HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-12-14, Page 30Page 14A Times -Advocate, December 14, 1983 6 Services The Village Store Centralia Used Clothing, Dishes, Books, Etc. Weekly Specials Open Tues. to Sat. 11-4 Tel. 228-6886. 421fn CUSTOM BULLDOZING We take down tower silos, ...no dynamite Bush work, Removal of old buildings BOB MORRISSEY 234-6783 MIKE DIETRICH 762-5472 46tfn Johnson SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and installed. PH: 294-6954 Parkhill Zenith No. 89220 29tfn STIHL Toff MOfAO•f uwfffr MUM* du- Yff BAN WELD Sales .Service Sm.II Ingln. Repairs & Sh.rp.ning S.rvtci, 153 Victoria St. E. Crediton Phone 234.6339 For Sale Duplex, brick, situated behind Vic- toria 8 Grey at 429 William Street. Each half contains 3 bedrooms, dining, living room, kitchen, full basement. elec- tric heat, full front porch, new roof, ce- ment drive, garage each side. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420 6 Services R&R FABRICATING Welding and Repairs, Custom built land rollers Truck boxes, Log splitters Cushion truck bumpers Form Tractor and Truck Repair Licenced Mechanic PH: 236-4501 Zurich, Ont. 5tfn Sales 8 Service Representing Smith•Roles Ltd. McCaw (Can) Farm Supplies London Factory Suppl. Sure Arc Welding Supp. Complete Equipment for Repair Shop (We take trades) CECIL R. SQUIRE . FARM SERVICE Box 1853, 92 Waterloo St. Exeter PHONE 235-0465 1tfn R.H. 8 S. PAINTING 8 DECORATING -Painting Interior & Exterior - Wallpapering We have a good selection of wallcoverings available. Look at samples in your home Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 23tfn • CAMPBELL APPLIANCE REPAIR Repairs to all makes of Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Dishwashers, etc. PHONE: 235-1987 24tf nc SUN SHADE AWNINGS & SUNROOMS Aluminum and vinyl siding, eavestroughing LUCAN ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 103 Willow Avenue Lucan, Ontario Ph: 227-1271 25tfnc ul HARRY E. RGHORfl Realtor MERT. [ULBERT 221111(1 LUCAN Member el Leaden end St. Themes Real Islets Kier/ e YEAR OLD 3 bedroom 4 level side split on large country lot. Asphalt drive leads from a quiet country road. Large American styled kit- chen, large family room with forced air down draft stove. Just one heck of a fine country place to raise the kids or dogs. Asking $55,000. le YEAR OLD 3 bedroom brick ranch on 5 acres of peaceful country. Small barn and deep well with lots of water. Owner wants to sell. Asking $55,900. McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 65 tiled every 45 ft. 20 tiled at 100 ft. with 15 acres of rough pasture. Large brick house, some smaller out buildings. Purchaser can build new barn to suit own needs. Goon 83/4% FCC mortgage also 8% T.D.L. VENDOR SAYS SELL! ! OLDER 2 BEDROOM BRICK bungalow on large park like lot. Many mature walnut, pine and apple trees. On main street within walking distance of stores. New roof, new sewers. 12' x 17. living room, 13 x 15 dining room, large modern kitchen. Being sold to settle estote. 3274 SO. FT.- 8 YEAR OLD super modern well built home on 34 acres, (30 acres workable). House is high on a hill overlooking peaceful valley, 5 large bedrooms, 14'/,' x 27' living room with unique sunken fireplace, 19' x 24' family room with patio doors leading to 26'1 x 52' pool area, large modern kitchen and din- ing room, finished rec room and games room, attached double garage, 4 bathrooms, souna and 16' x 32' inground pool, Lake Huron water, electric baseboard heat plus economical solar heat system, 35' x 45' barn. Good family home for comfortable living and entertaining. GENERAL STORE 22 miles north of city ser- vicing one of Ontario's most prosperous farm- ing areas. Exceptional turnover. Good spacious 5 bedroom attached living quorters. Owner retiring, needs young couple with good per- sonality, ready to work for which the rewards are practically endless. 