at the Huron Park plant of
Protective Plastics.
Exeter council will fight a
reduction in the unconditional
tax grant from the provincial
Reduced revenue from the
arena portion of the South
Huron Rec Centre is a con-
cern to the board of
Lambton Medical Officer of
Hee h Dr. Lucy Duncan sug-
g more frequent sampling
of water along Lake Huron
during 1984. -
The value of building per-
mits in Exeter jumped by 260
percent over a corresponding
nine month period in 1982.
A total of 268 donors attend-
ed a Red Cross Blood Donor
clinic in Exeter sponsored by
the Ausable River Nomads.
The Exeter Centennials
won the Ausable league soc-
cer championship by
defeating Grand Bend.
The South Huron District
High School senior girls
basketball team won a tour-
nament at Medway High
School at Arva.
The new Canadian Tire
Corporation store on the
former Frayne property on
Main street was officially
Many awards were
presented at the annual Com-
mencement exercises at
South Huron District High
October 26
Clerk Harry Strang was
honoured by the township of
Usborne after serving for 3'7
years in a variety of positions_
AnOpen House was held at
the new administration
building at the Morrison Dam
shared by the township of
Usborne and the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation
Close to 16.500 was realized
from the annual fall rum-
mage sale sponsored by the
South Huron Hospital
The strike of 67 workers at
the Protective Plastics plant
at Huron Park ended.
The Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority received
provincial approval for a
in review
flood monitoring system.
The SHDHS girls field
hockey team won the Huron -
Perth Conference
In the annual area public
schools cross country meet,
McCurdy school at Huron
Park won three team cham-
pionships, Exeter Public
School captured two and
Stephen Central won the
November 2
An 18 million to 110 million
pretreatment addition to the
Lake Huron water plant,
north of Grand Bend could
start next year.
Larry Stuck was named the
new clerk of Usborne
township replacing Harry
Strang who held the position
for the past 37 years.
Audrey and Ralph Sprung
of Kitchener have purchased
the assets of Hughes Colum-
bia Yachts of Huron Park
after it went into
John Nesbit of Exeter and
South Huron District High
School was among five Cana-
dians chosen to participate in
a pilgrimage to Korea.
The South Huron District
High School senior girls team
won their division in the
WOSSA cross country meet
under the direction of coach
Joe Fulop.
The girls field hockey team
from SHDHS coached by Jim
Workman also won a WOSSA
Jeff Easton of Crediton was
a big winner this summer in
go-kart racing at Point Pelee.
Muriel Huth of RR 2, Clif-
ford and a student. at Cen-
tralia College of Agirrcultural
Technology waschosen Huron
Dairy Princess.
Fire losses in the area
covered by the Exeter and
area fire department
amounted to 1200,000 over the
past year.
SHDHS math teacher
Joanne Young announced she
will attend an anti-nuclear
protest demonstration in
Toronto November 18 with or
without approval.
Paul Carroll, principal of
Seaforth public school has
been moved up to the position
of superintendent of opera-
tions with the Huron Board of
The SHDHS girls field
hockey team proved to be the
fourth best in the province of
Ontario at the OFSAA
The Lucan village office
will remain openatnoon hours
effective immediately.
Grand Bend United Church
was filled to capacity to hear
Rev. George Goth speak at
the 56th anniversary service.
November 16
James McLean of
Strathroy was drowned in a
bizzare acccident near Cen-
tralia when he fell into a ditch
after being involved in a
minor accident.
All area elementary schools
and SHDHS participated in
Remembrance Day services.
Angela Armitt as the guest
speaker at the Exeter Legion
annual Remembrance Day
banquet lauded the Legion ef-
fort to keep peace alive.
• Alvin Willert who was
manager of the old Exeter
CAROL SINGERS — The Zurich Mennonite choir was one of many groups singing
Christmas carols at South Huron Hospital. T -A photo
arena and later facilites
manager of the South Huron
Rec Centre was honoured for
30 years of dedicated service.
SHDHS principal Bruce
Shaw has been supported by
the Huron Board of Education
in his refusal to allow Joanne
Young time off to attend an
anti-nuclear protest
demonstration in Toronto.
Grand Bend Public School
won the Lambton boys soccer
Ontario NDP leader w: s
among the guest attending a
100th birthday party at
Craigholme in Ailsa Craig for
Lonnie Phillips.
November 23
Trustees of the Huron -
Perth separate school board
rolled back their 1984
honorarium to reflect the five
percent provincial'guidetines.
The Exeter District Co -
Operative experiences the
first deficit in 'a number of
years. The operating loss for
1983 was slightly over 15,000.
Sixty-nine unionized
workers at Trail Manufactur-
ing at Huron Park have sign-
ed a new two year agreement.
Exeter council pays tribute
to former member Don
MacGregor who passed
Only a few SHDHS students
take to the streets in a peace
march in support of teacher
Joanne Young.
The first annual Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation
Authority Conservation
awards were won by the
Huron Soil and Crop Improve-
ment 'Association and
McGillivray farmer and fruit
grower Andy Dixon.
Ted Schendera, RR 4, Den-
field won the grand and
reserve junior barrow cham-
pionship at the 1983 Royal
Winter Fair in Toronto. •
November 30
Hydro rates in Exeter will
jump by seven percent.
The Huron Board of Educa-
tion has decided to take
disciplinary action against
SHDHS teacher Joanne
Harry Frayne was the win-
ner of 1590 in the Exeter Lions
Grey Cup pool.
The third group of Germans
to visit Exeter this year is
serious about making Exeter
as future home for
themselves and their
Visscher Farms. RR 1, Hay
were the 1983 winners of the
Conservation award spon-
sored by the Huron Soil and
Crop Improvement
Agricultural Information
Please turn to page 17
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