HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-11-30, Page 2816A Times -Advocate, November 30, 1983 BEAN FESTIVAL COMMITTEE — The Zurich Bean Festival Committee held a wrap- up dinner meeting November 3. The 1984 executive includes Glen Thiel (back left) advertising; Charlie Eckel, property; Rick Fisher, president; Charlie Erb, past presi- dent and (front) Nancy Brown, secretary, Debbie Fisher, treasurer and Betty Kirk, food. 1)1 GOOD COOKIES — Blue Water Rest Home Auxiliary president Margaret Gingerich passes a plate of cookies to resident Annie Noakes during the Home's annual Christmas dinner. President Charles Fowler has already sampled his cookie. 120 attend Regier familydinner A good time was had by all at the annual pre -Christmas family dinner and get- together on Saturday at St. Peter's Parish hall, St. Joseph's when 120 children, grandchildren and great, grandchildren of Mrs. Lydia Regier enjoyed a delicious turkey, ham and beef supper complete with all the trimmings. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Agnes Regier who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London; and to Eve Rubery, RR 2 Zurich in Exeter Hospital. Congratulations to Joe and Maria Kenda Sr. who recent- ly celebrated their 40th wed- ding anniversary at the town hall. Happy birthday to Mrs. Josie Dietrich who was 80 years old last Thursday. Mrs. Sharon Silverstein and daughter Rose -Marie Overholt of London spent the weekend in town visiting with her parents, Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. and other family members. May we offer sincere sym- pathy to the family of the late Mrs. Mabel Jaques of the Rest Home who passed away last Friday. Especially to daughter Mrs. Samuel (Ver- na) Bower of Exeter. Don't forget about the .:hristmas Turkey Bingo at St. Peter's Parish hall, St. Joseph on Sunday, December 4 beginning at 7:30 p.m. Only $1.00 admission, fun and prizes for all. The Zurich Blue -Jays who were "A champs" of the childrens minor athletic soft- ball association enjoyed going to see the London Knights game played at the Gardens in London last Friday along with coaches Mike Caers, Jeff and John Consitt and some parents (26 in all). Those who went along on the Hawaiian Holiday in Kit- chener at Bingeman Park last Wednesday reported a real good time and enjoyed the delicious meal and entertain- ment. it was also nice that Ruth Church was able to go along, as she recently return- ed home from being in the hospital. Hurry and get your New Year's Eve. tickets for the dance at the arena, as they are going fast. $40.00 covers everthing! Phone Kevan McKinnon 236-4924. This year's Turkey Bingo at the Zurich arena will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 14 spon- sored by the Lions club with proceeds going to buy the 1 treats for the children at their annual Santa Claus Day at the arena on Saturday, Dec. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Smith of Hamilton were visitors with Marcella Dietrich last Tuesday and Wednesday. Residents and their families of.the Bluewater Rest Hoe enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner on Sunday complete with turkey, ham and ail the trimmings, even plum pudding. Congratulations are also in order for Michael Coleman, son of Jack and Eleanor Col- eman, RR 1 Zurich who was awarded a scholarship in electrical engineering with a 89 percent average from the University of Waterloo, Kitchener. A lovely bridal shower was held for Kathy Martin• daughter of Harvey and Gladys Martin, at the Zurich Mennonite Church with several friends and relatives attending. Jim Parkins, Frank Sou - dant, Jack and Rob Ban- nister, Dr. Addison, Paul Steckle, Kim and Terry !'lack and some friends returned home on Friday after a deer hunting trip at Manitoulin island where they stayed at Jim's cabin. In spite of a lot of rain while there the group came back with three deer. Members of the Zurich Ilas Beans Oldtimers team par- ticipated in the hockey tour- nament in Exeter on the weekend. The draw at Don's grocery store for a $25.00 food voucher on the weekend went to Grace Miller, Dashwood. Several members of the United Church in Zurich and Dashwood enjoyed a family supper at the Zurich parish on Sunday, followed by a skating party at the arena. Wednes- day, Dec. 7 at 9:30 a.m. will be morning break at the United Church. Everyone welcome. Several attended the Knights of Columbus annual Christmas turkey bingo Sun- day evening at their hall in St. Columbian with the proceeds going to their children's Christmas party this Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rau spent a few days in Chatham last week with their son Terry and Helen Rau while Terry was a patient in the hospital in Toronto After the 7:30 evening mass on Dec. 8 the C.W.I,. of St. Peter's Catholic Church will be presenting some ladies with their 25 year pins. Correction A correction last week's paper on report of the St. Boniface C.W.L. Bingo and Bazaar profit was wrong. ft should have said the Christmas Bazaar total profit was $1.483.43 with the bingo netting $632.00 6Vden /impiei We were very thankful for the beautiful weather we en- joyed on Sunday when we held our annual Christmas dinner for the residents and their families. There were a large number of guests pre- sent from as far away as Mississauga, Queensville, Toronto, London, Sarnia, Kit- chener, New ilamburg and surrounding areas. The musical program was sup- plied by organist Miss Carolyn Love, Catherine Shantz and Grace Martin played organ and piano duets and Mr. Nelson Howe and his daughter Mrs. Quance of Staf- fa, pleased the crowd with their piano and violin music. According to the many com- ments made by the guests present, the program was very much enjoyed, and we thank them sincerely. We also owe a debt of thanks to the Ladies Aux- iliary, other volunteer help and staff who put forth a great deal of effort to make the event so successful. Movies were enjoyed on monday evening followed by refreshments. The November birthday party was sponsored by the nensall UCW. A musical pro- gram was enjoyed followed by refreshments. Residents having birthdays during the month of November were Mrs. Maureen Webb, Mrs. Alice Baker and Mr. Ferdi- nand Haberer. Birthday gifts were provided by the Ladies Auxiliary. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Mabel Jaques. The Home is now col- lecting sales tapes from Don's Food Market as well as Zehr's stores. Tapes may be left at the office. The regular Sunday even- ing chapel service was cancelled due to the family dinner. Bean Festival hit with $1,022.56 sales tax bill Tax taking bounce out of beans The provincial department of revenue has taken some of the joy away from the many volunteers who give so will- ingly of their time and talents to produce an annual Zurich Bean Festival. At the Festival committee's wrap-up dinner meeting held in the Dominion Hotel on November 23, president Rick Fisher told his fellow workers that despite numerous con- versations with the Ontario ministry of revenue, and in- tervention by MPP Jack Rid- dell, officials had insisted the Festival is liable for the seven percent retail sales tax, and a cheque for $1,022.56 .had been sent to Kitchener the previous week. In talks with ministry per- sonnel, committee secretary Nancy Brown was told that because other vendors were also selling food during the event, all were liable for sales tax. (If only beans were being sold, the question would not arise.) Committee members are perturbed that some of the competition is from local retailers who only dispense food the one day of the year crowds are drawn to Zurich primarily through the efforts of the Bean Festival. This situation has precipitated the imposition of sales tax on all. Revenue officials have sug- gested adding on the sales tax, but the committee doesn't consider that a viable solution. The price has been kept in even dollars to make the task of the ticket sellers, mostly senior citizens, as easy as possible. With a ticket price of $4, they don't have to worry about making change. The committee hopes to meet with representatives from the Ontario revenue ministry early in the new year to plead their cause once more, and reach a mutually agreeable solution to their 4-H girls awarded Wilma Jacobs, daughter of John and Mary Jacobs, RR 1 Zurich received provincial honours at the recent 4-H Achievement Night in Brucefield, for completing 12 clubs, while Sharon Thiel received county honours for finishing six clubs. She is the daughter of Gerry and Diane Thiel, RR 2 Zurich. problem. The rest of the committee heartily endorsed Fisher's statement that the Festival is a charitable organization, and a thousand dollars c„uld be put to good use in the village, rather than disappearing in- to government coffers. Food supervisor Betty Kirk voiced another concern. Only 4,500 dinners were sold this year, down 1,500 from the 1982 total. She asked the commit- tee to consider changing the menu, perhaps going to smaller portions, or selling bowls of beans instead of full course dinners. The matter will be discussed when the committee meets in January. Treasurer Debbie