HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-10-26, Page 213 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS — FIELD — Joanne and Ray are pleased to announce the arrival of the first addition to their family. Leslie Anne was born on Sunday October 16, 1983 weighing 8 lbs. 1 as. 43c NETHERCOTT — Eric and Wen- dy (Beaver) are pleased to an- nounce the birth of Amy Lynn born October 3, 1983 at St. Marys Memorial Hospital in St. Marys. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Marie Beaver of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beaver, Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nether- cott, RR 1 St. Marys. 43c SALTS — Rob and Linda (nee Heckman) are happy to announce the birth of their first child, Charles William, born October 6, 1983 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don weighing 8 Ib. 1 oz. Eighth grandchild -for Reinhard Heckman, RR 1 Lucan, and fourth grandchild for Jesse and Dorothy Salts, Sarnia. A special thanks to Donna Dickey for her excellent nursing care. 43c SCHWARTZ — Shawntelle Joylene born October 12, 1983 weighing 10 lbs. 1 oz. Grand- parents are Claire and Barbara Schwartz and Allan and Darlene LeGoff. Great grandparents are William and Alma Schwartz, Thelma Clarke and John and Elizabeth LeGoff. 43c SINNAMON — Rick and Patty (nee Grantham) are ecstatic to announce the safe arrival of their first born, a son, Andrew Uhristopher. Weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs. 11 oz. Andrew ar- rived on Tuesday October 11, 1983 at St. Joseph's Hospital. Proud first-time grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grantham of Melbourne and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinnamon of Brodhagen. 43c CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Clayton Calquhoun would like to express their appreciation to relatives, neighbours and friends for their thoughtfulness in their time of sorrow. • Verna Colquhoun. 43c Sincere thanks to friends and relatives for cards, gifts and flowers on the occasion of our 40th wedding anniversary Ken and Gertie McCrae. 43c CARDS OF THANKS— CARDS OF THANKS— IN MEMORIAM - 1 would like to thank my fami- ly, relatives, friends and ne gt hbours for the visits, cards and flowers I received while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Steciuk, South Huron Hospital staff and everyone who helped John with the farm work. All was greatly appreciated. Kenn Campbell. 43' We would like to thank our children and Craig for organizing a surprise 25th anniversary par- ty for us. Special thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the gifts, cards and coming to our party. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated and will always be remembered. Also special thanks to the manage- ment and employees of Nor- thlander Industries for the one of a kind gift. Jim and Veronica Bedard. 43' May we take this opportunity to say "thank you" to each and every one of you who have open- ed your hearts and hands to us during the past year and especial- ly since the loss of our loved one, Carrie Marie. A special thank you to my mother-in-law, Hazel, who was with me at that memorable moment, to all the babysitters who took care of our children, for all the beautiful floral ar- rangements and sympathy cards. the food that was brought to our home and for all the donations to both Hospitals. A grateful thank, you is extended to all the Doctors at St. Joseph's Hospital and the Hospital for Sick Children, and especially to Jim Hoffman, T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Father Joseph Nelligan, the pallbearers and the Mount Carmel C.W.L. ladies. Your kind- ness and thoughtfulness will re- main in our hearts forever and memories will never be forgotten. Love from all of us, Basil, Marlene, Kelly, Cheryl and Brent Glavin. 93c A sincere thank you to Usborne Township council and officials for arranging the Harry Strang Ap- preciation Night October 21st. It was a pleasure for us to greet so many Usborne people, municipal officers of Huron County, other areas and friends. • Harry and Margaret Strang. 43' • Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister REV. BARBARA LAING Orgonist Miss Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sundoy, October 30 9:45 o.m. Church Service 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter REV. ABRAM BLAAK Minister Sunday, October 30 1000 o.m. Worship "To Know GOD" Phil. 3 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Worship Reformation Service in Pentecostal Church "Justification by Faith" , Romans 5 Come and Worship with Us Coven Presbyterian Church • MINISTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235 2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday. October 30 1000 a.m Morning Worship 85th Anniversary of Coven W M.S. Guest speoker Mrs. Allan Neal Coffee hour to follow Everyone Welcome Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, October 