HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-10-19, Page 176 Services The Village Store Centralia Used Clothing, Dishes, Books, Etc. Weekly Specials Open Tues. to Sot. 11-4 Tel. 228.6886. 421fn 'SUDDENLY IT'S SOLD' 412-9371 Clinton NEW LISTING: 70 ing St., Henson, 1'/, loor frame home, 2 b, rm., F.A. gas heat. CREDITON: 4 b¢.lrm., frame home, F.P. oil heat, large lot with shed. .Jnder $25,000.00. BLYTH: •Quetfn St., large commer{al pro- perty, 2 opts.; above. Can be purchced with or without 6xisting stock. Good rms. 50 ACRES: al/ wooded, small cots e, ex- cellent retre or sport- sman's pro rty, near Auburn. RE UCED. 296 AC S: 179 workable, 9nsive feed 12g .y, good hous€$ _ interest F.C.C. mo . HENSAL 1'/2 storey home on ichmond St. S., in ggod condition, financinavailable. 243 ACRES: all workable, set up for beef, could be hogs, Hwy No. 4. 6 Services CUSTOM BACKHOEING AND bulldozing, septic tanks, weeping beds, sewers, farm drainage and repairs and general bulldozing. Grant Skinner 235-1023. 25tfnc GLAVIN SANDBLASTING Houses, Machinery, etc. FREE ESTIMATES Cali Jack Glavin 237-3707 40tfn CUSTOM COMBINING, Soya - beans and corn. Trucking available. Call Peter Berendsen and Sons, 229-8804. 42:43c SIGN ' WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 36t JiM SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Hauling Bulk Grain Hauling KIRKTON 229-6439 32t STIHL nn WORLD" uwa.n uuua CHAIM u. BAN WELD Sales Service Small Engin. R.palr• & Sharp.ntng S.rvlc. 153 Victoria St. E. Crediton Phone 234-6339 i ON EY I D E r ' DEVELOPMENTS INC. YLOR 1 1 x) i r. R ON I A R)O NOM I SO I t o tPllt,�) S4-- 1 l Two New Homes For Sale Waterloo St., Exeter 3 bedrooms, full basements, grant available Occupancy October 1st CaII Jack Taylor After 6:00 p.m. 229-6472 1 HARRY E. RGHORfl Realtor IMERT. 221.1110 Member of L.nd.e end St. Thomas loaf Estate Board 3 UNIT, 28 YEAR OLD APARTMENT BUILDING on 62' x 162' town lot. Gas fired hot water heat, freshly painted inside and out. $900C per year income which could be increas- ed or live in one and let the other two tenrnts pay the bills. Close to stores, fully occupied. Vendor has other interests. 26 TEAR OLD - 1040 sq. ft. bungalow on 100' x 128' treed lot. Close to downtown. Living room 13' x 13', din in- O 13' x 13' kitchen 1;' x 12', 3 beet- O� x 12', 10 x 12', 10' x 1'). All this o.,or. new insulation in at- tic. New 100 amp. service. Fenced above wound pool with all equipment, also ottoched coroge. Priced to sell at $33.000. McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 65 tiled every 45 ft. 20 tiled at 100 ft. with 15 acres of rough pasture. Large brick house, some smaller out buildings. Purchaser can build new barn to suit own needs. Good 83/4 % FCC mortgage also 8% T.D.L. VENDOR SAYS SELL!! OLDER 2 BEDROOM BRICK bungalow on lorge park like lot. Many mature walnut, pine and apple trees. On main street within walking distance of stores. New roof, new sewers. 12' x 17 living room, 13 x 15 dining room, large modern kitchen. Being sold to settle estate. GENERAL STORE 22 miles north of city ser- vicing one of Ontario's most prosperous form- ing areas. Exceptional turnover. Good spacious 5 bedroom attached living quarters. Owner retiring. needs young couple with good per sonality, ready to work for which the rewords are practically endless. 100 ACRE HORSE FARM 50 acres workable, 20 acres bush, 30 acres pasture with stream, 32 acres systematically tiled,18 acres gravel bottom. 40' x 50' barn with 8 oak stalls. 50' x 60' born with 4 stalls and exercise area. Solid 3 bedroom brick home with large kitchen, separate dining room. Good water supply. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on Targe lot. New gas furnace, new roof and Lake Huron water. Priced to sell in mid twenties. 