Times-Advocate, 1983-10-26, Page 19Pet 44 %A„o ANNIVERSARY — Donna Greb (left) and Joy Hogg talk to James Tamen and Ron Holmes, two of The Nations gospel -singing troupe who provided special music for the evening anniversary service at Emmanuel United Church in Zurich. Both women are members of the session responsible for planning the anniversary activities. L'avoz; Mrs. Carling Svve�r Phone: 236.4702 RUG BRAIDING CREATIONS -- Perth home economist Nancy Ross, Mary Hogan, Dashwood, Maria Mathonia, Zurich, Pauline Miller, Zurich, and Huron home economist Jane Muegge display some of the many articles that can be created us- ing rug braiding techniques during a workshop in Hensall. Concrete lids will be required Hay tightens waste storage by-law F:d:tors not(': 1'arts of the report on Hay township corU1• cil that were acci(Ientalh scrambled in last week's issue are berm,) repeated. \Vi Icier reported on a meeting on September 27 in Crediton when represen latives 01 l shorne. flay. ',McGillivray. Exeter and Hensall discussed .joint use of future landfill sites A cost study was proposed. and let 1ers were sent to liosartgllet. l'iddulph, (;rand Bend and Zurich councils Hay council agreed to participate in the study. and appointed Deputy Reeve 'Pony Bedard a n(1 councillor Claire Ueicherl to represent Ilay on a joint land till site committee The Iwo men will also al lend a waste disposal seminar in Kitchener on October 2li Cotint•ii Rave first. second and third reading, to by-laws passed in August One makes off l(•ial the increase in penal ty t(1:1 ma 5,11111111 of $2,(0/) for anyone convicted of fouling township roads or bridges. Another increased the max- imum penalty for contraven- ing the ty-law governing the licencing and location of 1ra11e1•s in a place other than a trailer park to $501. with a penalty of $5(I for each subse- quent sepa ra to offence. Wording was changed on the liquid waste storage by- law to read. any liquid storage tank or pit shall be of concrete construction with a concrete lop if Tess than 11) 1)01 \lune was present dor rag reading of the Munn \lousseau municipal chain report As no objections had been received, the report was adopted A count of revision to deal with the report was set for the next regular meeting on \ovenlher 7 Tenders for the work will he called the sante night Dunn does not want the soil hank leveled November I was set as a special meeting for court of revision for the Aldwortu ,municipal drain .it a meeting called on October fi Tenders for that job must he in the clerk's office by noon of November 1 A tile drainage loan ap plication of $1 8,0M) for Randy Kegler at lot 8. concession 1(1 was approved provide'(: there is an adequate outlet crossing ciunrlly toad 2. Reeve \111der said Keith Horner's severance appbca lion will be dealt with at c•oun ty council this Thursday Horner has had no objection from any'of the neighbouring property owners he has ap proac'hed Wilder quoted chief county planner Gary I)avid son as saying approval will be at the dis(•(('1 ion of the plana ing and development commit tee. as 1he property is so close to the buffer zone Right to Life banquet tonight A Right to Life banquet is being held tonight ( Wed., Oct. 26) in Goderich at the Legion hall 6:30 p.m. Special speaker is Dr. Hari Bezner. Some from Zurich and Bluewater parishes are planning to attend. Don't forget to turn your clocks back on Saturday night, Oct. 29. Everyone is invited to a Penny Sale on Thursday Oct. 27 at 8:00 p.m. at St. Peter's parish hall, St. Joseph which is being sponsored by their C.W.L. The annual Bingo for Bro. Bob Mittleholtz, Missions in India will be held this Satur- day evening at 8:30 p.m. at the Zurich Community Cen- tre. Admission $1.00 with lunch. Grand prize of a $100.00 jackpot is once again being donated by Mr. and Mrs. Case Van Raay. Everyone welcome. The Torch Bearers club will be holding their monthly paper drive this Thursday, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Please have bundles ready at the curb. Lucky winners from the Share -the -Wealth K of C draw at their monthly meeting last week in St. Columbian were Kenny Overholt $137.00 and Paul Bedard $25.00, both of Zurich; $25.00 went to Ross Horner. Varna Glamour Gals discuss eyes, teeth The fifth meeting of Varna 4-11 Glamour Gals was held on October 17 at the home of our leader Sandra Turner. After repeating the 4-11 pledge, all nine members answered the roll call by naming one thing we should do to take care of our eyes or teeth. Some of the topics we