Times-Advocate, 1983-12-21, Page 13Times -Advocate, December 21, 1983 Page 13
Esftbllsli bursary in memory of form•r campground gets assistance
A bursary fund for students
graduating from Grand Bend
Public school has been set up
in memory of (Helen) Jean
Sharen, a former teacher at
the school, who passed away
last week.
Mrs. Sharen, a resident of
the village for the past 10
years, taught grades 3 and 1
in the village school for 10
years before her retirement
in 1966.
A large part of her life was
devoted to the classrooms of
area schools, except for the
years when her two children,
Robert of Grand Bend and
Jay (Skillender) of Exeter
were small children.
After her retirement from
active teaching, she was oc-
cupied with a retired
leachers' group. She was an
active member of the Grand
Bend Golden Age Club as well
... t') and ()citrons.
uiSh'St 'u a mar\ Christmas.
Colonial Hotel
Grand Bend
to all our
Shop Where The Builders Buy!
PHONE 235.1422
as the congregational groups
at St. John's By -The -Lake
Anglican Church and the Or-
pha Club of Grand Bend.
Two of her grandchildren,
Colleen and Patricia (Sharen)
graduated from Grand Bend
Public school. Two younger
grandchildren, Andrew and
Jenny (Sharen) are now at
the school.
The fund will be ad-
ministered by committee
members Peter Haist,
manager of Sunshine Village
IGA snd a former pupil of
Mrs. Sharen; Sid Fletcher,
principal of Grand Bend
Public School and Judd
Bumstead, manager of the
Grand Bend branch of the
Toronto Dominion Bank
The bursary is intender' to
assist a deserving Grand
Bend Public School student in
further education after
graduation from the school.
Contributions will be
received and deposited in the
special fund at Toronto Domi-
nion Bank.
Get assistance
Ralph , Ferguson MP for
Lambton Middlesex has an-
nounced the approval of a
Canada works project for
Happy Days campground in
Grand Bend.
The project, which is being
funded by the government of
Canada for $10,000.00, in-
volves the renovations of the
Happy Days Campground
motel and improvements to
the campground sites and
Ferguson stated "This pro-
ject will enhance tourist
development in the area and
is consistent with the regional
strategy for tourism develop-
ment. Improved motel and
campground facilities will en-
courage more tourists to stay
and spend their money in and
around Grand Bend.. The en-
tire business community
should benefit from this
The project includes
renovation of the interior of
the motel, installation of new
roof' and doors, repair and
upgrading of plumbing and
electrical services and clear-
ing and landscaping of camp-
ground sites.
Ferguson added that this
project is to commence short-
ly and will provide needed
employment this winter and
in the future.
Beaver News
On December 12 the 1st
Grand Bend Beaver Colony
held their Christmas meeting.
There were only 16 present as
there was a concert the same
night. Santa Claus paid a visit
and talked to each beaver,
leaving them a bag of
The boys took home a bird -
feeder, which they had made
themselves at a previous
meeting. There will be no
meetings until January 2.
Merry Christmas and Hap-
py New Year to all our kits
and busy Beavers from your
leaders, Hawkeye, Rainbow,
Tic -Tac Malak, Rusty, and
Atom hockey News
The Parkhill Jets started
their season with a 10-1 vic-
tory over Watford. In the first
1pes =a au z is a s'a vo E744 tvls avct v(tvu 9v wn s7o met eon eves ves clan ves ryes emeves
Regular Hours
Sun.- Thurs.
111.00 a.rn. to 10'00 p.m.)
Fri. Sot.
Christmas is the season for
children and family. We hope
this holiday season finds you
and your loved ones healthy
and happy.
Thank you for your patronage
• Boxing Day (Open) 11:00 o.m. to 10:00 p.m.
• New Year's Eve (11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.)
(11:00 a m. to 1:00 p.m.) • New Year's Day (OPEN)
Christmas Hours
• Christmas Eve ( 11 o.m to 6:00 p.m.)
• Christmas Day (CLOSED) a c
period, three goals were
scored by Brad Page with two
and Jason Desjardine with
seven, assisted by Andy Hicks
and Billy Jennison. Matthew
Anderson, Page and Brad
Allen from Hicks notched the
two goals in the second
period. In the third, Brad
Allen from David Maguire;
then Maguire scored from
Allen's assist. Daniel Kuster-
mann, made it 8-1 on a pass
from Jason Desjardine; while
Matt Anderson notched his se-
cond of the evening from
Page, Shane Green scored on
a pass from Maguire to end
the game. Scott McGregor
scored the only Watford goal.