4 BEDROOM older brick home on town water and sewers. Good solid family horse. Asking under 530.000 for quick sole. 40' x 40' CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING on 132' x 178 lot. Could he used os garage. workshop. body shop or o multitude of other uses. Building well insulated and hos been well maintained. This is your chance to get into business with o low down payment and low overhead as ven- dor will hold large first mortgage or will rent with option to purchase. Many other houses to choose from at a variety of prices. • • 6 Services BILL WATSON Whitewashing And Cleaning Zurich, Ontario 18tfnc CUSTOM WORK Big Round Baling Combining and Plowing Lawrence Becker 234-6486 23-43c DAVE PASSMORE PLUMBING & HEATING RR 1 WOODHAM 235-2708 30t SIGNS & SHIRTS By Tim R. Wil. -ox Signs, truck lettering and custom printed T -Shirts Hwy. 4, 3 mites south of Exeter PH: 228-6116 CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R. 1 Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 81 PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply Finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 25t SHAPTON CONSTRUCTION Handyman Renovations • Homes Farm Buildings • Farm Roofs WAYNE B. SHAPTON R.R. 1, Exeter. Ont.. NOM 150 PH: (519) 237-3739 235-1027 16ifnc For Sale Duplex, brick, situated behind Vic- toria & Grey at 429 William Street. Each half contains 3 bedrooms, dining, living room, kitchen, full basement, elec- tric heat, full front porch, new roof, ce- ment drive, garage each side. Phone 235-1066 or 234.6420 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... WE CAN DO iT Specializing In Replacement Windows CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Van Haarlem Construction 235.2210 Our Reputation Is your guarantee of quality workmanship 6 Services R.H. & S. PAINTING & DECORATING -Painting Interior & Exterior - Wallpapering We have a good selection of wallcoverings available. Look at samples in your home Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 23tfn CAMPBELL APPLIANCE REPAIR Repairs to all makes of Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Dishwashers, etc. PHONE: 235-1987 24tfnc FARMERS PIT SHOP Harold Triebner RR 1 Exeter Phone 237-3724 For All Your Steel Needs - Welding Lathe and Milling Portable Welding Welding Supplies Etc. 11/4 miles North of Exeter Cemetery. Watch for Big Yellow Building. 14tfn SUN SHADE AWNINGS & SUNROOMS Aluminum and vinyl siding, eavestroughing LUCAN ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 103 Willow Avenue Lucan, Ontario Ph: 227-1271 25tfnc 7 Livestock DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sales every Tuesday at II a.m.. Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Phillips. 232-4233. 25t CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Anscros Grand Bend. 451fn PUREBRED YORKSHIRE arid Duroc boars, ROP test, govern- ment health inspected. Ted Schendera, 225=2734. 27tYnc LIVESTOCK: We pay 520.00 to 550.00 per cwt. for old cows and recently injured and crippled cat- tle. Must be. alive and drug free. Mark Leis and Sons. Call toll-free 1-800-265-4910. 33tfnc BOARS - Good selection of ser- viceable age ROP tested Yorkshire, Hanip, Duroc and crossbred. Also York cross Lan- drace gilts. Priced according to market conditions. Vista Villa Farms Ltd. Bob Robinson RR Walton. 345-2317. 40-43c.4 GOATS - 5 bred Nubian nannies and one kid. Phone 237-3579.42c REGISTERED Polled Herefords. Pick of herd. Reducing, ill -health, cows w/without calves. Bred, open heifers. Calves, three herd sires. Arondale Pollen Herefords, Brinkman, Arnold, Glen Huron, Ontario. LOM 11.0. (705) 466-5533. 