discussed were how a smile improve:- everyone's looks, eye care, eye injuries and their prevention, sensible sunglasses, the dos and don'ts. We compared prices and sizes of various grooming products. - Press reporter Janet ��Coleman % l folc�c Il l j>ltlrt,)Je3 Residents here are able to enjoy all the beauty of the autumn colours with colourful bushes on both sides of us. Movies were shown on Mon- day evening followed by refreshments. A thank -you goes to Mr. Leroy Erb for see- ing that we receive the films from Goderich each weekend, and to some of our staff members for returning them. We are pleased that Mrs. Bertha Phillips has been able to return from the hospital but regret that Mr. Ferdinand Hah' rer is presently in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Please circle your calendar for November 12 for the an- nual auxiliary bazaar, tea and bake sale as well as the 17th anniversary of the Home's of- ficial opening. Your support will be very much appreciated. Again we thank Mr. Marc Chalut for his interest in the residents and for taking them for drives in his car to see the autumn scenery. Residents who were out during the week were Mr. Aaron Gingerich, Mrs. Ruby Hoggarth, Mrs. Oriole Westlake, Mrs. Rachel Amanns and Mrs. Verna Truemner. Bingo was played on Friday evening followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Clayton Kuepfer of the Zurich Mennonite Church. REC LEAGUE CHAMPIONS C.G. Form Supply won the Zurich Rec League trophy and were the "A" divi- sion ploy -off chomps in Men's Rec Fastball, winning the best-of•five series against the Dominion Tavern. Shown (back left) are Dennis Estep, Glen Gascho, Mel Melick, Wayne Gingerich, Dave Erb,Cliff Gingerichand (front) Harold Gingerich, Rick Gingerich. John Goscho, Steve Grainger, Ron Parrish and Dale Cressman. Missing Jim Romer and Brian Horner. Photo by Richman A good time was had by all who attended the 400 wed- ding anniversary celebration of Earl and Yvonne Dietrich (nee Gelinas) of Centralia on Saturday where a delicious turkey dinner was served to several family members and relatives at the Dominion Tavern in Zurich. Following a social there, everyone was in- vited back to the couple's home. A one -day bus tour to the Festival of Lights in Niagara Falls on Wednesday, Nov. 30 leaves Dashwood at 12:30 p.m. The price of $29.00 each includes a buffet supper. If in terested phone Pearl Miller in Dashwood at 237-3554. Last Thursday the St. Boniface C.W.L. held their October meeting with the Liv- ing Rosary in the church before Mass for Vocations. Thirty-nine members and one guest were present as well six teachers. Fr. Mooney played a tape by Dr. John Billings. The League is invited to Mt. Carmel on Nov. 8 to their bazaar. A motion was made to send $50.00 to the Esk-Omi Missions in Manitoba. Marie Mathonia was thank- ed for making the nice Thanksgiving display of fruit and vegetables in church. Five ladies are taking part in the Rug Braiding Course in Hensall. The group made plans for Bro. Bob's Bingo on Saturday and the parish bazaar for the missions on Sat. Nov. 5. The door prize St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. KARL SCHUESSLER Vice Pastor (345.2683) Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, October 30 10 00 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. - Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised dur- ing the worship service. Everyone Welcome was won by Cecile Meldinger. Chester and Luella Loucks of London spent a week ago Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Corriveau at the Spruce Villa Apts. Saturday, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard Sr. and Lucien and Nora Cor- riveau were her brother and sister, Clem Bedard of Wind- sor and Mary -Ann Masse of London. Martin and Cheryl Gelinas enjoyed from Wednesday to Sunday on vacation in Niagara Falls. Congratulations to Jim and Veronica Bedard who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday with a family dinner at the Cor- kscrew in London. Following was a surprise party for them back in Zurich at the town hall where several friends and relatives gathered together to give the couple their best wishes for many years to come. Most of the Smith families from town attended the wed- ding on Friday evening at St. Patrick's Church in Dublin of their niece Julie Smith to Chris Adair. The bride is the daughter of Rita and Russell Smith. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Mrs. Rachelle Laporte and Mr. Abbey Hoffman who are both patients in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kenda Sr. spent Sat. and Sunday in Lon- don with friends Mr. and Mrs. Hrovat (Laddie) Vladimir where they helped Carla celebrate her birthday and retirement party. Saturday supper guests with Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner were Mr. and Mrs. William Sitter, Thedford, Mrs. Greta Kerswill of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Irene McClinchy, Varna, Mt. and Mrs. Frank Nigh, Seaforth, and Mrs. Emma Schilbe, Zurich. On Sunday, Mrs. Dorothy Finkbeiner of Belmore visited with her mother-in-law. Emmanuel United Church in Zurich had a full house at both morning and evening services to celebrate their 109th anniversary. Rev. John Anderson of Listowel, Ont. was the guest speaker at both services. Special music was provided by the Ellen Craig singers of Goderich in the morning and the Nations, a Gospel group from London sang in the evening. Upcoming bazaars November 5 at St. Boniface School gym. -November 12 at Bluewater Rest Home. ANNUITY SHOPPING SERVICE - ADVICE about annuity types - HELP in making the best choice MARKET SURVEY of over 30 companies PLACEMENT with company of your choice The decision to annuitize your RRSP is very important to your financial securi- ty. Why not have the advantage of unhurried advice and company choice? GEO. A. GODBOLT Chartered Life Underwriter Licensed with Devon Bldg., Exeter 235-2740 Mutual Life of Canada Times -Advocate, October 26, 1983 Pape 19 SHOWING Perth county home economist Nancy Ross demonstrates rug braiding to Madeline Smith and Josephine Dencrnme, Zurich, ata workshop in Hensall. Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. - Life insured personal loans and mortgages. (if eligible) - Semi-annual interest paid on chequing accounts. - Competitive term deposit rates up to 12% - No fee - no charge - RRSP's - Safety Deposit boxes - 57.50 yearly We are now selling Canada Savings Bonds at 9l'4 °-o for the year. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. EXETER BRANCH 374 Main St. Exeter, Ont. 235-0640 Companions wanted Introduce your oil furnace to addon electric heat and introduce yourself to substantial oil savings. egh Kissing that old flame goodbye isn't the only way to reduce your oil consumption. If that oil furnace is still in good shape, you can take advantage of converting to a dual energy heating system. instead of replacing your furnace, introduce it to an electric plenum heater, heat pump, electric hoiler or baseboard heaters. These dual energy systems let oil and electricity work in harmony to heat your home more efficiently and more economically. Operation is simple. The electric system works until the coldest winter days, then your oil furnace automatically takes over. in most cases, add-on electric heat will reduce oil consumption by up to 75°(1. Even more in some cases. And a reduction of that magnitude can make a dramatic difference to the total cost of heating your home. The Plenum Heater The "plenum" is the warm air chamber at the top Of your forced air oil furnace. That's exactly where a plenum heater is installed. So that on most days, the fan circulates more economical, electrically generated heat. The Heat Pump Even on cold winter nights, there is still warmth in the outside air. Just Tike a refrigerator, the heat pump extracts that warmth and pumps it into your home. Plus there's an added bonus. in the summer. your heat pump works in reverse and become , a central air conditioner. The Electric Boiler If von have an oil fueled hot water heating system, there's another alter- native. You simply add an electric hoiler. Go ElectricG It's no Nigger than a small suitcase and can he easily installed. Baseboard Heaters Electric baseboards can also he used as a dual energy system. 'They're installed in individual 101)1115 t0 quietly handle most O1 the heating load. ,,.x1///11 \ ` it INN/////////' // i The Tune is Right 'h -,day is definitely the time to investigate the sayings of introducing your oil fur- nace to an add-on electric system. The COSi' (Canada Oil Substitution Pro- gram) grant will pay for half of the in- stalled cost or WO, whichever is Tess, on all systems where oil consumption is reduced by 50"'n or more. '1(1 find out more about the benefits of a dual energy system, contact your local 11vdnl 01 electric heating con- 1ract()r today and ask them about special assistance that could lead to even greater saying. And tell your furnace to get reach for a %yarn) and meaningful triat1Onsllip this winter. 1