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Times -Advocate, October 26, 1983
Lucan Anglicans
A celebration of the Con-
temporary Eucharist was the
order of service for worship at
Holy Trinity Anglican
Church, on the 22nd Sunday of
As members and friends
gathered for worship, they
were ministered to by the
joyful praises of the folk choir
from Mary Immaculate
Roman Catholic Church in
London. .The choir, which
usually leads the music each
Sunday in their Church, con-
sists of between 25 and 35
members. They were our
guests and led us in song
throughout the service. The
group began some 15 years
ago taking an active part in
Sunday Worship Services.
Music is their way of sharing
with others their faith by us-
ing the gifts given them by
God and using them for His
Greeting the congregation
were Janet and Bradley
Ankers. Assisting in the ser-
vice, by reading the appointed
lessons, were Michael Scott
and Jim Shipley.
The sermon, given by the
Rector, was based on the
Gospel, Luke 18:9-14. In this
vivid short play with two
characters, Jesus shows us
two attitudes - one of being
spiritually poor and one of
It is not that the Pharisee is
a bad man and the Publican
is good. Jesus is not saying
that. Goodness and badness
are not involved for the mo-
ment. What is involved is that
the Publican knew where he
stood in the relationship to the
holiness of God and the
Pharisee didn't We may be
rather pleased about our
track record, and we may feel
that somebody else has made
quite a mess of themselves,
but if we are measuring
respective distances from
God's throne of love, then we
are identical.
Following the service, a
delicious luncheon and a time
of fellowship was enjoyed
with our guests in the lower
The sacrament of Holy
Baptism will be administered •
on November 6. Any parents
desiring their children to
receive this sacrament,
please contact the Rector.
Don't forget, Wednesday is
the Turkey Supper from 5 to
8 p.m. and all helpers are
TRYING ON APPAREL — Frayne Parsons tries on a
coat at Thursday's South Huron Hospital Auxiliary rum-
mage sale with help from Bill Snow. T -A photo
Bonnie Bell
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BUSY IN THE KITCHEN — Busily engaged preparing snacks at Thursday's South
Huron Hospital Auxiliary rummage sole are Anne Cann, Helen Webber and Bonnie
May. T -A photo
Saintsbury ACW p
bake table, sale of quilt
ticket sale at the Lucan arena
craft show on November 12
and a dessert euchre in St.
Patrick's Parish hall
November 16 at 1 p.m. Ladies
and gentlemen are welcome.
The meeting closed with
prayer and Rose Cunningham
held a jewellery demonstra-
tion, with proceeds for the
group. The hostess served
refreshments and all enjoyed
a social hour.
Mrs. Viola Atkinson was
hostess Tuesday evening for
the October A.C.W. meeting
with 10 members and one
guest present. Marguerite
Greenlee opened the meeting
with all repeating the
Member's prayer.
Hazel Eaton led in prayer
for missions, for the work of
the church Sheryl Carroll, for
World Fellowship Mary
Davis, for the sick M.
Greenlee, Mary Jefferies
read the minutes of the last
Mary Davis gave a finan-
cial report, plans were made
for a bake table and quilt
Revival Centre
from Lucan
Sunday morning Rev.
Wayne Longard, conference
superintendent of B.C. and
pastor of Chilliwack P.H.
Church, greeted the con-
gregation. As Director of
World Missions in Canada, he
stressed the importance of
taking up Missionary offer-
ings to support missionaries.
The Mission Board has
started supporting building a
training centre in Africa.
Mrs. Jana Lynn Rutledge
quoted 1 Corinthians 13:12
saying we need to be known
by the Lord, before she sang
The Joys of the Journey. Rev.
C. J. Williams introduced
Rev. Longard as the guest
Rev. Longard spoke from 2
Corinthians 6:17-18 on being
separate. He said just
because we have the em-
phasis on the movement of
the Holy Spirit, that God has
not changed His standards..
Being separate identifies us
with something. Christians
are identified with God, set-
ting us apart from the man on
the street.
Christianview Bible College
students took part in the Sun-
day evening service. Nello
Romagnoli played his violin
while Wendy Robertson ac-
companied herself on the
piano as she sang "What
Would I Do?" Mr. Romagnoli.
read 2 Corinthians 7:14, tell-
ing the requirements for
spiritual revival. He then
played his violin, Miss
Robertson played piano,
while Robert Becker on
guitar played In the Garden
of Prayer.
Rev. C. J. Williams said
from Luke 4:18-19 the Spirit of
God must be upon us for
others to hear the gospel.
Jesus came to preach the
gospel with the Spirit of God
upon Him. Without God's
Spirit taking control and giv-
ing direction, G-od cannot and
will not do what He wants to
A large number from the
community attended Harry
Strang night at Kirkton-
Woodham Community Centre
on Friday evening. Mr
Strang is retiring as
secretary -treasurer of
Usborne Township. The pro-
gram of local talent was
followed by a presentation to
Mr. and Mrs Strang and a
Rev. Burton Crowe from
the Centralia Zion charge was
the guest speaker at the Elim-
ville United church anniver-
sary service Sunday morning.