42x AYi.MER HORSE MICTION. Sat. Oct. 22, 11 a.nt. new and us- ed tack and trailers; 12:30 p.m. - horses and ponies. Located 3 miles cast of Aylmer on no. 3 highway. For information 225-2130. 42c 8 Farm Machinery GRAVITY WAGONS - 2 Kilbros centre dump, 52000. each; 1966 Dodge 900 tandem, 54500 firm. ('all 225-2253. 41 :42c 11 Cars, Trucks 1971 MONTE. ('ARIO, 350 engine. 87,(00 miles, good condi- tion. Phone 235.1329. 41;42' 1972 ( IILV BFI.AIRF, V8 automatic, radial, p. steering, 68,(X)0 actual miles, selling as is. 218-2759. 41:42c 1978 (.).1 ('. VAN, good condi- ton, certified, 305 engine, power steering. power brakes. Phone 235-20.65. 42:43• 1978 DA 'SUN F 10 wagon. f.w.d. (all after 5 p.m. 227-1233. 42c 19'1 PONTIA( LeMANS, as is. Phone atter 4:30. 234-6727 Best otter. 42:43c 12 Pets KI 1 !FNS TO GIVE AWAY to good home 262.5486. 41:42c I AM A neuturcd purebred Dalmation. 1 love children. Ilousettained, gentle and quiet. 1 don't want to spend my life tied up anymore so 1 am looking for spacc to run. My thirteen year old owner would like to visit me sometimes at niy new home. Please call 228-692" and ask about Sparkle 42c For Sale To be moved 'h storey frame house, 4 bedrooms. Targe modern kitchen. living room. family room, of- fice, sun porch, full bathroom. All well insulated, exterior imitation brick. For more information cell 262-5708 12 Pets SCOTTISH TERRIER, male purebred, black, 1 V years old, has papers. Phone 262-3406. 42:43c GERMAN SITEPHARD PUPS, dewormed. 235-1186 after frve.42• 13 Musical Instruments ACCOUSTIC GUITAR, 6 strings. Phone 235-1329. 41:42• 14 Appliances, Television Rob's Appliances Washing Machines Dryers, Fridges and Stoves PHONE 227-1071 We buy, sell and service 40tfn ELECTRIC DRYER, good con- dition. 235-0688. 42:43c DISHWASHER - factory recon- ditioned. Westinghouse deluxe. 5 button under counter model. 5395.00. P. Warner 238-2391. 42tfn CLOTHES DRYER, electric. Phone 262-2112. 42c 15 Personal FREE 120 PAGE CAREER GUIDE shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part-time jobs. Granton Institute, 265A Adelaide Street, West, Toronto. (416) 977-3929 today. 42x IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 238-8982, 228-6927, 227-4008. 4ltfn CASH 1N ON income tax. Earn money; learn money -saving tax tips by correspondence. U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main St. Win- nipeg, Man. R2W 3S6. 42x EARN EXTRA INCOME. Learn to prepare income tax returns by correspondence. Local franchises available. Write Tax Time Services Limited, 1304 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontaric L6L 2X4. 42x 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 21t USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and'chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 281 COMPLETE WATERBEDS, any size for 5259.00. Delivered and in- stalled. Lucan Water Beds Factory Distributors. 227-1202. 39tfn NUTRITIONAL FOOD SUP- PLEMENTS, Household biodegradable products, Personal care products, Proteinized skin care. Don and Doris Wilson, 235-0922. Authorized Shaklee Distributors. 40tfn DAVIES CIDER MILL, pure cider, quality ap�ppf,�s, Closed Sun- days. Frofl Exetbrtsbuth on Hwy. 4, left at Mooresville road, 4 kms. straight. 227-1142. 40-43c OIL TANK, 1000 gallon, 4 years old. Best offer. 235-1497. 40tfn ICE SKATES, pair of girls Delta, guards and case, size 10. In ex- cellent condition. S35 or best of- fer. Phone 234-6704. 40tfx USED FILE CABINETS, desks, storage cabinets, bookcases, office chairs, stacking chairs, lockers, track lights, drafting tables, restaurant tables. We sell, trade or buy. Lovers Ncw and Used, 254 Adelaide Si., S., London 681-2254, Mon -Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12. 42x CAKES DECORATED, Smurfette, pandas, Trains, Hallowe'en cakes, Cookie Monster, etc. 510.00 each. Phone 235-0641. 