On Nov. 6, the Jets tied
Strathroy Canadians 4-4 with
goals by Billy Jennison,
Daniel Kustermann and Andy
On Nov. 12 the Jets downed
Strathroy Can. 8-1, with goals
scored by Billy Jennison,
Shane Grein, Brad Page, An-
dy Hicks and two goal efforts
each by David Maguire and
Daniel Kustermann.
Nov. 30, the Jets played
against the Parkhill Flames
and whipped them 6-2. Billy
Jennison scored three times,
while Andy Hicks, Kuster-
mann, and Maguire each
scored one. Matt Seely and
Jason Desjardine assisted
twice each, then Stanley
Whitney and Anderson each
with one effort. The Flames
two goals were scored by Jeff
Grenier and Jerry Waters.
Thus far, by the good
coaching from Gil Royackers
and Jack VanAsseldonk, the
Parkhill Jets have been
Lioness club
Fifteen members and three
guests attended the Lioness
meeting, held in the form of a
pot luck supper at Donna
Hoffman's home in
Preceding the supper,
Lioness president, Karen
Wallen, chaired a short
business meeting. The first of
the "Movies for kids," spon-
sored by the Lioness club, will
by held at Grand Bend Public
School on the afternoon of
January 21 titled "Herbie
rides again."
In the social time court
whist was played. Winners
were: high Karen Wallen;
low Jean Johnston. A draw
for a turkey was won by Joyce
Morden. A gift exchange was
enjoyed by all with Santa, in
person, to hand out the gifts.
Womens Institute
Guest speaker at the
Womens Institute meeting
Thursday afternoon in the
Sunday school rooms of the
United Church, was Sandra
Schroeder of Dashwood area,
a recent graduate of the
Alzner Institute of Flexoi.,t;y
and deep muscle therapy.
Sandra showed pictures to
represent her talk. She said
pressure points representing
different organs in the body St. John's Parish hall will be
are found especially In your open each Wednesday after -
feet, and with proper
massage it is a relaxing,
drugless therapy. She was
thanked by Karen Woods.
The meeting opened by
singing the Institute Ode and
all repeating Mary Stewart
Collect. A moment's silence
was observed in memory of a
deceased member, Mrs. Jean
Nineteen members and two
visitors answered the roll call
- to stand up and demonstrate
an exercise.
The topic for this meeting
tas family and consumer af-
faits. Past president Brenda
Love chaired the business
meeting and spoke on the
motto, Participation, exer-
cises to tone every part of the
body. Brenda spoke of
research and the benefits of
daily exercise.
Did you know? given by
Lillian Brown was facts and
prices from the dirty '30s.
Karen Woods had a table 01
Christmas decorations on
display, which she explained
and demonstrated, and she
:f s•a: }_ also conducted a Christmas
quiz. Jeanne Kading gave a
Christmas reading, "True
gifts of Christmas." Brenda
Love reported on the District
Directors meeting held in
Hensall this fall.
Lunch hostesses were Olive
Webb, Jeanne Kading and
Minnie Curts.
Legion news
There were 20 dart players
out Tuesday at the Legion.
Winners were Bob Hamilton
and Dee Rath- runners up
were Bob Chapdelaine and
Olga Tataren.
There were five tables of
euchre in play Friday night.
Winners were: ladies high,
Ina Russell; men's high Wray
Sweitzer; ladies' low Jn
Churches observe festive season GCha avers; men's low Vern
The euchre parties will
of apples is to be sent to the resume again on January 6.
home for retarded in Upcoming Legion events at
Thedford. Grand Bend. January 1 New
During the social time, Year Levee 2 to 5 p.m.;
organist Paul Dietrich played January 2 general meeting
for a sing song and games of 8:30 p.m.; January 6 euchre
cards were played. Delicious party; January 7 Zone darts
lunch refreshments closed a beginning, at 12 noon;
happy evening. Next meeting January 14 cribbage begins
will be January 16 at again at 2:30 p.m.
