HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-11-30, Page 13Times -Advocate, November 30, 1983 Page1A Exeter's Mainway Stores are bursting with values. Take advantage of the extra savings offered this week. NOW it's 11101'E fiin tliaii to shop Exeter 'S Ma/ii way You could win valuable prizes by playing the exciting; •a WINNINGt.. HAND GAME Contest ends Sat. J Air :"" 4 , 4 „, Is Collect as n1r.1nV cards (S can., use the best 5 to make (1 poker hand, put it in dn env dope with your nae , address and phone ntin)l)(tr and Lite the Tines-Advoc(lte has it !)y 3at., !)(t(. .) L1t ) l). n). IIN111 Of IMAMS IN mtAIONT N1t (teething w1141) I. SiRAIOHT FLUSH, the highest possible hand. all live Lords of the same suit and in sequence m rho 6. 7 ,S 9 and 10 of diamonds. The highest. ranking straight flush IS the A, K. 0, 1 and 10 of ans suit called n ROYAt FLUSH, 2. FOUR Of A KIND as, four aces. or four suet. It does not matter what the fifth, unmatched cord is. 3. A fLitt HOUSE is throe cords of one rank and two cords of another rank. 4. A FLUSH is five cards of the saran suit, hut nos all in sequence. S. A STRAIGHT Is five tor& In sequence. but not all al the sumo suit. 6. THREE OF A KiND tank next. 7. TWO PAIR. rank next, R. ONE PAIR bents any hand containing no pair 9 And below the rank of hands containing en* pair aro all the no port bonds, which are rated by the highest cord they contain. $6 that en me. Mph hand will hest o king -high hand, and so on CONTEST RULES 1, Ono card will be awarded with each pur• chos.,ot two dollars or more. 2. All hands must be either moiled to the times•Advncate, Bort 850, Exoter or delivered to 424 Main St.. Exeter by 5 p.m., Saturday, December 3. (Saturday entries tombs put through the moil slot in the front 3dbotries must be in an unmarked envelope W1Mt your name, address and telephone number enclosed. 1. Exeter Business Improvement area of• helots will draw from the entries onrl award prises as listed at the right, S. Employees of participating stares ural the Times -Advocate or• not eligible to enter 6. Contestants may enter as many hands os they wish but each entry must he in o separate envelope. 4 Collect your winning hand cards at these participating mainway stores. You could be lucky and win one of the many valuable prizes PRIZES Mettkrndll. s.Wlfltes. to be used es 04wHstr.ttry strsres. Rom ruse The first RoYqlG Flush awn will receive $25 gilt cer rficate. The xt r Royal Flushes drawn It l<• ve itt�5�0} i t certifkote, tiaras tour. .kind nd drawn ill receive fl gilt certiflcpte. Tb next ►1 hopds con• M four•oii•o•klnd wi I receive o 125 Mss. {c�ertlHcate. he fins tsar tont mina o full house will teeeivt two 25 m rchandis rrrtificotes. Tile tell! to harts wilt receive 120 certilicafe*. and c • tolnlr a strai�tt will r.c•Ive cerci {cats The n.x�'10 hands can e�tral • f t wilt receive i0 ceniikate.; irtt •A.• co+lDfointng of kl will rrt�.iv. a r' ertifkate. Text tive� will receive o i0 sett(fool. and the sixth Tri ' �� w a FTtl Chi Homes AArreng.ment. e fah firs! dra conte ins fyyp r ei 1 rKmeytyn. p COM IL Mid s ddrasyn wifI cool B ref. i .. T xl The hnextt hdLand` willf acts Cir,f$4 a S stir- tifIcate respectively.4r► i , isP1Fn 1 t t .•,, tr.tnc 5 55 sit S 't..ts, • osl i °j 1• L. , s 4'1;c p ; i' i 1,1 tt Udn) 0t1S4 L1 Special Joker's Prize If you get a Joker, write your name, address and phone number on the back and bring or mail it to the Times -Advocate Please mark envelope "Jokers Prize" You could win a bus trip for two to NASHVILE with Hanover Holidays. Courtesy of Ellison Travel and CKNX Radio (what a way to spend the Easter Weekend) Approxi value $600 \� CROSS! PLMASI Two 310 merchandise certificotes IUTIM IILIICTRIC LTD. One 325 merchandise certificate RAR1. CAMNP*I1LL JIWML/RS One 325 merchandise certificate TIN name= TICK One 323 merchandise certificate NOPPuR•110CKIIY PIORNITEwf1 Two $50 merchandise certificates R.S.O. SPORTS DIN INC. One 325 merchandise certificate A a N SUPERIOR • One 325 merchandise certificate SWARTMANS Or SEMI! One 350 merchandise certificate AN.T.TT JMIWLII$ One 325 merchandfse,certlflcola S' MAN. One 325 merchandise certificate PAT'S PITS One $20 merchandise certificate MIAMI WANING Two 323 cleaning certificates ' ON WARD'S . One 350 certificate S 1911411101111 Two 3155 merchandise Certificates DARLING'. ERA One 350 merchandise certificate TISK* PRO MAHMARS One 325 merchandise certificate OIN N*YS PINI reammNl11 Five 320 merchandise certificates RIMORS One 320 certificate PLOWS, MOLAR One FTs) Christmas Arrangement •GOO TiMfs One $20 certificate CANADIAN TOM One *75 merchandise certificate RVSWILL NLNCTRIC Two $20 merchandise certifkotes 1$AI*'11 NEARLY NOW .110P two $15 merchandise certificates JAc4YNJ M'S PASSIONS One $25 merchandise certificate • TOY{ PLN. Ons *2, 34 and 35 merchandise certificate SOMITNiNIO SPNCIAL One $20 and one 310 merchandise certificate AVOR1Y'. CRAFTS Two 35 merchandise certificates PARKER'S DARWIN SHOO AND TIN RACK ROOM One 320 certificate TASTY $$ OAKUM One $20 merchandise certificate MASS— ADVOCATIi Two $10 merchandise certificates RESTER PNARMAACT Two $20 merchandise certificates TIN JVNCTION One 350 merchandise certificate PINCNIIR'. Ons 325 merchandise certificate T1I SHIMS LTi. Five $10 merchandise certificates OIfCORATORS Teva PLUS On* 325 merchandise certificate SMTTR'S SOON STONE LTD. Five $10 merchandise certificates