100 ACRE HORSE FARM - 50 acres workable, 20 acres bush, 30 acres pasture with stream, 32 acres systematically tiled,18 acres gravel bottom. 40' x 50' born with 8 oak stalls. 50' x 60' barn with 4 stalls and exercise area. Solid 3 bedroom brick home with large kitchen, separote dining room. Good water supply. 40' x 40' CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING on 132'. x 178' lot. Could be used as garage, workshop, body shop or o multitude of other uses. Building well insulated and has been well maintained. This is your chance to get into business with o low down payment and low overheod as ven- dor will hold large first mortgage or will rent with option to purchase. Many other houses to choose from at a variety of prices. 6 Services G.I.C. RATES Compare - Call Art Read 238-2388. Personal ser- vice • no obligation. 36tfn 7 Livestock DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Saks every Tuesday at 11 a.m., Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Fieldmen Allan Hill 227-4869, Tom Rushton 227-1733. Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Phillips. 232-4233. 25t PUREBRED DUROC, York and cross bred boars, ROP test, government health inspected. Ted Schendera 225-2734. 27tfnc LIVESTOCK: We pay $20.00 to S50.00 per cwt. for old cows and recently injured and crippled cat- tle. Must be alive and drug free. Mark Leis and Sons. Call toll-free 1-800-265-4910. 33tfnc PUREBRED LANDRACE York and Crossbred boars, R.O.P. tested and health approved. Also High Bred Gilts, York X Lan- drace, open or bred. Phone Bran- dy Point Farms, Willy and Kurt Keller, RR 1 Mitchell 348-9753 or 348-8043. 43tfn 8 Farm Machinery PLOW - International 720, 4x18 automatic reset, good shape 55500.00. Phone 225-2253.49:50c 9 Sports Equipment,Veh YAMAHA 340 Deluxe with elec- tric start and speedometer. Midnght black and without a scratch. Cover is available. Phone London 672-5679 or 237-3382.50• SKI -DOD TNT 340. Used less than 20 gallons fuel. Like new. Best offer. 262-2625 after 6. 50' 11 Cars, Trucks 1975 PONTIAC CATALINA, stationwagon, all power $800.00 safety checked. Call 235-0500. 49tfn 1979 T BIRD, new radial shocks, exhaust, V8 302 automatic, p.s., p.b., very good condition. Best of- fer. 262-3406. 50;5Ic 1978 MERCURY MONARCH, very good condition, new michelins and exhaust, V8 302 4 speed with overdrive. Best offer. 262-3406, 50:51c, 1973 BUICK CENTURY 2 -door, factory air conditioning, mags, stereo. Clean, sharp -looking car. 51495.00. Phone 236-4414 after 6:00. 50,51x 12 Pets GOOD HOME for Chocolate Point male and field point Siamese cats. 262-2112. 49:50c OLD TIME, long eared, black and tan coonhound pups. Ex- cellent for coon, wolf or fox with or without registration certificate. Mervyn Howe, R.R. 4, Alymer (519) 773-9472. 50x CHRISTMAS PUPPIES. Five bla. k and white Border Collie pups. Out of good registered stock. Good working and watch dogs. Parents good with children. Will he ready to go a week before Christmas. We will gladly hold un- til Christmas. Phone 228-6209.50• CATS & KITTENS to give away. 227-4192. 50c IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT to give away, three cats need good home, 1 yr. old house broken. 235-2183. 50c 13 Musical Instruments PIANO - apartment size, excellent condition, recently tuned. 51600.00. 235-1619. 49:50c 14 Appliances, Thievish) SOFT WATER CONDTI IONEiR, Culligan Mark 5 Automatic, 7 years old. Negotiable. Phone 236-4414 after 6:00 p.m. 50,51x MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS Low daily & weekly rotes PPIONF 235-1525 Carpet Installations Jute and Rubber Back Carpet. 10 years experience Reasonable Prices 235-0739 and 235-0679 14 Appliances, Television Rob's Appliances Washing Machines Dryers, Fridges and Stoves PHONE 2274071 We buy, sell and service 40tfn 15 Personal FREE 120 PAGE CAREER GUIDE shows how to, train at home for 205 top paying full and part-time jobs. Granton Institute, 265A Adelaide Street, West, Toronto. (416) 977-3929 today. 