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Times -Advocate, October 19, 1983
20 Property For Rent
PERSON WANTED to sub -let
apt. Phone Kim 235-0334 or
235-1088. 41tfn
Hensall, ground floor, close to
arena. Available Nov. 1st.
262-2014 or 262-3446. 4101
HENSALL - one and two
bedroom apartments. Stole and
fridge included. Phone 262-3146
after five. 41tfn
DOWNTOWN, one bedroom
ground floor unfurnished apart-
ment, heat. parking, laundry in-
cluded, no appliances. Available
November or December. 304 An-
drew. 472-0986. 42t Inc
21; For Rent
auditorium for rentals including
weddings, meetings, banquet
room, lectures, exhibitions, tiles,
etc. Kitchen facilities available.
Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000
ROBERTS wood splitters, 3 point
hitch model 515 per day. Gas
model 530.00 per day. 262-5263 or
262-2224. 371111
doubles. parking, quiet, 520.00
per week, 575.00 per month and
up. Grand Central Hotel, Luean.
227-4811. 421fnc
Hodgins, l.ucan. Phone 227-4418.
GRAND BEND - one bedroom
apartment, no pets. References re-
quired. P. Warner, 238-2391.
2 BEDROONI Apartment with
fridge and stove. Available nn-
inediately, 238-8987. 42,43c
senior citizens or couple. Heated.
5250.00, near Zehrs. No children
or pets. Phone 235-0354. 42c
GRAND BEND furnished apart-
ment, suitable for a couple.
Utilities paid. No pets. Apply
Patio Motel. Phone 238-2431.
42t t nc
FARM HOUSE - 3 bedrooms, 7
miles east of Exeter on highway.
5175 monthly. Call 229-8804 even-
ings. 42,43c
Private home, use oIhouse. N
42,73snoker. 227-1206.
2 BEDROOM HOUSE, t,.ently
renovated. Available by Oct. 23.
238-2476. 42:43e
bedrooms, kitchen, living route,
bath and basement. Carpeted
throughout. Available immediate-
ly. Phone 235-1286 after 6 p.m.
21 For Rent
portable cement mixer, Power
Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form
ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau,
Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 151
NENSALI. - cosy 2 bedroom
house, also store downtown.
262-3205. 42-44c
HORSE BARN - modern 8 stall.
235-2386. 42:43c
ONF BEDR(X)M apt., partially
furnished, laundi y and parking.
235-1497. 42tfn
COUNTRY HOME located on
paved road. Phone 237 3326 atter
4 p.nt. 42c
22 For Sale or Rent
f RUCK CAMPER, 2 -way fridge,
gas stove, 2 -way water, gas fur-
nace, 110 and 112 salt, sleeps 4.
5995.00 or 550.0ir Der week rem
228-6328. 28tfnc
23 Wanted To Rent
[WEST, barn and file to 1(1 fenc-
ed acres in Exeter area. Must have
ample water for small livestock
operation. I wo-year lease Or
longer preferred. Apply stating
location, rental and length of term
available to Box BAX, rhe Exeter
Times-Adsocate, Exeter. 451 fs
26 Legal Notices
In the Estate ut
Mae Holt,
also known a, \lay Holt. late of
the Village of (,rand Bend, in the
County of 1 ambton and Province
of Ontario, \\'idow.
Creditors and others having
Claims against the above Fst.tte
are required to send full par-
ticulars of such (''aims to the
undersigned on or before the 29th
day of October, 1983. after which
date the Estate's assets still he
di trihuted having regard only to
the ('lairs that have then been
r ved .
Dated at 1hedford, Ontario, this
29th day ot September, 1983.
J. Philip Walden
Barrister and Solicitor
P.O. Boy 121
1 HEDFORD, Ontario
Solicitor tor the raecufors
For snow removal
Will consider hourly or seasonal con-
tract, Tenders received until 12 noon
October 28.
For more information contact Mr. Alex
Meikle South Huron Hospital.
235-2700 extension 9
Effective November 1st, 1983 the
Stephen Township landfill site will be
open for Township residents on Tues-
day and Friday of each week and the
last Saturday of each month.
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wilmar D. Wein
Clerk -Treasurer
Extra.Large Luxury Apartments
Carling Street - Exeter
Within Walking Distance of
Shopping Area
2 bedroom apartments
Immedic: e Occupancy
laragh Corporation Ltd.
PHONE 235-0141
Garbage Pickup
Exeter residents please take notice
that after November there will be no
further e.xtra garbage pickups until
April, 1984.
Council has, as well, discontinued the
user fee for residents taking their own
garbage to the Dump in half -ton trucks,
trailers or automobiles for the same
Exeter Town Council
27 Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the
Village of Ailsa Craig until 12:00
noon, Thursday, November 3rd,
1983 for the following for the
1983-84 season.
