HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-12-14, Page 17Cougars and cable TV council topics
Hensallresidentsdemand meeting to discuss town hall
Council received cor-
respondence from the BIA in-
forming them of a meeting at-
tended by Dr. Goddard to
Hensall council played to a
lull house at their regular
December meeting. Two
dozen ratepayers squeezed in-
to the chamber, and another All were concerned and
dozen later arrivals had to alarmed by press reports in -
make do with standing room dicating council was pro -
only in the hall. ceeding with extensive
renovations to the town hall
estimated to cost up to
Alma Dayman, Sam
Taylor, Bill Taylor, Bill
Bengough, Janis and Peter
Bisback and George Parker
had given clerk Betty Oke
prior notice they wished to
make verbal submissions.
Adrian Bayley, Jim Sangster,
Dr. John Goddard, Jack
Lavender and Campbell Eyre
were among those who also
The tenor of all arguments
was in accord - the project
was not needed, the cost was
prohibitive. would place an
onerous burden on taxpayers
who felt taxes were already
too high and the money could
be spent to much greater ad-
vantage in trying to attract
more business and industry to
a village that has not grown in
population in the past four
More than one person men-
tioned the possibility of the
school being closed, which, if
Hensall's worst fears were
realized, would provide am-
ple room for a municipal
building. Others suggested if
council need a larger
chamher the library could
easily be moved to one of the
einpty stores on main street.
Reeve Harry Klungel's
comment that this is not
really a meeting to answer
questions" received a hot
reception. Dr Goddard re-
quested that the fact "I ask-
ed questions: didn't get
answers and went home" he
• Adrian Bayley received ap
plause when he said the pre-
sent meeting indicated the
need for a public meeting in
a large hall to draw ma pro -
Serving South Huron,
North Middlesex 8
North Lambton Since 1871
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December 14, 1983
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These Exeter Mainway Stores are
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Dec. 15 & 16 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
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Dec. 24 (Sat.) 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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Earl Campbell Jewellers Ltd
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The Junction
Little People
Looking Good
Pat's Pet Shop
RSD Sports Den Inc,
Russell Electric (Exeter) Lrd.
Swartman:s of Exeter
Wuerth Shoes
These stores will he open as noted
under each individual business
Cheese Please
Open to 9 p.m. beginning
Friday, Dec. 16
Ellison Travel
Regular Mori. to Sat. hours except clos-
ing Sat., Dec. 24 and 31
Foto Pros -
Dec. 15, 9 - 5; Dec. 16, 9 - 9; Dec. 17,
9 - 5; Dec. 19.23, 9 9 and
Dec. 24, 9 - 5:30
Gord's Variety
Open 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily
Hopper -Hockey Furniture Ltd.
Dec. 15, 9 - 6; Dec. 16, 9 9; Dec. 17,
9 - 6; Dec. 19 to 23, 9 - 9 and Dec. 24,
9 - 5.
Exeter Electric Ltd.
Dec. 15 and 16, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.: Dec.
17, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Dec. 19 to 24, 8
a.m. to 6 p.m.
Image Cleaners
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily
Jacqueline's Specialty Fashions
Dec. 12 - 16, 9 - 9; Dec. 17, 9 - 6; Dec.
19 - 23, 9 - 9 and Dec. 24, 9 4
Rumor's Unisex Hair Design
Mon. - Wed., 9 - 5:30; Thurs. and Fri.,
9 - 9 and Sot.. 9 - 5:30
Simpsons Sears
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Closed Wednesday s
Smyth's Shoe Store Ltd.
Dec. 19 to 23, open 9 - 9
Something Special
Dec. 14 to 24, Open' 9 - 9
Saturdays, 9 - 5:30
Open 9 - 9 beginning Dec. 12
Tasty -Nu Bakery
Dec. 15 and 16, 9 - 9; Dec. 17, 9 - 6; Dec.
19 and 20, 9 - 6 and Dec. 21 -23,9-9;
Dec. 24, 9 - 6
Toys Plus
Open until 9 p.m. beginning Dec. 14
per agenda o discuss such
matters as whether or not the
building is worth saving,
would it make money, how
would it improve the village's
lifestyle. facts and figures on
interest charges and heating
costs, how the costs could be
justified when other facilities
for meetings are usually emp-
ty, and all ramifications of
such an expensive undertak-
ing. He suggested all discus-
sion be cancelled "until it can
be handled properly."
Bayley asked council 1
give the ratepayers an oppor-
tunity to be heard, adding
"you have no choice".
