HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-10-26, Page 5The readers write
Discuss loitering bylaw, disabled people and French issue
Dear Sir:
I'm always pleasantly
startled when elected council
has a flash of brilliance. Last
week council decided to table
its proposed anti -loitering
bylaw. This was the Lamp of
intelligence and momentary
The question being whether
or not Exeter will deem it pro-
per, correct, and in the Cana-
dian spirit to pass law against
freedom of assembly in order
to curb vandalism.
Vandals are a pressing pro-
blem, that's true, but the at-
, titude projected by the pro-
posed bylaw is that vandals
only play after 10 p.m. and on-
ly in groups greater than two.
This is hardly reality.
Vandalism is a problem
wherever it happens and such
misdirected spirit occurs
regardless of the law.
Lawlessness after all is part
of the vandal's nature as are
their social problems. Van-
dal'; have a personal/social
problem otherwise their ac-
tivities would be considered to
fall under the category of per-
sonal vendetta and revenge.
We already have a plethora of
laws to deal with that kind of
criminal activity.
If the respected policecan't
deal with the naughty
children of Exeter they won't
catch them any better with an
anti -loiter bylaw. If the
respected parents can't com-
municate with the kiddies the'
bylaw still won't have the
desired effect.
What the by-law will do is
place another Orwellian 1984
rule on the books. It will be
meaningless and may cause
fear in otherwise good
citizens that are just hanging
around watching the day go
So the obvious response to
deviant behaviour is not what
seems easiest: to pass a law.
After all we're already trying
to deal with a small percen-
tage of the population that
wouldn't care about the law.
Some one/group would be
better off to communicate
with that anarchistic style of
individual. Otherwise Exeter
will fall into the unhealthy
trap of passing law because it
doesn't care to deal direct
with others who also don't
care. If you're counting,
that's two groups who
wouldn't care.
You'll have further proof of
a lot of non -caring, imper-
sonal, and frustrated people if
anti -freedom laws get passed.
What to do is a good ques-
tion. A question that the
B.I.A., police, parents, and
vandals need answered.
If I may, let me say this
with my chin out; love your
kids. Listen to them and give
them what they need to be
capable people. I wouldn't say
wrong if the kids showed a lit-
tle more harmony too.
The alternative seems to be
for heavy figures of authori-
ty to raise their angry heads.
The freedom to assemble in
groups greater than two is in-
trinsic to any nation that
doesn't live in fear.
It's a complicated issue and
when looked at with a more
responsible attitude it
becomes frustrating long
before it gets solved.
Take the hard road. It's
more lasting and solves the
problem finally - when you
get there.
Roy Berger
¥ ¥
Dear Sir:
"Disabled persons need
greater protection under
Canada's laws because their
rights as human beings are
often ignored." This is a quote
from the 1981 report of the
Federal Committee on the
Disabled and the Handicap-
ped entitled "Obstacles."
The report forms a central
reference point for a study we
are conducting. We are look-
ing into existing or propose('
action (fol• instant.
municipal by laws, transpor-
tation arrangements, building
access, etc.), which might
enable disabled persons to
more readily participate in
main -stream activities within
our communities.
We are interested in hear-
ing from concerned persons
with respect to obstacles en-
countered by disabled men,
women, and children. We
would also like to know
whether you have noticed any
change in attitudes towards
disabled people. If you have
any concerns about what's
not being done, or comments
about what is being done, we
would be very happy to hear
from you.
Please contact us at the
following address: Graduate
Student Workshop, School of
Urban and Regional Plann-
ing, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, N2L 3G1.
Beth Hemens
for: G. Clarke, A. Howarth,
B. Hemens, C. Kallio, P.
Raun, S. Yuen.
Dear Editor:
The Oxford dictionary
defines fraud as deceit-
fulness, dishonest, artificer or
trick. Webster's dictionary
definition is deceit or
trickery deliberately practis-
ed to gain some advantage
We have Federal Bil-
ingualism all across Canada
but Quebec, they have gone
unilingual French, 17 percent
of their population is English
speaking; you can't put up an
English sign or you will be fin-
ed, not even a bilingual sign,
your Mother's tongue has got
to be English or you can't
send you children to an
English school. English
speaking people are sent
home from their jobs they
CROSS-COUNTRY WINNERS — The Exeter senior girls team won their event in
the inter -school cross-country races. Shown with teacher Marion Triebner (back left)
are Kathy McDonald, Karen Hoffman and (front) Candy Moore, Shelly Black, Sherry
Black and Shelley Skinner.