Pinedale. Legion members and dart
Church of God news players wish Bob Hedley a
Rev. John Campbell's speedy recovery. He is
theme on Sunday morning recovering at home with
was, "He gave himself oh three cracked ribs.
what glory!". The scripture Southcott Pines news
passages were from Isaiah George Rocke, Grand
40:1-5 and Luke 2:8-16. He Oaks, believes in seat belts.
gave him that we may ex- He escaped injury on the Air
perience His glory. Let there Canada flight from Trinidad
be no mistake who should Nov. 23, which dropped 1,000
receive the glory - God is God, feet from turbulence over the
this is not just for the Carolinas, but many others
shepherds and wise men, but didn't. George is doing con -
for everyone. suiting work for the Trinidad
The music special was a telephone network.
solo by Marilyn MacGregor The George Coyles recent -
titled "Because of who you ly moved from Riverside to
are." The Christ birthday of- their new Viceroy home on
fering was received and will Grand Oaks. Unfortunately,
go to missions. George has since been main -
At the evening service the ed to Exeter hospital and
Sunday school children had would welcome visits from
their program with the Bible friends.
Mountaineers and Award winners at the re-
Beaconaires participating. A cent Grand Bend area soccer
film on "The stable boys banquet included David
Christmas," was shown. O'Connor, Rob Humer, Cullen
After a gift exchange all went Kobe, Jeff Lingard.
downstairs for fellowship and Personals
lunch refreshments. During the winter months
.�Hwy. No. 11, South 2 minutes from main$ g,
intersection 238-8330, Grand Bend
We doitright at _e_
�r� 0
rsrosou•md•au.ataoo•ors•and.adsosesoroorootoosisousoii•okoosistdi sos•aus%Attw.1o•os.auasossi..vo•ve
ALHAMBRA — The Grond Bend Alhambra Caravan recently donated a compressor valued at $2,295 to Arc
Industries at Dashwood to be used in the woodworking program. Above, foreman Harry Stuart and executive
director Don Campbell accept the cheque from Phil Walker, Bill Vandenberk, Gerry Von Bruaene, Gerry Backx
and Jim Dalton. T -A photo
Eighteen Church of God Congratulations to Michael was Psalm 24, read
youths with leaders went Aller. Masse, son of Gerry and responsively.
tobogganing last Saturday Elizabeth (Vermunt) who Rev. R. Peebles sermon
afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. was received into the Catholic topic was, "They saw, heard
John Steckle's near Goderich. community this past week at and acted," with scripture
After the outing all enjoyed a the Sacrament of baptism. readings from Judges 6:7-18
turkey supper at the Congratulations to Joshua and Luke 2:8-32. Rev. Peebles
Steckle's. Vermeulen who received message was about the
Rev. and Mrs. John Camp- Jesus for the first time in Ho- shepherds and pow these
bell travelled to Anderson, In- ly Communion at the 11 a.m. events changed their lives
diana last Thursday, where mass, Sunday. completely.
John attended a mission Welcome to the following First they saw - a sudden
board meeting for Church er newly recieved parishioners, light of Heaven shining down,
God, and they both were 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Speake, Mr. second they heard - the good
guests at a•special Christmas -and 'Mrs. D...MacLachlan, news that The Saviour, the
supper that included staff, Mr. and Mrs. M. Chalut, Mr. Messiah had been born, third'
mission board members and and Mrs. Van Osch, Mr. and they acted - they went to
returned missionaries. Mrs. T. Breuer and Annette Bethlehem and found 'Mary
A program followed the Thibeault. and Joseph and baby Jesus.
meal. Mrs. Campbell Please note that next Satur- Rev. Peebles said work and
presented a cheque for world day night, Christmas eve, worship go together, we
hunger relief in the amount of that mass will begin at 7:15 should trust and believe God.
$269.97, from church p.m., preceded by a carol ser -Catholic Womens league
members saving grocery vice so come early. There will The Catholic Womens
tapes. There were 16 mis- be two masses 9 and 11 a.m. League met Dec. 6 at the
sionaries from various areas on Christmas day. Alhambra hall with 24 in at
of the world at this meeting. This past week both St. tendance with husbands as
Catholic Church news Boniface and Mount Carmel guests fora Christmas party.