41:42' KiTCHEN CABINETS - birch plywood. To he dismantled, top, bottom with sink and taps. Ideal for cottage or workshop. Phone 235.0129. 41:42' POOL/PING-POND Table with accessories, about 5'x3', 540.00. Phone 686-0979 after 6 p.m.42x PAUL. LIVESTOCK SCALES, 2000 to 3000 pound capacity, por- table and stationary, squeeze chutes, head gates and corralling equipment. Keith Reid, RR 1 Moorefield, NOG 2K0 ('all collect 519-638-3551. 42x HUDSON BAY COAT, new, size 16, best offer; ladies pant suits, 55.00 each,_ size 9-10. 229-6316.42c ROUND WOODEN TABLE:, new, 3 pressback chairs. 235-1457. 42' METAL DETECTORS, order now for Christmas. 10% off all orders before December I. The Treasure Hunter. Mornings or after six, 238-8692. 42-48c Professional CAR CLEANUP Call Gord Hay f..196011 235-0660 16 For Sole ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfnx FIREWOOD, well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454.37tfn SPRING LAMB - the ideal treat on your barbecue this summer. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc DUCHARME ORCHARD RR 2 Zurich Apples Available Now (Macs, Ida Red, Empire, Spy Goad) Red and Yellow Delicious Call 236-4755 or 236-4876 Weekends only or by appointment 39ifnc SUMMER SPECIAL. Prices still in effect for limited time on utili- ty, agricultural, commercial and industrial dome, straightwall steel buildings. Call collect anytime (705) 474-1180. 42x FIREWOOD, mixed hardwood, delivered, free kindling. Leslie Cudmore' 235-1267. 39-42' APPLES, Northern Spys. Prices reduced due to hail damage. Also cider apples. McClymont Or- chards, 1 mile south of Varna. 482-3214. 4otfn DRY IMAGER. 6 cartons of Nashua Type 14 for use in 2300; 2600, 3100, 3107 copiers; 1 canon Xerox for use in 2600, 3100, 3103, 3107 copiers. 575.00 canon. Phone 235-1331. 40tfrix ELECTRIC RANGE, McClary 24". Good condition. Phone 294-6196. 40tfn SOFA BED, excellent condition, best offer. 235-1009. 41-43c FIREWOOD - split, seasoned, mixed hardwood, 530.00 a face cord (4x8x1). Delivery 55 extra. Visscher Farms 237-3442. No Sun- day calls. 4142c SEWING MACHINE, Amega Super 900. Ladies cowboy boots, size 8. 236-4985. 41-44c BATH TUB, cast iron, aluminum storm door, solid wood inside and outside doors, wood windows, various sizes. Phone 235-1029 after 5:30. 41:42c YOURS - to be moved, 3 one bedroom cabins, structurally sound, easily accessible, call im- mediately 238-8050.. 42c 40' TV TOWER with colour antenna including rotor and brackets 5250. Phone 238-8023. 42c 7 QUILTS, hand made, new. Ex- quisite hand stitching all over, traditional designs. Owner wishes to liquify her assets in them. Of- fers, 482-7205. 42-44c 120 -BASS ACCORDION. 5100.00; lounge chair, 520.00; brass finish glass fireplace door, 29"x37'/4", S45.00. Phone 238-8089. 42' APPLE BUTTER and fresh ap- ple cider. Huron Ridge Acres. Phone 565-2122. 42-44c ANNEX WOOD STOVE; pulley' for Ferguson or Ford tractor; some dry wood. Phone 294-6197. 42,43' MOVING - appliances, rugs, bed, mattresses, tools all kinds. Lots of odds and ends. Thurs. & Fri. Oct. 20 and 21. Phone 262-3033. 42' GOOD NEWS COURIER N.I.V. Thompson Chain; KJV Thomp- son Chain 20 percent off. Selec- tion of hard hack books SI.99. A good Christmas idea. Oct. 20 and 21. In front of Pentecostal Church. 42c PURE CIDER from Fancy grade apples for your freezer. Special quantity prices. Davies Cider Mill. Closed Sundays. From Exeter, south on Hwy. 4, left at Mooresville Rd. 4 km straigh'. 227-1142. 42:43c GIANT YARD SALE - Sat., Ot. 15 - 187 Mill St. Exeter at 10 a.m. Furniture, doors, windows, toys, books, skates, baby things, apples and much more. 42c SNOWBLOWER "Hest Roper" 10 h.p. 5 speed forward, multiple speed, 2 speed reverse, 32" bite, everything heavy duty, like ncx. Used 3 times. 