50x IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 238-8982, 228-6927, 227-4008. 41tfn JOLLY ROGER Restaurant Motel Hwy. 69 - 6 miles south Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 2W8 (705) 378-2461 on the Seguin Trail. Book your winter snowmobiles package plans now. Licensed dining room lounge - motel with indoor pool, sauna, hot -tub. Come and enjoy. 50x 16 For Sale USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 28t COMPLETE WATERBEDS, any size for 5259.00. Delivered and in- stalled. Lucan Water Beds Factory Distributors. 227-1202. 39tfn ICE SKATES, pair of girls Delta, guards and case, size 10. In ex- cellent condition. 535 or best of- fer. Phone 234-6704. 40tfx HOT WATER HEATING RADS, new with cover and ther- mostat. Approx. 30 ft. Asking 5300. 235-1497. 43tfn BELL BOILER and related equip- ment, oiFor gas, all in good work- ing condition. 235-1497. 43tfn DISHWASHER - factory re- conditioned. Westinghouse deluxe. 5 button under counter model 5395.00 includes one year factory service contract warranty. P. Warner. Free delivery 238-2391. 44tfn BLAZER - ladies rust velveteen, size 10, excellent condition 525.00. Ladies taupe cowboy boots size 7 520.00. Phone 235-2815 after 6 E -m. 47tfx JUKE BOX, 57 Wurlitzer. 5500.00 as is. Phone 238-8761 after S_p.m. 47-50c GEESE - oven ready. Phone 235-0747. 49-51• 25% OFF woodstoves, nine in stock. Phone 229-8965. 48-50c PING-PONG/POOL table with accessories, about 5'x3' 540.00. Phone 686-0979 after 6 p.m.50x CHRISTMAS TREES - Scotch Pine 5-7 feet. No wholesale. W. Vandenbygaart, Parkview Cres., RR 2 Grand Bend. Next to Zoo. 238-2697. 48-50c CHRISTMAS TREES available Dec. 1st 011 Christmas. All Spruce. Emmerson Penhale, first farm East of Elimville 229-8203.48-50• SUNFLOWER SEED for sale. For hours of enjoyment feed the birds, uncleaned 25e a Ib. clean- ed 30e. Call 236-4173. 49-51 • CHINA CABINET. Phone 235-1169. 49:50• INSULATED CHIMNEY, 23 feet 6 inch with 2-45 degree elbows, in- sulated T, rain cap, wall support and radiation shield. 30 inch gas range. Best offer. Cal) 262-2045. 49:50• WATERBED KIT 5150 any size. Ideal Christmas gift'. Includes mattress, heater liner, hardware. Guaranteed pine bookcase head- board 5325.00, caps S40. Visa, Master. 416-637-6904. Immediate delivc. _ 50x ATARI 400 - computer and video game player, plus games. 5225.00. 235_1619. 49:50c PINE CONES for wreath making. 235-2586. 50• SUPERCYCLE • exercise hike, tension control, speedometer and odometer. Like new. 235-2586. 50:51• WASHING MACHINE - Hoover spin/dryer. Electric steel -bar guitar. Pair of men's black Pan- ther ice skates size 81/4. Phone 235-0297. 50:51c GARDEN TRACTOR, John Deere, 212 complete with mower and snow blower. Good condi- tion. 227-4294. 50c ELECTRIC RANGE, Kenmore 30•', 4 burner self clean model, harvest gold color; used 1'', years, asking S4(8100. Call 225-2527 anytime. 50c ('AF'ON ROOSTERS. Phone 236-4230. S0:SIc i Professional CAR CLEANUP Call Gord Hay exotic 235-0660 MF AGRI BUILDERS Quality grain storage, drying and handling products DESIGN / SALES / SERVICE MF AGRI BUILDERS P 0 BOX 550. MAIN STREET SOUTH. EXETER. ONT , NOM 130 (519) 235-2120 After Hours 345-2611 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry ?slathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 211 FRESH CIDER now available at Murray Orchards by gallon 52.95 or bulk 5 gal. Bail $12.50. 227-4339. 50:51c DRESSER - 9 drawers with mir- ror. Best offer. Call 235-0679. 50:5Ic ARE YOU LOOKING for a used . part for your car or truck. Try McSiephen Auto Wreckers. Phone 228-6214. 50-7• SMOCKERS. Tired of picking up dots? Hours of work reduced to 15 minutes on Read Pleater Machine. 5135.00 includes postage. Yarn Bird, Elora, On- tario NOB ISO. 50x GARRETT metal detectors and accessories. Write or call us for in- formation on Christmas specials now available to January 10th. Canadian Metal Locators, RR 5, Waterford, (519) 443-5193. 