The sermon was entitled
"The Role of the Laity."
Mrs. Marilyn Vanden-
busche and Mrs. Shirley
Kerslake sang three lovely
duets and the choir sang a
couple of anthems.
The Thames Road
Elimville Messengers will
hold their annual Hallowe'en
party Saturday evening Oc-
tober 29 at 7:00 p.m. at
Thames Road Church.
Everyone is welcome. The
ladies will bring lunch and
prizes will be awarded for the
best costumes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cunn-
ingham and April spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Tindall, Marylou and
Rev. Peter Derrick was in
charge of service at St.
Patrick's, Sunday. He con-
tinued his sermon on Prayer
and Faith. Mrs. Mary Kooy
was organist for the service.
Please note service next Sun-
day will be 11 a.m.
Kirkton Anglican
women see film
The A.C.W. met at the
home of Mrs. Walter Creery
Thursday evenings. Mrs. Bill
Schaefer read the Meditation.
Plans for the bazaar were
finalized. Mrs. Walter Creery
then showed a film "Loved,
Honoured and Bruised". A
discussion followed. The
hostess served a lovely lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Henry, Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler,
of London, Mrs. Lloyd Hern of
Ross and Mr. and Mrs. David
Spence, St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waghorn
spent a recent weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reurnink at
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berry,
Toronto visited Thursday
with Ethel Copeland, Mrs.
Mary Hewins, Mrs. Maurice
Blackler and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Berry.
Donald Berry enjoyed a
Exeter were Thursday dinner visit to the Western
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Provinces.
Davis and Mr. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis,
McCord Rea Stephen and Jack
y' Switzer were Fridayevening
Mr. and Mrs. Herman dinner guests of Mr and Mrs.
Paynter entertained Satur-
day, October 10 in honour of Lorne Marshall.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross' Mr. and Mrs. Burns
wedding anniversary. Dinner Blackler visited friends at
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mount Albert, Stmday.
Dashwood seniors aid community centre
ed from the community cen-
tre board to use the hall for
shuffleboard and games. The
first will be October 25 at 2
There will be no regular
November meeting. The
Christmas meeting will be
Monday, December 12 with a
dinner at 6 p.m. Pearl Miller
asked that all going on the
November 30 t: ip to Niagara
have their money ;•i by
November 24.
Mrs. Lloyd Rader's group
was in charge of the program.
Progressive euchre and other
games were enjoyed. Winners
were, ladies' high, Mrs. Jean
Walper; men's high, Emil
Becker; low, Mrs. Florence
Martene and Frans
Boogemans; lone hands, Mrs.
Frieda Keller.
Anyone interested in the
one day bus trip to Niagara
for the "Festival of Lights,"
November 30 please. call
Pearl Miller at 237-3554.
Dashwood seniors met
Monday, October 17 with 41
members answering the roll
call by paying their fees.
There were two guests and
two new members. President,
Mrs. Eben Weigand presided.
The card secretary reported
one sympathy, one get well
and one 40th anniversary
card sent.
A donation of $300 was
made to the community cen-
tre. A donation will also go to
the firemen. Emil Becker is
to report What the firemen
need. Permission was receiv-
Friends and neighbours of
John and Cecile Muller
gathered at the Shipka Com-
munity Centre Wednesday
evening to honour them on
their recent marriage.
In the social time games of
progressive euchre were
played. Winners were: men's
high, Fred Gibson; men's
low, Russell Mellin; ladies'
high, Evelyn Pickering;
ladies' low, Cecile Muller;
most lone hands, Bruce
The young couple were
presented with a lamp by Ann
Russell. Lunch refreshments
were served.
Those from this area who
attended the South Huron fall
regional at Exeter United
Church were Dorothy Fenner,
Mabel Guenther, and Annie
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rankin,
of Merriville, Indiana, visited
Tuesday' at their niece's
home, Lucille and Harold Vin-
cent and.family.
Don, Sharon and Jamie
Baker accompanied by
Harvey and Alanna Adams,
Exeter, spent the weekend in
Detroit, at Don's sister, San-
dra and Tony Regier and
Draw winners
at Precious Blood
The Precious Blood School
grocery raffle was held cm
Sturday October 22.
Listed are the winners:
Steve Bedard, Judy Kyle,
Chris Weernik, Kris Thomp-
son, Hazel! Corbett, Dennis
Bierling, Elaine Hodgins.
WIN USBORNE LOGO CONTEST During Open House at the new Usborr
township-Ausable-Boyfield Conservation Authority. offices Saturday, deputy reeve
Margaret Hern presented logo contest prizes to winners Ed Coleman and Jeff Prance.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mason
have arrived home following
a nine day trip to Rainy River
to visit their son John and
family. They had a real good
time and found everyone well.
They crossed on the M.S. Rainy River.
Chi-Cheemaun. • Glen Haugh of California
They returned home by called on Geiser cousins here
way of the States. At Thunder last week.
Bay they stopped to see the Supper guests Sunday with
Terry Fox monument and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rader and
placed their hands on it. The family were Mr. and Mrs. Ir -
leaves were all off the trees at vin Rader.
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