1. For the plotting of streets.
2. For the mow t..,toval from
Main Slrret and where
i. 2 trucks - must have at feast 12
yd boxes with operator.
r1. rubber tired loader - must have
at least 1'-2 cu. yd. bucket with
iii. snow blower with operator.
The above tender will be on an
hourly rate. Lowest or any tender
not necessarily' accepted.
I-nselopes to be clearly marked
"Snow Tenders", Box 29, Ailsa
Craig, Ontario. NOM IA0.42:43c
Fuel tenders will he received by the
Ailsa Craig Community ('entre
Board, P.O. Box 29, Ailsa Craig,
Ontario, NOM I At) until 12:00
noon, November 3rd, 1983.
For the supply and delivery of fur-
. race oil for the Community Hall,
Main Street.
All tenders to be clearly marked
"Fuel Tender". 1.015•e51 or any
tender not neces,arily accepted.
New store
is opened
Noting he had been on
hand for many CTC store
openings,- senior vice-
president Ron Roberts told a
small group on hand for the
official opening, Thursday,
that the local store is one of
the nicest he has seen.
Roberts said that may be
considered a rather tradi-
tional comment to make on
such occasions, but quickly
and emphatically explained
he was being quite frank in
his assessment of the local
On hand to hear the
remarks were the principals
involved in the project, along
with the employees who took
a few minutes to listen to his
short address before the doors
were opened to a large
number of customers lined up
Roberts congratulated the
staff for the"splendid effort"
in stocking the store so quick-
ly. "No store got it ready that
quickly", he said in reference
to the fact the staff had fully
stocked and prepared the
facility in less than five
Roberts. using a pair of
giant snips from the hard-
ware section, cut a ribbon.
Assisting him were Exeter
Reeve Bill Mickle, local
dealer Gerry Walker, Rick
Frayne and Mike Williamson
of Frayne Chev-Olds and Ray
Field of MF Builders and
take drop
The accident and crime
totals showed a decline in Ex-
eter during the month of
September according to the
monthly police report submit-
ted to Exeter council this
There were eight collisions
with property damage
amounting lo $2,690 and two
minor injuries. Twenty-one
motorists were cautioned but
there were no charges laid
and no parking tickets issued.
Three people were charged
under the Liquor Act and one
man was charged with im-
paired driving.
Four break, enter and theft
investigations were con-
ducted with one charge being
laid. '('here were six thefts
under $200 and one investiga-
tion under the Narcotics ('on
trol Act.
Two fraud investigations
were included in the month as
well as one incident of wilful
damage to private property in
which damage was $40. Two
females were charged with
assault and there were six
animal complaints.
The department officers
recorded 5fi hours of over-
time, 21 of which were. for
Eliwab('th Court
One, two and three
Available Now
November 1st or
December 1st
Features appliances,
carpet throughout,
laundry facilities, all
utilities included
Ask about
special bonus
Located a'.
176 Oxford St
Hensoll, Ontario
PH: 262-2846
NOW IT'S OFFICIAL — The new Canadian Tire store was offifially opened on Thursday with senior vice-president
Ron Roberts, second from the right, cutting the ribbon. Others on hand before the doors opened to a waiting
crowd of shoppers were, from the left: Exeter Reeve Bill Mickle, Mike Williamson of Frayne Chev-Olds, Ray
Field of MF Builders and Designers, Rick Frayne of Frayne Chev-Olds, Mr. Roberts and Gerry Walker, local CTC
Limitations under question
Dump hearing adjourned
A hearing into an appeal by
C. II. Lewis Lucan Ltd.
against an Ontario Ministry of
the Environment decision to
limit a landfill site certificate
has been adjourned until Oc-
tober 25.
In a Wednesday hearing,
Cecil Lewis said his cer-
tificate allows him to accept
garbage from anywhere in
Ontario. At the moment his
firm is handling refuse from
Huron, Perth, Middlesex and
Lambton counties.
The ministry has been con-
tending the certificate is good
only to accept waste from
Lucan, Parkhilld
an Biddulph
townshi p.
Lewis told ministry lawyer
John Tidball he cannot find,
"a certificate yet saying what
area we can and can't serve."
When asked by Tidball if he
interpreted the certificate to
mean he could pick up gar-
bage from anywhere in
Southern Ontario, Lewis said,
"yes - and Northern Ontario,
The company first applied
to the ministry for approval to
run the Biddulph site in 1971
and a provisional certificate
was granted in 1972. The cer-
tificate was extended several
times until the ministry im-
posed the condition that the
site be limited to accepting
garbage from the three
Since the original cer-
tificate was issued, Lewis'
company has accepted con-
tracts to collect garbage from
the three municipalities plus
London and Lobo townships,
Pinery Provincial park and
the ipperwash army camp.
