HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-12-14, Page 11COMES CLOSE - Ed Willis came close on this play as he broke in on Bart Powell in Lucan, Wednesday, but the latter made the save as Les Arts moved in to clear. Exeter rebounded from a four -goal deficit to win 7-6. Times -Advocate, December 14, 1983 Page 11 Oreenw.y man celebrates his 80th blrtltday Sy ANNE WAVER Best wishes to Ken Smithers who celebrated his Both birthday recently. White Gift Sunday was held December 4 when people brought gifts of food, clothing, toys and money to be given to the needy. The Sunday School joined with the congregation fur the service. Ivan Hodgins spent a week with John and Alma Hood and family of Whitby. The Christmas meeting of the U.C.W. was held onThurs- day at the home of Jake and Iva Lagerwerf. A Christmas Eve Service will be held at Greenway United Church at 7:30 pin. for the whole charge. The Sanctuary of the United Church was beautifully decorat.;d for Sunday with a lighted Christmas tree, poinsettia plants and evergreen boughs. Special Christmas music was provid- ed by the choir. Rev. Peebles message was "Have You Seen God?" t1.C,W. The Christmas Meeting was held on Thursday at the home of Iva Lagerwerf with fifteen ladies in attendance. They answered the roll call by giving a donation to the Add to CCAT advisor Two individuals have been appointed for three-year teams as members of the ad- visory committee on diploma education for Centralia Col- lege of Agricultural Technology, Agriculture and Food Minister Dennis Tim- brell announced today. The new members are Albert Rutherford, a milk producer from Embro and a director of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, and Elizabeth Wolfe of Dob- binton, a beef producer and an executive member of the organization Concerned Farm Women. The committee advises the college on matters such as educational programs, en- trance requirements and length and content of courses. Centralia College, established in 1967, offers two- year diploma courses in agricultural business management, food service management, consumer and community studies and animal health technology. The educational program combines direct instruction, guided self -learning and prac- tical application of classroom information to work situations. This year, Centralia has 329 students: 168 in agricultural business management, 95 in the food services and con- sumer programs and 66 in animal health technology. C.N.I.B. The devotions were given by Evelyn Curts and Isobel Bullock which started with soft piano music followed by a solo "Away in a Manger" by Evelyn and Isabel. The poem "Christmas" was read and a reading "The Christmas Message" was given. The secretary's report was given by Anne Walper. Treasurer's report was given by Eloise Eagleson and cor- responding secretary's report by Martha Geromette. She reported also that she had sent birthday cards to Milton Pollock and Ken Smithers. A thank you note for a gift was read by Elsie Brophey. Ellen Smithers and Isabel Bullock are packing and delivering the Christmas boxes this year Donations are being sent to the Salvation Army and The Irwin who are missionaries in Korea. The new slate of officers for 1964 was presented by Gertie Rock and Pearl Bloomfield. New .Gift Idea Travel Gift Certificates .3 Ellison Travel 235-2000 Stephen Township 1985 Financial Report Te the Members .d Council, Inhabitants, and Ratepayers of I7.