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u.e 20 Times -Advocate October 26 1983
IT MUST BE PALMOLIVE — Kippen Cuties 4-H club members Kathy Herbert (left),
Lori Faber, Lisa Hoornaert and June Papple soak their fingers during a session on
nail car
FOOTCARE IS FUN — Kippen 4-H club members Diane Vanneste (left), Joan Bin-
nendyk, Janet Hoggarth and Tara Savage shore a laugh while soaking their feet
during a 4-H course called "Looking good, feeling great".
By Margaret Hoggarth
Visitors with Alex and Mat-
tie McGregor for a few days
were Mattie's sister Ruth ani
her husband Geo►„_ King
from Sault Ste. Marie.
Fort Thompson is a patient
in St. Joseph's llospital, Lon-
don where he is undergoing
There was no Kippen
United Church service held in
St. Andrew's this week as
13rucefield United Church
celebrated their anniversary.
The Kippen Kuties are get-
ting into hot water The
Kuties met at Diane Van-
neste's house on Tuesday Oc-
tober 10. All ten members
were present.
Margaret Hoggarth led us
in our hook work about con -
A recession is when
some folks practice
planned economy,
while others practice
economy they never
Age is a mailer of
mind. If you don rt r,i•rd.
it doesn't matter.
The typical boy learns
to walk within o year -
then forgets how to do
so immediately upon
securing a driver's
To insure o good educa-
tion for their kids
porenls need to pull o
few wires TV,
telephone and
If it takes a thief to
catch a thief. why do
we need honest
One thing that s o
How little it costs to get
that chainsaw working
again at
Small Engine
Repair Service
107 Queen St.
Hensoll 262-2103
sumers' rights and respon-
sibilities, reminding us we
have a right to be heard.
We set our books aside
to get on with the fun and
relaxing part.
After removing.our shoe
and socks and rolling up our
pant legs we treated our tired
feet to a relaxing foot soak.
Some of us were working on
our nails at the same time by
soaking our fingers in warm
sudsy water. Before the even-
ing was over our feet felt
soothed and our nails looked
well manicured.
Tonight was special for two
of our members as Linda and
Lois Binnendyk . were
celebrating their 13th bir-
thdays. Diane Vanneste had
made a lovely cake with
candles We decided to
conte in ilallowe'en costumes
and have a party to close our
?owe ?0lea
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chatte
and Sally of Mitchell were re-
cent visitors with Mrs.
Chaffe's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Corbett.
Mrs. Mabel Shirray was
happily surprised on 'Tuesday
afternoon when her former
neighbours at Westlea Farnis
arrived at her new apartment
in Northcrest with a delicious
afternoon dessert and a
beautiful gift and card to wish
her much happiness in her
new apartment.
Mr Eric Luther; campaign
chairman for the Canadian
National institute for the
Blind has advised that the
door-to-door canvass in ilen-
sall is just abort complete and
the amount received so far
totals $741 Ix: which is serious-
ly short of the objective of
There are a numher of area
residents who have not as yet
responded to the mail cam-
paign The ('NIB needs your
assistance. Please forward
your donation to The Bank of
Montreal, ilensall. Thank you
very much.
Mrs. Florence Joynt was
honoured at a special birth-
day party last Sunday at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Ross
MacMillan and faintly in
Waterloo Mrs MacMillan,
the former Betty Mickle and
her husband entertained all
the Mickle relatives and their
families over 20 were pre-
sent for this happy occasion
Mrs Laird Mickle visited
Mrs (:race Peck, Miss Greta
Lammie and Mrs. Mayme
McAllister at lluronview last
Presbyterian Church bazaar on November 5
Service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church will be
at 1:30 standard time on Sun-
day October 30 with Rev.
Henderson of Exeter in
charge. The annual bazaar
will be held on November 5 at
2:00 p.m. • one hour earlier
than usual. Please note the
time changes.
Rebekahs invited
Amber Rebekah Lodge met
on Wednesday evening with
Noble Grand Mrs. Margaret
Upshall presiding assisted by
Noble Grand Mrs. Eunice
Aikenhead, who gave the
report of the visiting commit-
tee. Members accepted an in-
vitation to Goderich Lodge on
November 1 when the
Assembly President will
make her official visit. A ban-
quet will be held in her honour
at 6 p.m. in Victoria Street
Church. Amber Lodge will
present the travelling gavel.