The company also provides
containers for garbage to
several other areas and
brings some of that garbage
hack to the landfill site, Lewis
Lewis estimated "more
than $250,000" has been spent
on upgrading the site since it
was opened in 1971, with the
goal of making it a regional
site. If the company was
limited to serving: the im-
mediate municipalities, it
would "go out of business"
because it would not be
economical to run such a
small operation.
Lewis said that while he did
not feel he had to inform the
ministry very time e a ex-
he e x
panded his operation because
of lack of limitations on the
It isn't what
he expected
Exeter's new soccer pitch
adjacent to the tennis courts
is a disappointment to one
member of council.
Councillor Gaylan
Josephson this week said the
new pitch was not finished off
to the degree he expected as
it is still rough. and has loss
There was some confusion
as to who may have been
responsible for the finished
product and Clerk Liz Bell
said the situation was "quite
a schmozzle."
.Josephson had been critical
of the contractor in his
original statement on the con-
dition of the field and say he
may have been wrong in aim-
ing his remarks in that direc-
tion due to the manner in
which the contract was
awarded -
Auction Reminder
100 acres of cash crop farmland with building
10 be held ot Lot 22, Concession 12 Hibbert
Township 1'4 miles north and 5' miles east
of Hensafl for the Westlake form.
Sat., Oct. 22 at '10 a.m.
See last week's paper for full details.
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb, Clinton 482-7898
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * L
Farm Sold
• Clearing Auction Sale of antiques,
household furniture, farm
machinery etc. for Milton Pollock,
on Hwy. 81, 7 irtiies north of
Parkhill, 6 miles south of Grand
* Bend on Sat., Oct. 29, 12:30 p.m.
Full list next week
* Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson
' 666-0833 666-1967
The Ministry of the Environment's lake Huron
Water Supply System treatment plant will be
expanded and upgraded in 1984 and 1985. The
treatment plant is located at the junction of
Highways 21 and 83, approximately 3 km north
of the Village of Growl Bend.
Staff from the ministry and from the Consulting
Engineer, MacLaren Engineers Inc. will be
available to describe the project and to answer
questions and concerns.
Locution: Lak . Huron Water Treatment
Time: Friday, October 28, 1983
3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
7 p.m . to 8 p,m,
Summary of
Discussions: 8 p.m.
certificate, he did so "out of
While Lewis termed the
relationship between his com-
pany and the ministry as
amicable. Jim Janse of the
ministry's southwestern
region office in London said
the company and its officers
have been charged with two
infractions involving the opera-
tion of the site. On both occa-
sions, the officers pleaded
guilty and were fined, Janse
One of the charges involv-
ed allowing leachate (the ef-
fluent produced from gar-
bage) to run into a stream
which feeds into the Ausable
River. Tests of the area up
and down stream from the
landfill site "show no impact
on the streams," Janse said.
While there have been
leachate outbreaks from time
to time, they have been plugg-
ed with clay by Lewis
employees, Janse said. He
testified he did not consider
the outbreaks a problem.
That view was challenged
by Donna Wells, a member of
Citizens Rear-'ing Against
Pollution, who t,11d the board
that members of her group
planted 35 white flags in the
landfill site area to mark
leachate outbreaks "before
we ran out of flags."
"Do you still think there's
no problem''" she asked
"i didn't say it Lan out-
break 1 didn't happen. I said it
isn't a problem," replied
Wells also asked why the
ministry hadn't tested for
dioxins. Janse said dioxins
are produced in the incinera-
tion process, which is notus-
ed at the -Lewis site.
Other tests, showed there
were some phenols — benzene
that are used as
an antiseptic or disinfectant
in diluted forms -- in
samples taken from the land-
fill site area, but the levels did
not concern the ministry,
Janse said. There was no
evidence of PCBs
(polychlorinated biphenylsl
in the samples.
A ministry testing of a well
on the Peter and Erica Nippa
property next door to the
landfill site showed the water
was unfit to drink, but Janse
told Lewis' lawyer, Stephen
Garrod, he thought the con-
tamination was coming from
surface water on the Nippa
mill► (111110.--+rte►—f-4g►
Large Antique Auction
Antique furniture, brass, silver, pictures, pain-
tings, old magazines dated 1900 to 1906 from
one of the oldest largest homes in Goderich,
Ontario for Miss Edith Williams being held at
Saltford Hall Goderich.
Sunday, Oct. 30 at 12:30 p.m.
See next weeks paper for complete listing.
Terms cash
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb, Clinton 482-7898
Pin Contest
Residents are encouraged to sub-
mit a design for a "Town of Ex-
eter" lapel pin to the Municipal
Office by October 31 . 1983. Prize
of $25.00 is being offered for best
Exeter Council
Farm Auction Salo
of livestock, equipment and misc.
items on
Thurs., Oct. 28th, 1983 - 1:30 p.m.