Cookie campaign underway
Students plan masquerade
South Huron's Hallowe'en
Masquerade Dance will be
held in the spookily decorated
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gym Thursday October 27 at
8:00 p.m. Admission ranges
from 11 to $3 depending on ex-
tent of costume as judged by
the prefects. The Mystery DJ
will get the Hallowe'en spirit
Hallowe'en Kisses will be
delivered tomorrow. The
secret messages will have a
Hallowe'en candy attached.
South Huron's cookie cam-
paign is going well with many
packages sold. Monday's top
seller, Rick Graham. will
receive 120. The top
homeroom as of today were
a t
I 417, 00Y0.4
Rick, Heather and Matthew
Schroeder of Black Creek,
B.C. are visiting relatives and
friends in the area.
Wheneconomics gets im-
portant enough. it becomes
served a Pizza Party. At the
dance tomorrow two $20
prizes will be drawn. The
overall top seller wins 175 and
the overall top homeroom will
lunch at the Chinese
Students who have sold one
coupon book or one case of
cookies may pick up their
Global membership card and
begin to use the weight train-
ing machine. Memberships
may also be purchased for
Friday's Blues Brothers
Day was successful with
many black suited Brothers.
Money was made at the
Preliminary midterm
reports will be delivered
tomorrow. This Friday is Pro-
fessional Development Day.
Wednesday November 2 is
Parent's Night at SIMDHS.
Intramural volleyball and
indoor soccer continue at
noon hours.
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have worked at for years
because they can't spe;
French. There is also English
speaking people sent home
from their jobs all across
English Canada because they
can't speak French.
On Nov. 13, 1982 speaking in
Halifax to the Federation of
Acadians in Nova Scotia (a
French organization) the
Secretary of State of Canada
Serge Joyal stated that as
long as he was Secretary of
State of Canada he would
direct his attention to making
Canada a French State; not
only in Quebec but in the rest
of Canada. He made it
perfectly clear to his audience
that he intended to use his of-
fice not only to favor the
French-speaking people but
he would use his office to the
detriment of the rest of the
people of Canada as can be
seen in this statement. If 1
have to cut back some pro-
grams, and 1 have already
di 7e so, there is one area in
which I have ^o intention of
using the scissors, the ad-
vancement of Franco -phone
rights in Canada.
He ended up by saying that
we will see what the next 10
years will bring forth. This is
the man who took' the oath of
office, to represent Canada -
the whole of Canada and to
uphold the laws. This is the
man that stood onthe steps of
Rideau Hall after being sworn
in and told reporters that his
job as Secretary of State was
to strengthen the status of
French in Canada.
Serge Joyal and Trudeau
were very much concerned
over the Manitoba language
question. Trudeau was out
there to have a talk with the
N.D.P. leader who was going
to make Manitoba Official
Bilingual which means all the
provincial government in-
stitutions would be bilingual;
you would have to be able to
speak French fluently or you
could go home and a Franco-
phone would take your place
and then they would install it
in the constitution and that is
what Trudeau and Serge
Joyal wants.
He told the N.D.P. leader to
stick to his guns and then he
called a meeting of all the
members of the Federal
House to discuss the language
question and they came up
with a resolution backing the
N.D.P. motion to make
Manitoba Official Bilingual,
not one vote against it.
Bilingualism, discriminates
against every ethnic group in
Canada but the French.
Everyone has got to learn
French and be able to speak
it fluently before you can get
a good Gover,.ment job, yet
the leader of the Conservative
party, the N.D.P. party and of
course the Liberal party,
spoke in favor of it.
I'm afraid if our English
speaking members don't soon
come out of their coma he will
make this country a french
state in 10 years, by the end
of the next century Canada
will be the largest French
Roman Catholic country in
the world.
The cost this year to the
taxpayers - of the Ontario
Government french language
program is 88 million dollars.
This money is over and above
the basic educational cost for
every student in Ontario.
Then we have the french law
courts on top of that. Six per-
cent French one percent can't
speak English. (Stupid
A disgusted English speak-
ing citizen.
Mr. Asa Deeves, Hensall
October 26, 1983 Page 5
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