The celebrant for Sunday's schools held excellent con- President Antoinette
mass was' the pastor Father (•erts for Christmas. It sound- Pachlarz chaired a short
R. Morrissey. There wa. a ed so good to hear the parents business meeting. It was
guest, Father Van Zuphthen so proud of their children. decided to go ahead with
who delivered the sermon, The Catholic Womens plans for a display case for
"Christmas is for children". League have available, at the the back of the church. The
We have heard that so often back of the church, many fine pennies for Eskomi mission
but it is so untrue. Christmas religious articles for sale. totalled $74.00. It was decided
is for everyone, especially They make, excellent to donate fruit baskets to shut
adults. Christmas gifts. ins and sick folks.
The whole story is much Anglican Church news A donation of $75.00 was
more complex, much deeper At the Sunday morning ser- voted to the Lioness club for
and more meaningful than vice at St. John's Anglican, needy families, and a bushel
first glance; one can read Rev. Jim Sutton spoke of
classical work by great Joseph's faith in the angel of
authers and exhaust their the lord's instructions in Mat -
meaning after several thew 1:18-25.
readings, hut the Bible was Sometimes it is difficult to
inspired by God and can be follow God's directions, but
reread over a lifetime and with such faith as Joseph par- I
still find new meaning and trayebeeastter undan inspiration we
fresh inspiration. mayunderstand where
We haven't begun to we fit into God plan.
scratch the surface, therefore Coffee hostess following the
we must celebrate each service was Mrs. Mary
Christmas in our hearts, Wallen
reborn with the baby Jesus. United Church news
for every year Christmas is The United Church service
fresh and new in the lives of opened with a hymn sing of
our souls. carols. The call to worship
noon for anyone wishing to
drop in for games or visiting,
courtesy of the Parks and
Recreation board of Grand
Sincere sympathy is ex-
pressed to the family and
grandchildren of Mrs. Helen
Jean Sharen, who passed
away Tuesday, Dec. 14, at
Strathroy Middlesex General
Hospital. Funeral service was
conducted by Rev. J. Sutton,
at St. John's Anglican Church
on Thursday, December 15.
A number of United Church
women met Friday morning
at the church where they
packed 25 boxes for sick and
shut ins, and delivered them.
Jim Kennedy, of Calgary,
Alberta and friend Dr. Teri
Rheaume, an internist at the
Foothills Hospital in Calgary,
visited friends in Thornbury
and with Jim's parents,
Clarke and Irene Kennedy.
Presently, Dr. Rheaume is
visiting her mother in Ottawa,
and Jim accompanied by his
dad is in California where Jim
had two interviews in San
Francisco and Los Angeles to
Sincere sympathy of this
community is expressed to
Miss Beatrice Wilson, of
Grand Cove Estates, in the
death of her sister Miss Grace
Wilson, at University
Hospital, London, on
December 15. Funeral ser-
vice was conducted by Rev.
R. Peebles at 3 p.m. Sunday,
December 18. Interment at
Fairview cemetery, Niagara
Falls on Tuesday, December
Lorne and Loreen Devine
visited a day last week with
Harold and Edith Widrick, at
Twenty members of Mrs.
Greta Luther's family in-
cluding grand and great
grandchildren met Saturday
December 10 for a pre -
Christmas meal at Pinedale.
After the dinner they all
gathered at Greta's home for
visiting and gift giving. Fami-
ly members attended from
Toronto, London and Grand
To readers of this news col-
umn, next week I shall be
writing my last newsletter for
the Grand Bend area. Your
new correspondent will be
Lynne Desjardine, phone
I fops you`remernTer"fo
phone Lynne with your per-
sonal news, reports of
meetings, and church news,
beginning January 1.
Annie Morenz-
Marius & Steven
Brick 8 Stone Masons
RR 2, Grand Bend
May the joys of Christmas follow
you throughout the coming year .
Mac Maclaren, Koren Finch , Cindi Truemner,
Nancy Gill, Sally Johnson, Sharon Johnson.
Bill and Bev Harwood
Harwoods Card
OM Shop
Grand Bend 238-8340 j
OrWAIE.'E &- e,4N,4o%4A1 Foov
4t3 MAIN IT, TUTU Pleat 23S-0444
The owners and staff would like
to extend holiday greetings to all
Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
Christmas Business Hours
Dec. 23 - 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
bac. 24 - 11:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Dec. 2S, 26, 27 - Closed
Dec. 26, 29 -
11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Dec. 30 -
11:30 a.m. -1:00 a .m.
Det. 31 - Dining room open
until 10 p.m. - take out
orders until 1:00 a.m.