30 9:30 o.m. Sunday School and Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Reformation Roily October, 31 • 800 p.m. Stratford Foirgraounds Community Centre Featured Speoker: The Rev. Wallace Schulz (Associote Lutheran Hour Speaker) Everyone Welcome Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. North MINISTER REV. B.H. DE JONGE B.A. M.Div. Phone 235-)773e Sunday October 3 10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Sunday School Preschoolers Preschoolers 2:30 p.m. - Afternoon Service Sunday School Grades 1-4 Everyone Welcome Nursery Available Wednesday 10 a.m. Story Hour Coffee Break Listen to The Bock to God Hour Radio Program - Sundays CKNX Diol 920 • 10:30 o.m. CHLO Dial 1570 - 4:30 p.m. CHOK Dial 1070 - 6:45 a.m. "Faith Alone" Television Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3) 9:30 a.m. Sundays "The Reformation: The Truth Unbound" Exeter United .Church James at Andrew Minister REV. JAMES FORSYTHE Loy Associote Mr. Peter Snell Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday, October 30 11:00 a.m. Anniversary Service Guest Speaker Rev. Morley Clarke M.A. Th. M. Metropolitan United Church Church School Courtesy Car 235-1400 Chester Dunn Nursery Facilities All Are Welcome The Trivitt Memorial Church (Anglican) Main at Gidley, Exeter the REV. J.W. SUTTON Rector '235-2335 Sunday, October 30 All Sants' Days 11:15 o.m. Holy Eucharist Church School Nursery A welcome to visitors Emmanuel Baptist Church 187 Huron St. W., Exeter PASTOR MARK LOWRIE 9:45 a.m. Family Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Friday, Oct. 28 - 7:00 p.m. "The Big Foot Wolk Rally" for teens. Meet at the church. Bring 75 cents and come prepared to walk. Refreshments served to those who make it bock! Bring d friend Everyone Welcome! 1 would like to sincerely thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, visits, flowers, gifts, treats and phone calls while 1 was in the hospital in London. Letta Taylor. 43c IN MEMORIAM— DIETRICH EMORIAM— DIETRICH — In loving memory of my dear husband Lorne, who passed away October 28, 1982. Many the thoughts I give to you As the long hours go by; Thinking of the things we used to do and say, Just you and I. Sometimes they make me smile Sometimes they make me cry, But they are precious to me alone, Memories of you and I. Lovingly remembered by your wife Mary. 43' DIETRICH — In loving memory of our dear father Lorne. who passed away October 28, 1982. We often sit and think of you We think of how you died, To think that you couldn't say good-bye Before you closed your eyes. The blow was hard The shock severe We never thought your death so near. Only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. You never said good-bye Perhaps it's just as well We never could have said good-bye ' To our Dad we loved so well. Always loved and sadly missed by daughters, sons and in-laws. 43' • DIETRICH — In loving memory of our Grandpa Lorne, who left us October 28, 1982. He was someone we could talk to That no one can replace He was someone we could laugh with Tilt tears ran down our face He was someone we could turn to When we needed a helping hand He was someone we could count on To advise and understand He was someone we thought more of As each year came to an end He was our dearest grandfather And also our dearest friend. Although we smile and seem carefree No one misses him more than we. Always remembered and sadly missed by all of your grandchildren. 43' Coming Events BINGO -- Every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, RR 5 Clin- ton, 8 p.m: First regular card $l. 00. 15 regular games of $20 each, 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot $200 must . go. Admission icted Ap,1 yeas and a,3vsr, S nc CRAFT SHOW ANI) SALE, Ex- eter Legion. Saturday, November 5, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Kinette Bake Sale and Tea Corner. Free Door Prizes. 40-42:43,44c EXETER UNITED CHURCH An- nual Country Christmas Bazaar and Luncheon, Saturday -November 12, 11 a.m - 3 p.m 41-43c BAZAAR, Tea and Bake bale, Oc- tober 29. 1983. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Exeter Town Hall. Sponsored by the Ladies of the Christian Reformed Church. 41-43c BAZAAR. TEA and Bake Sale November 5, 1983, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Exeter Town Hall. Sponsored by Ladies of the Bethel Reformed Church 42-44' ST. ANDREW'S UNITED Church, Kippen, Smorgasbord Supper at Brucefield United Church on Wednesday November 9, 1983, 5-8 p.m. Advance tickets only. Adults $6 00, 12 and under $2.50. Pre-schoolers free. 42.43c • CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S ('hub will meet in the Parish Hall, Exeter, 9:30 a.m. Friday October 28th -43c HOT TURKEY St'PPER at Grand Bend United Church, Wednesday November 9th, 5 to 8 p.m Adults $6.00, Children 5-12 $3 00. 