When Klungel replied "1
can guarantee you'll hear of
our decision", and speculated
on how many - or how few -
might attend a. public
meeting, Bayley accused him
of "playing politics" and
demanded a commitment
that "not one more penny be
spent" until ratepayers can
discuss that project at a
public meeting.
Council was then polled.
and each member assented to
a public meeting, to be held in
1984. (With that, the council
chamher rapidly emptied.
Only a few hardy souls stayed
till adjournment two h -urs
Before leaving. .Albert
llovius wanted to know if
there were any laws govern-
ing the keeping of a caged
wild animal in the village.
Betty Oke said Hensall has no
bylaw regulating exotic
animals. Cows. yes: cougars.
no. llovius was concerned
that if a wild animal escaped.
it could injure sorneone.
Peter Darbishire waited un-
lit the time for new business
near the close of the session to
express his concern that some
businesses are starting to
disperse within ;he village to
Special Kippen service
By Margaret Iloggarth
St. Andrew's Church. Kip -
pen, met at the usual hour of
10:00 a.m. on Sunday
December 11. This service
was conducted very ably by
the young people of- the
Church. The minister in
charge was Christine Cooper.
The young people presented
four stories. "The Advent Ap-
•ple" read by Lois Bennendyk.
assisted by Dana Cowper.
"The Selfish family" read by
Chrystal Jones, assisted by
Julie Consitt, Darrell Faber
and Jason Turner; "The Gift
Tree" read by l,inda Rinnen-
dyk, assisted by Myla 1.(1% ell
and Chrystal .tones; and "I'he
Free Gift" read by Mvla
Lovell. assisted by .Jason
Turner and Darrell Faiber.
'l'he choir sang "t'alypsu
Carol" accompanied by
Tricia Cooper on the finger
cymbols, Linda Binnendyk on
the maracas. and lois Bin-
nendyk on the clavis. Barb
Cooper presided al the organ
assisted by Pastor Don Mof-
fat at the piano.
Michael Connolly is a pa-
tient in Exeter hospita! atter
suffering a fall in his home.
We wish hint a speedy
It's exam time. for the
University and College
students in our area: we wish
thein all the best on their ex
ams and a sale journey home
to Kipper] for the Christmas
i loliday
Hensall men's rec hockey
Black Power
White Wonders
Super Blue
• Red Riders
Orange Peelers
Green Grinders
,i1 1,i,renther 1 19x
Top Snipers
Randy Parker, Black Power
Steve Knight. Super Bine
Darren Moir. Super Blue
Steve Baynharn, Black- Power
Dan McGlinchey, Black Power
Doug ()sgnr, 1, White Wonders
,Jamie Caldwell, Black Power
Tont Nielands, Red Riders
Doug Todd, Super Blue -
Gary Moir. Red Riders -
Gary Koehler. Red Riders
Paul Me('linchey. Black Power
W L '1' Pts
5 1 1 11
4 1 , 9
-; :t a
3 4 6
2 5 4
1 5
(; .t Pt.
17 10 27
14 12 26
10 11 21
10 9 19
8 11 19
11 6 17
9 8 17
7 10 17
10 6 16
6 10 16
9 6 15
8 7 15
9:30 A.M. — 6:00 P.M.
\Iso "Open House". Each Sunday
1:00 P.M. 665:00 P.M.
(Open House Only Until ( hristmas)
Closed Sat. Dec. 24 - 5:00 p.m.
Fine k \ - f urnit lir('
34S-2250 1
the detriment of the residen-
tial are, and asked council
to consider zoning bylaws to
prevent this. He was assured
by Klungel that "it's in the
works" with Huron County
planner Gary Davidson.
been pleading with the coun-
ty for a regulatory zoning
bylaw ever since the secon-
Betty Oke said Hensall has dary plan was approved.
discuss the possible closing of
the Hensall public school.
Goddard, Hensall's represen-
tative on the Huron board of
education, outlined the pro-
cedures leading to closure.
Janis Bisback asked for ac-
cess to Civic Corner to assist
in forming a parent -teacher
association before a public
meeting is held January 24 to
deal with the threatened
Jack Ward from Mitchell-
Seaforth ('able TV attended
the council meeting and was
given a commitment he needs
before appearing before the
CRTC that Hensall will enter
into negotiations with his
company about bringing
cable TV to the village.
M the end of the meeting.
those who had stayed again
raised the topic of the town
hall renovation. Richard
Packharn said the council had
asked'fora feasibility stuci .
and that's as far as they had
gone. The press was blamed
for inaccurate reporting.
"Dr Goddard wanted ins-
tant answers We don't have
instant answers Klungel
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