The members are invited to
the annual speak -off for the
students who will be chosen
for the United Nations trip to
be held in Clinton Lodge on
November 9 at 8:00 p.m.
Another busy week took
place•at the Queensway Nur-
sing Home. Monday was
bingo with several ladies in
from the United Church to
play bingo with the residents.
Beautiful music flowed
throughout the building when
one of the ladies played the
piano for the residents.
On Tuesday Rev. Kenneth
Knight, Exeter, conducted
worship service accompanied
at the piano by Mrs. Blanche
Dougall. Wednesday the
ladies were busy baking
Thursday evening the
residents enjoyed a very
scenic trip across Canada by
movies shown here at the
home. Friday was bowling at
the Zurich lanes with Murray
Howe high bowler.
Birthday greetings this past
get manicures
last meeting next week.
- Reporter Diane Vanneste.
Kippen East W.I.
Kippen East Women's in-
stitute were royally entertain-
ed by Rosemary Ferguson at
Ferguson Apiaries on the
Zurich Road on October 19.
Meeting opened with presi-
dent Grace Drummond in the
chair and Grace read a time-
ly poem "October's Moun-
tains". t1any good recipes us-
ing honey were given as the
roll call.
Grace Eyre chaired the
program and introduced
guest speaker Rosemary
Ferguson. Mrs. Ferguson
presented a beautiful film
showing the bees at work and
describing the whole opera-
tion of bee keeping. She also
showed pictures of their own
operation and equipment.
in the question period she
id that • o are findir.t'
. out how important bees are to
agriculture as many crops de-
pend on them for cross
pollination. Regarding bee
stings she said it had been
suggested that the
beekeeper's wife should be
stung every year to keep up
an immunity.
Evelyn Workman gave a
poem "Simplicity." Grace
Eyre reported that she and
Dorottiy Bell had visited
Jessie Brock at Blue Water, a
former member.
Grace Drummond will be
the voting delegate to the area
convention. Charlotte
McDowell reported on the
Seaforth party. Verda
Sinclair gave Courtesy
Remarks. Lunch was served
by the hostesses and lunch
committee Mildred
Chalmers. Phyllis Parsons,
Verda Sinclair, and Mary
NAILED -- Twins Lois and Linda Binnendyk spent part
of their 13th birthdays attending the regular Tuesday
evening meeting of the Kippen 4-H club, where they
learned to apply nail polish properly.
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Sponsored by
Ilensall Merchants Association
week were to Neil Regan
Hensall United Churcb
The United church was fill-
ed on Sunday morning for
regular worship when the
Sacrament of Holy Baptism
was administered. Those be-
ing received through Baptism
were Nicole Alicia Marie
Alexander, daughter of Ross
and Catherine (Sim) Alex-
ander; Michael James
Patrick Brennan, son of
Shawn and Brenda (Pepper)
Brennan; Jason Gus Ingram,
son of Sandy and Pamela
(Grant) Ingram and Asheley
Lynn Rowcliffe, daughter of
John and Bonnie (Campbell)
Shirley McAllister greeted
the congregation and Dennis
Martin, Mervin Fields,
Wayne Corbett and Al Corbett
were the ushers. The junior
choir sang "Kids under Con-
struction" by Gaither and
Paxter and the senior choir
sang the very lovely "Jesu,
Our Blessed Hope of Heaven"
Mr. McDonald spoke on the
subject of "Baptism into the
Caring Community." He said
at baptism a child is brought
into the family and household
of faith, the Christian church,
and in this community of faith
we find a caring, loving body.
Christians are known for their
love, he said, not only to those
inside the fellowship but those
outside as well.
Genuine love for others is
the most effective witness
Christians can make. The
next baptismal service will be
held on Sunday November 20
and Anniversary Sunday
would be Sunday, November
13 with Rev. Donald Beck as
guest speaker at the morning
service; the Film "The Cross
and The Switchblade" with
Eric Estrada and Pat Bonne
will be shown at the evening
The morning Bible Study
continued this week at the
United Church with a good at-
tendance. This week the Bible
study will be held on Thurs-
day morning at 10:00 a.m. in-
stead of Tuesday.
A number of Junior Hi from
the conununity attended the
film night in Exeter United
Church Thursday evening on
"The Secret of Loving"; they
retired to Mr. McDonald's for
discussion and lunch.