4 years and under free Doors open .r. 4 p.m Take outs available Phone Paula Taylor at 238-8732 by 12 o'clock, November 9th. 43-45c 2ND ANNUAL OPENING Car- nival and Dance Music by the Ambassadors, Entertainment by the Dykehnppers Saturday. November 5, 1983 at 8":1x) p.m. at South Huron Recreation Centre Sponsored by Exeter Liors Pro- ceeds to South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Han- dicapped Tickets $600 per person and availahle from Association Office. Dashwood Ellison Travel. Exeter. Huron Tractor, Exeter and Exeter lions Club members- 43,44c DOUGALL — In loving memory of our dear son, brother and brother-in-law Brian, who passed away October 31; 1976. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day. No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts, He is always there. Lovingly remembered by Dad, Mother, Helen, Bob and Pearl.43' DOUGALL — In roving memory of our dear grandson Brian Mur- ray, who passed away suddenly seven years ago October 31, 1976 in his 19th year Deep in our hearts, Brian, You will always stay, Loved and remembered every day. Lovingly remembered and sad- ly missed by Grandpa and Grand- ma Madge. 43' DOUGALL — In loving memory of our nephew and cousin Brian, who passed away suddenly seven years ago, October 31, 1976. Like falling leaves the years slip by, But loving memories never die. You live with us in memory still, Not just today but always will. Lovingly remembered and very sadly missed by Uncle Basil, Aunt Phyllis, Darla and Dennis. 43' LEWIS — In loving memory of my husband Earl Lewis, who passed away one year ago Oc- tober 26th, 1982. Today recalls sad memories, Of a dear one gone to rest. And the one who thinks of him today Is the one who loved him best. Lovingly remembered by his wife Jessie. 43' LEWIS — In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Earl Lewis who passed away one year ago October 26, 1982. His memory is as dear today As the hour he passed away, Though memory fades and life departs He'll live forever in our hearts. Always loved and remembered by daughter Helen, son-in-law Gerald and family. 43' LEWIS — In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Earl Lewis, who passed away one year ago October 26, 1982. Dad, you \ 're so goad to me Your heart as big as gold I loved you•more than words can tell Though it was seldom told. • October comes with sad regret The month. the date, we will. never forget, You slipped away without a goodbye, But our memories of you will never die. Always remembered by Allan, Gladys and girls. 43' LEWIS — In loving memory of Earl Lewis, my dear father, who passed away October 26. 1982. He had a nature you -could not ;•(,help loving,. , •••:.- •,n., i And a heart that was purer than gold. And to those who knew and loved hitn. His memory will never grow old. Sadly mi..;cd and lovingly remembered by Norman, Linda, Terry, Bonnie •and Todd 43c NEIL - In memory of a dear hus- hand and father Alton Neil. who passed away November 1. 1980. The gate of memory will never close. When loved ones have to part Deep in our hearts, your memory is kept. As each day goes on, we'll never forget. Remembered by his wife Lulu, son Donald and daughter-in-law Sandra. 43c VAN HORNE — In loving memory of my dear husband Cecil, who died October 26, 1980 Whatever else 1 fail to do I never fail to think of you, A smile for all, always so kind These are the memories, ('ec. You left behind. Sadly missed by wife Inez. 43' VAN HORNE - In memory of our brother-in-law Cecil Van Horne, who passed away October 26. 1980 We seldom ask for miracles But today just one would do. To have the front door open And see Cecil walk through Put Your arms around him. Lord. Treat him with specia! Make up for all he suffered And all that seemed unfair. Sadly missed and always remembered, Dorothy and Karl Ohmayer. 4:3' Storage Space 2100 square feet of clean dry storage for rent now Call 235-2671 chillelagh v!--fLvENN•1 The One Stop Place Visit in the Poor Man's Bar The Daily Special a must From '2.25 Sunday 4-7 30 ft. Hot Smorgasbord '4.95 with hot roosts that can't be better Entertainment Fri. and Sat. Music by Moffott, Dancer- Dianne Banquet Room. Seating 200. Check our prices. Commercial motel rotes. 280 Main St., Lucan 227-1036 Introducing Katimavik Bonjour! Mx name is Pierre Meilleur. I'm 17 years old and the youngest in the group. I come from Montreal. I joined Katimavik group for two reasons in particular, for one to learn english because it will be necessary when I go back home and start working in nine montes. Second of all, I wanted.to visit parts of Canada that I have never seen before and it's a ood wa to see it. It was very hard for me to leave my family and my girl friend, but I don't regret it. I've been in Exeter for a month' now with3,700 people (and now 3,712). I should say that I like being in Exeter 1 SOW ^!I Love: Wilmar, Paul, Jacqui, Paul, Barb and Jillian Storage Preserve your car, boat, motorcycle, etc. By Storing them in- doors this;.Winter Space '*Y also t vdflaf ors Phone 235-2671 HELIUM BALLOONS ...Just For The Fun Of It Gout tOr, Rowers EXETER 235-2350 because it's a quiet place and relaxing too. Now I'm working at the Conservation Area. I like it very much and I enjoy work - ung with the people because they are very friendly. I don't know very much english but I'm learning pretty fast and want to learn more. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Effective November 1st, 1983 the Stephen Township landfill site will be open for Township residents on Tues- day and Friday of each week and the last Saturday of each month. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wilmer D. Wein Clerk -Treasurer NOTICE Extra Garbage Pickup Exeter residents please take notice that after November there will be no further extra garbage pickups until April, 1984. Council has, as well, discontinued the user fee for residents taking their own garbage to the Dump in half -ton trucks, trailers or automobiles for the same period. Exeter Town Council TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Public Meeting Concernisg A Proposed Colsprehenisve Zoning Bylaw TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Osborne will hold a series of public open houses, as indicated below, to consider the proposed comprehen- sive zoning by -low. - OPEN HOUSES Thursday, December 8, 1983 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. -to 10 p.m. Saturday, December 10, 1983 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Location - Township of Usborne Municipal Office at Morrison Dam (1 km. East of Exeter on Concession Rd. 2-3) The open houses are deemed to be public meetings under Section 34(12) of the Planning Act; they provide a flexible timetable to suit the majority of ratepayers and an opportunity to consider and discuss specific concerns. The proposed zoning by-law affects the entire Township of Usborne. It implements the Usborne Township Secondary Plan by establishing land use'controls and zones in the Township. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the pro- posed zoning by-law. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law is available at the Township Office at Morrison Dam during nor- mal business hours. In addition, a draft copy of the proposed by-law has been sent, for in- formation purposes, to all owners of property and tenants, as noted on the latest revised assessment records. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE OCTOBER 18, 1983 H.H.G. Strang Clerk -treasurer, Township of Usborne (519)235-2228 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••4140••40404040414041414141414141441••41fs4/••40••41••404041•••SI There's a time for playing it safe and a time for... WED.-THURS. LAST 2 DAYS FOR SHOWING AT 5:00 P.M. STARTS FRIDAY, OCT. 28 SHOWING PRI.•SAT. 7 & t:1S SUN.•THURS. 0:00 sraur Omen, is JAMES BOND in • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Times -Advocate, October 26, 1983 Page 21 Exeter Pin Contest Residents are encouraged to sub- mit a design for a "Town of Ex- eter" lapel pin to the Municipal Office by October 31, 1983. Prize of $25.00 is being offered for best design. Exeter Council g3j'Qo0 )ormoGi Eoz Locksmith DASHWOOD LOCK & KEY Brad Barnes RR 3, Dashwood 237-3426 Certified Locksmith Bonded and Insured. Locks Repaired Repinning, Rekeying Master Key Systems Emergency Openings Automotive 8 Motorcycle Alarms REPAIRS (Sewing Machinel Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sow and Save Centre Ltd. 149DownieSt.,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 J SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A Main St. S. Exeter, 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-800-265-7988 GIRealty InsIranee ncl EXETER 235.2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 GODERICH 524-2118 Farm, Home, Auto in- surance, Appraisals, Mortgages, Life In- surance, Trust Certificates AUCTIONEERS (Hugh Torn\ FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 8666.0835 6.6-11621 AUCTIONEERS Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraisers R.A."Sue" Edginton RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (319)227-4029 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227.4111 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE Ws give complete sale service PROFIT IT EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235.1964 EXETER enders Abattoir "\ Home Grown Beet 8 Pork Mill St., Hensoll 262.3130 Wholesale Retail Custom Slaughtering Kill day Tuesday Call for further information Owner Merlin Bender 262 5628 Manager Dale Erb 236-7733 Our Motto is 'The Golden Rule J ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120. Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. Nrris omul,h Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 (519) 235-0101 CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. I)ARLIN( CERTIFIED s3ENERAl. AC('OVNTAPrr' TEL., Es 9-11/16-1111001 THE 01-D TOWN BALI. *55 MAIN ATHEIST EXETER. ONTARIO NOM S•O- r