50x DUCHARME ORCHARD RR 2 Zurich CLEARANCE SALE of APPLES this weekend Dec. 17 and 18 '6.00 per bushel Macs, Ida Reds, Delicious and Spy Golds 236-4755 or 236-4876 50c LLECTRIC SNOW THROWER, 16" Sunbeam, good as new. Ken Ottewell 235-0935. 50c WOOD FOR SALE. Truckloads of slabs and edgings from our saw mill. R.S. Dungey and Sons Ltd. 348-8477 Mitchell. 50tfn WOOD COOK STOVE, older style with warming shelf in ex- cellent condition. Phone 235-2509. 50• CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, girls, worn twice; AM/1-M stereo and record player. Best offer. 235-1804 after 6 p.m. 50c GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK; gun cabinet 8 gun size; pine blanket box, round drop leaf table. 348-8002 Mitchell. 50:5Ic FIREWOOD, hard seasoned, 4x4x8 ft. cord. S115.00 split. Steel roofing and barn boards, free delivery. Phone 235-0500. 50tfn THOMAS ORGAN, 6 yrs. old. Call after 9-5. 235-2650. 50:51• SOFA AND CHAIR, like new. Best offer. 235-2225. 50c ORCANA ORGAN good for children including two music books with numbers, Husqvarna sewing machine. Both in excellent condition. -235-1820. 50:51 • GEESE, live or oven ready. Phone 238-8261. 50c DESIGN YOUR OWN clock, Quartz battery, movements available at the Country Spire. 229-6341. 171fn KITCHEN -GOURMET GADGETS for 'that kitchen shower or a surprise for Mom. Sec our newly extended line. Country Spire 229-6341. 17tfn The Holiday Season is approaching once again. If you would like to have something special for your family Chris,mas dinner, why not order a GOOSE from Edelweis Acres Forms Eric Freiter 8 family RR 1 Dashwood P H : 237-3382 49tfn COOKSTOVE, Findlay (Con - dour), oven, warming oxen. Ex- cellent condition. 235-0743 after 5 p.m. 235-2174. 49:5(k SET OF BUNK BEDS with or without mattres,cs. Bedroom suite suitable for a girl. 236-4052. 49:50c,5 CROKINOLL. BOARD and but- tons, homemade for sale 530.00. Call 229-6544. 50x CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, ladies, bindings, poles and size 71/2 boots, all new condition 545.00. Phone 235-0277 after 5 p.m. 50:51• ELECT ROI UX vacuum cleaner (last year's model) with all at- tachments, in excellent condition. For information call Nlonique 228-6511. 50;51• For Salo Excellent Christmas Trees Nernst Form seeds 151 Thames Rd. E., Exeter 235-0770 or 262-2323 Open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sundays 16 Foi Sale ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30t fnx FIREWOOD, well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454.37tfn FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc APPLES Spys Open Saturdays No. 4 Hwy. at Crediton Rd. Frank Sawyer 42tfn STEEL BUILDINGS Clearance of inventory various sizes available up to 40 percent discounts available while supply lasts. Call toll free 1-800-268-0842. Argus Steel. 50x DRY IMAGER 6 cartons of Nashua Type 14 for use in 2300, 2600, 3100. 3107 copiers 1 carton Xerox for use in 2600, 3100, 3103, 3107 copiers $70.00 carton Ph. 235-1331 46tfx USED STORE ISLAND and wall shelving, glass shelving, showcases, counters, wire racks, fluorescent lights, calculators. We sell, trade or buy. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St., S'., Lon- don 681-2254, Mon. -Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12. 505 MUST SELL - five rooms of quality furnishings in Dashwood. Call London 672-0651 after 5 p.m. 47-50c GARAGE SALE - Sat. Dec. 17, 1-4 p.m. 204 Victoria St. Crediton East. Children's toys, set of bunk beds, other articles too numerous to mention. 50• ELECTRONIC ORGAN, two keyboard. In excellent condition. Phone 235-1286 or call Jerry MacLean at 235-0800. 50c WINDOW QUILT, 48 colours. 229-8965. 50tfn BABY ITEMS-- crib 550.00; por- table jolly jumper 520.00; spring rocking horse; high chair; walker 228-6973. 50c 17 Wanted To Buy PIANO WANTED. Not necessarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. 