2 miles west of Exeter on No. 83
Hwy. for Mr. Dalton Finkbeiner
LIVESTOCK - 13 Hereford cows various ages,
pasture bred to Hereford and Simmental bull,
which will be sold at some time, each cow has
o calf at side, but calves will be retained.
FARM EQUIPMENT - John Deere mower, 3 fur-
row Massey -Ferguson disc plow. form wagon
and rack, wooden 2 wheel rubber wheel train-
ing cart, White cutting box with pipes and
hood, 2 wheel traitor wifh stock rack, 2 rubber
tired buggy wheels and axle. blacksmith tools,
anvel, forge and tongs, cross cut and circular
saws, chain tighteners, old pump, post hole
digger and spud', 2 h.p. gas Briggs and Strat-
ton water pump, small air pump, cattle hoof
trimmer, 5 gol. cans roof coating, some lumber
and colored roof steel. steel posts, electric drill
and grinder, small barn jack, round bale
feeder. Many other articles too numerous to
Auctioneer Norm Whiting
235-1964 or 235-1931
Hospital Rummage
Sale & Auction
Thursday, October 20
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter
Auction Sale - 12;30 p.m. Thursday
Norm Whiting - Courtesy Auctioneer
Town wide pickup commences 9 a.m. Wednes-
day. Sponsored by Auxiliary to South Huron
Hospital. For further Information call
Saturday, Oct. 29
at 12 noon
Old Location -
444 South Main St., Exeter
• Surplus and discoutined merchandise
• Peg Board - Shelving - some neN and
used tools
• More complete list in next week's TA.
Auction Sale
Appliances, furniture. log splitter, paint gull
and compressor, furnace , gas pump, antiques;
etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn Clintons
Ontario, for Nettie Stimore of Egmondville plus
Sat., Oct. 22 at 11 a.m.
Log splitter on wheels with 30 inch stroke, paint
gun and compressor, modern oil furnace, in-
sulated chimney, duct pipes, electric gas pump,
Brunswick Victrola and records, fancy hall
table, two washstands, buffet, small dresser,
Supreme chest freezer, chrome table, and
chairs, G.E. sc uare model frost free fridge,
Kenmore wringer washer, Kenmore clothes
dryer, dehumdifier, Viking chest freezer,
Simplicity spin dry washer, antique dressser,
dresser with oval mirror, chest of drawers, four
matching wooden chairs, wooden bookshelf,
library table, five matching wooden chairs,
chrome table, platform rocker, coffee table,
card tables, chest of drawers and matching
vanity dresser, double bed with box spring and
mattress, double bed and mattress, three tin
plant or bookshelves, bedside stand, clothes
hamper, folding chairs, lawn choirs, electric
lawnmower, wheel barrow, lampsmirrors,
china cabinet, some bedding plus our usual
large offering of dishes, glassware, pots :end
pans etc. plus many items not mentioned.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb
Clinton 482-7898
Auction Sale
Of household furniture, antiques,
carpenter tools, misc. items:
On Sat., October 22, 1983,
1 p.m. sharp
For Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore, 4
miles east of Exeter on No. 83 hwy.,
Heintzman piano in good condition, Frigidaire
refrigerator, G.E. 30" electric range, Hoover
washer, Simplicity wringer washer, humidifier,
colour T.V. as is, odd chairs, day bed, war-
drobe, 2, 9 x 12 carpets, 39" mattress and
springs, 2, 54" mattresses and springs, mat-
ching bed spread and drapes, Electrolux
vacuum, several dishes, pots and pans, elec-
tric car seat, Coleman gas stove, 2, G-78 14
tires on rims, (like new), garden tools, several
other items.
room table with 2, 14" leafs, captain chair, 2
set of 4 chairs, drop leaf table, walnut chest
of drawers, matching bed and dresser, wooden
bed, single converted rope bed, Seamstress
sewing machine, table with drawer, faint
couch, Quebec heater, mantle clock, cuckoo
clock, N.R. Davis and Son double barrel
shotgun 12 gauge, doll buggy, pictures and
frames, 1 large picture frame in excellent con-
dition, song books, Beaver sealer, cream can,
dishes, pedestal cake plate, cheese dish,
Noritake press gloss, several antique carpenter
tools and many other items.
CARPENTER TOOLS 30 ft. aluminum extension
ladder, '4 in. drill, '/4 in. drill, set of steel bits,
7'/. in. Rockwell skil saw, 2 saber saws, elec-
tric sander, Mitre saw and frame, 4 in. vise,
24 in. pipe wrench, chain and chain tightener,
full line of carpenter tools, trowels, jack all
jack, nails, bolts, several other items.
For Information contact
Auctioneer Norm Whiting
235-1964 or 235-1931