227-4948. 42-44c MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS Low daily & weekly rates PHONF 235-1525 Aitchesoill EIKtrlc d Plumbing Ltd. RR 2, St. Pauls, Ontario • Residential, commercial, industricol Electrical wiring and plumbing • Jacuzzi Jet and submersible pumps Submersible pumps for 3" wells Repairs and most makes of pumps Soles, Service and Installation • Water softeners and filters For estimates and service Phone Jack Aitcheson, 393-6551 or Ron Webber, 229-8293 "Over _3 i y(',Irs of (ju,ility Serval.'" 16 For Sole FIGURE SKATES, girls (Wifa) like new, size 9; skate bag. 293-3368. 42c T.V. TOWER, 45 ft. complete with rotator and automatic con trol, 1 yr. old. 5200. 685-6757.42' TABLE, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf and four chairs, best offer. 200 gal. oil tank, excellent condition 525.00. 235-0573. 42:43c APPLES - Northern Spy and Red Spy, Russetts. Bring your owa containers. 235-0387 Barry. Jef- fery. 42tfn DOUBI.E BOX SPRING, mat- tress and frame. Sealy firm sup- port, good condition. Phone 229-6115. 42c APPLES Spys Open Saturdays No. 4 Hwy. at Crediton Rd. Frank Sawyer 42tfn DESIGN YOUR OWN clock, Quartz battery, movements available at the Country Spire. 229-6341. 17t fn KITCHEN -GOURMET GADGETS for that kitchen shower or a surprise for Mom. See our newly extended line. Country Spire 229-6341. 17tfn 17 Wanted To Buy CHILDREN'S TOYS, toy farrn machinery and tractors, strollers and highchairs, paperback books, carnival glass. Call 228-6823 after 6:30 p.m. 41:42' PIANO in good condition. 235-0864 anytime.____ 41_44c USED ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, either rent o3r purchase. 235-1202. 42,43c WANTED at Brand's Nearly New Shop, 399 Main Street, Exeter, 235-1901. Items to sell for you on consignment; especially needed are children's snowsuits and boots. Clothing must be clean. Toys, sleighs, riding toys, child's table and chair sets; games, and children's skates. We are presently overstocked with jeans and cords both adults and cttildrens; they will be on sale for half price this week only, October 17-22. 42c 18 Wanted DON'T BE SHORT OF SH FLOW!!! McStephen Auto Wreckers wants your car or truck for scrap or wrecking only. Phone 228-6214. 39-49' "HOLD IT" Don't throw old pens and pencils away. Throw them my way. Harvey Hillman. 235-1167. 39-42c 19 Property For Sale ZONED GENERAL RETAIL Commercial Lot. 382 William St. Exeter with older brick home. New gas furnace. 539,000. Phone 235-2257. 38-42' EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNI- TY. 13 units, downtown Exeter, low maintenance, potential expan- sion, 530,000.00 gross. Asking SI80,0(1)00 with 15 percent down. Phone 472-0986 evenings. 40tfn APPROXIMATELY 38 ACRES cash crop land. Lot 22 concession 10. Hay township near Zurich, with barn and slaughter house. ('all 236-4903. 40tfn HENSALL - house with vinyl siding, 62 Brock St. For more in- formation 262-2395. 42.43c COUNTRY QUIET 2 storey home located 1'2 mile east of Parkhill, 3 bedrooms, newly renovated kitchen and bathroom with 12', lot. 294-6921. 42c WANTED TO BUY Antique cupboards, lamps dishes, jewellery, toys. clocks, dolls or what have you. Buying complete households or will sell for you. Ontario Auction Services RR 2 Lucan Ph. Bud McIver 227-4111 Appliance Clearouts Moffat Almond Dryer 1 only top of line, 5569.95 list. $459.95 plus trade. Sale '419.95 plus trade, plus tax. Picked up. G.S.W. Wringer Washer model GXR1023 List '459.95. - '398.00 plus trade. Sale '369.95 plus trade, plus tax, picked up. G.S.W. Wringer Washer model GXR1053 list $499.95 - $439.95. Sale 1409.95 plus trade, plus tax. Picked up. Mclary Automatic Washer list 5649.95 $549.95. plus trade, Sale 1512.00 and trade, plus tax. Picked Hotpoint 30" Range White, list 5588,00 - $519.95 plus trade. Sole 1484.00 plus trade, plus tax, picked up. Drysdale Major Appliances We servu r' what we sell Hensoll 262 '2728 Closed Monday Times -Advocate, October 19, 1983 19 Property For Sale HE'NSALI. - building lot, in sub- division on York Crescent. Ask- ing 514,250. Phone London 453-8301 or 439-8367. 