50x CARS AND TRUCKS for scrap or wrecking. McStephen Auto Wreckers. Phone 228-6214.50-7' 50-100 ACRE FARM in Exeter, Grand Bend or Dashwood area. Apply Box 80P, Exeter Times Ad- vocate, Exeter, Ontario. 50:51c 19 Property For Sale EXCEPTIONAI. OPPORTUNI- TY. 13 units, downtown Exeter, low maintenance, potential expan- sion, 530,000.00 gross. Asking S180,000.00 with 15 percent down. Phone 472-0986 evenings. 40tfn WANTED TO BUY Antique cupboards, lamps, dishes. jewellery toys. clocks. dolls, or what hove you. Buying complete households or will sell for you. Ontario Auction Services RR 2 Lucan, Phone Bud Mgver 227-4111 CHRISTMAS, TREES EXTRA SPECIAL POINSETTIAS (REGULAR 4.95) NOW ONLY 2.95 with the purchase of a CHRISTMAS TREE HURON RIDGE ACRES DAVID STECKLE 8 FAMILY `RR 2 ZURICH 565-2122 Triebner :Electric Trenching for *water lines *drain tile *underground wiring Call 235.1756 anytime 19 Property For Sale APPROXIMATELY 38 acres cash crop land. Lot 22 Concession 10. Hay Township near Zurich, with barn and slaughter house. Call 236-4903. 47tfn MUST SELL - Brick cottage, Thames Rd. West, 2 bedroom, 2 car garage, nice lot. Offers 234-6268 or 235-1034 evenings. 49;50c 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with large eat in kitchen on large lot 198'x80' with finished rec room, asking 549,000. Call 235-2552. 50-2c 20 Property For Rent ZURICH - Newly decorated apartment, centrally located. Suitable for retired couple. Call Allan Gascho 236-4320. 50tfn CLEAN WELL INSULATED 27'x28' space. Suitable for office or small business in Woodham. Available now. 229-8118. 40tfn PERSON WANTED to share and sublet large apartment in Exeter 5133.00 per month. Phone Kim 235-1088. 41tfn FURNISHED SINGLES, doubles, parking, quiet, 520.00 per week, 575.00 per month and up. Grand Central Hotel, Lucan. 227-4811. 421fnc GRAND BEND furnished apar ment, suitable for a couple. Utilities paid. No pets. Apply Patio Motel. Phone 238-2431. 42tfnc STORAGE SHED 27x15' two levels, electricity', in town. 235-1497. 431fn 1 OR 2 bedroom apartment par- tially furnished for quiet respon- sible adults. 235-1497. 461 fn TWO BEDROOM ground floor apartment, heat, parking, laundry included. No appliances, 204 An- drew, apartment 5. Phone 472-0986 or 235-1629. Seniors p_erferred. 46tfn LARGE 4 bedroom home in Dashwood. Furnished or unfur- nished. Call London 672-0651 after 5 p.rn. 47-50c GRAND BEND - 1 bedroom bachelor apartment, furnished. Call after 6 p.m. 238-8656.48tfn FARM HOUSE, 5 bedrooms, oil heat, between Exeter and Kirkton. Phone 229-6134. 49:50c AVAILABLE immediately, renovated one bedroom apart- ment, Main St. Grand Bend. Cali 238-2251 or 238-5085. 49:50c CLANDEBOYE 2 bedrooms, stove, fridge, includes pipe line water, heated. 5265 monthly plus hydro. Phone 451-9377 or 227-4857. 49-52c 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Gill Rd. Grand Bend. Available Jan. 1, 1984. 236-4230. 50:5Ic HENSALL, House, close to downtown1Couples only, no pets. Phone 262-2103 after 5 p.m.SOtfn APARTMENT for rent. Grand Bend, 2 bedroom apartment suitable for couple, refrigerator and stove, laundry room 5175.(0 per month. Yearly lease, no pets, references required. P. Warner 23F-2391. 50tfn BRIAN'S SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to cars, trucks, chainsaws, snowmobiles and motorcycles Pioneer 8 Husqvarna Chainsaw Sales 8 Service BRIAN KIPFER Dashwood, Ont. Phone 237-3322 KEROSUN C•Ntralia Faruwrrs Supply Ltd. 228-6638 Farmers Thinking about building a new barn or drive shed or fix- ing your existing buildings? Phone Ray Lumbers Clinton 482-3305 Free Estimates CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veal s ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET 235-1123 20 Property For Rent 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 miles from Zurich, recently redecorated. Available Dec. 15. References re- quired. 