• Township .,f t.phen: We have examined the consolidated balance sheet of the Township of Stephen as at December 31, 1982 and the consolidated statements of revenue and expenditure, capital operations, continuity of trust funds, and reserve and reserve funds continuity and analysis of year end position for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances, except as explained in the following paragraph. Due to a lack of internal control, our examination of the books and records of the local boards was limited to an examination of the receipts and disbursements as recorded in the books of the •local boards. Accordingly, we were unable to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to municipal revenue - fees and service charges, municipal expen- ditures - recreation and cultural services, municipal expenditures - health services, cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable and local boards accumulated net revenue. In our opinion, except for the effect of adjustments, if any, which we may have determined to be necessary concerning the above, these consolidated financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Township of Stephen as at December 31, 1982 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted • accounting principles for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consis- tent with that of the pre..eding year. Goderich, Ontario April 12, 1983 • License NuMber 622 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure I. v 'he..,•,+• .','d -d Or( ember 21 :982 Accumulated net re,enue ideficili at the beginning of the year Expenditure, and transfers Municipal expenditures . General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Other Tot*, expenditure Transfers transfers to region or county Transfers to school hoards Total transfers Total espenditures and transfers Revenue by purpose Municipal purposes Taxation Payments In lieu of t Ontano grants Other grants Fees and seance charges Other R to pay for municipal purposes Region or county requisition Taxation Payments in Iwo of taxes Ontario Rants Omer Revenue to pay the region or county requ.,,Iwn School board itquisitlon taxation Payments in lieu of laces O)lice Reven"e to pay the.. hood 1..,,.) requ...,,un Total nevtnue Accumulated net reaemre Idefrcit' at the end of the year Analysed as follow% General fracture Revon of , aunty Sc hoed bo omit Spenal &harget Special a teat Local boards Municipal enierpnse. 1982 (ludgtl 107,192 250,989 149,741 474,000 34.235 156,654 412,025 1,477,644 157,94) 871,591 1,219,514 2,69%,178 421,111 64,353 278,727 19,982 535,638 62.066 _ 1,171,877 :•4,599 5,947 72,271 )57,817 Statement of Capital Operations nf,nancrd spot' ,cels, rl nr.pr n,lyd.al„'al financing) at the beginning of the sea, Capital expenditure General gn.trnmtnt Prnreetlon 10 persons and proprrry Transportation cervices Environmental serines Health strvrtes Sorel and family acro,. es Reere-anon and' ulwtal ,trvn ei Planning and development Other Total expenditure ("apical financing Contributions Pram the rear^,,• 1 , Contnbuttont from reserver and reserve funds long term Land, nr. 'n, urred Omono grana ()thee Total capital financing Untenanted caprin outlay (Unespended capital financing) et the end of the year 191: 7',,,' 0%1,.'11 '.1 ,c:u 1'3.1:6 112,'44, 79,616 22.856 _ .61Ta434._ 261,296 1 1983 Actucl 149,359 284,947 129,327 5(1,307 113,786 7.640 1'' 6'7 411,525 1,636,188 359,749 8u7,14o 1,226.889 2,86),077 465 .624 71.996 287,255 26,511 577,291 81.811_ 1,510,554 77,271 354,891 8•.5,841 610 7,21. :,47' 279 679 27,681 112,245. (1,477, 8., 7 21,224 1911 Solari 17`1,149 7$7,385 2,434 29,144 8,128 691,500 901.486 189,011 526 ,600 136,761 101,613. 24.Q34_ 29,606 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Balance Sheet d. dl (let ember 41 148,' ASSETS Cunant assets Cash Taxes receivable Account receivable Other current assets Capital outlay to be recovered in future year Other long term assets UABIUTIES Current liabilities Temporary bans ',founts payable and accrued IuMlittes Other current lubthties Net long term handitin Reserves and resers. funds Accumutated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied carotid receipts 1982 Actual 176,263 194,055 172,249 18,518 561,581 2,455,006 220,928 3,737.515 1981 Actual $ 202,590 251,645 240,967 9,520 704,722 2,183,347 178,045 Notes To The Financial Statements 7,, the sear e•,•(jed (Ie. emb.': 31 148.' g) Trust Funds Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to only 'reflected in the Trust Fonds Statement of Continuity Balance Sheet, 2. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO RE RECOVERED 1N FUIURE YEARS a) 51,057 are :.nd Some capital outlay to he recovered In future years does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it 1s to be recovered in future years from other sources: Special charges on benefitting landowners Municipal enterprises 1982 1981 5:,404,286 ,',130,424 _ 50,770 57,921 S2,455,006 02,181,947 b) Capital outlays, including fixed assets and the transfers of capital funds in the amount ,.f_ 3179,349 which have .,ren (Sumter; f, -' general nuniclpal ,evenues of the current year, are reported on !,.e Statement of Revenue and F.xprndt t..r., 3. RES} 40F. FINDS During the year 570,688 were credited directly to reserve fonds without being reror.led as revenues and expenditures of the Revenue Fun,- Malor sonrres were: Interest earned O.H.R,P.grants 4. NET LONE; TERM LIABILITIES 5. 197: 510,688 601000 570,688 The balance for net long term 1:abilities ie-rorted on the Sheet is made up of the 1.,1lowing: Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality 'Including those incurred ,t. behalf of former s.hoot boards, other nunictpalftii,-c and .unicfpal enterprises and outstanding at the end .d the sear anounte to Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and Interest charges has been assumed bs others for the Principal amount of The total value of sinking fonds ar.d the balance In the Mlnfstry of the Fnvirann.'nt/Debt Retirement Fund which have been accumulated to +he end of the rear to retire the outstanding 1 ng term liabilities included above, amount to Net Long Tera Liabilities At The End Of The Year ACCUMULATED NET REVENUE AT THF END OF THF YFAR 1981 $ 9,594 70,000 579,594 Balance' $2,311,117 (122,918) (14,489) $2,193,710 The balance in the revenue fund at the year end As available to 3,066,114 reduce the levies of the follCwing classes of ratepayers: 1982 1911 Adad Astmel s $ 392,400 253.000 73,350 118,864 10,161- 465,750 407,025 7,191,710 2,118,847 554,811 360,984 21,224 184,25) 3,737,515 1,066,114 Notes To The Financial Statements .5 •• ',1191 ('41 11 .7 vent r•7 7, ,• 4.r „li.,,e,,e-.,'1.,1 ,,...Irv'r-trr v rent,- e,,ard i.s, s• t -•.,••It. ., To ,1..1,`,.11 ,., r'113: ,pt„ 11. r .1110,c ,,.•,-, r (i.. The unseal a.ern.11r me of (he -.4)• •yrted (r the eeneral n„nlc7pul revenue • r, n,. , ,:,r, 104. les I.- ,1 'Dards and nuniclpal enterprises 71 4. • ,r,ref 1r. is the .,sur10 .70,1 11/111111 Ira of the reventie 1. a 1.. . 'r1' 11 f.n r, .. .. ,,ndn And 1.•,.,. h„a, d. and "mint. (pal e• re rnr l.T' a des, •-11.e,1 In,, t,• 33.1. Fi.ea Assets The hlstorl. Al ,st and -„land dept., hailer, of fixed Assets Is not reported for n,nicInAI pntp,•ses. Tnntead, the "Capital null,/ 10 be recovered to f•,tnre veare" vh1• is 76e agRtegate of the principal portion of .,n,Arnrrd l,'r ter•+ lial,11'lttrs, capital funds trAn.fe,red 7IIo .73,,, ,. , ,.. rhe .. ,.at of ,apltal pr.,),. 7s no! ser 2•.r•„ . nr 1 . ' ,, 1., . n the gal erne Ghee!. Mun_�e�a1 Fn,. curls,'- Munlelp.rl .r •35., ire 11,, ''• . .1',,71,', - sr „etc are 417e7aP7iAltV rr, v. r.•./' - r.r , .. -t,,^,.Tr,VITT, of this in the,. ftnAn, 111 sl,,'. -n. •'!c ATP Dashwood Pe.h11, 01111(1.'. f„mmleslon - Hydro. fl Charges For Net tong Tors Liabilities Debt retirement root. Including prinrlpal and Interpol Are charged against torrent revenues in the perinds In which they Are paid. Interest chargee Are not Artrued for the periods from the dates of the latest 107 the end of the financial 70ar. 7, feneral ratepayers Designated ratepayers School board ratepayers fount rah a t•AA•er, 1982 5 7,850 14,436 . 669 269 $21,224 1981 $ 83,291 64,629 1,312 127 5149,359 44786.14 FHB Nil 1o1L 16RM 1 IARII1TE5 T•t.al :7.cre,•. fn,' the ,ear (,•r !.me t,•r,, liabilities were as follows: 1082 198) Pets. r'3 70 ci P. . of 7 rlbutl„ns $781,574 141049 5418,(53) 3247,924 1101001 3162,925 Thr 1,40 .barges •:hnvn above were 1'.11' 1r•- reneral municipal revenues .•1 1',. -,. . fo..l,tyaant .are In,:nded Ir ..'h .,oer on the Statement of Reven.,r x,' lapendtl.ire n lass1 I,rd tinder N,. .1r;ropriate functional • :A.