42-44c 20 Property For Rent FOUR BEDROOM farm house in Zurich area, well insulated, new carpet throughout. Available im mediately, references required. 234-6783. 38tfnc FURNISHED, heated apartment, central location. Adults only Phone 235-2410 or 236-4880.40tfn CI.EAN WELL INSULATE!) 27'x28' space. Suitable for office or small business in Woodham. Available now. 229-8118. 40tfn APARTMENT for rent. Electric heat, ground floor, one bedroom. 5185.00 plus electricity. Nos. May only. Grand Bend Ont. Phone 238-8750 or Windsor 1-948-2066. 40-42c 3 BEDR(X)M TOWNHOUSE. for rent complete with 11,2 bath, full basement and electric heat. Phone 235-0941 after 3 o'clock. 41tfn BRIAN'S SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to cars, trucks, chainsaws, snowmobiles and motorcycles Pioneer & Husqvarno Chainsaw Sales & Service BRIAN KIPFER Dashwood. Ont. Phone 237-3322 Page 17 20 Property For Rent FIVE BLUROOM FARM HOUSE, Zurich area. Available September 1st. 236-4137. 31 tine 3 bedroom Apartminst for Roost • heating paid • fridge & stove included • central location • adults only Call 235-7090 After 7 p.m. Storage Preserve your car, boat, motorcycle,. etc. By Storing them in- doors this winter Space also available outdoors Phone 235-2671 Building Design & Drafting Services MF BUILDERS & DESIGNERS Main St. St., Exeter, Ontario (519)235-2120 QUOTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR THE RENTAL of part of Lot 23, Con. 4, H.R.S., 60 ACRES more or less, for the years 1984-1987. Lands must be ploughed at expiration of lease and free of chemical residue. Apply in own handwriting to the undersigned prior to October 27th, 1U 3. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith. GMB 117. RR No. S. Clinton, Ontario. NOM 110 482.9523. Triebner Electric Trenching for *water lines *drain tile *underground wiring Call 235-1756 anytime TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED COM PRENENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Stephen will hold a series of public open houses, as indicated below, to consider th'e proposed comprehen- sive zoning by-law. OPEN HOUSES Thursday, November 24, 1983, 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, November 26, 1983 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Location - Township of Stephen' Municipal Office Main Street, Crediton, Ontario The open houses ore deemed to be public meetings under Sectio' 34(12) of the Planning Act; they provide a flexible timetable to suit the majority of ratepayers and an opportunity to consider and discuss specific concerns. The proposed zoning by-law affects the entire Township of Stephen. It implements the Stephen Township Secondary Plan by establishing land use controls and zones in the township. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the pro- posed zoning by-law. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law is available at the Township office in Crediton during normal business hours. In addition, a draft copy of the proposed by-law hos been sent, for informa- tion purposes, to all owners of property and tenants, as noted on the latest revised assess- ment records. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, OCTOBER 7, 1983. Wilmar D. Win Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Stephen (519)234.6331