234-6744 anytime.50:5Ic 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet foom, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilties available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 29tfnc PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. CaII N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. St 23 Wanted Ta Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BAX, The Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter. 45tfx HOUSE - 3 or 4 bedroom bet- ween Centralia and London. Please phone 228-6857. 49:50c FURNISHED HOUSE or apart- ment in Exeter or vicinity for working couple, responsible with no children or pets. Phone 235-1050. 49:50c LAND suitable for cash cropping. Phone 237-3416. 50-3c CASH CROP LAND in the Hen- sall or Staffa area. Apply to Box 83P, Exeter Times Advocate, Ex- eter, Ont. 50-52c RESPONSIBLE STUDENT re- quires room and board in Exeter area. Phone 235-2673. 50c ItY � yypNr� Elizabeth Court Apartments One, two and three Bedrooms Available Now January 1 or February 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included. Ade about special bonus Located a! 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario PH: 262-2846 t1 rt " feeler Chines 80 Queens St. Hensall One bedroom apart- ments. Elevator, stove, and frostfree fridge. Free laundry rooms, parking. Large lounge, complete with dining area and kitchen. Could be used for entertainment. Sitting room upstairs Apply Irene Davis 262-2129 Elkton Ronnie 262-2005 Harry Klungel 262-2536 Auction Sale Of appliances, modern furniture, antiques, etc. for Ernie Armstrong al Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont, Saturday. Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. Copier, two electric typewriters, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, two modern bedroom suites, round oak dining table with centre pedestal, four press back chairs, 24" Kenmore electric stove - 3 years old, antique dressers, pine cup- board, modern dining suite, baby change table, several small tables, chesterfield and chair, nearly new: modern end tables, pole lamps, dishes, glassware, pots and pans, plus many items too numerous to mention. Terms Cash Auctioneer Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 11111 OM 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4111011(1 N PINERY AUCTIONS Sunday, Dec. 18, 1983 at 1 p.m. We will be selling a varied selection of household furnishings including beds, dressers, five pc. maple dining set, stove, etc. Also the balance of our Christmas gift ware far too numerous to list. Come join us for the last auc- tion in 1983. AUCTIONEER PAT LYON 243-2713 • • • Cash and Carry Sale at Pinery Auction Barn This Thursday and Friday 12 Noon to 6 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will have a cosh and carry on all types of new gift items for children and adults alike. All brand nomed and priced right. ell NINIMI III tl•NIMOft•III III IN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Building Cleaning at Pinery and Ipperwash Provincial Parks Sealed tenders clearly indicating contents will be received by the District Manager, 435 Grand Ave., West, Chatham, Ontario N7M 5L8 until 1:00 p.m. February 3, 1984 for cleaning of the following buildings: 18 fahshe 8 comfort ort ststationstions witwithout showers r 13 vault privies 8 change houses The buildings are situated in Pinery and Ipper- wash Provincial Parks. An information session and tour of the buildings will be held at the Pinery Provincial Park maintenance building at 9:00 a.m. January 12,1984. Tender documents may be ob- tained at Pinery Provincial Park, R.R. 2, Grand Bend. Ontario NOM )TO (telephone 519-243-2220). Tenders will be publicly opened at Chatham District Office, 435 Grand Ave. West, Chatham at 1:30 p.m. February 3, 1984. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources W.T. Foster Deputy Minister