•1'1, . 111, a I' 1':l yr '1:S 1 ., ,v,- r • edits under the former o n )Ih,440at December 11, 19R: of •r on the balance sheet, v,, • ., redo 702 of the • 11.. d nes for ,, in ort 'vent ton r.7 . •7.• 3Pn ,f The M mlc_lie l Art, r' -1: r 11 _, p .. -ren, a 1 s e r n, r ton of 1 ' , and rredtt.'0 e -• ten. 11:1s pr..7e.1 .11'1 he ,a • pleteA • 1'at, er , .st tm't1.7 ,sr ,r f v .1,'.5,. non .and 1s t„ Te funded •• completely pr „yen. hal Reines And 'a .t ,n:,rshul)�,ns. c in. (0'1'74441137 1. 1t RI G Certain 1981 ,omparattv.' 71.',... have been resisted to reflect the eonsnlldatlnn of the P,shv,••,d Ind ares Mel,•,7 r,- ,re s,. ,r4. Thr }.,'.sr, T of .oAppllod capital rr. elptn at :.,,nary i, 19117 has been Inrrea.ed by 514,894 451,645 increase At lannary 1, 1981)'reprtsent Ing the n^n,lat lve or esu of rapftal receipts Over rapltal expenditures At that date Township of Stephen Stephen Township Arena Statement of Revenue and Expenditure 77VENIT Ice rental, , r, IXFfNDIT'RF Wages Capital eel..n,l,tnre 77ra' And hy(r., Telephone Repairs and r•,nrr,A0cr Supplies Insurance General DEMO FOR T,0 11 as •1981 510`,855 64,611 11,714 17.411 6411 12,120 10,174 10,625 0.468 111,201 $ 11,146 1981 $ 88,907 60,795 6,800 17,446 641 17,288 9,416 4,751 6,201 101,240 $ 12,111 Township of Stephen Police Village of Dashwood Balance Sheet 14 .11 U.le-robe, 31. 178. ASSETS Accounts receivable - Township of Stephen - Township of Hay L I A B I L I T IES , RES S U R P 1. '• S Accounts payable - Township of Stephen Reserves Surplus (deficit) _ 1982 ERVES AND $ 9;160_ 4,547 (13.707) $ STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE AND SI'RPLUS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1982 REVENUE Requisition - Township of Hay - T wnsnip of Stephen Fire retainer fees - Township of Hay - Township of Stephen Fire calls Ontario grants - roadways Sundry EXPENDITURE Transfer to reserve General goVernasent Protection to persons end property - fire Transportation services - lights - roadways Envtro&mental services • Recreatinn (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR SURPLUS - beginning of year SURPLUS (DEFICIT) - end of year Township of Stephen Pollee Village of Credlton Balance Sheet ,,a7 De(ember 71. 1981 ASSETS CUI REt1T Accounts receivable - Township of Stephen RESERVES SURPLUS R E SERVESAND SURPLU S 13,(13 14,647 1,300 3,037 '7,100 1,000 40,497 4,547 ' 2,328 9,323 3,019 36,204 3,180 150 58,751 (18,254) 4,547 $(13,707) 1982 $ 2,393 $ 2,175 STATEMENT OF REVENUE. AND IXPFNDITUREANDSURPUIS FOR THE YEAR 7: .ED 0709 898 31, 1982 REVENUE Requisition Ontario grants - roadways Sundry EXPENDITURE . Transfer to reserve General government Recreation - donatlea to Crediton Parks Board Transportation services - roadways - street 1,:hts - sidewalks - tree trimming (DEFICIT) FUR THE YEAR SITRPUIS - beginning of year SURPLUS - end of year Township of Stephen Police Village of Centralia BALANCE SNEET AS A DECEMBER 31 1082 ASSETS l i RRFNT Atr ,,nts feretvab le - T,s,nshlp of Stephen SCARVES SURPLUS RESERVES • AND S UR Y L U 5 218 7,193 $ 3,520 2,633 6,153 2,175 389 1,037 .`,889 1.725 8,110 1981 $ 971 3,576 $ 4,547 4,546 S 4.547 $ 3,576 4,147 1,300 3,011 5,220 359 845 18,638 2,278 7 ,263 3.006 13,686 3,060 150 29,373 (10,7)5) 15,282 $ 4.547 .1981 $ 2,175 $ - 2,175 $ 2,175 $ 3,511 134 10 3,655 1149 1,000 294 1,485 /003 10,471 (1,957) ('-,817, 2,175 8,991 S 218 $ 2,175 1982 $ 17,510 • 5 77.,28(. 1,244 S 17,3)0 STATEMENT Of 871,1t611. AND 17FFND1TOR9 AND SI'RFIEI0 FOR THE YEAR FNDFD DFCEMRFR 11, 1902 REVENUE Requisition Rent Ontario grants - roadways FX PENDITURE Transfer to reserve General government Protection to persons and property - fire Transportation services - street light' - roadways SURPLUS (DEPICTS) FOR ERE YEAR SURPLUS - beginning of year SURPLUS - end of year 1981 $ 16,186 S 16,286 S 17,186 $ 1,029 $ 7,917 1,700 807 141 4,422 1,774 16,286 1,428 790 89 1,692 1,460 148 - 19,464 2,767 (15,0421 1,477 16,286 14,059 $ 1,244 $ 16,206