Fisher presented the 1983 financial report, showing donations of 15,761.29. The arena received 12,500, the figure skating club $500, Meals on Wheels $500, the summer playground swinuning program 1350, and 5800 has again been donated for free skating this season. The Bean Festival also bought the practical and or- namental garbage recep- tacles with nameplates plac- ed strategically around the business section, gave the - Zurich Has -Beans $50, and ' paid their share of the newly renovated signs at the village outskirts. After all opinions had been aired, the committee decided not to comply at present with a request received in a letter from Janis Bisbeck for a donation to the co-operative nursery school in Hensel], even though 24 children from the Zurich area attend the school. Members agreed the money should be spent in such a way as to benefit as targe a part of the local population as possible. Dispensation of fur- ther funds has been deferred until spring. Fisher thanked Larry and Louise Merrier for allowing their dairy facilities to be part of the farm tour, Jim and Veronica Bedard for super- vising the yearly horseshoe pitching contest, Ray and Joan McKinnon for reviewing the bookkeeping, and Doug, Steve and Randy Geoffrey for their help. lanta's Gift $esdquarters Zurich's Finest Greeting Cards - special and boxed Toys, puzzles and games Children's books Quality giftware, watches, cameras 10 Kt. gold chains, rings and bracelets Bavarian crystal jewellery Costume jewellery fit for a queen! Shop "The Store for all Occasions" Heimrich's 236.4941 Zurich zehrs fine markets... o( line k ods CHOICE STEAKS NOW AT CHOICE SAVINGS WITH ZEHRS SPECIAL TRIM FOR EXTRA ADDED VALUE T -BON ESORWINGS CUT FROM FULLY AGED CANADA "A" GRADE BEEF CHOICE SAVINGS CUT FROM CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF CHOICEST TENDER SIRLOIN STEAKS 6i52.79g� CHOICE SAVINGS •l• CUT FROM CANADA BEEF FULL CUT BONELESS! ROUND STEAK 505229 Ikg Ib. SUPER SPECIAL! FRESH CANADIAN PORK SHOULDERS PORK BUTT CHOPS owROAST X62119 CHOICE SAYINGS YOUNG ONTARIO PORK `� FRESH! NOT FROZEN SIDE SPARERIBS 3.41758 CHOICESAVINGS PREVIOUSLY FROZEN ' SLICED TENDER YOUNG SCHNEIDERS BEEF LIVER /s2 69° OUTSIDE BOTTOM EYE REMOVED BONELESS ROUND ROASTS 5.05/.. 2.29. BONELESS INSIDE TOP ROUND ROAST OR STEAK 5.71.. 2.59. CUT FROM 'A' GRADE BEEF BONELESS RUMP ROAST 5.7f.. 2.59. ROAST 011 STEAKS BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP 5.93..2.69 TENDER CUT-UP BONELESS STEWING BEEF 4.37. 1.981. SCHNEIDERS COOKED SMOKED HAM STEAKS 175 g 1.79 W1TH SAUCE IN THE PKG NEW ZEALAND FROZEN LOIN LAMB CHOPS 6.592.99. PRIDE Of CANADA DINNER STYLE COOKED SMOKED PORK SHOULDER 4.83. 2.19.. SPECIALS AT THE DEU SCHNEIDERS SLICED JUMBO SUMMER SAUSAGE 81180 .. 3.991. COUNTRY GOLD 5 VARIETIES SLICED COOKED MEATS S9$PKG 175 g COUNTRY GOLD 1 /Ts COUNTRY STYLE SMOKED HAM 8.36/kg 3.7.. SCHNEIDERS REG. OR CHUNKY HEADCHEESE BOWLS SCHNEIDERS VAC PAC RING BOLOGNA 5.49.9 2.49,„ )TSa 1.119, SCHNEIDERS ROUND SMOKED PICNIC PORK SHOULDER SI .93 /kg 2.69. S;HNEIDERS SLICED COOKED ROAST BEEF 12'°.. 5.49. FRESH ONTARIO GROWN PEPPER SQUASH 3/99# ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE 1.74/kg _BRUSSEL SPROUTS 79tb GRANNY SMITHS FANCY f 74/kg APPLES PRODUCT OF FRANCE 791$ ONTARIO CANADA FANCY MACINTOSH APPLES 31b BAG 129 ONTARIO GROWN BUTTERNUT SQUASH /0. 79# NO NAME WILD BIRD SEED 20 lb OR SUNFLOWER SEED to Ib 399 Special Prices In effect until closing Tuesday. December 6. -Except Produce Specials which expire Saturday, December 3, 1983. lidligAirlIT PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES SUPER SPECIAL SIZE 138's DOZ. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA SIZE 176 TANGERINES THE ZIPPER SKINNED FRUIT 8110z. LARGE j ll.t' 1 SUPER SPECIAL 1 1.96.. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. LARGE FRESH SWEET GREEN PEPPERS CANADA NO. 1 GRADE PRODUCT OF U.S.A. 1 SUPER SPECIAL CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CRIS►•GREEN CELERY d A C HEARTS EACH _ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONAELE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS SCHNEIDERS PURE PORK c� SMOKED SAUSAGE 6.7 ,.9 .91 CAMPFIRE BRAND SLICE & FRY SAUSAGE ROLL 37S 9 TEA. 3 LITTLE PIGS LINK OR COUNTRY PORK SAUSAGE SOo 2.29 EA. NO NAME CHICKEN BOLOGNA 3,5. L19 E NO NAME FRESH SWEET OR HOT ITALIAN SAUSAGE .91.9 1691. NUTS 'IN SHELL PRODUCT Of U.S.A. HARTEY WALNUTS 2.17 /kg IN SHELL ow FINE BRAZILS 173/k9 IN SHELL 1i6�b PAPERSHELL PECAN 169b, IN SHE( l I169b ALMONDS 3.73/kg IN SHELL 169, FILBERTS 69 3. 73/kg IN SHELL la Ib.